def features_gsa(write_dir, model_dir, fl_loader_file, N): problem = { 'num_vars': 4, 'names': ['', '', '', ''], 'bounds': [[0, 1], [0, 1], [200, 2000], [0, 1]], } param_values = saltelli.sample(problem, N, calc_second_order=True) param_values = param_values[param_values[:, 0] + param_values[:, 1] <= 1] features_c = param_values[:, :-1] onehot = param_values[:, -1] onehot_store = [] for single in onehot: if single <= 1 / 3: onehot_store.append([1, 0, 0]) elif single <= 2 / 3: onehot_store.append([0, 1, 0]) else: onehot_store.append([0, 0, 1]) features = np.concatenate((features_c, np.array(onehot_store)), axis=1) fl = load_data_to_fl(fl_loader_file, norm_mask=[0, 1, 3, 4, 5], normalise_labels=False, label_type='cutoff') features_input_norm = fl.apply_scaling(features) model_store = load_model_ensemble(model_dir) outputs = model_ensemble_prediction(model_store, features_input_norm) si_output = sobol.analyze(problem, outputs, calc_second_order=True, print_to_console=True) print('pass')
def run_skf_with_te(inputs_store, loader_excel, smote_numel, mode, name, learningrate=0.001, eval_model_dir=None): write_dir = create_results_directory('./results/{}'.format(name), folders=['plots', 'models', 'learning rate plots'], excels=['skf_results', 'te.xlsx']) data_store = [] loss = 'mse' if eval_model_dir: inputs_store = load_model_ensemble(eval_model_dir) for inputs in inputs_store: fl = load_data_to_fl(loader_excel, label_type='cutoff', normalise_labels=False, norm_mask=[0, 1, 3, 4, 5]) test_excel_dir = './excel/ett_30testset_cut.xlsx' ett_store = ['./excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 1.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 1 - 2.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 1 - 3.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 5.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 5 - 2.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 5 - 3.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 10.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 10 - 2.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 10 - 3.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 30.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 30 - 2.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 30 - 3.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 50.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 50 - 2.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 50 - 3.xlsx', './excel/ett_125trainset_cut.xlsx', './excel/ett_125trainset_cut Invariant 1.xlsx', './excel/ett_125trainset_cut Invariant 5.xlsx', './excel/ett_125trainset_cut Invariant 10.xlsx'] test_fl = load_testset_to_fl(test_excel_dir, scaler=fl.scaler, norm_mask=[0, 1, 3, 4, 5]) ett_fl_store = [load_testset_to_fl(x, scaler=fl.scaler, norm_mask=[0, 1, 3, 4, 5]) for x in ett_store] if smote_numel: fl_store = fl.fold_smote_kf_augment(k_folds=10, shuffle=True, numel=smote_numel) else: fl_store = fl.create_kf(k_folds=10, shuffle=True) if eval_model_dir: val_score, train_score, data = run_eval_model_on_train_val_test_error(fl=fl, fl_store=fl_store, test_fl=test_fl, ett_fl_store=ett_fl_store, model_name='hparams_opt_makeup', model=inputs, ) else: pre, epochs = inputs hparams = create_hparams(shared_layers=[30, 30], ts_layers=[5, 5], cs_layers=[5, 5], learning_rate=learningrate, shared=0, end=0, pre=pre, filters=0, epochs=epochs, reg_l1=0.0005, reg_l2=0, loss=loss, max_depth=pre, num_est=epochs, epsilon=0.0001, c=0.001, activation='relu', batch_size=16, verbose=0) if mode == 'ann': model_mode = 'ann3' loss_mode = 'ann' elif mode == 'dtr': model_mode = 'dtr' loss_mode = 'dtr' val_score, train_score, data = run_skf_train_val_test_error(model_mode=model_mode, loss_mode=loss_mode, fl=fl, fl_store=fl_store, test_fl=test_fl, ett_fl_store=ett_fl_store, model_name='{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(write_dir, model_mode, pre, epochs), hparams=hparams, k_folds=10, scoring='mse', save_model_name='/{}_{}_{}'.format(mode, pre, epochs), save_model=True, save_model_dir=write_dir + '/models', plot_name='{}/{}'.format(write_dir, str(inputs))) ett_names = ['I01-1', 'I01-2', 'I01-3', 'I05-1', 'I05-2', 'I05-3', 'I10-1', 'I10-2', 'I10-3', 'I30-1', 'I30-2', 'I30-3', 'I50-1', 'I50-2', 'I50-3', '125Test', '125Test I01', '125Test I05', '125Test I10'] if eval_model_dir: data.append([1, 1]) else: data.append([pre, epochs]) data_store.append(data) with open('{}/data_store.pkl'.format(write_dir), "wb") as file: pickle.dump(data_store, file) read_hparam_data(data_store=data_store, write_dir=write_dir, ett_names=ett_names, print_s_df=False, trainset_ett_idx=-4)
def eval_models(model_directory_store, results_dir): model_store = [] for model_directory in model_directory_store: model_store.extend(load_model_ensemble(model_directory)) test_excel_dir = './excel/ett_30testset_cut.xlsx' ett_names = [ 'I01-1', 'I01-2', 'I01-3', 'I05-1', 'I05-2', 'I05-3', 'I10-1', 'I10-2', 'I10-3', 'I30-1', 'I30-2', 'I30-3', 'I50-1', 'I50-2', 'I50-3', '125Test', '125Test I01', '125Test I05', '125Test I10' ] ett_store = [ './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 1.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 1 - 2.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 1 - 3.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 5.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 5 - 2.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 5 - 3.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 10.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 10 - 2.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 10 - 3.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 30.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 30 - 2.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 30 - 3.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 50.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 50 - 2.xlsx', './excel/ett_30testset_cut Invariant 50 - 3.xlsx', './excel/ett_125trainset_cut.xlsx', './excel/ett_125trainset_cut Invariant 1.xlsx', './excel/ett_125trainset_cut Invariant 5.xlsx', './excel/ett_125trainset_cut Invariant 10.xlsx' ] fl = load_data_to_fl( './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R13_cut_CM3.xlsx', label_type='cutoff', normalise_labels=False, norm_mask=[0, 1, 3, 4, 5]) test_fl = load_testset_to_fl(test_excel_dir, scaler=fl.scaler, norm_mask=[0, 1, 3, 4, 5]) ett_fl_store = [ load_testset_to_fl(x, scaler=fl.scaler, norm_mask=[0, 1, 3, 4, 5]) for x in ett_store ] ytt = test_fl.labels yett_store = [ett_fl.labels for ett_fl in ett_fl_store] stt_p_y_store = [] stt_df_store = [] stt_mse_store = [] stt_mre_store = [] sett_p_y_store = [] sett_df_store = [] sett_mse_store = [] sett_mre_store = [] for model in model_store: stt_p_y, stt_df, stt_mse, stt_mre = eval_model_on_fl(model, test_fl, return_df=True) stt_p_y_store.append(stt_p_y) stt_df_store.append(stt_df) stt_mse_store.append(stt_mse) stt_mre_store.append(stt_mre) p_y_store = [] df_store = [] mse_store = [] mre_store = [] for ett_fl in ett_fl_store: p_y, df, mse, mre = eval_model_on_fl(model, ett_fl, return_df=True) p_y_store.append(p_y) df_store.append(df) mse_store.append(mse) mre_store.append(mre) sett_p_y_store.append(p_y_store) sett_df_store.append(df_store) sett_mse_store.append(mse_store) sett_mre_store.append(mre_store) p_ytt_selected_mean = np.mean(np.array(stt_p_y_store), axis=0) p_yett_store_selected_mean = [ np.mean(np.array(p_yett), axis=0) for p_yett in [list(x) for x in zip(*sett_p_y_store)] ] def get_mse_re(y, p_y): return np.mean((y - p_y)**2), np.mean(np.abs(y - p_y).T / y[:, -1].T) mse_tt, re_tt = get_mse_re(ytt, p_ytt_selected_mean) mse_re_ett_store = [ get_mse_re(yett, p_yett) for yett, p_yett in zip(yett_store, p_yett_store_selected_mean) ] var_ett = [] idx_store = [ 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 10, 10, 10, 30, 30, 30, 50, 50, 50, 0, 1, 5, 10 ] for idx, (invariant, p_y) in enumerate(zip(idx_store, p_yett_store_selected_mean)): if invariant == 0: var_ett.append(0) else: if idx < 15: base_numel = 30 else: base_numel = 125 var_ett.append( np.mean([ np.std(np.concatenate( (p_y[i:i + 1, :], p_y[base_numel + invariant * i:base_numel + invariant * i + invariant, :]), axis=0), axis=0) for i in range(base_numel) ])) # Printing to excel excel_name = results_dir + '/results.xlsx' wb = openpyxl.Workbook() wb.create_sheet('main') def print_results(name, y, p_y, mse, re): nonlocal wb wb.create_sheet(name) ws = wb[name] df = pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate((y, p_y), axis=1), columns=['y1', 'y2', 'y3', 'P_y1', 'P_y2', 'P_y3']) print_df_to_excel(df=df, ws=ws) start_col = len(df.columns) + 3 ws.cell(1, start_col).value = 'MSE' ws.cell(2, start_col).value = 'HE' ws.cell(1, start_col + 1).value = mse ws.cell(2, start_col + 1).value = re print_results('Test', ytt, p_ytt_selected_mean, mse_tt, re_tt) [ print_results(name, yett_store[idx], p_yett_store_selected_mean[idx], mse_re[0], mse_re[1]) for name, idx, mse_re in zip( ett_names, range(len(yett_store)), mse_re_ett_store) ] df = pd.DataFrame(data=[[mse_tt] + [x[0] for x in mse_re_ett_store], [re_tt] + [x[1] for x in mse_re_ett_store], [0] + var_ett], columns=['Test'] + ett_names, index=['MSE', 'HE', 'Var']) print_df_to_excel(df=df, ws=wb['main'], start_row=5)
def inverse_design(targets, loss_func, bounds, int_idx, init_guess, model_directory_store, svm_directory, loader_file, write_dir, opt_mode): model_store = [] for model_directory in model_directory_store: model_store.extend(load_model_ensemble(model_directory)) svm_store = load_svm_ensemble(svm_directory) fl = load_data_to_fl(loader_file, norm_mask=[0, 1, 3, 4, 5], normalise_labels=False, label_type='cutoff') data_store = [] if opt_mode == 'psoga': def fitness(params): nonlocal data_store features = np.array(params) x = features[0] y = features[1] if x + y > 1: u = -y + 1 v = -x + 1 features[0:2] = np.array([u, v]) # SVM Check p_class, distance = svm_ensemble_prediction( svm_store, features[0:2]) if distance.item() < 0: # Distance should be negative value when SVM assigns class 0. Hence a_score will be negative. # The more negative the a_score is, the further the composition is from the hyperplane, # hence, the less likely the optimizer will select examples with class 0. mse = 10e5 * distance.item() prediction_mean = [-1] * fl.labels_dim prediction_std = [-1] * fl.labels_dim disagreement = -1 elif features[0] + features[1] > 1: # Distance should be negative value when SVM assigns class 0. Hence a_score will be negative. # The more negative the a_score is, the further the composition is from the hyperplane, # hence, the less likely the optimizer will select examples with class 0. mse = 10e5 * (1 - (features[0] + features[1])) prediction_mean = [-1] * fl.labels_dim prediction_std = [-1] * fl.labels_dim disagreement = -1 else: features_c = features[:-1] onehot = features[-1].item() if onehot == 0: features_in = np.concatenate( (features_c, np.array([1, 0, 0]))) elif onehot == 1: features_in = np.concatenate( (features_c, np.array([0, 1, 0]))) elif onehot == 2: features_in = np.concatenate( (features_c, np.array([0, 0, 1]))) features_input_norm = fl.apply_scaling(features_in) prediction_mean, prediction_std = model_ensemble_prediction( model_store, features_input_norm) mse = -loss_func(targets, prediction_mean) disagreement = np.mean(prediction_std) prediction_mean = prediction_mean.tolist() prediction_std = prediction_std.tolist() data = list(features) + [-mse, disagreement ] + prediction_mean + prediction_std data_store.append(data) return (-mse, ) pmin = [x[0] for x in bounds] pmax = [x[1] for x in bounds] smin = [abs(x - y) * 0.001 for x, y in zip(pmin, pmax)] smax = [abs(x - y) * 0.5 for x, y in zip(pmin, pmax)] pso_params = { 'c1': 1.5, 'c2': 1.5, 'wmin': 0.4, 'wmax': 0.9, 'ga_iter_min': 2, 'ga_iter_max': 10, 'iter_gamma': 10, 'ga_num_min': 5, 'ga_num_max': 20, 'num_beta': 15, 'tourn_size': 3, 'cxpd': 0.9, 'mutpd': 0.05, 'indpd': 0.5, 'eta': 0.5, 'pso_iter': 10, 'swarm_size': 300 } pso_ga(func=fitness, pmin=pmin, pmax=pmax, smin=smin, smax=smax, int_idx=[3], params=pso_params, ga=True, initial_guess=init_guess) elif opt_mode == 'forest' or opt_mode == 'dummy': space = [ Real(low=bounds[0][0], high=bounds[0][1], name='CNT'), Real(low=bounds[1][0], high=bounds[1][1], name='PVA'), Real(low=bounds[2][0], high=bounds[2][1], name='Thickness'), Categorical(categories=[0, 1, 2], name='Dimension') ] iter_count = 0 start = time.time() end = 0 @use_named_args(space) def fitness(**params): nonlocal data_store, iter_count, start, end iter_count += 1 features = np.array([x for x in params.values()]) x = features[0] y = features[1] if x + y > 1: u = -y + 1 v = -x + 1 features[0:2] = np.array([u, v]) # SVM Check p_class, distance = svm_ensemble_prediction( svm_store, features[0:2]) if distance.item() < 0: # Distance should be negative value when SVM assigns class 0. Hence a_score will be negative. # The more negative the a_score is, the further the composition is from the hyperplane, # hence, the less likely the optimizer will select examples with class 0. mse = 10e5 * distance.item() prediction_mean = [-1] * fl.labels_dim prediction_std = [-1] * fl.labels_dim disagreement = -1 elif features[0] + features[1] > 1: # Sum of composition needs to be less than 1 mse = 10e5 * (1 - (features[0] + features[1])) prediction_mean = [-1] * fl.labels_dim prediction_std = [-1] * fl.labels_dim disagreement = -1 else: features_c = features[:-1] onehot = features[-1].item() if onehot == 0: features_in = np.concatenate( (features_c, np.array([1, 0, 0]))) elif onehot == 1: features_in = np.concatenate( (features_c, np.array([0, 1, 0]))) elif onehot == 2: features_in = np.concatenate( (features_c, np.array([0, 0, 1]))) features_input_norm = fl.apply_scaling(features_in) prediction_mean, prediction_std = model_ensemble_prediction( model_store, features_input_norm) mse = -loss_func(targets, prediction_mean) # Some negative number disagreement = np.mean(prediction_std) prediction_mean = prediction_mean.tolist() prediction_std = prediction_std.tolist() data = list(features) + [-mse, disagreement ] + prediction_mean + prediction_std data_store.append(data) if iter_count % 10 == 0: end = time.time() print( 'Current Iteration {}. Time taken for past 10 evals: {}. '. format(iter_count, end - start)) start = time.time() return -mse # Make negative become positive, and minimizing score towards 0. if opt_mode == 'forest': forest_minimize( func=fitness, dimensions=space, acq_func='EI', # Expected Improvement. n_calls=1000, verbose=False) else: dummy_minimize(func=fitness, dimensions=space, n_calls=5000, verbose=False) p_mean_name = np.array( ['Pmean_' + str(x) for x in list(map(str, np.arange(1, 4)))]) p_std_name = np.array( ['Pstd_' + str(x) for x in list(map(str, np.arange(1, 4)))]) columns = np.concatenate( (np.array(fl.features_c_names[:-2]), np.array(['mse']), np.array(['Disagreement']), p_mean_name, p_std_name)) iter_df = pd.DataFrame(data=data_store, columns=columns) iter_df = iter_df.sort_values(by=['mse'], ascending=True) excel_dir = create_excel_file('{}/inverse_design_{}_{}.xlsx'.format( write_dir, opt_mode, targets)) wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(excel_dir) ws = wb[wb.sheetnames[ -1]] # Taking the ws name from the back ensures that if SNN1 is the new ws, it works ws.cell(1, 1).value = 'Target' print_array_to_excel(array=targets, first_cell=(1, 2), axis=1, ws=ws) print_df_to_excel(df=iter_df, ws=ws, start_row=3) wb.close()
