    def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame, ABCIndexClass)):
            return NotImplemented

        other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
        if is_scalar(other):
            if isinstance(other, (timedelta, np.timedelta64, Tick)):
                other = Timedelta(other)
                if other is NaT:
                    # treat this specifically as timedelta-NaT
                    result = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=np.float64)
                    return result

                # dispatch to Timedelta implementation
                result = other.__floordiv__(self._data)
                return result

            raise TypeError("Cannot divide {typ} by {cls}"

        if not hasattr(other, "dtype"):
            # list, tuple
            other = np.array(other)
        if len(other) != len(self):
            raise ValueError("Cannot divide with unequal lengths")

        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
            other = type(self)(other)

            # numpy timedelta64 does not natively support floordiv, so operate
            #  on the i8 values
            result = other.asi8 // self.asi8
            mask = self._isnan | other._isnan
            if mask.any():
                result = result.astype(np.int64)
                result[mask] = np.nan
            return result

        elif is_object_dtype(other):
            result = [other[n] // self[n] for n in range(len(self))]
            result = np.array(result)
            return result

            dtype = getattr(other, "dtype", type(other).__name__)
            raise TypeError("Cannot divide {typ} by {cls}"
                            .format(typ=dtype, cls=type(self).__name__))
    def wrapper(self, other):
        other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
        if isinstance(other, (ABCDataFrame, ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass)):
            return NotImplemented

        if _is_convertible_to_td(other) or other is NaT:
                other = Timedelta(other)
            except ValueError:
                # failed to parse as timedelta
                return ops.invalid_comparison(self, other, op)

            result = op(self.view('i8'), other.value)
            if isna(other):

        elif not is_list_like(other):
            return ops.invalid_comparison(self, other, op)

        elif len(other) != len(self):
            raise ValueError("Lengths must match")

                other = type(self)._from_sequence(other)._data
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                return ops.invalid_comparison(self, other, op)

            result = op(self.view('i8'), other.view('i8'))
            result = com.values_from_object(result)

            o_mask = np.array(isna(other))
            if o_mask.any():
                result[o_mask] = nat_result

        if self._hasnans:
            result[self._isnan] = nat_result

        return result
 def _box_func(self, x) -> Union[Timedelta, NaTType]:
     return Timedelta(x, unit="ns")
    def __floordiv__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame, ABCIndexClass)):
            return NotImplemented

        other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
        if is_scalar(other):
            if isinstance(other, (timedelta, np.timedelta64, Tick)):
                other = Timedelta(other)
                if other is NaT:
                    # treat this specifically as timedelta-NaT
                    result = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=np.float64)
                    return result

                # dispatch to Timedelta implementation
                result = other.__rfloordiv__(self._data)
                return result

            # at this point we should only have numeric scalars; anything
            #  else will raise
            result = self.asi8 // other
            result[self._isnan] = iNaT
            freq = None
            if self.freq is not None:
                # Note: freq gets division, not floor-division
                freq = self.freq / other
            return type(self)(result.view('m8[ns]'), freq=freq)

        if not hasattr(other, "dtype"):
            # list, tuple
            other = np.array(other)
        if len(other) != len(self):
            raise ValueError("Cannot divide with unequal lengths")

        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
            other = type(self)(other)

            # numpy timedelta64 does not natively support floordiv, so operate
            #  on the i8 values
            result = self.asi8 // other.asi8
            mask = self._isnan | other._isnan
            if mask.any():
                result = result.astype(np.int64)
                result[mask] = np.nan
            return result

        elif is_object_dtype(other):
            result = [self[n] // other[n] for n in range(len(self))]
            result = np.array(result)
            if lib.infer_dtype(result, skipna=False) == 'timedelta':
                result, _ = sequence_to_td64ns(result)
                return type(self)(result)
            return result

        elif is_integer_dtype(other) or is_float_dtype(other):
            result = self._data // other
            return type(self)(result)

            dtype = getattr(other, "dtype", type(other).__name__)
            raise TypeError("Cannot divide {typ} by {cls}"
                            .format(typ=dtype, cls=type(self).__name__))
    def __floordiv__(self, other):

        if is_scalar(other):
            if isinstance(other, (timedelta, np.timedelta64, Tick)):
                other = Timedelta(other)
                if other is NaT:
                    # treat this specifically as timedelta-NaT
                    result = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=np.float64)
                    return result

                # dispatch to Timedelta implementation
                result = other.__rfloordiv__(self._data)
                return result

            # at this point we should only have numeric scalars; anything
            #  else will raise
            result = self.asi8 // other
            result[self._isnan] = iNaT
            freq = None
            if self.freq is not None:
                # Note: freq gets division, not floor-division
                freq = self.freq / other
                if freq.nanos == 0 and self.freq.nanos != 0:
                    # e.g. if self.freq is Nano(1) then dividing by 2
                    #  rounds down to zero
                    freq = None
            return type(self)(result.view("m8[ns]"), freq=freq)

        if not hasattr(other, "dtype"):
            # list, tuple
            other = np.array(other)
        if len(other) != len(self):
            raise ValueError("Cannot divide with unequal lengths")

