def get_initialization(self): if self._initialization is not None: return self._initialization sysprep = self.param('sysprep') cloud_init = self.param('cloud_init') cloud_init_nics = self.param('cloud_init_nics') or [] if cloud_init is not None: cloud_init_nics.append(cloud_init) if cloud_init or cloud_init_nics: self._initialization = otypes.Initialization(nic_configurations=[ otypes.NicConfiguration( boot_protocol=otypes.BootProtocol( nic.pop('nic_boot_protocol').lower()) if nic.get('nic_boot_protocol') else None, name=nic.pop('nic_name', None), on_boot=nic.pop('nic_on_boot', None), ip=otypes.Ip( address=nic.pop('nic_ip_address', None), netmask=nic.pop('nic_netmask', None), gateway=nic.pop('nic_gateway', None), ) if (nic.get('nic_gateway') is not None or nic.get('nic_netmask') is not None or nic.get('nic_ip_address') is not None) else None, ) for nic in cloud_init_nics if (nic.get('nic_gateway') is not None or nic.get( 'nic_netmask') is not None or nic.get('nic_ip_address') is not None or nic.get('nic_boot_protocol') is not None or nic.get('nic_on_boot') is not None) ] if cloud_init_nics else None, **cloud_init) elif sysprep: self._initialization = otypes.Initialization(**sysprep) return self._initialization
def _get_initialization(sysprep, cloud_init, cloud_init_nics): initialization = None if cloud_init or cloud_init_nics: initialization = otypes.Initialization(nic_configurations=[ otypes.NicConfiguration( boot_protocol=otypes.BootProtocol( nic.pop('nic_boot_protocol').lower()) if nic.get('nic_boot_protocol') else None, name=nic.pop('nic_name', None), on_boot=nic.pop('nic_on_boot', None), ip=otypes.Ip( address=nic.pop('nic_ip_address', None), netmask=nic.pop('nic_netmask', None), gateway=nic.pop('nic_gateway', None), ) if (nic.get('nic_gateway') is not None or nic.get('nic_netmask') is not None or nic.get('nic_ip_address') is not None) else None, ) for nic in cloud_init_nics if (nic.get('nic_gateway') is not None or nic.get('nic_netmask') is not None or nic.get('nic_ip_address') is not None or nic.get('nic_boot_protocol') is not None or nic.get('nic_on_boot') is not None) ] if cloud_init_nics else None, **cloud_init) elif sysprep: initialization = otypes.Initialization(**sysprep) return initialization
def _cloud_init_vm_definition(self, cloud_init_hostname): if cloud_init_hostname: return types.Vm(initialization=types.Initialization( cloud_init=types.CloudInit(host=types.Host( address=cloud_init_hostname)))) else: return None
def test_run_vms(assert_vm_is_alive, engine_api, management_gw_ip): engine = engine_api.system_service() vm_params = types.Vm(initialization=types.Initialization( user_name=VM_USER_NAME, root_password=VM_PASSWORD)) vm_params.initialization.host_name = BACKUP_VM_NAME backup_vm_service = test_utils.get_vm_service(engine, BACKUP_VM_NAME) backup_vm_service.start(use_cloud_init=True, vm=vm_params) vm_params.initialization.host_name = VM2_NAME vm2_service = test_utils.get_vm_service(engine, VM2_NAME) vm2_service.start(use_cloud_init=True, vm=vm_params) # CirrOS cloud-init is different, networking doesn't work since it doesn't support the format oVirt is using vm_params.initialization.host_name = VM0_NAME # hostname seems to work, the others not vm_params.initialization.dns_search = 'lago.local' vm_params.initialization.domain = 'lago.local' vm_params.initialization.dns_servers = management_gw_ip vm0_service = test_utils.get_vm_service(engine, VM0_NAME) vm0_service.start(use_cloud_init=True, vm=vm_params) for vm_name in [VM0_NAME, BACKUP_VM_NAME]: _verify_vm_state(engine, vm_name, types.VmStatus.UP) assert_vm_is_alive(VM0_NAME)
def startVMWithClouldinit(self, vmname, fqdn, address, netmask, gateway, dns_server, dns_search, nicname="eth0"): vms_service = self.connection.system_service().vms_service() vm = vms_service.list(search='name=%s' % vmname)[0] vm_service = vms_service.vm_service( vm_service.start( use_cloud_init=True, vm=types.Vm(initialization=types.Initialization( # user_name='root', # root_password='******', host_name=fqdn, # 虚拟机的hostname nic_configurations=[ types.NicConfiguration( name=nicname, # 默认网卡名为eth0 ,如果多网卡指定名称,目前不支持多网卡配置地址 on_boot=True, # 网卡onboot=yes boot_protocol=types.BootProtocol.STATIC, ip=types.Ip( version=types.IpVersion.V4, address=address, # 虚拟机的ip地址 netmask=netmask, # 虚拟机的地址掩码 gateway=gateway # 虚拟机的网关 )) ], dns_servers=dns_server, # 虚拟机DNS服务器地址 dns_search=dns_search, # 虚拟机dns 查找域 )))
