 def __init__ (self, varalloc, validate=False):
     P0Flattener.__init__(self, varalloc)
     self.validate = validate
    def flatten (self, node):
        """Takes an AST as input, and then "flattens" the tree into a list of statements."""

        if isinstance(node, (Or,And)):
            # we only need to handle two operands to the "or" operator
            if self.validate and len(node.nodes) > 2:
                raise Exception("Only two operands supported in P1 for 'or' operator")
            lhsvar, lhsstmtlist = self.flatten(node.nodes[0])
            rhsvar, rhsstmtlist = self.flatten(node.nodes[1])
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            result = Or([lhsvar,rhsvar]) if isinstance(node,Or) else And([lhsvar,rhsvar])
            return (Name(varname), lhsstmtlist + rhsstmtlist + [Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')], result)])
        elif isinstance(node, Let):
            # first, flatten rhs
            (rhsvar, rhsstmtlist) = self.flatten(node.rhs)
            # now make sure that the variable specified by Let is assigned the result
            letassignstmt = [Assign([AssName(node.var.name, 'OP_ASSIGN')], rhsvar)]
            # now flatten the body and return
            # NOTE: there should not be ANY Let nodes after a flatten
            (bodyvar, bodystmtlist) = self.flatten(node.body)
            return (bodyvar, rhsstmtlist + letassignstmt + bodystmtlist)
        elif isinstance(node, (ProjectTo,InjectFrom)):
            (var, stmtlist) = self.flatten(node.arg)
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            result = ProjectTo(node.typ, var) if isinstance(node,ProjectTo) else InjectFrom(node.typ, var)
            return (Name(varname), stmtlist + [Assign([AssName(varname,'OP_ASSIGN')], result)])
        elif isinstance(node, GetTag):
            (var, stmtlist) = self.flatten(node.arg)
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            return (Name(varname), stmtlist + [Assign([AssName(varname,'OP_ASSIGN')], GetTag(var))])
        elif isinstance(node, List):
            stmts = [self.flatten(x) for x in node.nodes]
            varlist = [x for x,y in stmts]
            # convert the list of lists into a single list of statements
            stmtlist = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [y for x,y in stmts if y != []], [])
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            return (Name(varname), stmtlist + [Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')], List(varlist))])
        elif isinstance(node, Dict):
            keys = [self.flatten(x[0]) for x in node.items]
            keyvarlist = [x for x,y in keys]
            keystmtlist = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [y for x,y in keys if y != []], [])
            values = [self.flatten(x[1]) for x in node.items]
            valuevarlist = [x for x,y in values]
            valuestmtlist = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [y for x,y in values if y != []], [])
            # keyvaluelist becomes a list of tuples, where each tuple is a key,value corresponding to the 
            # temp variables for the key/value
            keyvaluelist = map(lambda x: (keyvarlist[x],valuevarlist[x]), range(0,len(keyvarlist)))
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            return (Name(varname), keystmtlist + valuestmtlist + [Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')], Dict(keyvaluelist))])
        elif isinstance(node, IfExp):
            # Go ahead and flatten all expressions, including the test expression, as well as the 
            # "then" and "else" expressions.
            vartes, test = self.flatten(node.test)
            vart, then = self.flatten(node.then)
            vare, else_ = self.flatten(node.else_)
            # Allocate a variable name, which will hold the result of the IfExp
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            #test = [Assign([AssName(vartes, 'OP_ASSIGN')], varname)]+test1
            # update the "then" and "else_" set of statements to include an 
            # assignment to the allocated variable
            then  = then  + [Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')], vart)]
            else_ = else_ + [Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')], vare)]
            # We don't want to blindly execute both branches of the if, so instead we
            # encapsulate the flattened statements for the "then" and "else_" clauses in an If node.
            # The If node is then returned as a statement.  This is expanded later into labels and
            # jumps.  The test expression is always evaluated, so we have to include the corresponding
            # flattened statements.
            # NOTE: The If node has two attributes: "tests" and "else_".  The tests attribute is
            # a list of tuples, where the first element in the tuple is the test expression and the
            # second element in the tuple is a Stmt object.  Each tuple in the list corresponds to
            # an "if" or "elif" clause.  The else_ attribute is a Stmt object corresponding to the 
            # "else" clause.
            return (Name(varname), test + [If([(vartes, Stmt(then))], Stmt(else_))])
        elif isinstance(node, Not):
            var, stmtlist = self.flatten(node.expr)
            tempvar = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            return (Name(tempvar), stmtlist + [Assign([AssName(tempvar,'OP_ASSIGN')], var), Not(Name(tempvar))])
        elif isinstance(node, Compare):
            # Only need to handle binary comparison operators.  So if len(node.ops) > 1, its a syntax error.
            # For example, a == b == c is valid python, but invalid P1
            if self.validate and len(node.ops) > 1:
                raise Exception('Only two operands supported in P1 for comparison operators')
            if self.validate and node.ops[0][0] not in ['==','!=','is']:
                raise Exception("'%s' is not a valid comparison operator in P1" % node.ops[0][0])
            lhsvar, lhsstmtlist = self.flatten(node.expr)
            oper, rhs = node.ops[0]
            rhsvar, rhsstmtlist = self.flatten(rhs)
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            return (Name(varname), lhsstmtlist + rhsstmtlist + [Assign([AssName(varname,'OP_ASSIGN')], Compare(lhsvar, [(oper, rhsvar)]))])
        # overridden from p0flattener.py to handle arguments
        elif isinstance(node, CallFunc):
            # arguments can be arbitrary expressions, so we need to flatten those too.
            # this is a list of tuples: [(var1,stmtlist1), (var2,stmtlist2), ...]
            varstmtlist = [self.flatten(x) for x in node.args]
            #print varstmtlist
            # generate a temporary to store the result
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            # convert the list of tuples to just a list of the variables; ditto for statements
            varlist =  [x[0] for x in varstmtlist]
            #print varlist
            stmtlist = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [x[1] for x in varstmtlist], [])
            #print stmtlist
            # return a CallFunc with the variables substituted in
            return (Name(varname), stmtlist + [Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')], CallFunc(node.node, varlist))])
        elif isinstance(node, Subscript):
            # We only need to handle one subscript per the grammar, e.g, a[1,2] is invalid P1
            # (a[1,2] is the only case where you get len(node.subs) > 1)
            if self.validate and len(node.subs) > 1:
                raise Exception('Only one subscript index supported in P1')
            exprvar, exprstmtlist = self.flatten(node.expr)
            subvar, substmtlist = self.flatten(node.subs[0])
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            return (Name(varname), exprstmtlist + substmtlist + [Assign([AssName(varname,'OP_ASSIGN')], Subscript(exprvar, node.flags, subvar))])
            return P0Flattener.flatten(self, node)
 def __init__(self, varalloc, validate=False):
     P0Flattener.__init__(self, varalloc)
     self.validate = validate
    def flatten(self, node):
        """Takes an AST as input, and then "flattens" the tree into a list of statements."""