        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other.dtype):
            other = type(self)(other)

            # numpy timedelta64 does not natively support floordiv, so operate
            #  on the i8 values
            result = self.asi8 // other.asi8
            mask = self._isnan | other._isnan
            if mask.any():
                result = result.astype(np.int64)
                result[mask] = np.nan
            return result

        elif is_object_dtype(other.dtype):
            result = [self[n] // other[n] for n in range(len(self))]
            result = np.array(result)
            if lib.infer_dtype(result, skipna=False) == "timedelta":
                result, _ = sequence_to_td64ns(result)
                return type(self)(result)
            return result

        elif is_integer_dtype(other.dtype) or is_float_dtype(other.dtype):
            result = self._data // other
            return type(self)(result)

            dtype = getattr(other, "dtype", type(other).__name__)
            raise TypeError(f"Cannot divide {dtype} by {type(self).__name__}")
 def _box_func(self):
     return lambda x: Timedelta(x, unit="ns")
    def __floordiv__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame, ABCIndexClass)):
            return NotImplemented

        other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)
        if is_scalar(other):
            if isinstance(other, (timedelta, np.timedelta64, Tick)):
                other = Timedelta(other)
                if other is NaT:
                    # treat this specifically as timedelta-NaT
                    result = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=np.float64)
                    return result

                # dispatch to Timedelta implementation
                result = other.__rfloordiv__(self._data)
                return result

            # at this point we should only have numeric scalars; anything
            #  else will raise
            result = self.asi8 // other
            result[self._isnan] = iNaT
            freq = None
            if self.freq is not None:
                # Note: freq gets division, not floor-division
                freq = self.freq / other
            return type(self)(result.view('m8[ns]'), freq=freq)

        if not hasattr(other, "dtype"):
            # list, tuple
            other = np.array(other)
        if len(other) != len(self):
            raise ValueError("Cannot divide with unequal lengths")

        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
            other = type(self)(other)

            # numpy timedelta64 does not natively support floordiv, so operate
            #  on the i8 values
            result = self.asi8 // other.asi8
            mask = self._isnan | other._isnan
            if mask.any():
                result = result.astype(np.int64)
                result[mask] = np.nan
            return result

        elif is_object_dtype(other):
            result = [self[n] // other[n] for n in range(len(self))]
            result = np.array(result)
            if lib.infer_dtype(result) == 'timedelta':
                result, _ = sequence_to_td64ns(result)
                return type(self)(result)
            return result

        elif is_integer_dtype(other) or is_float_dtype(other):
            result = self._data // other
            return type(self)(result)

            dtype = getattr(other, "dtype", type(other).__name__)
            raise TypeError("Cannot divide {typ} by {cls}".format(
                typ=dtype, cls=type(self).__name__))
 def _scalar_from_string(self, value) -> Timedelta | NaTType:
     return Timedelta(value)
def _adjust_to_origin(arg, origin, unit):
    Helper function for to_datetime.
    Adjust input argument to the specified origin

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be adjusted
    origin : 'julian' or Timestamp
        origin offset for the arg
    unit : str
        passed unit from to_datetime, must be 'D'

    ndarray or scalar of adjusted date(s)
    if origin == "julian":
        original = arg
        j0 = Timestamp(0).to_julian_date()
        if unit != "D":
            raise ValueError("unit must be 'D' for origin='julian'")
            arg = arg - j0
        except TypeError as err:
            raise ValueError(
                "incompatible 'arg' type for given 'origin'='julian'") from err

        # preemptively check this for a nice range
        j_max = Timestamp.max.to_julian_date() - j0
        j_min = Timestamp.min.to_julian_date() - j0
        if np.any(arg > j_max) or np.any(arg < j_min):
            raise OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                f"{original} is Out of Bounds for origin='julian'")
        # arg must be numeric
        if not ((is_scalar(arg) and (is_integer(arg) or is_float(arg)))
                or is_numeric_dtype(np.asarray(arg))):
            raise ValueError(
                f"'{arg}' is not compatible with origin='{origin}'; "
                "it must be numeric with a unit specified")

        # we are going to offset back to unix / epoch time
            offset = Timestamp(origin)
        except OutOfBoundsDatetime as err:
            raise OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                f"origin {origin} is Out of Bounds") from err
        except ValueError as err:
            raise ValueError(
                f"origin {origin} cannot be converted to a Timestamp") from err

        if offset.tz is not None:
            raise ValueError(f"origin offset {offset} must be tz-naive")
        td_offset = offset - Timestamp(0)

