def list(self, discover=False, ip=None, node_id=None):
        Lists all available ALBA Nodes
        :param discover: If True and IP provided, return list of single ALBA node, If True and no IP provided, return all ALBA nodes else return modeled ALBA nodes
        :param ip: IP of ALBA node to retrieve
        :param node_id: ID of the ALBA node
        if discover is False and (ip is not None or node_id is not None):
            raise RuntimeError('Discover is mutually exclusive with IP and nodeID')
        if (ip is None and node_id is not None) or (ip is not None and node_id is None):
            raise RuntimeError('Both IP and nodeID need to be specified')

        if discover is False:
            return AlbaNodeList.get_albanodes()

        if ip is not None:
            node = AlbaNode(volatile=True)
            node.ip = ip
            node.type = 'ASD'
            node.node_id = node_id
            node.port = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|port'.format(node_id))
            node.username = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|username'.format(node_id))
            node.password = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|password'.format(node_id))
            data = node.client.get_metadata()
            if data['_success'] is False and data['_error'] == 'Invalid credentials':
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid credentials')
            if data['node_id'] != node_id:
                raise RuntimeError('Unexpected node identifier. {0} vs {1}'.format(data['node_id'], node_id))
            node_list = DataList(AlbaNode, {})
            node_list._executed = True
            node_list._guids = [node.guid]
            node_list._objects = {node.guid: node}
            node_list._data = {node.guid: {'guid': node.guid, 'data': node._data}}
            return node_list

        nodes = {}
        model_node_ids = [node.node_id for node in AlbaNodeList.get_albanodes()]
        found_node_ids = []
        asd_node_ids = []
        if EtcdConfiguration.dir_exists('/ovs/alba/asdnodes'):
            asd_node_ids = EtcdConfiguration.list('/ovs/alba/asdnodes')

        for node_id in asd_node_ids:
            node = AlbaNode(volatile=True)
            node.type = 'ASD'
            node.node_id = node_id
            node.ip = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|ip'.format(node_id))
            node.port = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|port'.format(node_id))
            node.username = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|username'.format(node_id))
            node.password = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main|password'.format(node_id))
            if node.node_id not in model_node_ids and node.node_id not in found_node_ids:
                nodes[node.guid] = node
        node_list = DataList(AlbaNode, {})
        node_list._executed = True
        node_list._guids = nodes.keys()
        node_list._objects = nodes
        node_list._data = dict([(node.guid, {'guid': node.guid, 'data': node._data}) for node in nodes.values()])
        return node_list
 def register(node_id):
     Adds a Node with a given node_id to the model
     :param node_id: ID of the ALBA node
     :type node_id: str
     :return: None
     node = AlbaNodeList.get_albanode_by_node_id(node_id)
     if node is None:
         main_config = Configuration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main'.format(node_id))
         node = AlbaNode()
         node.ip = main_config['ip']
         node.port = main_config['port']
         node.username = main_config['username']
         node.password = main_config['password']
         node.storagerouter = StorageRouterList.get_by_ip(main_config['ip'])
     data = node.client.get_metadata()
     if data['_success'] is False and data['_error'] == 'Invalid credentials':
         raise RuntimeError('Invalid credentials')
     if data['node_id'] != node_id:
         AlbaNodeController._logger.error('Unexpected node_id: {0} vs {1}'.format(data['node_id'], node_id))
         raise RuntimeError('Unexpected node identifier')
     node.node_id = node_id
     node.type = 'ASD'
 def model_alba_node(node_id, node_type, ip=None):
     # type: (str, str, Optional[str]) -> AlbaNode
     Models a non-existing AlbaNode
     :param node_id: ID of the node
     :type node_id: str
     :param node_type: Type of the node
     :type node_type: str
     :param ip: IP of the node
     :type ip: str
     :return: The modeled node
     :rtype: AlbaNode
     node = AlbaNode()
     node.type = node_type
     node.node_id = node_id
     config_path = AlbaNode.CONFIG_LOCATIONS[node_type].format(
         node_id)  # type str
     node.ip = ip or Configuration.get(os.path.join(config_path, 'main|ip'))
     node.port = Configuration.get(os.path.join(config_path, 'main|port'))
     node.username = Configuration.get(
         os.path.join(config_path, 'main|username'))
     node.password = Configuration.get(
         os.path.join(config_path, 'main|password'))
     node.storagerouter = StorageRouterList.get_by_ip(node.ip)
     return node
 def model_albanodes(**kwargs):
     Add all ALBA nodes known to the config platform to the model
     :param kwargs: Kwargs containing information regarding the node
     :type kwargs: dict
     :return: None
     :rtype: NoneType
     _ = kwargs
     if Configuration.dir_exists('/ovs/alba/asdnodes'):
         for node_id in Configuration.list('/ovs/alba/asdnodes'):
             node = AlbaNodeList.get_albanode_by_node_id(node_id)
             if node is None:
                 node = AlbaNode()
             main_config = Configuration.get(
             node.type = 'ASD'
             node.node_id = node_id
             node.ip = main_config['ip']
             node.port = main_config['port']
             node.username = main_config['username']
             node.password = main_config['password']
             node.storagerouter = StorageRouterList.get_by_ip(
    def register(node_id):
        Adds a Node with a given node_id to the model
        :param node_id: ID of the ALBA node
        :type node_id: str