        if isinstance(node, (Or, And)):
            # we only need to handle two operands to the "or" operator
            if self.validate and len(node.nodes) > 2:
                raise Exception(
                    "Only two operands supported in P1 for 'or' operator")
            lhsvar, lhsstmtlist = self.flatten(node.nodes[0])
            rhsvar, rhsstmtlist = self.flatten(node.nodes[1])
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            result = Or([lhsvar, rhsvar]) if isinstance(node, Or) else And(
                [lhsvar, rhsvar])
            return (Name(varname), lhsstmtlist + rhsstmtlist +
                    [Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')], result)])
        elif isinstance(node, Let):
            # first, flatten rhs
            (rhsvar, rhsstmtlist) = self.flatten(node.rhs)
            # now make sure that the variable specified by Let is assigned the result
            letassignstmt = [
                Assign([AssName(node.var.name, 'OP_ASSIGN')], rhsvar)
            # now flatten the body and return
            # NOTE: there should not be ANY Let nodes after a flatten
            (bodyvar, bodystmtlist) = self.flatten(node.body)
            return (bodyvar, rhsstmtlist + letassignstmt + bodystmtlist)
        elif isinstance(node, (ProjectTo, InjectFrom)):
            (var, stmtlist) = self.flatten(node.arg)
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            result = ProjectTo(node.typ, var) if isinstance(
                node, ProjectTo) else InjectFrom(node.typ, var)
            return (Name(varname), stmtlist +
                    [Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')], result)])
        elif isinstance(node, GetTag):
            (var, stmtlist) = self.flatten(node.arg)
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            return (Name(varname), stmtlist +
                    [Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')], GetTag(var))])
        elif isinstance(node, List):
            stmts = [self.flatten(x) for x in node.nodes]
            varlist = [x for x, y in stmts]
            # convert the list of lists into a single list of statements
            stmtlist = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
                              [y for x, y in stmts if y != []], [])
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            return (Name(varname), stmtlist +
                    [Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')], List(varlist))])
        elif isinstance(node, Dict):
            keys = [self.flatten(x[0]) for x in node.items]
            keyvarlist = [x for x, y in keys]
            keystmtlist = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
                                 [y for x, y in keys if y != []], [])
            values = [self.flatten(x[1]) for x in node.items]
            valuevarlist = [x for x, y in values]
            valuestmtlist = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
                                   [y for x, y in values if y != []], [])
            # keyvaluelist becomes a list of tuples, where each tuple is a key,value corresponding to the
            # temp variables for the key/value
            keyvaluelist = map(lambda x: (keyvarlist[x], valuevarlist[x]),
                               range(0, len(keyvarlist)))
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            return (
                Name(varname), keystmtlist + valuestmtlist +
                [Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')], Dict(keyvaluelist))])

        elif isinstance(node, IfExp):
            # Go ahead and flatten all expressions, including the test expression, as well as the
            # "then" and "else" expressions.
            vartes, test = self.flatten(node.test)
            vart, then = self.flatten(node.then)
            vare, else_ = self.flatten(node.else_)

