文件: nanops.py 项目: DLlearn/pandas
def _isfinite(values):
    if is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(values):
        return isnull(values)
    if (is_complex_dtype(values) or is_float_dtype(values) or
            is_integer_dtype(values) or is_bool_dtype(values)):
        return ~np.isfinite(values)
    return ~np.isfinite(values.astype('float64'))
def _isfinite(values):
    if is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(values):
        return isnull(values)
    if (is_complex_dtype(values) or is_float_dtype(values)
            or is_integer_dtype(values) or is_bool_dtype(values)):
        return ~np.isfinite(values)
    return ~np.isfinite(values.astype('float64'))
文件: algorithms.py 项目: jcfr/pandas
def _value_counts_arraylike(values, dropna=True):
    is_datetimetz = com.is_datetimetz(values)
    is_period = (isinstance(values, gt.ABCPeriodIndex) or

    orig = values

    from pandas.core.series import Series
    values = Series(values).values
    dtype = values.dtype

    if com.is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(dtype) or is_period:
        from pandas.tseries.index import DatetimeIndex
        from pandas.tseries.period import PeriodIndex

        if is_period:
            values = PeriodIndex(values)
            freq = values.freq

        values = values.view(np.int64)
        keys, counts = htable.value_count_scalar64(values, dropna)

        if dropna:
            msk = keys != iNaT
            keys, counts = keys[msk], counts[msk]

        # convert the keys back to the dtype we came in
        keys = keys.astype(dtype)

        # dtype handling
        if is_datetimetz:
            if isinstance(orig, gt.ABCDatetimeIndex):
                tz = orig.tz
                tz = orig.dt.tz
            keys = DatetimeIndex._simple_new(keys, tz=tz)
        if is_period:
            keys = PeriodIndex._simple_new(keys, freq=freq)

    elif com.is_integer_dtype(dtype):
        values = com._ensure_int64(values)
        keys, counts = htable.value_count_scalar64(values, dropna)
    elif com.is_float_dtype(dtype):
        values = com._ensure_float64(values)
        keys, counts = htable.value_count_scalar64(values, dropna)
        values = com._ensure_object(values)
        mask = com.isnull(values)
        keys, counts = htable.value_count_object(values, mask)
        if not dropna and mask.any():
            keys = np.insert(keys, 0, np.NaN)
            counts = np.insert(counts, 0, mask.sum())

    return keys, counts
def _value_counts_arraylike(values, dropna=True):
    is_datetimetz = com.is_datetimetz(values)
    is_period = (isinstance(values, gt.ABCPeriodIndex)
                 or com.is_period_arraylike(values))

    orig = values

    from pandas.core.series import Series
    values = Series(values).values
    dtype = values.dtype

    if com.is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(dtype) or is_period:
        from pandas.tseries.index import DatetimeIndex
        from pandas.tseries.period import PeriodIndex

        if is_period:
            values = PeriodIndex(values)
            freq = values.freq

        values = values.view(np.int64)
        keys, counts = htable.value_count_scalar64(values, dropna)

        if dropna:
            msk = keys != iNaT
            keys, counts = keys[msk], counts[msk]

        # convert the keys back to the dtype we came in
        keys = keys.astype(dtype)

        # dtype handling
        if is_datetimetz:
            if isinstance(orig, gt.ABCDatetimeIndex):
                tz = orig.tz
                tz = orig.dt.tz
            keys = DatetimeIndex._simple_new(keys, tz=tz)
        if is_period:
            keys = PeriodIndex._simple_new(keys, freq=freq)

    elif com.is_integer_dtype(dtype):
        values = com._ensure_int64(values)
        keys, counts = htable.value_count_scalar64(values, dropna)
    elif com.is_float_dtype(dtype):
        values = com._ensure_float64(values)
        keys, counts = htable.value_count_scalar64(values, dropna)
        values = com._ensure_object(values)
        mask = com.isnull(values)
        keys, counts = htable.value_count_object(values, mask)
        if not dropna and mask.any():
            keys = np.insert(keys, 0, np.NaN)
            counts = np.insert(counts, 0, mask.sum())

    return keys, counts
def _bn_ok_dtype(dt, name):
    # Bottleneck chokes on datetime64
    if (not is_object_dtype(dt) and not is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(dt)):

