    def _trackballTask(self, task):
        if not self.mouseDown:
            return Task.cont

        if (base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse()):
            mpos = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()
            if mpos == self.lastMousePos:
                return Task.cont

            mDelta = mpos - self.clickPos

            heading = -mDelta.x * 100 + self.initialHpr.x
            pitch = mDelta.y * 100 + self.initialHpr.y
            if pitch > 90:
                pitch = 90
            elif pitch < -90:
                pitch = -90
            trans1 = Mat4.translateMat(self.focus)
            rotx = Mat4.rotateMat(heading, Vec3(0, 0, 1))
            roty = Mat4.rotateMat(pitch, Vec3(1, 0, 0))
            trans2 = Mat4.translateMat(0, -self.initialTranslation, 0)
            rotation = trans2 * roty * rotx * trans1
            self.eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(EVT_CAMERA_MOVE, base.camera)
            self.lastMousePos = Vec2(mpos)
        return Task.cont
    def _trackballTask(self, task):
        if not self.mouseDown:
            return Task.cont

        if (base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse()):
            mpos = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()
            if mpos == self.lastMousePos:
                return Task.cont

            mDelta = mpos - self.clickPos

            heading = -mDelta.x * 100 + self.initialHpr.x
            pitch = mDelta.y * 100 + self.initialHpr.y
            if pitch > 90:
                pitch = 90
            elif pitch < -90:
                pitch = -90
            trans1 = Mat4.translateMat(self.focus)
            rotx = Mat4.rotateMat(heading, Vec3(0, 0, 1))
            roty = Mat4.rotateMat(pitch, Vec3(1, 0, 0))
            trans2 = Mat4.translateMat(0, -self.initialTranslation, 0)
            rotation = trans2 * roty * rotx * trans1
            self.eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(EVT_CAMERA_MOVE, base.camera)

            self.lastMousePos = Vec2(mpos)
        return Task.cont
 def check_mouse1drag(self):
     this function uses a collision sphere to track the rotational mouse motion
     author: weiwei
     date: 20200315
     curm1pos = self.get_world_mouse1()
     if curm1pos is None:
         if self.lastm1pos is not None:
             self.lastm1pos = None
     if self.lastm1pos is None:
         # first time click
         self.lastm1pos = curm1pos
     curm1vec = Vec3(curm1pos - self.lookatpos_pdv3)
     lastm1vec = Vec3(self.lastm1pos - self.lookatpos_pdv3)
     rotatevec = curm1vec.cross(lastm1vec)
     if rotatevec.length() > 1e-9:  # avoid zero length
         rotateangle = curm1vec.signedAngleDeg(lastm1vec, rotatevec)
         rotateangle = rotateangle * self.camdist * 5000
         if rotateangle > .02 or rotateangle < -.02:
             rotmat = Mat4(self.base.cam.getMat())
             posvec = Vec3(self.base.cam.getPos())
             rotmat.setRow(3, Vec3(0, 0, 0))
             self.base.cam.setMat(rotmat *
                                  Mat4.rotateMat(rotateangle, rotatevec))
             self.base.cam.setPos(Mat3.rotateMat(rotateangle, rotatevec). \
                                  xform(posvec - self.lookatpos_pdv3) + self.lookatpos_pdv3)
             self.lastm1pos = self.get_world_mouse1()
    def genPandaRotmat4(self,
                        angles=[0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315]):
        generate panda3d rotmat4 using icospheres and rotationaangle each origin-vertex vector of the icosphere

        :param icolevel, the default value 1 = 42vertices
        :param angles, 8 directions by default
        :return: a list of [pandarotmat4, ...] size of the inner list is size of the angles

        author: weiwei
        date: 20170221, tsukuba

        self.__icos = trimesh.creation.icosphere(icolevel)

        self.mat40list = []
        initmat40 = self.objnp0.getMat()
        for vert in self.icos.vertices:
            self.objnp0.lookAt(vert[0], vert[1], vert[2])
            ytozmat4 = Mat4.rotateMat(-90, self.objnp0.getMat().getRow3(0))
            newobjmat4 = self.objnp0.getMat() * ytozmat4
            for angle in angles:
                tmppandamat4 = Mat4.rotateMat(angle, newobjmat4.getRow3(2))
                tmppandamat4 = newobjmat4 * tmppandamat4
        self.__floatingposemat40 = [e for l in self.__mat40list for e in l]

        self.mat41list = []
        initmat41 = self.objnp1.getMat()
        for vert in self.icos.vertices:
            self.objnp1.lookAt(vert[0], vert[1], vert[2])
            ytozmat4 = Mat4.rotateMat(-90, self.objnp1.getMat().getRow3(0))
            newobjmat4 = self.objnp1.getMat() * ytozmat4
            for angle in angles:
                tmppandamat4 = Mat4.rotateMat(angle, newobjmat4.getRow3(2))
                tmppandamat4 = newobjmat4 * tmppandamat4
        self.__floatingposemat41 = [e for l in self.__mat41list for e in l]

