def test_first_measures_of_josquin(self):
        # first three measures of highest part
        the_settings = LilyPondSettings()
        the_score = converter.parse('test_corpus/Jos2308.krn')
        actual = stream_to_lily([0][:12], the_settings)
        actual = actual[8:]  # remove the randomized part name
        expect = u""" =
\t\\clef treble
\t\\key f \\major
\t\\time 2/1
\tg'1 d''1 |
\tr1 g'1 |
\td''1 r1 |
        self.assertEqual(actual, expect)
    def test_first_measures_of_bach(self):
        # first two measures of soprano part
        the_settings = LilyPondSettings()
        the_score = converter.parse('test_corpus/bwv77.mxl')
        actual = stream_to_lily([0][:3], the_settings)
        actual = actual[8:]  # remove the randomized part name
        expect = u""" =
\t%% Soprano
\t\\set Staff.instrumentName = \\markup{ "Soprano" }
\t\\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \\markup{ "Sop." }
\t\\partial 4
\t\\clef treble
\t\\key b \\minor
\t\\time 4/4
\te'8 fis'8 |
\tg'4 a'4 b'4 a'4 |
        self.assertEqual(actual, expect)
def process_score(the_score, the_settings=None):
    Convert an entire :class:`` object, nominally a :class:`Score`, into a
    unicode string for output as a LilyPond source file.

    :param the_score: The :class:`Stream` to output. This method works on any type of
        :class:`Stream`, but uses multiprocessing only for :class:`Score` objects.
    :type the_score: :class:``
    :param the_settings: An optional settings object that will be passed to all client functions.
        Use this object to modify runtime behaviour.
    :type the_settings: :class:`settings.LilyPondSettings`

    :returns: A string that holds an entire LilyPond source file (as complete as possible for the
        type of :class:`Stream` object provided).
    :rtype: ``unicode``
    the_settings = settings.LilyPondSettings() if the_settings is None else the_settings
    if isinstance(the_score, stream.Score):
        # multiprocessing!
        return LilyMultiprocessor(the_score, the_settings).run()
        # not sure what to do here... guess we'll default to old style?
        # TODO: this won't work as-is
        return functions.stream_to_lily(the_score, the_settings)
def process_score(the_score, the_settings=None):
    Convert an entire :class:`` object, nominally a :class:`Score`, into a
    unicode string for output as a LilyPond source file.

    :param the_score: The :class:`Stream` to output. This method works on any type of
        :class:`Stream`, but uses multiprocessing only for :class:`Score` objects.
    :type the_score: :class:``
    :param the_settings: An optional settings object that will be passed to all client functions.
        Use this object to modify runtime behaviour.
    :type the_settings: :class:`settings.LilyPondSettings`

    :returns: A string that holds an entire LilyPond source file (as complete as possible for the
        type of :class:`Stream` object provided).
    :rtype: ``unicode``
    the_settings = settings.LilyPondSettings() if the_settings is None else the_settings
    if isinstance(the_score, stream.Score):
        # multiprocessing!
        return LilyMultiprocessor(the_score, the_settings).run()
        # not sure what to do here... guess we'll default to old style?
        # TODO: this won't work as-is
        return functions.stream_to_lily(the_score, the_settings)
    def run(self):
        Process all the parts! Prepare a score!

        # Things Before Parts:
        # Our mark! // Version // Paper size
        post = [u'%% LilyPond output from music21 via "outputlilypond"\n'
                u'\\version "%s"\n'
                u'\\paper {\n'
                u'\t#(set-paper-size "%s")\n'
                u'\t#(define left-margin (* 1.5 cm))\n'  # TODO: this should be a setting
                u'}\n\n' % (self._setts.get_property('lilypond_version'),

        # Parts:
        # Initialize the length of finished "parts" (maybe they're other things, too, like Metadata
        # or whatever... doesn't really matter).
        self._finished_parts = [None for i in xrange(len(self._score))]
        self._setts._parts_in_this_score = [None for i in xrange(len(self._score))]

        # Go through the possible parts and see what we find.
        for i in xrange(len(self._score)):
            if isinstance(self._score[i], stream.Part):
                if hasattr(self._score[i], u'lily_analysis_voice') and \
                self._score[i].lily_analysis_voice is True:
                                       (converter.freezeStr(self._score[i]), self._setts, i),
                self._finished_parts[i] = functions.stream_to_lily(self._score[i], self._setts)

