from panda_robot import PandaArm poses = [[-8.48556818e-02, -8.88127666e-02, -6.59622769e-01, -1.57569726e+00, -4.82374882e-04, 2.15975946e+00, 4.36766917e-01], [ 1.34695728e-01, -2.74474940e-01, -2.46027836e-01, -1.19805447e+00, -5.27289847e-05, 2.17926193e+00, 9.10497957e-01], [ 1.81297444e-01, 3.94348774e-01, -2.25835923e-01, -1.19416311e+00, -7.51349249e-04, 2.79453565e+00, 8.36526167e-01], [ 0.63068724, 0.86207321, -0.52113169, -0.95186331, 0.02450696, 2.64150352, 0.5074312 ]] if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node("panda_env") r = PandaArm(reset_frames = False) # handle to use methods from PandaArm class fi = r.get_frames_interface() # frames interface object for the robot. Test switching EE frames # How to test: # 1) open rviz -> add RobotModel (topic 'robot_description') # 2) set panda_link0 as global fixed frame # 3) add tf -> disable visualisation of all links except panda_EE # 4) run this script in terminal in interactive mode # 5) type $ fi.set_EE_frame_to_link('panda_hand') # to move the EE frame to the link. Try different link names. # Test the same for the stiffness frame (set_K_frame_to_link) cm = r.get_controller_manager() # controller manager object to get controller states and switch controllers kin = r._kinematics() # to test the kinematics (not required, can directly query kinematics using methods in PandaArm) g = r.get_gripper() # gripper object. Test using $ g.close(), $, $ g.home_joints(), $g.move_joints(0.01), etc.
import rospy from panda_robot import PandaArm if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node("controller_env") r = PandaArm() fi = r.get_frames_interface() cm = r.get_controller_manager() while True: # robot should be holding the same position in joint impedance mode vels = r.joint_velocities() r.set_joint_positions_velocities( r.joint_ordered_angles(), [vels[j] for j in r.joint_names() ]) # impedance control command (see documentation at )