def test_adding_a_reverse_iptag(self): """ check that adding a reverse iptag works correctly :return: """ tag_info = Tags() reverse_iptag = ReverseIPTag("", 1, 23, 0, 0, 1, 1) parttiioned_vertex = PartitionedVertex(None, "") tag_info.add_reverse_ip_tag(reverse_iptag, parttiioned_vertex)
def test_adding_a_iptag_to_tag_info(self): """ check that adding a tag after init works :return: """ tag_info = Tags() iptag = IPTag("", 1, "", 1, False) parttiioned_vertex = PartitionedVertex(None, "") tag_info.add_ip_tag(iptag, parttiioned_vertex)
def test_add_reverse_iptag_then_locate_tag(self): """ check that asking for a reverse iptag for a speific partitioned vertex works :return: """ tag_info = Tags() reverse_iptag = ReverseIPTag("", 1, 23, 0, 0, 1, 1) parttiioned_vertex = PartitionedVertex(None, "") tag_info.add_reverse_ip_tag(reverse_iptag, parttiioned_vertex) gotton_tag = tag_info.get_reverse_ip_tags_for_vertex(parttiioned_vertex) self.assertEqual(gotton_tag[0], reverse_iptag)
def test_add_iptag_then_locate_tag(self): """ check that locating a iptag via get_ip_tags_for_vertex function :return: """ tag_info = Tags() iptag = IPTag("", 1, "", 1, False) parttiioned_vertex = PartitionedVertex(None, "") tag_info.add_ip_tag(iptag, parttiioned_vertex) gotton_tag = tag_info.get_ip_tags_for_vertex(parttiioned_vertex) self.assertEqual(gotton_tag[0], iptag)
def test_add_reverse_iptag_then_not_locate_tag(self): """ check that asking for a reverse iptag with a incorrect partitioned vertex will cause a none returned :return: """ tag_info = Tags() reverse_iptag = ReverseIPTag("", 1, 23, 0, 0, 1, 1) parttiioned_vertex = PartitionedVertex(None, "") parttiioned_vertex2 = PartitionedVertex(None, "") tag_info.add_reverse_ip_tag(reverse_iptag, parttiioned_vertex2) gotton_tag = tag_info.get_reverse_ip_tags_for_vertex(parttiioned_vertex) self.assertEqual(gotton_tag, None)
def test_add_iptag_then_fail_to_locate(self): """ test that asking for a invalid iptag returns a None value :return: """ tag_info = Tags() iptag = IPTag("", 1, "", 1, False) parttiioned_vertex = PartitionedVertex(None, "") parttiioned_vertex_2 = PartitionedVertex(None, "") tag_info.add_ip_tag(iptag, parttiioned_vertex) gotton_tag = tag_info.get_ip_tags_for_vertex(parttiioned_vertex_2) self.assertEqual(gotton_tag, None)
# general imports import logging import os logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) for handler in logging.root.handlers: handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter(fmt="%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) application_data = list() binaries = ExecutableTargets() iptags = list() reverse_iptags = list() buffered_tags = Tags() buffered_placements = Placements() routing_tables = MulticastRoutingTables() # database params socket_addresses = list() reports_states = ReportState(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) machine_name = "" machine_version = 3 bmp_details = "None" down_chips = "None" down_cores = "None" number_of_boards = 1 height = None
def __call__(self, machine, placements): """ see AbstractTagAllocatorAlgorithm.allocate_tags """ resource_tracker = ResourceTracker(machine) # Check that the algorithm can handle the constraints progress_bar = ProgressBar(placements.n_placements, "Allocating tags") placements_with_tags = list() for placement in placements.placements: utility_calls.check_algorithm_can_support_constraints( constrained_vertices=[placement.subvertex], supported_constraints=[ TagAllocatorRequireIptagConstraint, TagAllocatorRequireReverseIptagConstraint ], abstract_constraint_type=AbstractTagAllocatorConstraint) if len(utility_calls.locate_constraints_of_type( placement.subvertex.constraints, AbstractTagAllocatorConstraint)): placements_with_tags.append(placement) progress_bar.update() # Go through and allocate the tags tags = Tags() for placement in placements_with_tags: vertex = placement.subvertex # Get the constraint details for the tags (board_address, ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags) =\ utility_calls.get_ip_tag_info(vertex.constraints) # Allocate