    def change_service_state(client, name, state, logger=None):
        Starts/stops/restarts a service
        :param client: SSHClient on which to connect and change service state
        :param name: Name of the service
        :param state: State to put the service in
        :param logger: LogHandler Object
        action = None
        # Enable service before changing the state
        status = ServiceManager.is_enabled(name, client=client)
        if status is False:
            if logger is not None:
                logger.debug('  {0:<15} - Enabling service {1}'.format(
                    client.ip, name))
            ServiceManager.enable_service(name, client=client)

        status = ServiceManager.get_service_status(name, client=client)
        if status is False and state in ['start', 'restart']:
            if logger is not None:
                logger.debug('  {0:<15} - Starting service {1}'.format(
                    client.ip, name))
            ServiceManager.start_service(name, client=client)
            action = 'started'
        elif status is True and state == 'stop':
            if logger is not None:
                logger.debug('  {0:<15} - Stopping service {1}'.format(
                    client.ip, name))
            ServiceManager.stop_service(name, client=client)
            action = 'stopped'
        elif status is True and state == 'restart':
            if logger is not None:
                logger.debug('  {0:<15} - Restarting service {1}'.format(
                    client.ip, name))
            ServiceManager.restart_service(name, client=client)
            action = 'restarted'

        if action is None:
            print '  [{0}] {1} already {2}'.format(
                client.ip, name, 'running' if status is True else 'halted')
            logger.debug('  {0:<15} - Service {1} {2}'.format(
                client.ip, name, action))
            print '  [{0}] {1} {2}'.format(client.ip, name, action)
    def change_service_state(client, name, state, logger=None):
        Starts/stops/restarts a service
        :param client: SSHClient on which to connect and change service state
        :param name: Name of the service
        :param state: State to put the service in
        :param logger: LogHandler Object
        action = None
        # Enable service before changing the state
        status = ServiceManager.is_enabled(name, client=client)
        if status is False:
            if logger is not None:
                logger.debug('  {0:<15} - Enabling service {1}'.format(client.ip, name))
            ServiceManager.enable_service(name, client=client)

        status = ServiceManager.get_service_status(name, client=client)
        if status is False and state in ['start', 'restart']:
            if logger is not None:
                logger.debug('  {0:<15} - Starting service {1}'.format(client.ip, name))
            ServiceManager.start_service(name, client=client)
            action = 'started'
        elif status is True and state == 'stop':
            if logger is not None:
                logger.debug('  {0:<15} - Stopping service {1}'.format(client.ip, name))
            ServiceManager.stop_service(name, client=client)
            action = 'stopped'
        elif status is True and state == 'restart':
            if logger is not None:
                logger.debug('  {0:<15} - Restarting service {1}'.format(client.ip, name))
            ServiceManager.restart_service(name, client=client)
            action = 'restarted'

        if action is None:
            print '  [{0}] {1} already {2}'.format(client.ip, name, 'running' if status is True else 'halted')
            logger.debug('  {0:<15} - Service {1} {2}'.format(client.ip, name, action))
            print '  [{0}] {1} {2}'.format(client.ip, name, action)