def pseudo_real_robot( mujoco_id, segment_id, pam_interface_config: pam_interface.Configuration, graphics=True, extended_graphics=False, realtime=True, ): # creating the xml mujoco model items = pam_mujoco.model_factory(segment_id, robot1=True) robot = items["robot"] # artificial muscles config pam_model_config = _get_pam_model_configuration(segment_id, pam_interface_config, robot) # function running mujoco def _execute_mujoco(mujoco_id, segment_id, pam_model_config): model_name = segment_id # init mujoco config = pam_mujoco.MujocoConfig() = graphics config.extended_graphics = extended_graphics config.realtime = realtime pam_mujoco.init_mujoco(config) # adding pressure controller pam_mujoco.add_pressure_controller(*pam_model_config) # starting the thread model_path = pam_mujoco.paths.get_model_path(model_name) pam_mujoco.execute(mujoco_id, model_path) # looping until requested to stop while not pam_mujoco.is_stop_requested(mujoco_id): time.sleep(0.01) # starting mujoco process = multiprocessing.Process(target=_execute_mujoco, args=(mujoco_id, segment_id, pam_model_config)) pam_mujoco.clear(mujoco_id) process.start() pam_mujoco.wait_for_mujoco(mujoco_id, -1) return process
# table, and from there mujoco physics takes over, based on our # customized bounce model # 3 trajectories are played. For all 3 trajectories, the distance # between the 2 balls is plotted. This allow us to get an intuition # how good (or bad) our bounce model is. mujoco_id = "mj" # generates the mujoco xml model model_name = "trajectory" nb_balls = 2 # one playing the trajectory fully, the other until contact with table ball_colors = [[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]] # we request the model to have 2 balls, and a table items = pam_mujoco.model_factory( model_name, table=True, nb_balls=nb_balls, ball_colors=ball_colors ) # getting the items balls = items["balls"] table = items["table"] # getting path to the generated mujoco xml model model_path = items["path"] # running mujoco thread def execute_mujoco(mujoco_id, model_path, balls, table): # init mujoco config = pam_mujoco.MujocoConfig() = True
import time import o80 import o80_pam import pam_mujoco import numpy as np import multiprocessing mujoco_id = "mj" model_name = "contacts" items = pam_mujoco.model_factory("contacts", table=True, robot1=True) ball = items["ball"] table = items["table"] robot = items["robot"] # running mujoco thread def execute_mujoco(ball, table, robot, mujoco_id, model_name): # init mujoco config = pam_mujoco.MujocoConfig() = True config.extended_graphics = False config.realtime = False pam_mujoco.init_mujoco(config) # adding contact detection between ball and table # note: best to add first (i.e. before mirror robot and # mirror ball), as controllers are called in sequence, # and contact info will change behavior of mirror ball controller pam_mujoco.add_robot1_contact_free_joint( "racket", ball.index_qpos, ball.index_qvel, ball.geom, robot.geom_racket ) # for detecting contact with the table
import time import o80 import o80_pam import pam_mujoco import numpy as np import multiprocessing segment_id = "mirror_robot" mujoco_id = "mj" # generates pamy.xml in pam_mujoco/models/tmp/ model_name = "pamy" items = pam_mujoco.model_factory(model_name, table=True, robot1=True) robot = items["robot"] # running the mujoco thread def execute_mujoco(segment_id, mujoco_id, model_name, robot): # init mujoco config = pam_mujoco.MujocoConfig() = True config.extended_graphics = False config.realtime = True pam_mujoco.init_mujoco(config) # adding mirroring robot controller pam_mujoco.add_mirror_robot(segment_id, robot.joint) # setting bursting mode pam_mujoco.add_bursting(mujoco_id, segment_id) # starting the mujoco thread (reads pamy.xml in pam_mujoco/models/tmp/) pam_mujoco.execute(mujoco_id, model_name) # runnign it until requested to stop