def final_prediction_results(write_excel, model_dir_store, combined_excel_store, rounds, excel_loader_dir_store, fn, numel): wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(write_excel) results_col = fn + 1 + 1 + 2 * numel + 3 mse_store = [] mre_store = [] mare_store = [] final_excel_loader_dir = excel_loader_dir_store[-1] final_features = pd.read_excel(final_excel_loader_dir, sheet_name='features', index_col=0).sort_index().values final_df = pd.read_excel(final_excel_loader_dir, sheet_name='cutoff', index_col=0).sort_index() for idx, (model_dir, combined_excel, loader_excel, round) in enumerate( zip(model_dir_store, combined_excel_store, excel_loader_dir_store, rounds)): wb.create_sheet('Round {}'.format(round)) ws = wb[wb.sheetnames[-1]] combined_df = pd.read_excel(combined_excel, sheet_name='Results', index_col=0).sort_index() numel_expt = combined_df.shape[0] total_expt = final_df.shape[0] y_store = combined_df.iloc[:, fn + 1:fn + 1 + numel].values p_y_store = combined_df.iloc[:, fn + 1 + numel:fn + 1 + 2 * numel].values if total_expt > numel_expt: model_store = load_model_ensemble(model_dir) fl = load_data_to_fl(data_loader_excel_file=loader_excel, norm_mask=[0, 1, 3, 4, 5], normalise_labels=True, label_type='cutoff') p_y, _ = model_ensemble_prediction( model_store, fl.apply_scaling(final_features[numel_expt:, :])) y_store = np.concatenate( (y_store, final_df.values[numel_expt:, :]), axis=0) p_y_store = np.concatenate((p_y_store, p_y), axis=0) se_store = (y_store - p_y_store)**2 re_store = np.abs(y_store - p_y_store) / y_store are_store = np.arctan(re_store) column_headers = final_df.columns.values.tolist() df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.concatenate( (y_store, p_y_store, se_store, re_store, are_store), axis=1), index=list(final_df.index), columns=column_headers + ['P_{}'.format(col) for col in column_headers] + ['SE_{}'.format(col) for col in column_headers] + ['RE_{}'.format(col) for col in column_headers] + ['ARE_{}'.format(col) for col in column_headers]) print_df_to_excel(df=df, ws=ws) col = fn + 1 + 1 + 2 * numel + 3 mse_store.append(np.mean(se_store)) mre_store.append(np.mean(re_store)) mare_store.append(np.mean(are_store)) ws.cell(1, col).value = 'MSE' ws.cell(1, col + 1).value = mse_store[-1] ws.cell(2, col).value = 'MRE' ws.cell(2, col + 1).value = mre_store[-1] ws.cell(3, col).value = 'ARE' ws.cell(3, col + 1).value = mare_store[-1] wb.create_sheet('Final_results') ws = wb[wb.sheetnames[-1]] df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.array([mse_store, mre_store, mare_store]), index=['mse', 're', 'are'], columns=rounds) print_df_to_excel(df=df, ws=ws)
def test(selector, number=None): if selector == 1: write_dir = './results/svm gamma130 with proba' svm_store = load_svm_ensemble('{}/models'.format(write_dir)) x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, 100), np.linspace(0, 1, 100)) composition = np.concatenate((x.reshape(-1, 1), y.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1) prediction, distance, probability = svm_ensemble_prediction( svm_store, composition, probability=True) plt.scatter(composition[:, 0], composition[:, 1], c=distance) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('./results/svm gamma130 with proba/distance map.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() plt.scatter(composition[:, 0], composition[:, 1], c=prediction) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('./results/svm gamma130 with proba/prediction map.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() plt.scatter(composition[:, 0], composition[:, 1], c=probability) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('./results/svm gamma130 with proba/probability map.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() with open('results/grid full/grid_data', 'rb') as handle: fl = pickle.load(handle) plt.scatter(fl.features[:, 0], fl.features[:, 1], c=fl.labels) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('./results/svm gamma130 with proba/actual map.