        # bottleneck does not properly upcast during the sum
        # so can overflow
        if name == 'nansum':
            if dt.itemsize < 8:
                return False

        return True
    return False
文件: nanops.py 项目: DLlearn/pandas
def _bn_ok_dtype(dt, name):
    # Bottleneck chokes on datetime64
    if (not is_object_dtype(dt) and not is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(dt)):

        # bottleneck does not properly upcast during the sum
        # so can overflow
        if name == 'nansum':
            if dt.itemsize < 8:
                return False

        return True
    return False
def value_counts(values,
    Compute a histogram of the counts of non-null values.

    values : ndarray (1-d)
    sort : boolean, default True
        Sort by values
    ascending : boolean, default False
        Sort in ascending order
    normalize: boolean, default False
        If True then compute a relative histogram
    bins : integer, optional
        Rather than count values, group them into half-open bins,
        convenience for pd.cut, only works with numeric data
    dropna : boolean, default True
        Don't include counts of NaN

    value_counts : Series

    from pandas.core.series import Series
    from pandas.tools.tile import cut
    from pandas import Index, PeriodIndex, DatetimeIndex

    name = getattr(values, 'name', None)
    values = Series(values).values

    if bins is not None:
            cat, bins = cut(values, bins, retbins=True)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("bins argument only works with numeric data.")
        values = cat.codes

    if com.is_categorical_dtype(values.dtype):
        result = values.value_counts(dropna)


        dtype = values.dtype
        is_period = com.is_period_arraylike(values)
        is_datetimetz = com.is_datetimetz(values)

        if com.is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(
                dtype) or is_period or is_datetimetz:

            if is_period:
                values = PeriodIndex(values)
            elif is_datetimetz:
                tz = getattr(values, 'tz', None)
                values = DatetimeIndex(values).tz_localize(None)

            values = values.view(np.int64)
            keys, counts = htable.value_count_scalar64(values, dropna)

            if dropna:
                from pandas.tslib import iNaT
                msk = keys != iNaT
                keys, counts = keys[msk], counts[msk]

            # localize to the original tz if necessary
            if is_datetimetz:
                keys = DatetimeIndex(keys).tz_localize(tz)

            # convert the keys back to the dtype we came in
                keys = keys.astype(dtype)

        elif com.is_integer_dtype(dtype):
            values = com._ensure_int64(values)
            keys, counts = htable.value_count_scalar64(values, dropna)
        elif com.is_float_dtype(dtype):
            values = com._ensure_float64(values)
            keys, counts = htable.value_count_scalar64(values, dropna)

            values = com._ensure_object(values)
            mask = com.isnull(values)
            keys, counts = htable.value_count_object(values, mask)
            if not dropna and mask.any():
                keys = np.insert(keys, 0, np.NaN)
                counts = np.insert(counts, 0, mask.sum())

        if not isinstance(keys, Index):
            keys = Index(keys)
        result = Series(counts, index=keys, name=name)

        if bins is not None:
            # TODO: This next line should be more efficient
            result = result.reindex(np.arange(len(cat.categories)),
            result.index = bins[:-1]

    if sort:
        result = result.sort_values(ascending=ascending)

    if normalize:
        result = result / float(values.size)

    return result
def _view_if_needed(values):
    if is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(values):
        return values.view(np.int64)
    return values
def value_counts(values, sort=True, ascending=False, normalize=False,
                 bins=None, dropna=True):
    Compute a histogram of the counts of non-null values.

    values : ndarray (1-d)
    sort : boolean, default True
        Sort by values
    ascending : boolean, default False
        Sort in ascending order
    normalize: boolean, default False
        If True then compute a relative histogram
    bins : integer, optional
        Rather than count values, group them into half-open bins,
        convenience for pd.cut, only works with numeric data
    dropna : boolean, default True
        Don't include counts of NaN

    value_counts : Series

    from pandas.core.series import Series
    from pandas.tools.tile import cut
    from pandas import Index, PeriodIndex, DatetimeIndex

    name = getattr(values, 'name', None)
    values = Series(values).values

    if bins is not None:
            cat, bins = cut(values, bins, retbins=True)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("bins argument only works with numeric data.")
        values = cat.codes

    if com.is_categorical_dtype(values.dtype):
        result = values.value_counts(dropna)


        dtype = values.dtype
        is_period = com.is_period_arraylike(values)
        is_datetimetz = com.is_datetimetz(values)

        if com.is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(dtype) or is_period or \

            if is_period:
                values = PeriodIndex(values)
            elif is_datetimetz:
                tz = getattr(values, 'tz', None)
                values = DatetimeIndex(values).tz_localize(None)

            values = values.view(np.int64)
            keys, counts = htable.value_count_scalar64(values, dropna)

            if dropna:
                msk = keys != iNaT
                keys, counts = keys[msk], counts[msk]

