    def allocate_constrained_resources(self, resources, constraints,
        """ Attempts to use the given resources of the machine, constrained\
            by the given placement constraints.

        :param resources: The resources to be allocated
        :type resources:\
        :param constraints: An iterable of constraints containing the\
                    note that other types are ignored and no exception will be\
        :type constraints: iterable of \
        :param chips: The optional list of (x, y) tuples of chip coordinates\
                    of chips that can be used.  Note that any chips passed in\
                    previously will be ignored
        :type chips: iterable of (int, int)
        :return: The x and y coordinates of the used chip, the processor_id,\
                 and the ip tag and reverse ip tag allocation tuples
        :rtype: (int, int, int, list((int, int)), list((int, int)))
        :raise PacmanValueError: If the constraints cannot be met given the\
                    current allocation of resources
        (x, y, p) = utility_calls.get_chip_and_core(constraints, chips)
        (board_address, ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags) = \
        chips = None
        if x is not None and y is not None:
            chips = [(x, y)]

        return self.allocate_resources(resources, chips, p, board_address,
                                       ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags)
    def allocate_constrained_resources(self,
        """ Attempts to use the given resources of the machine, constrained\
            by the given placement constraints.

        :param resources: The resources to be allocated
        :type resources:\
        :param constraints: An iterable of constraints containing the\
                    note that other types are ignored and no exception will be\
        :type constraints: iterable of \
        :param chips: The optional list of (x, y) tuples of chip coordinates\
                    of chips that can be used.  Note that any chips passed in\
                    previously will be ignored
        :type chips: iterable of (int, int)
        :return: The x and y coordinates of the used chip, the processor_id,\
                 and the ip tag and reverse ip tag allocation tuples
        :rtype: (int, int, int, list((int, int)), list((int, int)))
        :raise PacmanValueError: If the constraints cannot be met given the\
                    current allocation of resources
        (x, y, p) = utility_calls.get_chip_and_core(constraints, chips)
        (board_address, ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags) = \
        chips = None
        if x is not None and y is not None:
            chips = [(x, y)]

        return self.allocate_resources(resources, chips, p, board_address,
                                       ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags)
    def get_maximum_constrained_resources_available(self, constraints,
        """ Get the maximum resources available given the constraints

        :param constraints: the constraints to match
        :type: iterable of\
        :param chips: the chips to locate the max available resources of
        :type chips: iterable of spinnmachine.chip.Chip
        (x, y, p) = utility_calls.get_chip_and_core(constraints, chips)
        (board_address, ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags) = \
        chips = None
        if x is not None and y is not None:
            chips = [(x, y)]
        return self.get_maximum_resources_available(chips, p, board_address,
                                                    ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags)
    def get_maximum_constrained_resources_available(self,
        """ Get the maximum resources available given the constraints

        :param constraints: the constraints to match
        :type: iterable of\
        :param chips: the chips to locate the max available resources of
        :type chips: iterable of spinnmachine.chip.Chip
        (x, y, p) = utility_calls.get_chip_and_core(constraints, chips)
        (board_address, ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags) = \
        chips = None
        if x is not None and y is not None:
            chips = [(x, y)]
        return self.get_maximum_resources_available(chips, p, board_address,
                                                    ip_tags, reverse_ip_tags)