        # convert the offset to the unit of the arg
        # this should be lossless in terms of precision
        ioffset = td_offset // Timedelta(1, unit=unit)

        # scalars & ndarray-like can handle the addition
        if is_list_like(arg) and not isinstance(
                arg, (ABCSeries, Index, np.ndarray)):
            arg = np.asarray(arg)
        arg = arg + ioffset
    return arg
def to_offset(freq):
    Return DateOffset object from string or tuple representation
    or datetime.timedelta object

    freq : str, tuple, datetime.timedelta, DateOffset or None

    delta : DateOffset
        None if freq is None

        If freq is an invalid frequency

    See Also

    >>> to_offset('5min')
    <5 * Minutes>

    >>> to_offset('1D1H')
    <25 * Hours>

    >>> to_offset(('W', 2))
    <2 * Weeks: weekday=6>

    >>> to_offset((2, 'B'))
    <2 * BusinessDays>

    >>> to_offset(datetime.timedelta(days=1))

    >>> to_offset(Hour())
    if freq is None:
        return None

    if isinstance(freq, DateOffset):
        return freq

    if isinstance(freq, tuple):
        name = freq[0]
        stride = freq[1]
        if isinstance(stride, compat.string_types):
            name, stride = stride, name
        name, _ = libfreqs._base_and_stride(name)
        delta = get_offset(name) * stride

    elif isinstance(freq, timedelta):
        delta = None
        freq = Timedelta(freq)
            for name in freq.components._fields:
                offset = _name_to_offset_map[name]
                stride = getattr(freq.components, name)
                if stride != 0:
                    offset = stride * offset
                    if delta is None:
                        delta = offset
                        delta = delta + offset
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError(libfreqs.INVALID_FREQ_ERR_MSG.format(freq))

        delta = None
        stride_sign = None
            splitted = re.split(libfreqs.opattern, freq)
            if splitted[-1] != '' and not splitted[-1].isspace():
                # the last element must be blank
                raise ValueError('last element must be blank')
            for sep, stride, name in zip(splitted[0::4], splitted[1::4],
                if sep != '' and not sep.isspace():
                    raise ValueError('separator must be spaces')
                prefix = libfreqs._lite_rule_alias.get(name) or name
                if stride_sign is None:
                    stride_sign = -1 if stride.startswith('-') else 1
                if not stride:
                    stride = 1
                if prefix in Resolution._reso_str_bump_map.keys():
                    stride, name = Resolution.get_stride_from_decimal(
                        float(stride), prefix)
                stride = int(stride)
                offset = get_offset(name)
                offset = offset * int(np.fabs(stride) * stride_sign)
                if delta is None:
                    delta = offset
                    delta = delta + offset
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError(libfreqs.INVALID_FREQ_ERR_MSG.format(freq))

    if delta is None:
        raise ValueError(libfreqs.INVALID_FREQ_ERR_MSG.format(freq))

    return delta
 def _scalar_from_string(self, value) -> Union[Timedelta, NaTType]:
     return Timedelta(value)
 def __init__(
     obj: FrameOrSeries,
     com: Optional[float] = None,
     span: Optional[float] = None,
     halflife: Optional[Union[float, TimedeltaConvertibleTypes]] = None,
     alpha: Optional[float] = None,
     min_periods: int = 0,
     adjust: bool = True,
     ignore_na: bool = False,
     axis: Axis = 0,
     times: Optional[Union[str, np.ndarray, FrameOrSeries]] = None,
         min_periods=max(int(min_periods), 1),
     self.com = com
     self.span = span
     self.halflife = halflife
     self.alpha = alpha
     self.adjust = adjust
     self.ignore_na = ignore_na
     self.times = times
     if self.times is not None:
         if not self.adjust:
             raise NotImplementedError(
                 "times is not supported with adjust=False.")
         if isinstance(self.times, str):
             self.times = self._selected_obj[self.times]
         if not is_datetime64_ns_dtype(self.times):
             raise ValueError("times must be datetime64[ns] dtype.")
         # error: Argument 1 to "len" has incompatible type "Union[str, ndarray,
         # FrameOrSeries, None]"; expected "Sized"
         if len(self.times) != len(obj):  # type: ignore[arg-type]
             raise ValueError(
                 "times must be the same length as the object.")
         if not isinstance(self.halflife, (str, datetime.timedelta)):
             raise ValueError(
                 "halflife must be a string or datetime.timedelta object")
         if isna(self.times).any():
             raise ValueError("Cannot convert NaT values to integer")
         # error: Item "str" of "Union[str, ndarray, FrameOrSeries, None]" has no
         # attribute "view"
         # error: Item "None" of "Union[str, ndarray, FrameOrSeries, None]" has no
         # attribute "view"
         _times = np.asarray(
             dtype=np.float64  # type: ignore[union-attr]
         _halflife = float(Timedelta(self.halflife).value)
         self._deltas = np.diff(_times) / _halflife
         # Halflife is no longer applicable when calculating COM
         # But allow COM to still be calculated if the user passes other decay args
         if common.count_not_none(self.com, self.span, self.alpha) > 0:
             self._com = get_center_of_mass(self.com, self.span, None,
             self._com = 1.0
         if self.halflife is not None and isinstance(
                 self.halflife, (str, datetime.timedelta)):
             raise ValueError(
                 "halflife can only be a timedelta convertible argument if "
                 "times is not None.")
         # Without times, points are equally spaced
         self._deltas = np.ones(max(len(self.obj) - 1, 0), dtype=np.float64)
         self._com = get_center_of_mass(
             # error: Argument 3 to "get_center_of_mass" has incompatible type
             # "Union[float, Any, None, timedelta64, signedinteger[_64Bit]]";
             # expected "Optional[float]"
             self.halflife,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
def test_to_offset_pd_timedelta(kwargs, expected):
    # see gh-9064
    td = Timedelta(**kwargs)
    result = to_offset(td)
    assert result == expected
 def _box_func(self, x: np.timedelta64) -> Timedelta | NaTType:
     y = x.view("i8")
     if y == NaT.value:
         return NaT
     return Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(y, reso=self._reso)
    def __truediv__(self, other):
        # timedelta / X is well-defined for timedelta-like or numeric X

