def generate(input_file, output_file, printer_profile, splice_offset, silent): starttime = time.time() v.printer_profile_string = printer_profile basename = os.path.basename(input_file) _taskName = os.path.splitext(basename)[0].replace(" ", "_") _taskName = _taskName.replace(".mcf", "") v.splice_offset = splice_offset try: # python 3.x opf = open(input_file, encoding='utf-8') except TypeError: try: # python 2.x opf = open(input_file) except IOError: if v.gui: gui.user_error( "P2PP - Error Occurred", "Could not read input file\n'{}'".format(input_file)) else: print("Could not read input file\n'{}".format(input_file)) return except IOError: if v.gui: gui.user_error( "P2PP - Error Occurred", "Could not read input file\n'{}'".format(input_file)) else: print("Could not read input file\n'{}".format(input_file)) return gui.setfilename(input_file) gui.set_printer_id(v.printer_profile_string) gui.create_logitem("Reading File " + input_file) gui.progress_string(1) v.input_gcode = opf.readlines() opf.close() v.input_gcode = [item.strip() for item in v.input_gcode] gui.create_logitem("Analyzing slicer parameters") gui.progress_string(2) parse_slic3r_config() gui.create_logitem("Pre-parsing GCode") gui.progress_string(4) parse_gcode() if v.palette_plus: if v.palette_plus_ppm == -9: gui.log_warning( "P+ parameter P+PPM not set correctly in startup GCODE") if v.palette_plus_loading_offset == -9: gui.log_warning( "P+ parameter P+LOADINGOFFSET not set correctly in startup GCODE" ) v.side_wipe = not coordinate_on_bed(v.wipetower_posx, v.wipetower_posy) v.tower_delta = v.max_tower_z_delta > 0 if v.side_wipe: gui.create_logitem("Side wipe activated", "blue") if v.full_purge_reduction: gui.log_warning( "Full Purge Reduction is not compatible with Side Wipe, performing Side Wipe" ) v.full_purge_reduction = False if v.full_purge_reduction: v.side_wipe = False gui.create_logitem("Full Tower Reduction activated", "blue") if v.tower_delta: gui.log_warning( "Full Purge Reduction is not compatible with Tower Delta, performing Full Purge Reduction" ) v.tower_delta = False v.pathprocessing = (v.tower_delta or v.full_purge_reduction or v.side_wipe) if v.tower_delta: optimize_tower_skip(v.max_tower_z_delta, v.layer_height) if v.side_wipe: optimize_tower_skip(999, v.layer_height) gui.create_logitem("Generate processed GCode") total_line_count = len(v.input_gcode) v.retraction = 0 for process_line_count in range(total_line_count): gcode_parseline(process_line_count) gui.progress_string(50 + 50 * process_line_count // total_line_count) v.processtime = time.time() - starttime gcode_process_toolchange(-1, v.total_material_extruded, 0) omega_result = header_generate_omega(_taskName) header = omega_result['header'] + omega_result['summary'] + omega_result[ 'warnings'] if v.absolute_extruder and v.gcode_has_relative_e: gui.create_logitem("Converting to absolute extrusion") convert_to_absolute() # write the output file ###################### if not output_file: output_file = input_file gui.create_logitem("Generating GCODE file: " + output_file) opf = open(output_file, "w") if not v.accessory_mode: opf.writelines(header) opf.write("\n\n;--------- START PROCESSED GCODE ----------\n\n") if v.accessory_mode: opf.write("M0\n") opf.write("T0\n") if v.splice_offset == 0: gui.log_warning("SPLICE_OFFSET not defined") opf.writelines(v.processed_gcode) opf.close() if v.accessory_mode: pre, ext = os.path.splitext(output_file) if v.palette_plus: maffile = pre + ".msf" else: maffile = pre + ".maf" gui.create_logitem("Generating PALETTE MAF/MSF file: " + maffile) opf = open(maffile, "w") for i in range(len(header)): if not header[i].startswith(";"): opf.write(header[i]) gui.print_summary(omega_result['summary']) gui.progress_string(100) if (len(v.process_warnings) > 0 and not v.ignore_warnings) or v.consolewait: gui.close_button_enable()