def bucle2(): try: vm_service.start( use_cloud_init=True, vm=types.Vm( initialization=types.Initialization( nic_configurations=[ types.NicConfiguration( name='eth0', on_boot=True, boot_protocol=types.BootProtocol.STATIC, ip=types.Ip( version=types.IpVersion.V4, address=sys.argv[2], netmask='', gateway='' ) ) ] ) ) ) except: time.sleep(100) bucle2()
def vm_run(prefix, api): host_names = [ for h in prefix.virt_env.host_vms()] vms_service = api.system_service().vms_service() vm = vms_service.list(search='name=%s' % VM0_NAME)[0] gw_ip = test_utils.get_management_net(prefix).gw() vm_params = types.Vm( placement_policy=types.VmPlacementPolicy(hosts=[ types.Host(name="{}.{}".format(sorted(host_names)[0], DOMAIN_NAME)) ], ), initialization=types.Initialization(user_name=VM_USER_NAME, root_password=VM_PASSWORD)) vm_params.initialization.host_name = 'VM0' vm_params.initialization.dns_search = DOMAIN_NAME vm_params.initialization.domain = DOMAIN_NAME vm_params.initialization.dns_servers = gw_ip vm_params.initialization.nic_configurations = [ types.NicConfiguration( name='eth0', boot_protocol=types.BootProtocol.STATIC, on_boot=True, ip=types.Ip(address=test_utils.get_vm0_ip_address(prefix), netmask='', gateway=gw_ip)) ] vm_service = vms_service.vm_service( vm_service.start(use_cloud_init=True, vm=vm_params) testlib.assert_true_within_long( lambda: (vms_service.list(search='name=%s' % VM0_NAME)[0]).status == types.VmStatus.UP, )
def start_vm(self, vm_service, cloud_init=True, scontent=None): vm_service.start( use_cloud_init=cloud_init, vm=types.Vm( initialization=types.Initialization(custom_script=scontent, ))) #if vm no start down while True: break
def create_vm_from_ovf(ovf_file_path, vms_service): """ Creates a new VM from the specified OVF """ ovf_data = open(ovf_file_path, 'r').read() vm = vms_service.add( types.Vm( cluster=types.Cluster(name='Default', ), initialization=types.Initialization( configuration=types.Configuration( type=types.ConfigurationType.OVF, data=ovf_data)), ), ) return
def start_vm_cloud_init(self, vm_service, vm, use_cloud_init=True): vm_service.start(use_cloud_init=use_cloud_init, vm=types.Vm(initialization=types.Initialization( nic_configurations=[ types.NicConfiguration( name='eth0', on_boot=True, boot_protocol=types.BootProtocol.STATIC, ip=types.Ip(version=types.IpVersion.V4, address=vm.ip.ip, netmask=vm.ip.netmask, gateway=vm.ip.gateway)) ], dns_servers='', )))
def vm_run(prefix): engine = prefix.virt_env.engine_vm() api = engine.get_api_v4() host_names = [ for h in prefix.virt_env.host_vms()] vms_service = api.system_service().vms_service() vm = vms_service.list(search='name=%s' % VM0_NAME)[0] vm_service = vms_service.vm_service( vm_service.start(use_cloud_init=True, vm=types.Vm(placement_policy=types.VmPlacementPolicy( hosts=[types.Host(name=sorted(host_names)[0])], ), initialization=types.Initialization( domain='', cloud_init=types.CloudInit( host=types.Host(address='VM0'), ), ))) testlib.assert_true_within_long( lambda: (vms_service.list(search='name=%s' % VM0_NAME)[0]).status == types.VmStatus.UP, )
def test_ovf_import(api_v4): # Read the OVF file and replace the disk id engine = api_v4.system_service() disk_service = test_utils.get_disk_service(engine, DISK0_NAME) disk_id = disk_service.get().id ovf_file = os.path.join(os.environ['SUITE'], 'files', 'test-vm.ovf') ovf_text = open(ovf_file).read() ovf_text = ovf_text.replace( "ovf:diskId='52df5324-2230-40d9-9d3d-8cbb2aa33ba6'", "ovf:diskId='%s'" % (disk_id, )) # Upload OVF vms_service = engine.vms_service() vms_service.add( types.Vm(name=OVF_VM_NAME, cluster=types.Cluster(name=TEST_CLUSTER, ), initialization=types.Initialization( configuration=types.Configuration( type=types.ConfigurationType.OVA, data=ovf_text)))) # Check the VM exists assert test_utils.get_vm_service(engine, OVF_VM_NAME) is not None