        if isinstance(other, self._recognized_scalars):
            other = Timedelta(other)
            # mypy assumes that __new__ returns an instance of the class
            # github.com/python/mypy/issues/1020
            if cast("Timedelta | NaTType", other) is NaT:
                # specifically timedelta64-NaT
                result = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=np.float64)
                return result

            # otherwise, dispatch to Timedelta implementation
            return self._ndarray / other

        elif lib.is_scalar(other):
            # assume it is numeric
            result = self._ndarray / other
            freq = None
            if self.freq is not None:
                # Tick division is not implemented, so operate on Timedelta
                freq = self.freq.delta / other
                freq = to_offset(freq)
            return type(self)._simple_new(result, dtype=result.dtype, freq=freq)

        if not hasattr(other, "dtype"):
            # e.g. list, tuple
            other = np.array(other)

        if len(other) != len(self):
            raise ValueError("Cannot divide vectors with unequal lengths")

        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other.dtype):
            # let numpy handle it
            return self._ndarray / other

        elif is_object_dtype(other.dtype):
            # We operate on raveled arrays to avoid problems in inference
            #  on NaT
            # TODO: tests with non-nano
            srav = self.ravel()
            orav = other.ravel()
            result_list = [srav[n] / orav[n] for n in range(len(srav))]
            result = np.array(result_list).reshape(self.shape)

            # We need to do dtype inference in order to keep DataFrame ops
            #  behavior consistent with Series behavior
            inferred = lib.infer_dtype(result, skipna=False)
            if inferred == "timedelta":
                flat = result.ravel()
                result = type(self)._from_sequence(flat).reshape(result.shape)
            elif inferred == "floating":
                result = result.astype(float)
            elif inferred == "datetime":
                # GH#39750 this occurs when result is all-NaT, in which case
                #  we want to interpret these NaTs as td64.
                #  We construct an all-td64NaT result.
                # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type
                # "TimedeltaArray", variable has type "ndarray[Any,
                # dtype[floating[_64Bit]]]")
                result = self * np.nan  # type: ignore[assignment]

            return result

            result = self._ndarray / other
            return type(self)._simple_new(result, dtype=result.dtype)
class TestTimestampArithmetic:
    def test_overflow_offset(self):
        # no overflow expected

        stamp = Timestamp("2000/1/1")
        offset_no_overflow = to_offset("D") * 100

        expected = Timestamp("2000/04/10")
        assert stamp + offset_no_overflow == expected

        assert offset_no_overflow + stamp == expected

        expected = Timestamp("1999/09/23")
        assert stamp - offset_no_overflow == expected

    def test_overflow_offset_raises(self):
        # xref https://github.com/statsmodels/statsmodels/issues/3374
        # ends up multiplying really large numbers which overflow

        stamp = Timestamp("2017-01-13 00:00:00")
        offset_overflow = 20169940 * offsets.Day(1)
        msg = ("the add operation between "
               r"\<-?\d+ \* Days\> and \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} "
               "will overflow")
        lmsg = "|".join([
            "Python int too large to convert to C long",
            "int too big to convert"

        with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=lmsg):
            stamp + offset_overflow

        with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg):
            offset_overflow + stamp

        with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=lmsg):
            stamp - offset_overflow