        return self.__floatingposemat40, self.__floatingposemat41
def rotsToMat4(x, y, z):
    rotx = Mat4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, cos(x), -sin(x), 0, 0, sin(x), cos(x), 0, 0, 0,
                0, 1)
    roty = Mat4(cos(y), 0, sin(y), 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -sin(y), 0, cos(y), 0, 0, 0,
                0, 1)
    rotz = Mat4(cos(z), -sin(z), 0, 0, sin(z), cos(z), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 1)
    swapyz = Mat4.rotateMat(90, Vec3(-1, 0, 0))
    return rotx * roty * rotz * swapyz
    def handleDragging(self, task):
        """ Does the actual work of manipulating objects,
            once the needed attributes have been setup by handleManipulationSetup().

        if not self.isDragging:
            return task.done
        mPos3D = Point3(0.0)
        # This section handles the actual translating rotating or scale after it's been set up in mouse1SetupManip...()
        # ONLY one operation is preformed per frame
        if self.currTransformOperation == self.transformOpEnum.trans:
            # 1st translation, rotation's section is at next elif
            if self.getMousePlaneIntersect(mPos3D, self.currPlaneColNorm):

                # get the difference between the last mouse and this frames mouse
                selectedNewPos = mPos3D - self.interFrameMousePosition
                # store this frames mouse
                self.interFrameMousePosition = mPos3D
                # add the difference to the selected object's pos
                self.selected.setPos(render, self.selected.getPos(render).x + self.currTransformDir.x * selectedNewPos.x,
                                             self.selected.getPos(render).y + self.currTransformDir.y * selectedNewPos.y,
                                             self.selected.getPos(render).z + self.currTransformDir.z * selectedNewPos.z)

                self.grabModelNP.setPos(render, self.selected.getPos(render))

        elif self.currTransformOperation == self.transformOpEnum.rot:
            # 2nd rotation, followed finally by scaling
            # if operating on the z-axis, use the y (vertical screen coordinates otherwise use x (horizontal)
            mPos = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()
            #rotMag = 0.0
            if self.currTransformDir == Vec3( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0):
                rotMag = (mPos.x - self.interFrameMousePosition.x) * 1000
                rotMag = (self.interFrameMousePosition.y - mPos.y) * 1000

            initPos = self.selected.getPos()
            initPar = self.selected.getParent()
            self.selected.setMat(self.selected.getMat() * Mat4.rotateMat(rotMag, self.currTransformDir))

            self.interFrameMousePosition = Point3(mPos.x, mPos.y, 0.0)

        elif self.currTransformOperation == self.transformOpEnum.scale:
            # 3rd and final is scaling
            mPos = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()
            # TODO: make dragging away from the object larger and to the object smaller (not simply left right up down)
            # td The problem with this MAY come if negative, mirrored, scaling is implemented.

            # if operating on the z-axis, use the y (vertical screen coordinates otherwise use x (horizontal)
            if self.currTransformDir == Point3( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0):
                sclMag = (mPos.y - self.interFrameMousePosition.y) * 5.5
            elif self.currTransformDir == Point3( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0):
                sclMag = (mPos.x - self.interFrameMousePosition.x) * 5.5
                sclMag = (self.interFrameMousePosition.x - mPos.x) * 5.5

            # This is the line that prevents scaling past the origin. Flipping the faces doesn't seem to work.
            if -0.0001 < sclMag < 0.0001:
                sclMag = 0.000001

            # create a dummy node to parent to and position such that applying scale to it will scale selected properly
            dummy = self.levitorNP.attachNewNode('dummy')
            initScl = dummy.getScale()
            # Don't forget the parent. Selected needs put back in place
            initPar = self.selected.getParent()
            initPos = self.selected.getPos()

            dummy.setScale(initScl.x + sclMag * self.currTransformDir.x,
                           initScl.y + sclMag * self.currTransformDir.y,
                           initScl.z + sclMag * self.currTransformDir.z)

            # reset selected's parent then destroy dummy
            dummy = None

            self.interFrameMousePosition = Point3( mPos.x, mPos.y, 0.0)
            self.notify.error("Err: Dragging with invalid curTransformOperation enum in handleDragging")

        return task.cont  # ended by handleM1Up(), the mouse1-up event handler
def rotsToMat4(x, y, z):
    rotx = Mat4(1,0,0,0,0,cos(x),-sin(x),0,0,sin(x),cos(x),0,0,0,0,1);
    roty = Mat4(cos(y),0,sin(y),0,0,1,0,0,-sin(y),0,cos(y),0,0,0,0,1);
    rotz = Mat4(cos(z),-sin(z),0,0,sin(z),cos(z),0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1);
    swapyz = Mat4.rotateMat(90, Vec3(-1,0,0))
    return rotx * roty * rotz * swapyz