import time import o80 import o80_pam import pam_mujoco import multiprocessing segment_id = "play_trajectory" mujoco_id = "mj" # generates pamy.xml in pam_mujoco/models/tmp/ model_name = "trajectory" items = pam_mujoco.model_factory(model_name, table=True, hit_point=True) # getting the items ball = items["ball"] table = items["table"] hit_point = items["hit_point"] # running mujoco thread def execute_mujoco(mujoco_id, model_name, ball, hit_point, table): # init mujoco config = pam_mujoco.MujocoConfig() = True config.extended_graphics = False config.realtime = True pam_mujoco.init_mujoco(config) # adding the mirror ball controller pam_mujoco.add_mirror_until_contact_free_joint("ball", ball.joint, ball.index_qpos, ball.index_qvel, "contact")
def ball_and_robot( mujoco_id, segment_id_robot, segment_id_contact_robot, segment_id_ball, segment_id_burst=None, graphics=True, extended_graphics=False, realtime=True, segment_id_goal=None, segment_id_hit_point=None, ): # creating the xml mujoco model use_goal = True if segment_id_goal is not None else False use_hit_point = True if segment_id_hit_point is not None else False items = pam_mujoco.model_factory( segment_id_robot, table=True, robot1=True, goal=use_goal, hit_point=use_hit_point, muscles=False, ) ball = items["ball"] robot = items["robot"] goal = items["goal"] if use_goal else None hit_point = items["hit_point"] if use_hit_point else None segment_ids = { "ball": segment_id_ball, "robot": segment_id_robot, "contact_robot": segment_id_contact_robot, "burst": segment_id_burst, "goal": segment_id_goal, "hit_point": segment_id_hit_point, } def _execute_mujoco(mujoco_id, ball, robot, goal, hit_point, segment_ids): model_name = segment_ids["robot"] # init mujoco config = pam_mujoco.MujocoConfig() = graphics config.extended_graphics = extended_graphics config.realtime = realtime pam_mujoco.init_mujoco(config) active_only = True not_active_only = False # for detecting contact with the robot if segment_ids["contact_robot"] is not None: pam_mujoco.add_robot1_contact_free_joint( segment_ids["contact_robot"], ball.index_qpos, ball.index_qvel, ball.geom, robot.geom_racket, ) # adding the mirror ball controller, will play # recorded ball trajectories, until contact with robot if segment_ids["contact_robot"] is not None: pam_mujoco.add_mirror_until_contact_free_joint( segment_ids["ball"], ball.joint, ball.index_qpos, ball.index_qvel, segment_ids["contact_robot"], ) else: pam_mujoco.add_mirror_free_joint( segment_ids["ball"], ball.joint, ball.index_qpos, ball.index_qvel, active_only, ) if segment_ids["goal"] is not None: pam_mujoco.add_mirror_free_joint( segment_ids["goal"], goal.joint, goal.index_qpos, goal.index_qvel, not_active_only, ) if segment_ids["hit_point"] is not None: pam_mujoco.add_mirror_free_joint( segment_ids["hit_point"], hit_point.joint, hit_point.index_qpos, hit_point.index_qvel, not_active_only, ) # adding mirroring robot controller pam_mujoco.add_mirror_robot(segment_ids["robot"], robot.joint) # set bursting mode if requested if segment_ids["burst"] is not None: pam_mujoco.add_bursting(mujoco_id, segment_ids["burst"]) # starting the thread model_path = pam_mujoco.paths.get_model_path(model_name) pam_mujoco.execute(mujoco_id, model_path) # looping until requested to stop try: while not pam_mujoco.is_stop_requested(mujoco_id): time.sleep(0.01) except Exception: pass # starting mujoco process = multiprocessing.Process( target=_execute_mujoco, args=(mujoco_id, ball, robot, goal, hit_point, segment_ids), ) pam_mujoco.clear(mujoco_id) process.start() pam_mujoco.wait_for_mujoco(mujoco_id, -1) return process