        # xref https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/14080
        # used to crash, so check for proper overflow exception

        stamp = Timestamp("2000/1/1")
        offset_overflow = to_offset("D") * 100**5

        with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=lmsg):
            stamp + offset_overflow

        with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg):
            offset_overflow + stamp

        with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=lmsg):
            stamp - offset_overflow

    def test_overflow_timestamp_raises(self):
        # https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/31774
        msg = "Result is too large"
        a = Timestamp("2101-01-01 00:00:00")
        b = Timestamp("1688-01-01 00:00:00")

        with pytest.raises(OutOfBoundsDatetime, match=msg):
            a - b

        # but we're OK for timestamp and datetime.datetime
        assert (a - b.to_pydatetime()) == (a.to_pydatetime() - b)

    def test_delta_preserve_nanos(self):
        val = Timestamp(1337299200000000123)
        result = val + timedelta(1)
        assert result.nanosecond == val.nanosecond

    def test_rsub_dtscalars(self, tz_naive_fixture):
        # In particular, check that datetime64 - Timestamp works GH#28286
        td = Timedelta(1235345642000)
        ts = Timestamp.now(tz_naive_fixture)
        other = ts + td

        assert other - ts == td
        assert other.to_pydatetime() - ts == td
        if tz_naive_fixture is None:
            assert other.to_datetime64() - ts == td
            msg = "subtraction must have"
            with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
                other.to_datetime64() - ts

    def test_timestamp_sub_datetime(self):
        dt = datetime(2013, 10, 12)
        ts = Timestamp(datetime(2013, 10, 13))
        assert (ts - dt).days == 1
        assert (dt - ts).days == -1

    def test_addition_subtraction_types(self):
        # Assert on the types resulting from Timestamp +/- various date/time
        # objects
        dt = datetime(2014, 3, 4)
        td = timedelta(seconds=1)
        # build a timestamp with a frequency, since then it supports
        # addition/subtraction of integers
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning,
                                        match="The 'freq' argument"):
            # freq deprecated
            ts = Timestamp(dt, freq="D")

        msg = "Addition/subtraction of integers"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            # GH#22535 add/sub with integers is deprecated
            ts + 1
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            ts - 1

        # Timestamp + datetime not supported, though subtraction is supported
        # and yields timedelta more tests in tseries/base/tests/test_base.py
        assert type(ts - dt) == Timedelta
        assert type(ts + td) == Timestamp
        assert type(ts - td) == Timestamp

        # Timestamp +/- datetime64 not supported, so not tested (could possibly
        # assert error raised?)
        td64 = np.timedelta64(1, "D")
        assert type(ts + td64) == Timestamp
        assert type(ts - td64) == Timestamp

        "freq, td, td64",
            ("S", timedelta(seconds=1), np.timedelta64(1, "s")),
            ("min", timedelta(minutes=1), np.timedelta64(1, "m")),
            ("H", timedelta(hours=1), np.timedelta64(1, "h")),
            ("D", timedelta(days=1), np.timedelta64(1, "D")),
            ("W", timedelta(weeks=1), np.timedelta64(1, "W")),
            ("M", None, np.timedelta64(1, "M")),
        "ignore:Timestamp.freq is deprecated:FutureWarning")
    @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The 'freq' argument:FutureWarning")
    def test_addition_subtraction_preserve_frequency(self, freq, td, td64):
        ts = Timestamp("2014-03-05 00:00:00", freq=freq)
        original_freq = ts.freq

        assert (ts + 1 * original_freq).freq == original_freq
        assert (ts - 1 * original_freq).freq == original_freq

        if td is not None:
            # timedelta does not support months as unit
            assert (ts + td).freq == original_freq
            assert (ts - td).freq == original_freq

        assert (ts + td64).freq == original_freq
        assert (ts - td64).freq == original_freq

        "td", [Timedelta(hours=3),
               np.timedelta64(3, "h"),
    def test_radd_tdscalar(self, td):
        # GH#24775 timedelta64+Timestamp should not raise
        ts = Timestamp.now()
        assert td + ts == ts + td

            (np.timedelta64(-123, "ns"), -123),
            (np.timedelta64(1234567898, "ns"), 1234567898),
            (np.timedelta64(-123, "us"), -123000),
            (np.timedelta64(-123, "ms"), -123000000),
    def test_timestamp_add_timedelta64_unit(self, other, expected_difference):
        ts = Timestamp(datetime.utcnow())
        result = ts + other
        valdiff = result.value - ts.value
        assert valdiff == expected_difference

            Timestamp("1776-07-04", tz="UTC"),
            np.array([1, 2], dtype=np.int32),
            np.array([3, 4], dtype=np.uint64),
    def test_add_int_with_freq(self, ts, other):
        msg = "Addition/subtraction of integers and integer-arrays"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            ts + other
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            other + ts

        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            ts - other

        msg = "unsupported operand type"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            other - ts