        # Wait for the multiprocessing to finish
        del self._pool

        # Append the parts to the score we're building. In the future, it'll be important to
        # re-arrange the parts if necessary, or maybe to filter things, so we'll keep everything
        # in this supposedly efficient loop.
        for i in xrange(len(self._finished_parts)):
            if self._finished_parts[i] != u'' and self._finished_parts[i] is not None:
                post.append(self._finished_parts[i] + u'\n')

        # Things After Parts
        # Output the \score{} block
        post.append(u'\\score {\n\t\\new StaffGroup\n\t<<\n')
        for each_part in self._setts._parts_in_this_score:
            if each_part is None:
            elif each_part in self._setts._analysis_notation_parts:
                post.extend([u'\t\t\\new VisAnnotation = "', each_part, u'" \\' + each_part + u'\n'])
                post.extend([u'\t\t\\new Staff = "', each_part, u'" \\' + each_part + u'\n'])

        # Output the \layout{} block
        if self._setts.get_property('indent') is not None:
            post.extend([u'\t\tindent = ', self._setts.get_property('indent'), u'\n'])
        post.append("""\t\t% VisAnnotation Context
\t\t\t\\type "Engraver_group"
\t\t\t\\name VisAnnotation
\t\t\t\\alias Staff
\t\t\t\\consists "Output_property_engraver"
\t\t\t\\consists "Script_engraver"
\t\t\t\\consists "Text_engraver"
\t\t\t\\consists "Axis_group_engraver"
\t\t\t\\consists "Instrument_name_engraver"
\t\t% End VisAnnotation Context
\t\t% Modify "StaffGroup" context to accept VisAnnotation context.
\t\t\t\\accepts VisAnnotation

        self._final_result = u''.join(post)

        # Return the "finished score"
        return self._final_result
    def run(self):
        Process all the parts! Prepare a score!

        # Things Before Parts:
        # Our mark! // Version // Paper size
        post = [u'%% LilyPond output from music21 via "outputlilypond"\n'
                u'\\version "%s"\n'
                u'\\paper {\n'
                u'\t#(set-paper-size "%s")\n'
                u'\t#(define left-margin (* 1.5 cm))\n'  # TODO: this should be a setting
                u'}\n\n' % (self._setts.get_property('lilypond_version'),

        # Parts:
        # Initialize the length of finished "parts" (maybe they're other things, too, like Metadata
        # or whatever... doesn't really matter).
        self._finished_parts = [None for i in xrange(len(self._score))]
        self._setts._parts_in_this_score = [None for i in xrange(len(self._score))]

        # Go through the possible parts and see what we find.
        for i in xrange(len(self._score)):
            if isinstance(self._score[i], stream.Part):
                if hasattr(self._score[i], u'lily_analysis_voice') and \
                self._score[i].lily_analysis_voice is True:
                                       (converter.freezeStr(self._score[i]), self._setts, i),
                self._finished_parts[i] = functions.stream_to_lily(self._score[i], self._setts)

        # Wait for the multiprocessing to finish
        del self._pool

        # Append the parts to the score we're building. In the future, it'll be important to
        # re-arrange the parts if necessary, or maybe to filter things, so we'll keep everything
        # in this supposedly efficient loop.
        for i in xrange(len(self._finished_parts)):
            if self._finished_parts[i] != u'' and self._finished_parts[i] is not None:
                post.append(self._finished_parts[i] + u'\n')

        # Things After Parts
        # Output the \score{} block
        post.append(u'\\score {\n\t\\new StaffGroup\n\t<<\n')
        for each_part in self._setts._parts_in_this_score:
            if each_part is None:
            elif each_part in self._setts._analysis_notation_parts:
                post.extend([u'\t\t\\new VisAnnotation = "', each_part, u'" \\' + each_part + u'\n'])
                post.extend([u'\t\t\\new Staff = "', each_part, u'" \\' + each_part + u'\n'])

        # Output the \layout{} block
        if self._setts.get_property('indent') is not None:
            post.extend([u'\t\tindent = ', self._setts.get_property('indent'), u'\n'])
        post.append("""\t\t% VisAnnotation Context
\t\t\t\\type "Engraver_group"
\t\t\t\\name VisAnnotation
\t\t\t\\alias Staff
\t\t\t\\consists "Output_property_engraver"
\t\t\t\\consists "Script_engraver"
\t\t\t\\consists "Text_engraver"
\t\t\t\\consists "Axis_group_engraver"
\t\t\t\\consists "Instrument_name_engraver"
\t\t% End VisAnnotation Context
\t\t% Modify "StaffGroup" context to accept VisAnnotation context.
\t\t\t\\accepts VisAnnotation

        self._final_result = u''.join(post)

        # Return the "finished score"
        return self._final_result