def _run_newton_raphson_pf(ppci, options):
    Runs a Newton-Raphson power flow.

    ppci (dict) - the "internal" ppc (without out ot service elements and sorted elements)
    options(dict) - options for the power flow

    t0 = perf_counter()
    # we cannot run DC pf before running newton with distributed slack because the slacks come pre-solved after the DC pf
    if isinstance(options["init_va_degree"],
                  str) and options["init_va_degree"] == "dc":
        if options['distributed_slack']:
            pg_copy = ppci['gen'][:, PG].copy()
            pd_copy = ppci['bus'][:, PD].copy()
            ppci = _run_dc_pf(ppci)
            ppci['gen'][:, PG] = pg_copy
            ppci['bus'][:, PD] = pd_copy
            ppci = _run_dc_pf(ppci)
    if options["enforce_q_lims"]:
        ppci, success, iterations, bus, gen, branch = _run_ac_pf_with_qlims_enforced(
            ppci, options)
        ppci, success, iterations = _run_ac_pf_without_qlims_enforced(
            ppci, options)
        # update data matrices with solution store in ppci
        bus, gen, branch = ppci_to_pfsoln(ppci, options)
    et = perf_counter() - t0
    ppci = _store_results_from_pf_in_ppci(ppci, bus, gen, branch, success,
                                          iterations, et)
    return ppci
def _run_pf_algorithm(ppci, options, **kwargs):
    algorithm = options["algorithm"]
    ac = options["ac"]

    if ac:
        _, pv, pq = bustypes(ppci["bus"], ppci["gen"])
        # ----- run the powerflow -----
        if pq.shape[0] == 0 and pv.shape[
                0] == 0 and not options['distributed_slack']:
            # ommission not correct if distributed slack is used
            result = _bypass_pf_and_set_results(ppci, options)
        elif algorithm == 'bfsw':  # forward/backward sweep power flow algorithm
            result = _run_bfswpf(ppci, options, **kwargs)[0]
        elif algorithm in ['nr', 'iwamoto_nr']:
            result = _run_newton_raphson_pf(ppci, options)
        elif algorithm in ['fdbx', 'fdxb',
                           'gs']:  # algorithms existing within pypower
            result = _runpf_pypower(ppci, options, **kwargs)[0]
            raise AlgorithmUnknown(
                "Algorithm {0} is unknown!".format(algorithm))
        result = _run_dc_pf(ppci)

    return result
def _run_newton_raphson_pf(ppci, options):
    Runs a Newton-Raphson power flow.

    ppci (dict) - the "internal" ppc (without out ot service elements and sorted elements)
    options(dict) - options for the power flow

    t0 = time()
    if isinstance(options["init_va_degree"],
                  str) and options["init_va_degree"] == "dc":
        ppci = _run_dc_pf(ppci)
    if options["enforce_q_lims"]:
        ppci, success, iterations, bus, gen, branch = _run_ac_pf_with_qlims_enforced(
            ppci, options)
        ppci, success, iterations = _run_ac_pf_without_qlims_enforced(
            ppci, options)
        # update data matrices with solution store in ppci
        bus, gen, branch = ppci_to_pfsoln(ppci, options)
    et = time() - t0
    ppci = _store_results_from_pf_in_ppci(ppci, bus, gen, branch, success,
                                          iterations, et)
    return ppci
def _recycled_powerflow(net, **kwargs):
    options = net["_options"]
    options["recycle"] = kwargs.get("recycle", None)
    options["init_vm_pu"] = "results"
    options["init_va_degree"] = "results"
    algorithm = options["algorithm"]
    ac = options["ac"]
    ppci = {"bus": net["_ppc"]["internal"]["bus"],
            "gen": net["_ppc"]["internal"]["gen"],
            "branch": net["_ppc"]["internal"]["branch"],
            "baseMVA": net["_ppc"]["internal"]["baseMVA"],
            "internal": net["_ppc"]["internal"],
    if not ac:
        # DC recycle
        result = _run_dc_pf(ppci)
        _ppci_to_net(result, net)
    if algorithm not in ['nr', 'iwamoto_nr'] and ac:
        raise ValueError("recycle is only available with Newton-Raphson power flow. Choose "

    recycle = options["recycle"]
    ppc = net["_ppc"]
    ppc["success"] = False
    ppc["iterations"] = 0.
    ppc["et"] = 0.