            # localize to the original tz if necessary
            if is_datetimetz:
                keys = DatetimeIndex(keys).tz_localize(tz)

            # convert the keys back to the dtype we came in
                keys = keys.astype(dtype)

        elif com.is_integer_dtype(dtype):
            values = com._ensure_int64(values)
            keys, counts = htable.value_count_scalar64(values, dropna)
        elif com.is_float_dtype(dtype):
            values = com._ensure_float64(values)
            keys, counts = htable.value_count_scalar64(values, dropna)

            values = com._ensure_object(values)
            mask = com.isnull(values)
            keys, counts = htable.value_count_object(values, mask)
            if not dropna and mask.any():
                keys = np.insert(keys, 0, np.NaN)
                counts = np.insert(counts, 0, mask.sum())

        if not isinstance(keys, Index):
            keys = Index(keys)
        result = Series(counts, index=keys, name=name)

        if bins is not None:
            # TODO: This next line should be more efficient
            result = result.reindex(np.arange(len(cat.categories)),
            result.index = bins[:-1]

    if sort:
        result = result.sort_values(ascending=ascending)

    if normalize:
        result = result / float(values.size)

    return result
def to_numeric(arg, errors='raise'):
    Convert argument to a numeric type.

    arg : list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series
    errors : {'ignore', 'raise', 'coerce'}, default 'raise'
        - If 'raise', then invalid parsing will raise an exception
        - If 'coerce', then invalid parsing will be set as NaN
        - If 'ignore', then invalid parsing will return the input

    ret : numeric if parsing succeeded.
        Return type depends on input.  Series if Series, otherwise ndarray

    Take separate series and convert to numeric, coercing when told to

    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> s = pd.Series(['1.0', '2', -3])
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s)
    >>> s = pd.Series(['apple', '1.0', '2', -3])
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s, errors='ignore')
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce')
    is_series = False
    is_index = False
    is_scalar = False

    if isinstance(arg, pd.Series):
        is_series = True
        values = arg.values
    elif isinstance(arg, pd.Index):
        is_index = True
        values = arg.asi8
        if values is None:
            values = arg.values
    elif isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        values = np.array(arg, dtype='O')
    elif np.isscalar(arg):
        if com.is_number(arg):
            return arg
        is_scalar = True
        values = np.array([arg], dtype='O')
    elif getattr(arg, 'ndim', 1) > 1:
        raise TypeError('arg must be a list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series')
        values = arg

    if com.is_numeric_dtype(values):
    elif com.is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(values):
        values = values.astype(np.int64)
        values = com._ensure_object(values)
        coerce_numeric = False if errors in ('ignore', 'raise') else True

            values = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(values,
            if errors == 'raise':

    if is_series:
        return pd.Series(values, index=arg.index, name=arg.name)
    elif is_index:
        # because we want to coerce to numeric if possible,
        # do not use _shallow_copy_with_infer
        return Index(values, name=arg.name)
    elif is_scalar:
        return values[0]
        return values
文件: nanops.py 项目: DLlearn/pandas
def _view_if_needed(values):
    if is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(values):
        return values.view(np.int64)
    return values
文件: util.py 项目: AkiraKane/pandas
def to_numeric(arg, errors='raise'):
    Convert argument to a numeric type.

    arg : list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series
    errors : {'ignore', 'raise', 'coerce'}, default 'raise'
        - If 'raise', then invalid parsing will raise an exception
        - If 'coerce', then invalid parsing will be set as NaN
        - If 'ignore', then invalid parsing will return the input

    ret : numeric if parsing succeeded.
        Return type depends on input.  Series if Series, otherwise ndarray