def p2pp_command(command, parameter): command = command.upper() if command == "LINEARPINGLENGTH": v.pinglength = float(parameter) v.pingincrease = 1 if command == "WIPESPEED": v.wipe_feedrate = int(parameter) if command == "LAYERONEWIPESPEED": v.wipe_feedrate1 = int(parameter) if command == "TOWERDELTA": v.towerdelta = float(parameter) if command == "PRINTERPROFILE": v.printerid = parameter gui.set_printer_id(v.printerid) if command == "AUTOTOWER": v.autotower = True if command == "MAXTOWERDELTA": v.towerdelta = float(parameter) if command == "EXTRAENDFILAMENT": v.extra_extrusion_at_end = float(parameter) if command == "SPLICEOFFSET": unit = "mm" if parameter.endswith("%"): parameter = parameter.replace("%", "") v.splice_procent = True unit = "% of purge length" v.spliceoffset = float(parameter) comment("Splice offset is {}{}.".format(v.spliceoffset, unit)) if command == "AUTOEXPANDTOWER": v.expand_tower = True if command in ["TOOL_0", "TOOL_1", "TOOL_2", "TOOL_3"]: m = v.regex_purge_info.match(parameter) if m: tool = int(command[-1]) v.filament_type[tool] = v.loadinfo[tool] = int( v.unloadinfo[tool] = int( if command.startswith("MATERIAL"): _deflt = "MATERIAL_DEFAULT_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)" _algo = "MATERIAL_(\w+_\w+)_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)" m =, command) if m: v.algorithm["{}".format(] = (int(, int(, int( else: m =, command) if m: v.algorithm["DEFAULT"] = (int(, int(, int(
def check_config_parameters(line): # BASIC SETUP (material setup handled in # -p takes precedence over printer defined in file if "PRINTERPROFILE" in line: tmp_string = stringparameter(line) if len(tmp_string) != 16: gui.log_warning( "Invalid Printer profile! - Has invalid length (expect 16) - [{}]" .format(tmp_string)) tmp_string = "" if not all(char in set("0123456789ABCDEFabcdef") for char in tmp_string): gui.log_warning( "Invalid Printer profile! - Invalid characters (expect 0123456789abcdef) - [{}]" .format(tmp_string)) tmp_string = "" if len(tmp_string) == 16: v.printer_profile_string = tmp_string gui.set_printer_id(v.printer_profile_string) return if "ACCESSORYMODE_MAF" in line: v.accessory_mode = True gui.create_logitem("Config: Palette2 Accessory Mode Selected") if "ACCESSORYMODE_MSF" in line: v.accessory_mode = True v.palette_plus = True gui.create_logitem("Config: Palette+ Accessory Mode Selected") if "P+LOADINGOFFSET" in line: v.palette_plus_loading_offset = int(floatparameter(line)) if "P+PPM" in line: v.palette_plus_ppm = int(floatparameter(line)) if "SPLICEOFFSET" in line: v.splice_offset = floatparameter(line) gui.create_logitem("Splice Offset set to {:-5.2f}mm".format( v.splice_offset)) return if "PROFILETYPEOVERRIDE" in line: v.filament_type[v.current_tool] = stringparameter(line) v.used_filament_types.append(v.filament_type[v.current_tool]) v.used_filament_types = list(dict.fromkeys(v.used_filament_types)) return if "EXTRUSIONMULTIPLIERCORRECTION" in line: v.filament_type[v.current_tool] = floatparameter(line) return if "EXTRAENDFILAMENT" in line: v.extra_runout_filament = floatparameter(line) gui.create_logitem("Extra filament at end of print {:-8.2f}mm".format( v.extra_runout_filament)) return if "BEFORESIDEWIPEGCODE" in line: v.before_sidewipe_gcode.append(stringparameter(line)) return if "AFTERSIDEWIPEGCODE" in line: v.after_sidewipe_gcode.append(stringparameter(line)) return if "MINSTARTSPLICE" in line: v.min_start_splice_length = floatparameter(line) if v.min_start_splice_length < 100: v.min_start_splice_length = 100 gui.log_warning("Minimal first slice length adjusted to 100mm") return if "BEDSIZEX" in line: v.bed_size_x = floatparameter(line) return if "BEDSIZEY" in line: v.bed_size_y = floatparameter(line) return if "BEDORIGINX" in line: v.bed_origin_x = floatparameter(line) return if "BEDORIGINY" in line: v.bed_origin_y = floatparameter(line) return if "BIGBRAIN3D_BLOBSIZE" in line: v.bigbrain3d_blob_size = int(floatparameter(line)) if "BIGBRAIN3D_COOLINGTIME" in line: v.bigbrain3d_blob_cooling_time = int(floatparameter(line)) if "BIGBRAIN3D_PURGEPOSITION" in line: v.bigbrain3d_x_position = floatparameter(line) if "BIGBRAIN3D_MOTORPOWER_HIGH" in line: v.bigbrain3d_motorpower_high = int(floatparameter(line)) if "BIGBRAIN3D_MOTORPOWER_NORMAL" in line: v.bigbrain3d_motorpower_normal = int(floatparameter(line)) if "BIGBRAIN3D_ENABLE" in line: v.bigbrain3d_purge_enabled = True gui.log_warning( "BIGBRAIN3D Will only work with installed hardware on a Prusa Printer" ) if "BIGBRAIN3D_SMARTFAN" in line: v.bigbrain3d_smartfan = True if "MINSPLICE" in line: v.min_splice_length = floatparameter(line) if v.min_splice_length < 70: v.min_splice_length = 70 gui.log_warning("Minimal slice length adjusted to 70mm") return # LINEAR PING removed if "LINEARPINGLENGTH" in line: v.ping_interval = floatparameter(line) v.ping_length_multiplier = 1.0 if v.ping_interval < 300: v.ping_interval = 300 gui.log_warning( "Minimal Linear Ping distance is 300mm! Your config stated: {}" .format(line)) gui.create_logitem("Linear Ping interval of {:-6.2f}mm".format( v.ping_interval)) return if line.endswith("LINEARPING"): gui.log_warning( "LINEARPING deprecated, use LINEARPINGLENGTH parameter instead") return # SIDE TRANSITIONING if "SIDEWIPELOC" in line: v.side_wipe_loc = stringparameter(line) return if "WIPEFEEDRATE" in line: v.wipe_feedrate = floatparameter(line) return if "SIDEWIPEMINY" in line: v.sidewipe_miny = floatparameter(line) return if "SIDEWIPEMAXY" in line: v.sidewipe_maxy = floatparameter(line) return if "SIDEWIPECORRECTION" in line: v.sidewipe_correction = floatparameter(line) if v.sidewipe_correction < 0.9 or v.sidewipe_correction > 1.10: v.sidewipe_correction = 1.0 return if "PURGETOWERDELTA" in line: if abs(floatparameter(line)) != abs(float(0)): v.max_tower_z_delta = abs(floatparameter(line)) gui.create_logitem( "Max Purge Tower Delta set to {:-2.2f}mm".format( v.max_tower_z_delta)) return if "FULLPURGEREDUCTION" in line: gui.create_logitem("Full purge reduction configured") v.full_purge_reduction = True if line.endswith("CHECKVERSION"): import p2pp.checkversion as cv import version latest = cv.get_version(cv.MASTER) if latest > version.Version: gui.create_logitem( "New development version of P2PP available ({})".format( latest), "red", False, "2.0") else: if (latest < version.Version): latest = cv.get_version(cv.DEV) if (latest > version.Version): gui.create_logitem( "New development version of P2PP available ({})". format(latest), "red", False, "2.0") # REPRAP COMPATIBILITY if "REPRAPCOMPATIBLE" in line: v.reprap_compatible = True return # Program parameters if "NOGUI" in line: v.gui = False return if "CONSOLEWAIT" in line: v.consolewait = True if "IGNOREWARNINGS" in line: v.ignore_warnings = True if "ABSOLUTEEXTRUDER" in line: v.absolute_extruder = True gui.create_logitem("Convert to absolute extrusion parameters")