the tags, first-come, first-served, using the # fixed placement of the vertex, and the required resources chips = [(placement.x, placement.y)] resources = vertex.resources_required (_, _, _, returned_ip_tags, returned_reverse_ip_tags) = \ resource_tracker.allocate_resources( resources, chips, placement.p, board_address, ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags) # Put the allocated ip tag information into the tag object if returned_ip_tags is not None: for (tag_constraint, (board_address, tag)) in zip( ip_tags, returned_ip_tags): ip_tag = IPTag( board_address, tag, tag_constraint.ip_address, tag_constraint.port, tag_constraint.strip_sdp) tags.add_ip_tag(ip_tag, vertex) # Put the allocated reverse ip tag information into the tag object if returned_reverse_ip_tags is not None: for (tag_constraint, (board_address, tag)) in zip( reverse_ip_tags, returned_reverse_ip_tags): reverse_ip_tag = ReverseIPTag( board_address, tag, tag_constraint.port, placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, tag_constraint.sdp_port) tags.add_reverse_ip_tag(reverse_ip_tag, vertex) progress_bar.end() return {'tags': tags}
enable_reinjection = True scamp_connection_data = "None" boot_port_num = None reset_machine_on_start_up = False max_sdram_per_chip = None router_tables = MulticastRoutingTables() iptags = list() reverse_iptags = list() app_data_runtime_folder = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.realpath("__file__"), os.pardir)) dsg_targets = dict() exec_dse_on_host = True dse_app_id = 31 buffered_tags = Tags() buffered_placements = Placements() wait_for_read_confirmation = True database_socket_addresses = list() database_file_path = r"None" send_start_notification = True executable_targets = ExecutableTargets() app_id = 30 runtime = 100.0 time_scale_factor = 1 total_machine_timesteps = 100 time_threshold = 5 router_tables.add_routing_table(
def __call__(self, machine, placements): """ see AbstractTagAllocatorAlgorithm.allocate_tags """ resource_tracker = ResourceTracker(machine) # Check that the algorithm can handle the constraints progress_bar = ProgressBar(placements.n_placements, "Allocating tags") placements_with_tags = list() for placement in placements.placements: utility_calls.check_algorithm_can_support_constraints( constrained_vertices=[placement.subvertex], supported_constraints=[ TagAllocatorRequireIptagConstraint, TagAllocatorRequireReverseIptagConstraint ], abstract_constraint_type=AbstractTagAllocatorConstraint) if len( utility_calls.locate_constraints_of_type( placement.subvertex.constraints, AbstractTagAllocatorConstraint)): placements_with_tags.append(placement) progress_bar.update() # Go through and allocate the tags tags = Tags() for placement in placements_with_tags: vertex = placement.subvertex # Get the constraint details for the tags (board_address, ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags) =\ utility_calls.get_ip_tag_info(vertex.constraints) # Allocate the tags, first-come, first-served, using the # fixed placement of the vertex, and the required resources chips = [(placement.x, placement.y)] resources = vertex.resources_required (_, _, _, returned_ip_tags, returned_reverse_ip_tags) = \ resource_tracker.allocate_resources( resources, chips, placement.p, board_address, ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags) # Put the allocated ip tag information into the tag object if returned_ip_tags is not None: for (tag_constraint, (board_address, tag)) in zip(ip_tags, returned_ip_tags): ip_tag = IPTag(board_address, tag, tag_constraint.ip_address, tag_constraint.port, tag_constraint.strip_sdp) tags.add_ip_tag(ip_tag, vertex) # Put the allocated reverse ip tag information into the tag object if returned_reverse_ip_tags is not None: for (tag_constraint, (board_address, tag)) in zip(reverse_ip_tags, returned_reverse_ip_tags): reverse_ip_tag = ReverseIPTag(board_address, tag, tag_constraint.port, placement.x, placement.y, placement.p, tag_constraint.sdp_port) tags.add_reverse_ip_tag(reverse_ip_tag, vertex) progress_bar.end() return {'tags': tags}