def test_run_vms(prefix): engine = prefix.virt_env.engine_vm().get_api_v4().system_service() vm_params = types.Vm(initialization=types.Initialization( user_name=VM_USER_NAME, root_password=VM_PASSWORD)) vm_params.initialization.host_name = BACKUP_VM_NAME backup_vm_service = test_utils.get_vm_service(engine, BACKUP_VM_NAME) backup_vm_service.start(use_cloud_init=True, vm=vm_params) vm_params.initialization.host_name = VM2_NAME vm2_service = test_utils.get_vm_service(engine, VM2_NAME) vm2_service.start(use_cloud_init=True, vm=vm_params) gw_ip = test_utils.get_management_net(prefix).gw() vm_params.initialization.host_name = VM0_NAME vm_params.initialization.dns_search = 'lago.local' vm_params.initialization.domain = 'lago.local' vm_params.initialization.dns_servers = gw_ip vm_params.initialization.nic_configurations = [ types.NicConfiguration( name='eth0', boot_protocol=types.BootProtocol.STATIC, on_boot=True, ip=types.Ip(address=test_utils.get_vm0_ip_address(prefix), netmask='', gateway=gw_ip)) ] vm0_service = test_utils.get_vm_service(engine, VM0_NAME) vm0_service.start(use_cloud_init=True, vm=vm_params) for vm_name in [VM0_NAME, BACKUP_VM_NAME]: _verify_vm_state(engine, vm_name, types.VmStatus.UP) assert_vm0_is_alive(prefix)
def create(self, name, virttype='kvm', profile='', flavor=None, plan='kvirt', cpumodel='Westmere', cpuflags=[], numcpus=2, memory=512, guestid='guestrhel764', pool='default', template=None, disks=[{ 'size': 10 }], disksize=10, diskthin=True, diskinterface='virtio', nets=['default'], iso=None, vnc=False, cloudinit=True, reserveip=False, reservedns=False, reservehost=False, start=True, keys=None, cmds=[], ips=None, netmasks=None, gateway=None, nested=True, dns=None, domain=None, tunnel=False, files=[], enableroot=True, alias=[], overrides={}, tags=None): """ :param name: :param virttype: :param profile: :param flavor: :param plan: :param cpumodel: :param cpuflags: :param numcpus: :param memory: :param guestid: :param pool: :param template: :param disks: :param disksize: :param diskthin: :param diskinterface: :param nets: :param iso: :param vnc: :param cloudinit: :param reserveip: :param reservedns: :param reservehost: :param start: :param keys: :param cmds: :param ips: :param netmasks: :param gateway: :param nested: :param dns: :param domain: :param tunnel: :param files: :param enableroot: :param alias: :param overrides: :param tags: :return: """ clone = not diskthin templateobject = types.Template(name=template) if template else None console = types.Console(enabled=True) try: vm = self.vms_service.add(types.Vm( name=name, cluster=types.Cluster(name=self.cluster), template=templateobject, console=console), clone=clone) vm_service = self.vms_service.vm_service( except Exception as e: if self.debug: print(e) return {'result': 'failure', 'reason': e} timeout = 0 while True: vm = vm_service.get() if vm.status == types.VmStatus.DOWN: break else: timeout += 5 sleep(5) common.pprint("Waiting for vm to be ready", color='green') if timeout > 60: return { 'result': 'failure', 'reason': 'timeout waiting for vm to be ready' } profiles_service = self.conn.system_service().vnic_profiles_service() netprofiles = {} for prof in profiles_service.list(): netprofiles[] = if 'default' not in netprofiles and 'ovirtmgmt' in netprofiles: netprofiles['default'] = netprofiles['ovirtmgmt'] nics_service = self.vms_service.vm_service( nic_configurations = [] for index, net in enumerate(nets): netname = None netmask = None mac = None if isinstance(net, str): netname = net elif isinstance(net, dict) and 'name' in net: netname = net['name'] ip = None mac = net.get('mac') netmask = next( (e for e in [net.get('mask'), net.get('netmask')] if e is not None), None) gateway = net.get('gateway') noconf = net.get('noconf') if noconf is not None: continue if 'ip' in net: ip = net['ip'] # if 'alias' in net: # alias = net['alias'] if ips and len(ips) > index and ips[index] is not None: ip = ips[index] if ip is not None and netmask is not None and gateway is not None: nic_configuration = types.NicConfiguration( name='eth%s' % index, on_boot=True, boot_protocol=types.BootProtocol.STATIC, ip=types.Ip(version=types.IpVersion.V4, address=ip, netmask=netmask, gateway=gateway)) nic_configurations.append(nic_configuration) if netname is not None and netname in netprofiles: profile_id = netprofiles[netname] nics_service.add( types.Nic(name='eth%s' % index, mac=mac, vnic_profile=types.VnicProfile(id=profile_id))) for