            # Allocate a variable name, which will hold the result of the IfExp
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            #test = [Assign([AssName(vartes, 'OP_ASSIGN')], varname)]+test1
            # update the "then" and "else_" set of statements to include an
            # assignment to the allocated variable
            then = then + [Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')], vart)]
            else_ = else_ + [Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')], vare)]
            # We don't want to blindly execute both branches of the if, so instead we
            # encapsulate the flattened statements for the "then" and "else_" clauses in an If node.
            # The If node is then returned as a statement.  This is expanded later into labels and
            # jumps.  The test expression is always evaluated, so we have to include the corresponding
            # flattened statements.
            # NOTE: The If node has two attributes: "tests" and "else_".  The tests attribute is
            # a list of tuples, where the first element in the tuple is the test expression and the
            # second element in the tuple is a Stmt object.  Each tuple in the list corresponds to
            # an "if" or "elif" clause.  The else_ attribute is a Stmt object corresponding to the
            # "else" clause.
            return (Name(varname),
                    test + [If([(vartes, Stmt(then))], Stmt(else_))])
        elif isinstance(node, Not):
            var, stmtlist = self.flatten(node.expr)
            tempvar = self.varalloc.get_next_var()

            return (Name(tempvar), stmtlist + [
                Assign([AssName(tempvar, 'OP_ASSIGN')], var),
        elif isinstance(node, Compare):
            # Only need to handle binary comparison operators.  So if len(node.ops) > 1, its a syntax error.
            # For example, a == b == c is valid python, but invalid P1
            if self.validate and len(node.ops) > 1:
                raise Exception(
                    'Only two operands supported in P1 for comparison operators'
            if self.validate and node.ops[0][0] not in ['==', '!=', 'is']:
                raise Exception(
                    "'%s' is not a valid comparison operator in P1" %
            lhsvar, lhsstmtlist = self.flatten(node.expr)
            oper, rhs = node.ops[0]
            rhsvar, rhsstmtlist = self.flatten(rhs)
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            return (Name(varname), lhsstmtlist + rhsstmtlist + [
                Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')],
                       Compare(lhsvar, [(oper, rhsvar)]))
        # overridden from p0flattener.py to handle arguments
        elif isinstance(node, CallFunc):
            # arguments can be arbitrary expressions, so we need to flatten those too.
            # this is a list of tuples: [(var1,stmtlist1), (var2,stmtlist2), ...]
            varstmtlist = [self.flatten(x) for x in node.args]
            #print varstmtlist
            # generate a temporary to store the result
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            # convert the list of tuples to just a list of the variables; ditto for statements
            varlist = [x[0] for x in varstmtlist]
            #print varlist
            stmtlist = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [x[1] for x in varstmtlist],
            #print stmtlist
            # return a CallFunc with the variables substituted in
            return (Name(varname), stmtlist + [
                Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')],
                       CallFunc(node.node, varlist))
        elif isinstance(node, Subscript):
            # We only need to handle one subscript per the grammar, e.g, a[1,2] is invalid P1
            # (a[1,2] is the only case where you get len(node.subs) > 1)
            if self.validate and len(node.subs) > 1:
                raise Exception('Only one subscript index supported in P1')
            exprvar, exprstmtlist = self.flatten(node.expr)
            subvar, substmtlist = self.flatten(node.subs[0])
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            return (Name(varname), exprstmtlist + substmtlist + [
                Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')],
                       Subscript(exprvar, node.flags, subvar))
            return P0Flattener.flatten(self, node)
 from comp_util import *
 from p0parser import P0Parser
 from p0flattener import P0Flattener
 from p0insselector import P0InstructionSelector
 if len(sys.argv) < 2:
 # configure logging
 testcases = sys.argv[1:]
 for testcase in testcases:
     parser = P0Parser()
     #ast = compiler.parseFile(testcase)
     ast = parser.parseFile(testcase)
     varalloc = VariableAllocator()
     p0flattener = P0Flattener(varalloc)
     stmtlist = p0flattener.flatten(ast)
     instruction_selector = P0InstructionSelector(varalloc)
     program = instruction_selector.visit(stmtlist)
     regallocator = P0RegAllocator(program, varalloc)
     print regallocator.substitute()
     #import cProfile as profile
     #import pstats
     #output_file = 'profile.out'
     #profile.run('regallocator.substitute()', output_file)
     #p = pstats.Stats(output_file)
     #print "name: "
     #print p.sort_stats('name')
     #print "all stats: "
     #print "cumulative (top 10): "