    if "bus_pq" in recycle and recycle["bus_pq"]:
        # update pq values in bus
        _calc_pq_elements_and_add_on_ppc(net, ppc)

    if "trafo" in recycle and recycle["trafo"]:
        # update trafo in branch and Ybus
        lookup = net._pd2ppc_lookups["branch"]
        if "trafo" in lookup:
            _calc_trafo_parameter(net, ppc)
        if "trafo3w" in lookup:
            _calc_trafo3w_parameter(net, ppc)

    if "gen" in recycle and recycle["gen"]:
        # updates the ppc["gen"] part
        _build_gen_ppc(net, ppc)
        ppc["gen"] = nan_to_num(ppc["gen"])

    ppci = _ppc2ppci(ppc, net, ppci=ppci)
    ppci["internal"] = net["_ppc"]["internal"]
    net["_ppc"] = ppc

    # run the Newton-Raphson power flow
    result = _run_newton_raphson_pf(ppci, options)
    ppc["success"] = ppci["success"]
    ppc["iterations"] = ppci["iterations"]
    ppc["et"] = ppci["et"]
    if options["only_v_results"]:
        _ppci_bus_to_ppc(result, ppc)
        _ppci_other_to_ppc(result, ppc, options["mode"])
    # read the results from  result (==ppci) to net
    _ppci_to_net(result, net)
def _run_newton_raphson_pf(ppci, options):
    """Runs a newton raphson power flow.

    ##-----  run the power flow  -----
    t0 = time()

    init = options["init"]

    if init == "dc":
        ppci = _run_dc_pf(ppci)

    ppci, success = _nr_ac_pf(ppci, options)

    ppci["et"] = time() - t0
    ppci["success"] = success

    return ppci
def _run_pf_algorithm(ppci, options, **kwargs):
    algorithm = options["algorithm"]
    ac = options["ac"]

    if ac:
        # ----- run the powerflow -----
        if algorithm == 'bfsw':  # forward/backward sweep power flow algorithm
            result = _run_bfswpf(ppci, options, **kwargs)[0]
        elif algorithm == 'nr':
            result = _run_newton_raphson_pf(ppci, options)
        elif algorithm in ['fdbx', 'fdxb', 'gs']:  # algorithms existing within pypower
            result = _runpf_pypower(ppci, options, **kwargs)[0]
            raise AlgorithmUnknown("Algorithm {0} is unknown!".format(algorithm))
        result = _run_dc_pf(ppci)

    return result
def _run_newton_raphson_pf(ppci, options):
    """Runs a newton raphson power flow.

    ##-----  run the power flow  -----

    t0 = time()
    if options["init_va_degree"] == "dc":
        ppci = _run_dc_pf(ppci)
    if options["enforce_q_lims"]:
        ppci, success, iterations, bus, gen, branch = _run_ac_pf_with_qlims_enforced(
            ppci, options)
        ppci, success, iterations, bus, gen, branch = _run_ac_pf_without_qlims_enforced(
            ppci, options)
    et = time() - t0
    ppci = _store_results_from_pf_in_ppci(ppci, bus, gen, branch, success,
                                          iterations, et)
    return ppci
def _run_fast_decoupled_pf(ppci, options):
    This is a modified version of _run_newton_raphson to run fast decoupled

    t0 = time()

    if options["init_va_degree"] == "dc":
        ppci = _run_dc_pf(ppci)
    if options["enforce_q_lims"]:
        ppci, success, iterations, bus, gen, branch = \
            _run_ac_pf_with_qlims_enforced(ppci, options)
        ppci, success, iterations = \
            _run_ac_pf_without_qlims_enforced(ppci, options)
        # update data matrices with the solution stores in ppci
        bus, gen, branch = ppci_to_pfsoln(ppci, options)
    et = time() - t0
    ppci = _store_results_from_pf_in_ppci(ppci, bus, gen, branch, success,
                                          iterations, et)
    return ppci    
def _run_pf_algorithm(ppci, options, **kwargs):
    algorithm = options["algorithm"]
    ac = options["ac"]

    if ac:
        # ----- run the powerflow -----
        if ppci["branch"].shape[0] == 0:
            result = _pf_without_branches(ppci, options)
        elif algorithm == 'bfsw':  # forward/backward sweep power flow algorithm
            result = _run_bfswpf(ppci, options, **kwargs)[0]
        elif algorithm in ['nr', 'iwamoto_nr']:
            result = _run_newton_raphson_pf(ppci, options)
        elif algorithm in ['fdbx', 'fdxb']:  # fdbx/xb new algos
            # this implematation will much like be the newton_raphson
            result = _run_fast_decoupled_pf(ppci, options)
        elif algorithm == 'gs':  # last algorithm imported from pypower
            result = _runpf_pypower(ppci, options, **kwargs)[0]
            raise AlgorithmUnknown(
                "Algorithm {0} is unknown!".format(algorithm))
        result = _run_dc_pf(ppci)

    return result