def __call__(self, prediction, target_is_real, is_updating_D=None): """Calculate loss given Discriminator's output and grount truth labels. Parameters: prediction (tensor) - - tpyically the prediction output from a discriminator target_is_real (bool) - - if the ground truth label is for real images or fake images is_updating_D (bool) - - if we are in updating D step or not Returns: the calculated loss. """ if self.gan_mode in ['lsgan', 'vanilla']: target_tensor = self.get_target_tensor(prediction, target_is_real) loss = self.loss(prediction, target_tensor) elif self.gan_mode.find('wgan') != -1: if target_is_real: loss = -prediction.mean() else: loss = prediction.mean() elif self.gan_mode == 'hinge': if target_is_real: loss = F.relu(1 - prediction) if is_updating_D else -prediction else: loss = F.relu(1 + prediction) if is_updating_D else prediction loss = loss.mean() elif self.gan_mode == 'logistic': if target_is_real: loss = F.softplus(-prediction).mean() else: loss = F.softplus(prediction).mean() return loss
def get_positive_expectation(p_samples, measure, average=True): """Get the expectation from positive samples for given measurement.""" if measure == 'GAN': Ep = -F.softplus(-p_samples) elif measure == 'JSD': Ep = np.log(2.0) - F.softplus(-p_samples) elif measure == 'X2': Ep = p_samples * p_samples elif measure == 'KL': Ep = p_samples + 1. elif measure == 'RKL': Ep = -paddle.exp(-p_samples) elif measure == 'DV': Ep = p_samples elif measure == 'H2': Ep = 1. - paddle.exp(-p_samples) elif measure == 'W1': Ep = p_samples else: raise ValueError if average: return paddle.sum(Ep) else: return Ep
def forward(self, embedding, targets): if isinstance(embedding, dict): embedding = embedding['features'] # Normalize embedding features embedding = F.normalize(embedding, axis=1) dist_mat = paddle.matmul(embedding, embedding, transpose_y=True) N = dist_mat.shape[0] is_pos = targets.reshape([N, 1]).expand([N, N]).equal( paddle.t(targets.reshape([N, 1]).expand([N, N]))).astype('float') is_neg = targets.reshape([N, 1]).expand([N, N]).not_equal( paddle.t(targets.reshape([N, 1]).expand([N, N]))).astype('float') # Mask scores related to itself is_pos = is_pos - paddle.eye(N, N) s_p = dist_mat * is_pos s_n = dist_mat * is_neg logit_p = -self.gamma * s_p + (-99999999.) * (1 - is_pos) logit_n = self.gamma * (s_n + self.margin) + (-99999999.) * (1 - is_neg) loss = F.softplus( paddle.logsumexp(logit_p, axis=1) + paddle.logsumexp(logit_n, axis=1)).mean() return {"PairwiseCosface": loss}
def _forward_log_det_jacobian(self, x): """We implicitly rely on _forward_log_det_jacobian rather than explicitly implement ``_inverse_log_det_jacobian`` since directly using ``-tf.math.log1p(-tf.square(y))`` has lower numerical precision. See details: """ return 2. * (math.log(2.) - x - F.softplus(-2. * x))
def get_negative_expectation(q_samples, measure, average=True): """Get the expectation from negative samples fro given measurement.""" if measure == 'GAN': Eq = F.softplus(-q_samples) + q_samples elif measure == 'JSD': Eq = F.softplus(-q_samples) + q_samples - np.log(2.) elif measure == 'X2': tmp = paddle.sqrt(q_samples * q_samples) + 1. Eq = -0.5 * (tmp * tmp) elif measure == 'KL': Eq = paddle.exp(q_samples) elif measure == 'RKL': Eq = q_samples - 1. elif measure == 'H2': Eq = paddle.exp(q_samples) - 1. elif measure == 'W1': Eq = q_samples else: raise ValueError if average: return paddle.sum(Eq) else: return Eq
def forward(self, pred, label): label = label.reshape(pred.shape) sample_weight = label != self._ignore_label label = paddle.where(sample_weight, label, paddle.zeros_like(label)) if not self._from_sigmoid: loss = F.relu(pred) - pred * label + F.softplus(-paddle.abs(pred)) else: eps = 1e-12 loss = -(paddle.log(pred + eps) * label + paddle.log(1. - pred + eps) * (1. - label)) loss = self._weight * (loss * sample_weight) return paddle.mean(loss, axis=misc.get_dims_with_exclusion( len(loss.shape), self._batch_axis))
def mish(x): return x * F.tanh(F.softplus(x))
def _forward_log_det_jacobian(self, x): return -F.softplus(-x) - F.softplus(x)
def __call__(self, x): return x * paddle.tanh(F.softplus(x))