    Take separate series and convert to numeric, coercing when told to

    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> s = pd.Series(['1.0', '2', -3])
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s)
    >>> s = pd.Series(['apple', '1.0', '2', -3])
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s, errors='ignore')
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce')
    is_series = False
    is_index = False
    is_scalar = False

    if isinstance(arg, pd.Series):
        is_series = True
        values = arg.values
    elif isinstance(arg, pd.Index):
        is_index = True
        values = arg.asi8
        if values is None:
            values = arg.values
    elif isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        values = np.array(arg, dtype='O')
    elif np.isscalar(arg):
        if com.is_number(arg):
            return arg
        is_scalar = True
        values = np.array([arg], dtype='O')
    elif getattr(arg, 'ndim', 1) > 1:
        raise TypeError('arg must be a list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series')
        values = arg

    if com.is_numeric_dtype(values):
    elif com.is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(values):
        values = values.astype(np.int64)
        values = com._ensure_object(values)
        coerce_numeric = False if errors in ('ignore', 'raise') else True

            values = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(values, set(),
            if errors == 'raise':

    if is_series:
        return pd.Series(values, index=arg.index, name=arg.name)
    elif is_index:
        # because we want to coerce to numeric if possible,
        # do not use _shallow_copy_with_infer
        return Index(values, name=arg.name)
    elif is_scalar:
        return values[0]
        return values
def to_numeric(arg, errors='raise', downcast=None):
    Convert argument to a numeric type.

    arg : list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series
    errors : {'ignore', 'raise', 'coerce'}, default 'raise'
        - If 'raise', then invalid parsing will raise an exception
        - If 'coerce', then invalid parsing will be set as NaN
        - If 'ignore', then invalid parsing will return the input
    downcast : {'integer', 'signed', 'unsigned', 'float'} , default None
        If not None, and if the data has been successfully cast to a
        numerical dtype (or if the data was numeric to begin with),
        downcast that resulting data to the smallest numerical dtype
        possible according to the following rules:

        - 'integer' or 'signed': smallest signed int dtype (min.: np.int8)
        - 'unsigned': smallest unsigned int dtype (min.: np.uint8)
        - 'float': smallest float dtype (min.: np.float32)

        As this behaviour is separate from the core conversion to
        numeric values, any errors raised during the downcasting
        will be surfaced regardless of the value of the 'errors' input.

        In addition, downcasting will only occur if the size
        of the resulting data's dtype is strictly larger than
        the dtype it is to be cast to, so if none of the dtypes
        checked satisfy that specification, no downcasting will be
        performed on the data.

        .. versionadded:: 0.19.0

    ret : numeric if parsing succeeded.
        Return type depends on input.  Series if Series, otherwise ndarray

    Take separate series and convert to numeric, coercing when told to

    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> s = pd.Series(['1.0', '2', -3])
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s)
    0    1.0
    1    2.0
    2   -3.0
    dtype: float64
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s, downcast='float')
    0    1.0
    1    2.0
    2   -3.0
    dtype: float32
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s, downcast='signed')
    0    1
    1    2
    2   -3
    dtype: int8
    >>> s = pd.Series(['apple', '1.0', '2', -3])
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s, errors='ignore')
    0    apple
    1      1.0
    2        2
    3       -3
    dtype: object
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce')
    0    NaN
    1    1.0
    2    2.0
    3   -3.0
    dtype: float64
    if downcast not in (None, 'integer', 'signed', 'unsigned', 'float'):
        raise ValueError('invalid downcasting method provided')

    is_series = False
    is_index = False
    is_scalar = False

    if isinstance(arg, pd.Series):
        is_series = True
        values = arg.values
    elif isinstance(arg, pd.Index):
        is_index = True
        values = arg.asi8
        if values is None:
            values = arg.values
    elif isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        values = np.array(arg, dtype='O')
    elif np.isscalar(arg):
        if com.is_number(arg):
            return arg
        is_scalar = True
        values = np.array([arg], dtype='O')
    elif getattr(arg, 'ndim', 1) > 1:
        raise TypeError('arg must be a list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series')
        values = arg

        if com.is_numeric_dtype(values):
        elif com.is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(values):
            values = values.astype(np.int64)
            values = com._ensure_object(values)
            coerce_numeric = False if errors in ('ignore', 'raise') else True

            values = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(values,

    except Exception:
        if errors == 'raise':