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", [(6, ), (2, 3)])
    def test_addsub_m8ndarray(self, shape):
        # GH#33296
        ts = Timestamp("2020-04-04 15:45")
        other = np.arange(6).astype("m8[h]").reshape(shape)

        result = ts + other

        ex_stamps = [ts + Timedelta(hours=n) for n in range(6)]
        expected = np.array([x.asm8 for x in ex_stamps],
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = other + ts
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = ts - other
        ex_stamps = [ts - Timedelta(hours=n) for n in range(6)]
        expected = np.array([x.asm8 for x in ex_stamps],
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        msg = r"unsupported operand type\(s\) for -: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'Timestamp'"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            other - ts

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", [(6, ), (2, 3)])
    def test_addsub_m8ndarray_tzaware(self, shape):
        # GH#33296
        ts = Timestamp("2020-04-04 15:45", tz="US/Pacific")

        other = np.arange(6).astype("m8[h]").reshape(shape)

        result = ts + other

        ex_stamps = [ts + Timedelta(hours=n) for n in range(6)]
        expected = np.array(ex_stamps).reshape(shape)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = other + ts
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = ts - other
        ex_stamps = [ts - Timedelta(hours=n) for n in range(6)]
        expected = np.array(ex_stamps).reshape(shape)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        msg = r"unsupported operand type\(s\) for -: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'Timestamp'"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            other - ts
 def _box_func(self, x) -> Timedelta | NaTType:
     return Timedelta(x, unit="ns")
def to_offset(freq) -> Optional[DateOffset]:
    Return DateOffset object from string or tuple representation
    or datetime.timedelta object.

    freq : str, tuple, datetime.timedelta, DateOffset or None

        None if freq is None.

        If freq is an invalid frequency

    See Also

    >>> to_offset("5min")
    <5 * Minutes>

    >>> to_offset("1D1H")
    <25 * Hours>

    >>> to_offset(("W", 2))
    <2 * Weeks: weekday=6>

    >>> to_offset((2, "B"))
    <2 * BusinessDays>

    >>> to_offset(pd.Timedelta(days=1))

    >>> to_offset(Hour())
    if freq is None:
        return None

    if isinstance(freq, DateOffset):
        return freq

    if isinstance(freq, tuple):
        name = freq[0]
        stride = freq[1]
        if isinstance(stride, str):
            name, stride = stride, name
        name, _ = libfreqs._base_and_stride(name)
        delta = _get_offset(name) * stride

    elif isinstance(freq, timedelta):
        delta = None
        freq = Timedelta(freq)
            for name in freq.components._fields:
                offset = _name_to_offset_map[name]
                stride = getattr(freq.components, name)
                if stride != 0:
                    offset = stride * offset
                    if delta is None:
                        delta = offset
                        delta = delta + offset
        except ValueError as err:
            raise ValueError(libfreqs.INVALID_FREQ_ERR_MSG.format(freq)) from err

        delta = None
        stride_sign = None
            split = re.split(libfreqs.opattern, freq)
            if split[-1] != "" and not split[-1].isspace():
                # the last element must be blank
                raise ValueError("last element must be blank")
            for sep, stride, name in zip(split[0::4], split[1::4], split[2::4]):
                if sep != "" and not sep.isspace():
                    raise ValueError("separator must be spaces")
                prefix = libfreqs._lite_rule_alias.get(name) or name
                if stride_sign is None:
                    stride_sign = -1 if stride.startswith("-") else 1
                if not stride:
                    stride = 1
                if prefix in Resolution._reso_str_bump_map.keys():
                    stride, name = Resolution.get_stride_from_decimal(
                        float(stride), prefix
                stride = int(stride)
                offset = _get_offset(name)
                offset = offset * int(np.fabs(stride) * stride_sign)
                if delta is None:
                    delta = offset
                    delta = delta + offset
        except (ValueError, TypeError) as err:
            raise ValueError(libfreqs.INVALID_FREQ_ERR_MSG.format(freq)) from err

    if delta is None:
        raise ValueError(libfreqs.INVALID_FREQ_ERR_MSG.format(freq))

    return delta
 def __rmod__(self, other):
     # Note: This is a naive implementation, can likely be optimized
     if isinstance(other, self._recognized_scalars):
         other = Timedelta(other)
     return other - (other // self) * self
    def __truediv__(self, other):
        # timedelta / X is well-defined for timedelta-like or numeric X

        if isinstance(other, self._recognized_scalars):
            other = Timedelta(other)
            if other is NaT:
                # specifically timedelta64-NaT
                result = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=np.float64)
                return result

            # otherwise, dispatch to Timedelta implementation
            return self._ndarray / other

        elif lib.is_scalar(other):
            # assume it is numeric
            result = self._ndarray / other
            freq = None
            if self.freq is not None:
                # Tick division is not implemented, so operate on Timedelta
                freq = self.freq.delta / other
            return type(self)(result, freq=freq)

        if not hasattr(other, "dtype"):
            # e.g. list, tuple
            other = np.array(other)

        if len(other) != len(self):
            raise ValueError("Cannot divide vectors with unequal lengths")