def check_config_parameters(keyword, value): keyword = keyword.upper() if value is None: value = "" if keyword == "TEMPERATURECONTROL": v.process_temp = True if keyword == "PRINTERPROFILE": if len(value) != 16: gui.log_warning("Invalid Printer profile! - Has invalid length (expect 16) - [{}]" .format(value)) value = "" if not all(char in set("0123456789ABCDEFabcdef") for char in value): gui.log_warning("Invalid Printer profile! - Invalid characters (expect 0123456789abcdef) - [{}]" .format(value)) value = "" if len(value) == 16: v.printer_profile_string = value gui.set_printer_id(v.printer_profile_string) return if keyword == "ACCESSORYMODE_MAF": v.accessory_mode = True gui.create_logitem("Config: Palette2 Accessory Mode Selected") return if keyword == "ACCESSORYMODE_MSF": v.accessory_mode = True v.palette_plus = True gui.create_logitem("Config: Palette+ Accessory Mode Selected") return if keyword == "P+LOADINGOFFSET": v.palette_plus_loading_offset = int(value) return if keyword == "P+PPM": v.palette_plus_ppm = intparameter(value) return if keyword == "SPLICEOFFSET": v.splice_offset = floatparameter(value) gui.create_logitem("Splice Offset set tofiloverride {:-5.2f}mm".format(v.splice_offset)) return if keyword == "PROFILETYPEOVERRIDE": v.filament_type[v.set_tool] = value v.used_filament_types.append(v.filament_type[v.set_tool]) v.used_filament_types = list(dict.fromkeys(v.used_filament_types)) return if keyword == "EXTRUSIONMULTIPLIERCORRECTION": v.filament_type[v.current_tool] = floatparameter(value) return if keyword == "EXTRAENDFILAMENT": v.extra_runout_filament = floatparameter(value) gui.create_logitem("Extra filament at end of print {:-8.2f}mm".format(v.extra_runout_filament)) return if keyword == "BEFORESIDEWIPEGCODE": v.before_sidewipe_gcode.append(value) return if keyword == "AFTERSIDEWIPEGCODE": v.after_sidewipe_gcode.append(value) return if keyword == "AUTOLOADINGOFFSET": v.autoloadingoffset = floatparameter(value) return if keyword == "AUTOADDPURGE": v.autoaddsplice = True return if keyword == "MINSTARTSPLICE": v.min_start_splice_length = floatparameter(value) if v.min_start_splice_length < 100: v.min_start_splice_length = 100 gui.log_warning("Minimal first slice length adjusted to 100mm") return if keyword == "BEDSIZEX": v.bed_size_x = floatparameter(value) return if keyword == "BEDSIZEY": v.bed_size_y = floatparameter(value) return if keyword == "BEDORIGINX": v.bed_origin_x = floatparameter(value) return if keyword == "BEDORIGINY": v.bed_origin_y = floatparameter(value) return if keyword == "BIGBRAIN3D_BLOBSIZE": v.bigbrain3d_blob_size = intparameter(value) return if keyword == "BIGBRAIN3D_BLOBSPEED": v.bigbrain3d_blob_speed = intparameter(value) return if keyword == "BIGBRAIN3D_COOLINGTIME": v.bigbrain3d_blob_cooling_time = intparameter(value) return if keyword == "BIGBRAIN3D_PURGEPOSITION": v.bigbrain3d_x_position = floatparameter(value) return if keyword == "BIGBRAIN3D_PURGEYPOSITION": v.bigbrain3d_y_position = floatparameter(value) return if keyword == "BIGBRAIN3D_MOTORPOWER_HIGH": v.bigbrain3d_motorpower_high = intparameter(value) return if keyword == "BIGBRAIN3D_MOTORPOWER_NORMAL": v.bigbrain3d_motorpower_normal = intparameter(value) return if keyword == "BIGBRAIN3D_NUMBER_OF_WHACKS": v.bigbrain3d_whacks = intparameter(value) return if keyword == "BIGBRAIN3D_PRIME_BLOBS": v.bigbrain3d_prime = intparameter(value) return if keyword == "BIGBRAIN3D_FAN_OFF_PAUSE": v.bigbrain3d_fanoffdelay = intparameter(value) return if keyword == "BIGBRAIN3D_LEFT_SIDE": v.bigbrain3d_left = -1 return if keyword == "BIGBRAIN3D_ENABLE": if not v.wipe_remove_sparse_layers: v.bigbrain3d_purge_enabled = True gui.log_warning("BIGBRAIN3D Will only work with installed hardware on a Prusa Printer") else: gui.log_warning("BIGBRAIN3D mode not compatible with sparse wipe tower in PS") return if keyword == "BIGBRAIN3D_SMARTFAN": v.bigbrain3d_smartfan = True return if keyword == "MINSPLICE": v.min_splice_length = floatparameter(value) if v.min_splice_length < 70: v.min_splice_length = 70 gui.log_warning("Minimal slice length adjusted to 70mm") return # LINEAR PING removed if keyword == "LINEARPINGLENGTH": v.ping_interval = floatparameter(value) v.ping_length_multiplier = 1.0 if v.ping_interval < 300: v.ping_interval = 300 gui.log_warning("Minimal Linear Ping