index, disk in enumerate(disks): diskpool = pool diskthin = True disksize = '10' if index == 0 and template is not None: continue if isinstance(disk, int): disksize = disk elif isinstance(disk, str) and disk.isdigit(): disksize = int(disk) elif isinstance(disk, dict): disksize = disk.get('size', disksize) diskpool = disk.get('pool', pool) diskthin = disk.get('thin', diskthin) self.add_disk(name, disksize, pool=diskpool, thin=diskthin) initialization = None if cloudinit: custom_script = '' if files: data = common.process_files(files=files, overrides=overrides) if data != '': custom_script += "write_files:\n" custom_script += data cmds.append('sleep 60') if template.lower().startswith('centos'): cmds.append('yum -y install centos-release-ovirt42') if template.lower().startswith('centos') or template.lower().startswith('fedora')\ or template.lower().startswith('rhel'): cmds.append('yum -y install ovirt-guest-agent-common') cmds.append('systemctl enable ovirt-guest-agent') cmds.append('systemctl start ovirt-guest-agent') if template.lower().startswith('debian'): cmds.append( 'echo "deb ./" ' '>> /etc/apt/sources.list') cmds.append( 'gpg -v -a --keyserver' 'Debian_7.0/Release.key --recv-keys D5C7F7C373A1A299') cmds.append('gpg --export --armor 73A1A299 | apt-key add -') cmds.append('apt-get update') cmds.append('apt-get -Y install ovirt-guest-agent') cmds.append('service ovirt-guest-agent enable') cmds.append('service ovirt-guest-agent start') if [x for x in common.ubuntus if x in template.lower()]: cmds.append( 'echo deb' 'xUbuntu_16.04/ /') cmds.append( 'wget' 'xUbuntu_16.04//Release.key') cmds.append('apt-key add - < Release.key') cmds.append('apt-get update') cmds.append('apt-get -Y install ovirt-guest-agent') data = common.process_cmds(cmds=cmds, overrides=overrides) custom_script += "runcmd:\n" custom_script += data custom_script = None if custom_script == '' else custom_script user_name = common.get_user(template) root_password = None dns_servers = '' key = get_home_ssh_key() initialization = types.Initialization( user_name=user_name, root_password=root_password, regenerate_ssh_keys=True, authorized_ssh_keys=key, host_name=name, nic_configurations=nic_configurations, dns_servers=dns_servers, dns_search=domain, custom_script=custom_script) tags_service = self.conn.system_service().tags_service() existing_tags = [ for tag in tags_service.list()] if "profile_%s" % profile not in existing_tags: tags_service.add(types.Tag(name="profile_%s" % profile)) if "plan_%s" % plan not in existing_tags: tags_service.add(types.Tag(name="plan_%s" % plan)) tags_service = vm_service.tags_service() tags_service.add(tag=types.Tag(name="profile_%s" % profile)) tags_service.add(tag=types.Tag(name="plan_%s" % plan)) vm_service.start(use_cloud_init=cloudinit, vm=types.Vm(initialization=initialization)) return {'result': 'success'}
vm_service = vms_service.vm_service( # Wait till the virtual machine is down, which indicats that all the # disks have been created: while True: time.sleep(5) vm = vm_service.get() if vm.status == types.VmStatus.DOWN: break # The content of the Unattend.xml file. Note that this is an incomplete # file, make sure to use a complete one, maybe # reading it from an external file. unattend_xml = '''\ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> ... </unattend> ''' # Start the virtual machine enabling sysprep. Make sure to use a Windows # operating system, either in the template, or overriding it explicitly # here. Without that the Sysprep logic won't be triggered. vm_service.start(use_sysprep=True, vm=types.Vm(os=types.OperatingSystem(type='windows_7x64'), initialization=types.Initialization( custom_script=unattend_xml))) # Close the connection to the server: connection.close()