        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other.dtype):
            # let numpy handle it
            return self._ndarray / other

        elif is_object_dtype(other.dtype):
            # We operate on raveled arrays to avoid problems in inference
            #  on NaT
            srav = self.ravel()
            orav = other.ravel()
            result = [srav[n] / orav[n] for n in range(len(srav))]
            result = np.array(result).reshape(self.shape)

            # We need to do dtype inference in order to keep DataFrame ops
            #  behavior consistent with Series behavior
            inferred = lib.infer_dtype(result, skipna=False)
            if inferred == "timedelta":
                flat = result.ravel()
                result = type(self)._from_sequence(flat).reshape(result.shape)
            elif inferred == "floating":
                result = result.astype(float)
            elif inferred == "datetime":
                # GH#39750 this occurs when result is all-NaT, in which case
                #  we want to interpret these NaTs as td64.
                #  We construct an all-td64NaT result.
                result = self * np.nan

            return result

            result = self._ndarray / other
            return type(self)(result)
    def convert_value(self, v) -> "TermValue":
        """ convert the expression that is in the term to something that is
        accepted by pytables """

        def stringify(value):
            if self.encoding is not None:
                encoder = partial(pprint_thing_encoded, encoding=self.encoding)
                encoder = pprint_thing
            return encoder(value)

        kind = _ensure_decoded(self.kind)
        meta = _ensure_decoded(self.meta)
        if kind == "datetime64" or kind == "datetime":
            if isinstance(v, (int, float)):
                v = stringify(v)
            v = _ensure_decoded(v)
            v = Timestamp(v)
            if v.tz is not None:
                v = v.tz_convert("UTC")
            return TermValue(v, v.value, kind)
        elif kind == "timedelta64" or kind == "timedelta":
            v = Timedelta(v, unit="s").value
            return TermValue(int(v), v, kind)
        elif meta == "category":
            metadata = com.values_from_object(self.metadata)
            result = metadata.searchsorted(v, side="left")

            # result returns 0 if v is first element or if v is not in metadata
            # check that metadata contains v
            if not result and v not in metadata:
                result = -1
            return TermValue(result, result, "integer")
        elif kind == "integer":
            v = int(float(v))
            return TermValue(v, v, kind)
        elif kind == "float":
            v = float(v)
            return TermValue(v, v, kind)
        elif kind == "bool":
            if isinstance(v, str):
                v = not v.strip().lower() in [
                v = bool(v)
            return TermValue(v, v, kind)
        elif isinstance(v, str):
            # string quoting
            return TermValue(v, stringify(v), "string")
            raise TypeError(
                "Cannot compare {v} of type {typ} to {kind} column".format(
                    v=v, typ=type(v), kind=kind
    def __floordiv__(self, other):

        if is_scalar(other):
            if isinstance(other, self._recognized_scalars):
                other = Timedelta(other)
                if other is NaT:
                    # treat this specifically as timedelta-NaT
                    result = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=np.float64)
                    return result

                # dispatch to Timedelta implementation
                result = other.__rfloordiv__(self._ndarray)
                return result

            # at this point we should only have numeric scalars; anything
            #  else will raise
            result = self._ndarray // other
            freq = None
            if self.freq is not None:
                # Note: freq gets division, not floor-division
                freq = self.freq / other
                if freq.nanos == 0 and self.freq.nanos != 0:
                    # e.g. if self.freq is Nano(1) then dividing by 2
                    #  rounds down to zero
                    freq = None
            return type(self)(result, freq=freq)

        if not hasattr(other, "dtype"):
            # list, tuple
            other = np.array(other)
        if len(other) != len(self):
            raise ValueError("Cannot divide with unequal lengths")

        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other.dtype):
            other = type(self)(other)

            # numpy timedelta64 does not natively support floordiv, so operate
            #  on the i8 values
            result = self.asi8 // other.asi8
            mask = self._isnan | other._isnan
            if mask.any():
                result = result.astype(np.float64)
                np.putmask(result, mask, np.nan)
            return result

        elif is_object_dtype(other.dtype):
            # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type
            # "List[Any]", variable has type "ndarray")
            srav = self.ravel()
            orav = other.ravel()
            res_list = [srav[n] // orav[n] for n in range(len(srav))]
            result_flat = np.asarray(res_list)
            inferred = lib.infer_dtype(result_flat, skipna=False)

            result = result_flat.reshape(self.shape)

            if inferred == "timedelta":
                result, _ = sequence_to_td64ns(result)
                return type(self)(result)
            if inferred == "datetime":
                # GH#39750 occurs when result is all-NaT, which in this
                #  case should be interpreted as td64nat. This can only
                #  occur when self is all-td64nat
                return self * np.nan
            return result

