    def plugin_loaded():
        # Make sure the user's locale can handle non-ASCII. A whole bunch of
        # work was done to try and make Package Control work even if the locale
        # was poorly set, by manually encoding all file paths, but it ended up
        # being a fool's errand since the package loading code built into
        # Sublime Text is not written to work that way, and although packages
        # could be installed, they could not be loaded properly.
                os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), u"fran\u00e7ais"))
        except (UnicodeEncodeError):
            message = text.format(u'''
                Package Control

                Your system's locale is set to a value that can not handle
                non-ASCII characters. Package Control can not properly work
                unless this is fixed.

                On Linux, please reference your distribution's docs for
                information on properly setting the LANG environmental variable.
                As a temporary work-around, you can launch Sublime Text from the
                terminal with:

                LANG=en_US.UTF-8 sublime_text

        # This handles fixing unicode issues with tempdirs on ST2 for Windows

        # Start shortly after Sublime starts so package renames don't cause errors
        # with keybindings, settings, etc disappearing in the middle of parsing
        sublime.set_timeout(lambda: PackageCleanup().start(), 2000)
    def plugin_loaded():
        # Make sure the user's locale can handle non-ASCII. A whole bunch of
        # work was done to try and make Package Control work even if the locale
        # was poorly set, by manually encoding all file paths, but it ended up
        # being a fool's errand since the package loading code built into
        # Sublime Text is not written to work that way, and although packages
        # could be installed, they could not be loaded properly.
            os.path.exists(os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), u"fran\u00e7ais"))
        except (UnicodeEncodeError):
            message = text.format(
                Package Control

                Your system's locale is set to a value that can not handle
                non-ASCII characters. Package Control can not properly work
                unless this is fixed.

                On Linux, please reference your distribution's docs for
                information on properly setting the LANG environmental variable.
                As a temporary work-around, you can launch Sublime Text from the
                terminal with:

                LANG=en_US.UTF-8 sublime_text

        # This handles fixing unicode issues with tempdirs on ST2 for Windows

        # Start shortly after Sublime starts so package renames don't cause errors
        # with keybindings, settings, etc disappearing in the middle of parsing
        sublime.set_timeout(lambda: PackageCleanup().start(), 2000)
    def plugin_loaded():
        # Make sure the user's locale can handle non-ASCII. A whole bunch of
        # work was done to try and make PackagesManager work even if the locale
        # was poorly set, by manually encoding all file paths, but it ended up
        # being a fool's errand since the package loading code built into
        # Sublime Text is not written to work that way, and although packages
        # could be installed, they could not be loaded properly.
            os.path.exists(os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), u"fran\u2013ais"))
        except (UnicodeEncodeError):
            message = text.format(

                Your system's locale is set to a value that can not handle
                non-ASCII characters. PackagesManager can not properly work
                unless this is fixed.

                On Linux, please reference your distribution's docs for
                information on properly setting the LANG and LC_CTYPE
                environmental variables. As a temporary work-around, you can
                launch Sublime Text from the terminal with:

                LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 sublime_text

        # This handles fixing unicode issues with tempdirs on ST2 for Windows

        # Ensure we have a Cache dir we can use for temporary data
        if not os.path.exists(sys_path.pc_cache_dir()):
            os.makedirs(sys_path.pc_cache_dir(), exist_ok=True)

        # Clean up the old HTTP cache dir
        legacy_http_cache = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), u'User', u'Package Control.cache')
        http_cache = os.path.join(sys_path.pc_cache_dir(), 'http_cache')
        if os.path.exists(legacy_http_cache):
            if not os.path.exists(http_cache):
                    Moving HTTP cache data into "Cache/Package Control/http_cache/"
                shutil.move(legacy_http_cache, http_cache)
                    Removing old HTTP cache data"

        # Clean up old CA bundle paths
        legacy_ca_filenames = [
            'Package Control.system-ca-bundle',
            'Package Control.merged-ca-bundle',
        for legacy_ca_filename in legacy_ca_filenames:
            legacy_ca_path = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'User', legacy_ca_filename)
            if os.path.exists(legacy_ca_path):

        pc_settings = sublime.load_settings(pc_settings_filename())

        if not pc_settings.get('bootstrapped'):
                Not running package cleanup since bootstrapping is not yet complete
            # Start shortly after Sublime starts so package renames don't cause errors
            # with keybindings, settings, etc disappearing in the middle of parsing
            sublime.set_timeout(lambda: PackageCleanup().start(), 2000)