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() wb = openpyxl.Workbook() wb.create_sheet('data') x_name = 'CNT' y_name = 'PVA' print_df_to_excel(df=pd.DataFrame( np.array([ composition[:, 0], composition[:, 1], prediction, distance, probability ]).T, columns=[x_name, y_name, 'prediction', 'distance', 'probability']), ws=wb['data'])'{}/svm prediction distance prob.xlsx'.format(write_dir)) model = SVMmodel(fl=fl, gamma=130) model.train_model(fl=fl) prediction, distance = svm_ensemble_prediction([model], composition) plt.scatter(composition[:, 0], composition[:, 1], c=distance) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('{}/distance map2.png'.format(write_dir), bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() plt.scatter(composition[:, 0], composition[:, 1], c=prediction) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('{}/prediction map2.png'.format(write_dir), bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() elif selector == 2: with open('results/grid full/grid_data', 'rb') as handle: fl = pickle.load(handle) grid_hparam_opt(fl, 300) elif selector == 3: composition = np.array([0.175763935003216, 0.195036471863385]) svm_store = load_svm_ensemble('./results/svm gamma130/models') prediction, distance = svm_ensemble_prediction(svm_store, composition) print('prediction: {}\ndistance: {}'.format(prediction, distance)) elif selector == 4: write_dir = './results/skf3' plot_arcsinh_predicted_splines( plot_dir='{}/plots'.format(write_dir), results_excel_dir='{}/skf_results.xlsx'.format(write_dir), end_excel_dir='./results/combine Round 6/end 6.xlsx', transformation='arcsinh', sheets=['ann3'], fn=6, numel=99) elif selector == 5: combine_excel_results( results_excel_dir= './results/Optimal Combinations/testset_combi/combinations.xlsx', end_excel_dir='./results/combine Round 6/end 6.xlsx', plot_dir='./results/combine Round 6/plots', sheets=[ 'ann3_115_0', 'ann3_190_0 sqrt', 'conv1_40_0', 'conv1_158_0 sqrt' ], fn=6) elif selector == 6: cutoff_combine_excel_results( dir_store=[ './results/hparams_opt Round {} SVR'.format(number), './results/hparams_opt Round {} DTR'.format(number), './results/hparams_opt Round {} ANN3'.format(number) ], sheets=['svr', 'dtr', 'ann3'], results_excel_dir='./results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx' .format(number, number), plot_dir='./results/combination {}/plots'.format(number), plot_mode=False, fn=6, numel=3) elif selector == 6.1: cutoff_combine_excel_results( dir_store=[ './results/hparams_opt Round {} DTR'.format(number), './results/hparams_opt Round {} ANN3 - 2'.format(number) ], sheets=['dtr', 'ann3'], results_excel_dir='./results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx' .format(number, number), plot_dir='./results/combination {}/plots'.format(number), plot_mode=False, fn=6, numel=3) elif selector == 6.2: cutoff_combine_excel_results_with_excel( results_excel_dir= './results/combination_13s_R13_predictions/testset_prediction.xlsx', plot_dir='./results/combination_13s_R13_predictions/plots', plot_mode=False, fn=-1, numel=3) elif selector == 7: model_store = load_model_ensemble('./results/skf13/models') mean, std = model_ensemble_prediction( model_store, np.