        elif is_integer_dtype(other.dtype) or is_float_dtype(other.dtype):
            result = self._ndarray // other
            return type(self)(result)

            dtype = getattr(other, "dtype", type(other).__name__)
            raise TypeError(f"Cannot divide {dtype} by {type(self).__name__}")
 def _scalar_from_string(self, value):
     return Timedelta(value)
    def convert_value(self, v) -> TermValue:
        convert the expression that is in the term to something that is
        accepted by pytables
        def stringify(value):
            if self.encoding is not None:
                return pprint_thing_encoded(value, encoding=self.encoding)
            return pprint_thing(value)

        kind = ensure_decoded(self.kind)
        meta = ensure_decoded(self.meta)
        if kind == "datetime64" or kind == "datetime":
            if isinstance(v, (int, float)):
                v = stringify(v)
            v = ensure_decoded(v)
            v = Timestamp(v)
            if v.tz is not None:
                v = v.tz_convert("UTC")
            return TermValue(v, v.value, kind)
        elif kind == "timedelta64" or kind == "timedelta":
            if isinstance(v, str):
                v = Timedelta(v).value
                v = Timedelta(v, unit="s").value
            return TermValue(int(v), v, kind)
        elif meta == "category":
            metadata = extract_array(self.metadata, extract_numpy=True)
            if v not in metadata:
                result = -1
                # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type
                # "Union[Any, ndarray]", variable has type "int")
                result = metadata.searchsorted(  # type: ignore[assignment]
                    v, side="left")
            return TermValue(result, result, "integer")
        elif kind == "integer":
            v = int(float(v))
            return TermValue(v, v, kind)
        elif kind == "float":
            v = float(v)
            return TermValue(v, v, kind)
        elif kind == "bool":
            if isinstance(v, str):
                v = not v.strip().lower() in [
                v = bool(v)
            return TermValue(v, v, kind)
        elif isinstance(v, str):
            # string quoting
            return TermValue(v, stringify(v), "string")
            raise TypeError(
                f"Cannot compare {v} of type {type(v)} to {kind} column")
 def __mod__(self, other):
     # Note: This is a naive implementation, can likely be optimized
     if isinstance(other, (timedelta, np.timedelta64, Tick)):
         other = Timedelta(other)
     return self - (self // other) * other
 def _parse_with_reso(self, label: str):
     # the "with_reso" is a no-op for TimedeltaIndex
     parsed = Timedelta(label)
     return parsed, None
 def _parsed_string_to_bounds(self, reso, parsed: Timedelta):
     # reso is unused, included to match signature of DTI/PI
     lbound = parsed.round(parsed.resolution_string)
     rbound = lbound + to_offset(parsed.resolution_string) - Timedelta(1, "ns")
     return lbound, rbound
 def __init__(
     com: Optional[float] = None,
     span: Optional[float] = None,
     halflife: Optional[Union[float, TimedeltaConvertibleTypes]] = None,
     alpha: Optional[float] = None,
     min_periods: int = 0,
     adjust: bool = True,
     ignore_na: bool = False,
     axis: int = 0,
     times: Optional[Union[str, np.ndarray, FrameOrSeries]] = None,
         min_periods=max(int(min_periods), 1),
     self.com = com
     self.span = span
     self.halflife = halflife
     self.alpha = alpha
     self.adjust = adjust
     self.ignore_na = ignore_na
     self.times = times
     if self.times is not None:
         if isinstance(self.times, str):
             self.times = self._selected_obj[self.times]
         if not is_datetime64_ns_dtype(self.times):
             raise ValueError("times must be datetime64[ns] dtype.")
         if len(self.times) != len(obj):
             raise ValueError("times must be the same length as the object.")
         if not isinstance(self.halflife, (str, datetime.timedelta)):
             raise ValueError(
                 "halflife must be a string or datetime.timedelta object"
         if isna(self.times).any():
             raise ValueError("Cannot convert NaT values to integer")
         _times = np.asarray(self.times.view(np.int64), dtype=np.float64)
         _halflife = float(Timedelta(self.halflife).value)
         self._deltas = np.diff(_times) / _halflife
         # Halflife is no longer applicable when calculating COM
         # But allow COM to still be calculated if the user passes other decay args
         if common.count_not_none(self.com, self.span, self.alpha) > 0:
             self._com = get_center_of_mass(self.com, self.span, None, self.alpha)
             self._com = 1.0
         if self.halflife is not None and isinstance(
             self.halflife, (str, datetime.timedelta)
             raise ValueError(
                 "halflife can only be a timedelta convertible argument if "
                 "times is not None."
         # Without times, points are equally spaced
         self._deltas = np.ones(max(len(self.obj) - 1, 0), dtype=np.float64)
         self._com = get_center_of_mass(
             self.com, self.span, self.halflife, self.alpha