# Find the name of the virtual machine within the OVF: vm_name = ovf.xpath( '/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:Name', namespaces=namespaces )[0].text # Add the virtual machine, the transfered disks will be # attached to this virtual machine: print ("adding the virtual machine %s" % vm_name) vms_service = connection.system_service().vms_service() vm = vms_service.add( types.Vm( cluster=types.Cluster( name=target_cluster_name, ), initialization=types.Initialization( configuration=types.Configuration( type=types.ConfigurationType.OVA, data=ovf_str ) ), ), ) # Close the OVA file ova_file.close() # Close the connection: connection.close()
import ovirtsdk4.types as types import conexion as conn import sys connection = conn.createconnection() # Find the virtual machine: vms_service = connection.system_service().vms_service() vm = vms_service.list(search='name=' + sys.argv[1])[0] # Find the service that manages the virtual machine: vm_service = vms_service.vm_service( # Start the virtual machine enabling cloud-init and providing the # password for the `root` user and the network configuration: vm_service.start( use_cloud_init=True, vm=types.Vm(initialization=types.Initialization(nic_configurations=[ types.NicConfiguration(name='eth0', on_boot=True, boot_protocol=types.BootProtocol.STATIC, ip=types.Ip(version=types.IpVersion.V4, address=sys.argv[2], netmask='', gateway='')) ]))) # Close the connection to the server: connection.close()
def create_vms(cluster_nodes, args): """ creates the vms in cluster_nodes list, and skipps if they exist """ vm_dict = {} to_create = [] # Figure out which nodes we need to create, and which are already running for node in cluster_nodes: print("node=%s" % (node), file=sys.stderr) tmp = vms_service.list(search=construct_search_by_name_query(node)) if len(tmp) == 1: vm_dict[node] = vms_service.vm_service(tmp[0].id) print("VM %s was found ... skipping creation" % (node), file=sys.stderr) else: to_create.append(node) # Create the VM in "blocks" for block in chunks(to_create, args.block_size): block_futures = [] for node in block: vm_future = vms_service.add(types.Vm( name=node, cluster=types.Cluster(name=args.ovirt_cluster), template=types.Template(name=args.ovirt_template)), wait=False) block_futures.append((node, vm_future)) # wait for all the VMs from this block to be created for node_name, future_vm in block_futures: vm = future_vm.wait() vm_dict[node_name] = vms_service.vm_service( # sleep before the next block time.sleep(args.sleep_between_iterations) # Start each VM when it's created, but try to batch the calls counter = 1 starting = set() pub_sshkey = os.environ[args.pub_sshkey] # number of attempts is bigger here because it's not attempts per VM # like in the other nodes. while counter < args.num_of_iterations * len(cluster_nodes): start_futures = [] for node_name, vm_service in vm_dict.items(): if node_name in starting: continue vm = vm_service.get() print("%s: vm.status = %s" % (node_name, vm.status), file=sys.stderr) if vm.status == types.VmStatus.DOWN: print("%s: starting" % (node_name), file=sys.stderr) future = vm_service.start( use_cloud_init=True, wait=False, vm=types.Vm(initialization=types.Initialization( authorized_ssh_keys=pub_sshkey))) start_futures.append(future) starting.add(node_name) elif vm.status == types.VmStatus.UP: # make sure we don't wait forever for VMs to be down when they're # already up. starting.add(node_name) # wait for this batch of VMs print("batch size = %s" % len(start_futures)) for future in start_futures: future.wait() if len(starting) == len(cluster_nodes): # We called .start() on all VMs break time.sleep(args.sleep_between_iterations) counter += 1 else: # else clause on while will run when while is finished without "break". # This means not all VMs were created, and that's an error not_started = set(cluster_nodes) - set(starting) total_time_waited = args.num_of_iterations * args.sleep_between_iterations print("ERROR - VMs {0} still not created after {1} seconds".format( not_started, total_time_waited), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) # Wait for all the VMs to be up before we wait for IPs, # this serves two functions: # 1) a more useful error message if the VM takes too long to start # 2) effectively a more graceful timeout waiting for IPs for node, vm_service in vm_dict.items(): counter = 1 while counter < args.num_of_iterations: vm = vm_service.get() print("%s: vm.status = %s, vm.fqdn= '%s'" % (node, vm.status, vm.fqdn), file=sys.stderr) if vm.status == types.VmStatus.UP: break counter += 1 time.sleep(args.sleep_between_iterations) if vm.status != types.VmStatus.UP: print("ERROR - VM {0} still not up after {1} retries".format( node, args.num_of_iterations), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) ips_dict = {} for node, vm_service in vm_dict.items(): ip = None counter = 1 while counter < args.num_of_iterations: ip = find_vm_ip(vm_service) if ip is not None: break counter += 1 msg = "{0} waiting for ip... {1}/{2} attempts".format( node, counter, args.num_of_iterations) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) time.sleep(args.sleep_between_iterations) if ip is None: print("ERROR - Node {0} still has no IP after {1} retries".format( node, args.num_of_iterations), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) ips_dict[node] = ip print_ips(ips_dict)
#open the sysprep template file f = open("~/ansible/roles/ovirt_windows/library/sysprep_2k12R2", "r") #get and split dns retrieved from ansible params dns = module.params['dns_servers'].split() #read the sysprep template sysprep_template = Template( #replace sysprep template variables with vm paramenters retrieved from the playbook d = { 'hostname': module.params['hostname'], 'admin_password': module.params['admin_password'], 'dns_server1': dns[0], 'dns_server2': dns[1], 'dns_search': module.params['dns_search'], 'nic_ip_address': module.params['nic_ip_address'], 'nic_netmask': module.params['nic_netmask'], 'nic_gateway': module.params['nic_gateway'] } sysprep = sysprep_template.substitute(d) # Start the virtual machine passing the sysprep vm_service.start( use_sysprep=True, vm=types.Vm(initialization=types.Initialization(custom_script=sysprep, ))) module.exit_json(changed=True, msg="VM initialized with sysprep done") connection.close(logout=False)
vm_or_template_name = ovf.xpath( '/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:Name', namespaces=namespaces)[0].text # Add the virtual machine or template, the transferred disks will be attached to # this virtual machine or template: progress("Adding {} {}".format( 'template' if args.template else 'virtual machine', vm_or_template_name)) if args.template: templates_service = connection.system_service().templates_service() template = templates_service.add( types.Template( cluster=types.Cluster(name=args.cluster_name, ), initialization=types.Initialization( configuration=types.Configuration( type=types.ConfigurationType.OVA, data=ovf_str.decode("utf-8"))), ), ) else: vms_service = connection.system_service().vms_service() vm = vms_service.add( types.Vm( cluster=types.Cluster(name=args.cluster_name, ), initialization=types.Initialization( configuration=types.Configuration( type=types.ConfigurationType.OVA, data=ovf_str.decode("utf-8"))), ), )
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, filename='example.log') # This example will connect to the server and create a new virtual machine: # Create the connection to the server: connection = sdk.Connection( url='https://engine.localdomain/ovirt-engine/api', username='******', password='******', ca_file='ca.crt', debug=True, log=logging.getLogger(), ) # Get the reference to the "vms" service: vms_service = connection.system_service().vms_service() # Use the "add" method to create a new virtual machine: ovf_file_path = '/data/ovirtbackup/winxp-e55cebcc-f354-4b66-b858-a11e1c647f1a.ovf' ovf_data = open(ovf_file_path, 'r').read() vm = vms_service.add( types.Vm( cluster=types.Cluster(name='Default', ), initialization=types.Initialization(configuration=types.Configuration( type=types.ConfigurationType.OVF, data=ovf_data)), ), ) # Close the connection to the server: connection.close()
- content: | Hello, world! path: /tmp/greeting.txt permissions: '0644' """ # Start the virtual machine enabling cloud-init and providing the # password for the `root` user and the network configuration: vm_service.start( use_cloud_init=True, vm=types.Vm(initialization=types.Initialization( user_name='root', root_password='******', host_name='', nic_configurations=[ types.NicConfiguration(name='eth0', on_boot=True, boot_protocol=types.BootProtocol.STATIC, ip=types.Ip(version=types.IpVersion.V4, address='', netmask='', gateway='')) ], dns_servers='', dns_search='', custom_script=my_script, ))) # Close the connection to the server: connection.close()