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, 0]])) print(mean, std) elif selector == 8: mse_tracker(excel_store=[ './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format(1, 1), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format(2, 2), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format(3, 3), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format(4, 4), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format(5, 5), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format(6, 6), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( '6e', '6e'), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format(7, 7), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format(8, 8), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format(9, 9), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format(10, 10), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format(11, 11), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format(12, 12), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format(13, 13) ], write_excel='./MSE tracker.xlsx', rounds=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, '6e', 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], headers=['SVR', 'DTR', 'ANN3', 'Combined'], fn=6, numel=3) elif selector == 9: write_dir = create_results_directory( results_directory='./results/final_prediction', excels=['final_prediction']) final_prediction_results( write_excel='{}/final_prediction.xlsx'.format(write_dir), model_dir_store=[ './results/combination {}/models'.format(1), './results/combination {}/models'.format(2), './results/combination {}/models'.format(3), './results/combination {}/models'.format(4), './results/combination {}/models'.format(5), './results/combination {}/models'.format(6), './results/combination {}/models'.format('6e'), './results/combination {}/models'.format(7), './results/combination {}/models'.format(8), './results/combination {}/models'.format(9), './results/combination {}/models'.format(10), './results/combination {}/models'.format(11), './results/combination {}/models'.format(12), './results/combination {}/models'.format(13) ], combined_excel_store=[ './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( 1, 1), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( 2, 2), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( 3, 3), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( 4, 4), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( 5, 5), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( 6, 6), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( '6e', '6e'), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( 7, 7), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( 8, 8), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( 9, 9), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( 10, 10), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( 11, 11), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( 12, 12), './results/combination {}/combination CM R{}.xlsx'.format( 13, 13) ], excel_loader_dir_store=[ './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R{}_cut_CM3.xlsx'. format(1, 1), './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R{}_cut_CM3.xlsx'. format(2, 2), './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R{}_cut_CM3.xlsx'. format(3, 3), './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R{}_cut_CM3.xlsx'. format(4, 4), './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R{}_cut_CM3.xlsx'. format(5, 5), './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R{}_cut_CM3.xlsx'. format(6, 6), './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R{}_cut_CM3.xlsx'. format('6e', '6e'), './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R{}_cut_CM3.xlsx'. format(7, 7), './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R{}_cut_CM3.xlsx'. format(8, 8), './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R{}_cut_CM3.xlsx'. format(9, 9), './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R{}_cut_CM3.xlsx'. format(10, 10), './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R{}_cut_CM3.xlsx'. format(11, 11), './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R{}_cut_CM3.xlsx'. format(12, 12), './excel/Data_loader_spline_full_onehot_R{}_cut_CM3.xlsx'. format(13, 13) ], rounds=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, '6e', 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], fn=6, numel=3)