def test_006_AP_total(self): u"""AP总量统计正确(testlink_ID:1143)""" log.debug("006") tmp = OVBusiness(self.driver) #获取在线的AP数 result = tmp.get_aptotal() assert result == "3","check AP total number,test fail!" print "check AP total number,test pass!"
def test_003_AP_num_unpair(self): u"""已发现AP数量统计-已发现,但未配对(testlink_ID:1136)""" log.debug("003") tmp = OVBusiness(self.driver) #获取全部AP数 result1 = tmp.get_aptotal() #检查AP的页面 result2 = tmp.check_ap() assert (result1 == "3") and (result2 == ['2','1']),"check AP number on unpair slave ap,test fail!" print "check AP number on unpair slave ap,test pass!"
def test_002_AP_status(self): u"""AP状态窗(实时更新)(testlink_ID:1135)""" log.debug("002") tmp = OVBusiness(self.driver) #获取全部AP数 result1 = tmp.get_aptotal() #检查AP的页面 result2 =\ tmp.check_ap() #解除最后两个slave AP的配对 tmp1 = APSBusiness(self.driver) tmp1.unpair_last_slave_ap(1) assert (result1 == "3") and (result2 == ['1','2']),"check AP status,test fail!" print "check AP status,test pass!"