distance is 300mm! Your config stated: {}".format(line)) gui.create_logitem("Linear Ping interval of {:-6.2f}mm".format(v.ping_interval)) return # SIDE TRANSITIONING if keyword == "SIDEWIPELOC": v.side_wipe_loc = value return if keyword == "PURGETOPSPEED": v.purgetopspeed = int(floatparameter(value)) gui.create_logitem("Purge Max speed set to {:.0f}mm/min ({}mm/s)".format(v.purgetopspeed, v.purgetopspeed / 60)) return if keyword == "WIPEFEEDRATE": v.wipe_feedrate = floatparameter(value) return if keyword == "SIDEWIPEMINY": v.sidewipe_miny = floatparameter(value) return if keyword == "SIDEWIPEMAXY": v.sidewipe_maxy = floatparameter(value) return if keyword == "SIDEWIPECORRECTION": v.sidewipe_correction = floatparameter(value) if v.sidewipe_correction < 0.9 or v.sidewipe_correction > 1.10: v.sidewipe_correction = 1.0 return if keyword == "PURGETOWERDELTA": parm = abs(floatparameter(value)) if parm > 0.001 and v.wipe_remove_sparse_layers: gui.log_warning("TOWER DELTA feature mode not compatible with sparse wipe tower in PS") v.max_tower_delta = 0.0 else: if parm != float(0): v.max_tower_z_delta = abs(floatparameter(value)) gui.create_logitem("Max Purge Tower Delta set to {:-2.2f}mm".format(v.max_tower_z_delta)) return if keyword == "FULLPURGEREDUCTION": if not v.wipe_remove_sparse_layers: gui.create_logitem("Full purge reduction configured") v.full_purge_reduction = True else: gui.log_warning("FULL PURGE TOWER REDUCTION feature mode not compatible with sparse wipe tower in PS") v.full_purge_reduction = False return if keyword == "CHECKVERSION": import p2pp.checkversion as cv import version latest = cv.get_version(cv.MASTER) if latest > version.Version: gui.create_logitem("New development version of P2PP available ({})".format(latest), "red", False, "2.0") else: if (latest < version.Version): latest = cv.get_version(cv.DEV) if (latest > version.Version): gui.create_logitem("New development version of P2PP available ({})".format(latest), "red", False, "2.0") # Program parameters if keyword == "NOGUI": v.gui = False return if keyword == "CONSOLEWAIT": v.consolewait = True return if keyword == "IGNOREWARNINGS": v.ignore_warnings = True return if keyword == "ABSOLUTEEXTRUDER": v.absolute_extruder = True gui.create_logitem("Convert to absolute extrusion parameters") return if keyword == "DEBUGTCOMMAND": v.debug_leaveToolCommands = True gui.log_warning("DEBUGTCOMMAND ACTIVE - File will not print correctly!!") return
def generate(input_file, output_file, printer_profile, splice_offset, silent): starttime = time.time() v.printer_profile_string = printer_profile basename = os.path.basename(input_file) _taskName = os.path.splitext(basename)[0].replace(" ", "_") _taskName = _taskName.replace(".mcf", "") v.splice_offset = splice_offset try: # python 3.x opf = open(input_file, encoding='utf-8') except TypeError: try: # python 2.x opf = open(input_file) except IOError: if v.gui: gui.user_error("P2PP - Error Occurred", "Could not read input file\n'{}'".format(input_file)) else: print ("Could not read input file\n'{}".format(input_file)) return except IOError: if v.gui: gui.user_error("P2PP - Error Occurred", "Could not read input file\n'{}'".format(input_file)) else: print ("Could not read input file\n'{}".format(input_file)) return gui.setfilename(input_file) gui.set_printer_id(v.printer_profile_string) gui.create_logitem("Reading File " + input_file) gui.progress_string(1) v.input_gcode = opf.readlines() opf.close() v.input_gcode = [item.strip() for item in v.input_gcode] gui.create_logitem("Analyzing slicer parameters") gui.progress_string(2) parse_slic3r_config() gui.create_logitem("Pre-parsing GCode") gui.progress_string(4) parse_gcode() if v.tower_delta or v.full_purge_reduction: if v.variable_layer: gui.log_warning("Variable