        :return: None
        node = AlbaNodeList.get_albanode_by_node_id(node_id)
        if node is None:
            main_config = EtcdConfiguration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main'.format(node_id))
            node = AlbaNode()
            node.ip = main_config['ip']
            node.port = main_config['port']
            node.username = main_config['username']
            node.password = main_config['password']
            node.storagerouter = StorageRouterList.get_by_ip(main_config['ip'])
        data = node.client.get_metadata()
        if data['_success'] is False and data['_error'] == 'Invalid credentials':
            raise RuntimeError('Invalid credentials')
        if data['node_id'] != node_id:
            AlbaNodeController._logger.error('Unexpected node_id: {0} vs {1}'.format(data['node_id'], node_id))
            raise RuntimeError('Unexpected node identifier')
        node.node_id = node_id
        node.type = 'ASD'

        # increase maintenance agents count for all nodes by 1
        for backend in AlbaBackendList.get_albabackends():
            nr_of_agents_key = AlbaNodeController.NR_OF_AGENTS_ETCD_TEMPLATE.format(backend.guid)
            if EtcdConfiguration.exists(nr_of_agents_key):
                EtcdConfiguration.set(nr_of_agents_key, int(EtcdConfiguration.get(nr_of_agents_key) + 1))
                EtcdConfiguration.set(nr_of_agents_key, 1)
 def register(node_id=None, node_type=None, name=None):
     Adds a Node with a given node_id to the model
     :param node_id: ID of the ALBA node
     :type node_id: str
     :param node_type: Type of the node to create
     :type node_type: str
     :param name: Optional name of the node
     :type name: str
     :return: None
     :rtype: NoneType
     # Generic is a special case. Nothing is registered within config mgmt
     if node_type == AlbaNode.NODE_TYPES.GENERIC:
         node = AlbaNode() = name
         node.node_id = ''.join(
             random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)
             for _ in range(32))
         node.type = AlbaNode.NODE_TYPES.GENERIC
         # Both S3 and ASD type can be added now
         if node_id is None:
             raise RuntimeError('A node_id must be given for type ASD/S3')
         node = AlbaNodeList.get_albanode_by_node_id(
             node_id) or AlbaNodeController.get_discovered_node(node_id)
         if not node:
             # No node could be found in the model or within the discovered nodes. User might have specified the ID
             # of a node that does not exist
             raise RuntimeError(
                 'No node with node_id {0} was found'.format(node_id))
         data = node.client.get_metadata()
         if data['_success'] is False and data[
                 '_error'] == 'Invalid credentials':
             raise RuntimeError('Invalid credentials')
         if data['node_id'] != node_id:
                 'Unexpected node_id: {0} vs {1}'.format(
                     data['node_id'], node_id))
             raise RuntimeError('Unexpected node identifier')
         if node.type == AlbaNode.NODE_TYPES.S3:
             # The transaction Arakoon is needed. This wil check deployment & extend
         node.volatile = False
 def model_albanodes(**kwargs):
     Add all ALBA nodes known to the config platform to the model
     :param kwargs: Kwargs containing information regarding the node
     :type kwargs: dict
     :return: None
     _ = kwargs
     if Configuration.dir_exists('/ovs/alba/asdnodes'):
         for node_id in Configuration.list('/ovs/alba/asdnodes'):
             node = AlbaNodeList.get_albanode_by_node_id(node_id)
             if node is None:
                 node = AlbaNode()
             main_config = Configuration.get('/ovs/alba/asdnodes/{0}/config/main'.format(node_id))
             node.type = 'ASD'
             node.node_id = node_id
             node.ip = main_config['ip']
             node.port = main_config['port']
             node.username = main_config['username']
             node.password = main_config['password']
             node.storagerouter = StorageRouterList.get_by_ip(main_config['ip'])