layers are not compatible with fullpruge/tower delta") if v.process_temp and v.side_wipe: gui.log_warning("TEMPERATURECONTROL and Side Wipe / BigBrain3D are not compatible") if v.palette_plus: if v.palette_plus_ppm == -9: gui.log_warning("P+ parameter P+PPM not set correctly in startup GCODE") if v.palette_plus_loading_offset == -9: gui.log_warning("P+ parameter P+LOADINGOFFSET not set correctly in startup GCODE") v.side_wipe = not coordinate_on_bed(v.wipetower_posx, v.wipetower_posy) v.tower_delta = v.max_tower_z_delta > 0 gui.create_logitem("Creating tool usage information") m4c.calculate_loadscheme() if v.side_wipe: if v.skirts and v.ps_version > "2.2": gui.log_warning("SIDEWIPE and SKIRTS are NOT compatible in PS2.2 or later") gui.log_warning("THIS FILE WILL NOT PRINT CORRECTLY") if v.wipe_remove_sparse_layers: gui.log_warning("SIDE WIPE mode not compatible with sparse wipe tower in PS") gui.log_warning("THIS FILE WILL NOT PRINT CORRECTLY") gui.create_logitem("Side wipe activated", "blue") if v.full_purge_reduction: gui.log_warning("Full Purge Reduction is not compatible with Side Wipe, performing Side Wipe") v.full_purge_reduction = False if v.full_purge_reduction: v.side_wipe = False gui.create_logitem("Full Tower Reduction activated", "blue") if v.tower_delta: gui.log_warning("Full Purge Reduction is not compatible with Tower Delta, performing Full Purge Reduction") v.tower_delta = False v.pathprocessing = (v.tower_delta or v.full_purge_reduction or v.side_wipe) if v.autoaddsplice and not v.full_purge_reduction and not v.side_wipe: gui.log_warning("AUTOEDDPURGE only works with side wipe and fullpurgereduction at this moment") if (len(v.skippable_layer) == 0) and v.pathprocessing: gui.log_warning("LAYER configuration is missing. NO OUTPUT FILE GENERATED.") gui.log_warning("Check the P2PP documentation for furhter info.") else: if v.tower_delta: optimize_tower_skip(v.max_tower_z_delta, v.layer_height) if v.side_wipe: optimize_tower_skip(999, v.layer_height) gui.create_logitem("Generate processed GCode") total_line_count = len(v.input_gcode) v.retraction = 0 for process_line_count in range(total_line_count): gcode_parseline(process_line_count) gui.progress_string(50 + 50 * process_line_count // total_line_count) v.processtime = time.time() - starttime gcode_process_toolchange(-1, v.total_material_extruded, 0) omega_result = header_generate_omega(_taskName) header = omega_result['header'] + omega_result['summary'] + omega_result['warnings'] if v.absolute_extruder and v.gcode_has_relative_e: gui.create_logitem("Converting to absolute extrusion") convert_to_absolute() # write the output file ###################### if not output_file: output_file = input_file gui.create_logitem("Generating GCODE file: " + output_file) opf = open(output_file, "w") if not v.accessory_mode: opf.writelines(header) opf.write("\n\n;--------- START PROCESSED GCODE ----------\n\n") if v.accessory_mode: opf.write("M0\n") opf.write("T0\n") if v.splice_offset == 0: gui.log_warning("SPLICE_OFFSET not defined") opf.writelines(v.processed_gcode) opf.close() if v.accessory_mode: pre, ext = os.path.splitext(output_file) if v.palette_plus: maffile = pre + ".msf" else: maffile = pre + ".maf" gui.create_logitem("Generating PALETTE MAF/MSF file: " + maffile) maf = open(maffile, 'w') for h in header: h = h.strip('\r\n') maf.write(unicode(h)) maf.write('\r\n') maf.close() # # with, 'w', newline='\r\n') as maf: # # for i in range(len(header)): # h = header[i].strip('\n\r') + "\n" # if not h.startswith(";"): # try: # maf.write(unicode(h)) # except: # maf.write(h) gui.print_summary(omega_result['summary']) gui.progress_string(100) if (len(v.process_warnings) > 0 and not v.ignore_warnings) or v.consolewait: gui.close_button_enable()