    # attempt downcast only if the data has been successfully converted
    # to a numerical dtype and if a downcast method has been specified
    if downcast is not None and com.is_numeric_dtype(values):
        typecodes = None

        if downcast in ('integer', 'signed'):
            typecodes = np.typecodes['Integer']
        elif downcast == 'unsigned' and np.min(values) > 0:
            typecodes = np.typecodes['UnsignedInteger']
        elif downcast == 'float':
            typecodes = np.typecodes['Float']

            # pandas support goes only to np.float32,
            # as float dtypes smaller than that are
            # extremely rare and not well supported
            float_32_char = np.dtype(np.float32).char
            float_32_ind = typecodes.index(float_32_char)
            typecodes = typecodes[float_32_ind:]

        if typecodes is not None:
            # from smallest to largest
            for dtype in typecodes:
                if np.dtype(dtype).itemsize < values.dtype.itemsize:
                    values = com._possibly_downcast_to_dtype(values, dtype)

                    # successful conversion
                    if values.dtype == dtype:

    if is_series:
        return pd.Series(values, index=arg.index, name=arg.name)
    elif is_index:
        # because we want to coerce to numeric if possible,
        # do not use _shallow_copy_with_infer
        return Index(values, name=arg.name)
    elif is_scalar:
        return values[0]
        return values
文件: util.py 项目: adneu/pandas
def to_numeric(arg, errors='raise', downcast=None):
    Convert argument to a numeric type.

    arg : list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series
    errors : {'ignore', 'raise', 'coerce'}, default 'raise'
        - If 'raise', then invalid parsing will raise an exception
        - If 'coerce', then invalid parsing will be set as NaN
        - If 'ignore', then invalid parsing will return the input
    downcast : {'integer', 'signed', 'unsigned', 'float'} , default None
        If not None, and if the data has been successfully cast to a
        numerical dtype (or if the data was numeric to begin with),
        downcast that resulting data to the smallest numerical dtype
        possible according to the following rules:

        - 'integer' or 'signed': smallest signed int dtype (min.: np.int8)
        - 'unsigned': smallest unsigned int dtype (min.: np.uint8)
        - 'float': smallest float dtype (min.: np.float32)

        As this behaviour is separate from the core conversion to
        numeric values, any errors raised during the downcasting
        will be surfaced regardless of the value of the 'errors' input.

        In addition, downcasting will only occur if the size
        of the resulting data's dtype is strictly larger than
        the dtype it is to be cast to, so if none of the dtypes
        checked satisfy that specification, no downcasting will be
        performed on the data.

        .. versionadded:: 0.19.0

    ret : numeric if parsing succeeded.
        Return type depends on input.  Series if Series, otherwise ndarray

    Take separate series and convert to numeric, coercing when told to

    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> s = pd.Series(['1.0', '2', -3])
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s)
    0    1.0
    1    2.0
    2   -3.0
    dtype: float64
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s, downcast='float')
    0    1.0
    1    2.0
    2   -3.0
    dtype: float32
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s, downcast='signed')
    0    1
    1    2
    2   -3
    dtype: int8
    >>> s = pd.Series(['apple', '1.0', '2', -3])
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s, errors='ignore')
    0    apple
    1      1.0
    2        2
    3       -3
    dtype: object
    >>> pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce')
    0    NaN
    1    1.0
    2    2.0
    3   -3.0
    dtype: float64
    if downcast not in (None, 'integer', 'signed', 'unsigned', 'float'):
        raise ValueError('invalid downcasting method provided')

    is_series = False
    is_index = False
    is_scalar = False

    if isinstance(arg, pd.Series):
        is_series = True
        values = arg.values
    elif isinstance(arg, pd.Index):
        is_index = True
        values = arg.asi8
        if values is None:
            values = arg.values
    elif isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        values = np.array(arg, dtype='O')
    elif np.isscalar(arg):
        if com.is_number(arg):
            return arg
        is_scalar = True
        values = np.array([arg], dtype='O')
    elif getattr(arg, 'ndim', 1) > 1:
        raise TypeError('arg must be a list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series')
        values = arg

        if com.is_numeric_dtype(values):
        elif com.is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype(values):
            values = values.astype(np.int64)
            values = com._ensure_object(values)
            coerce_numeric = False if errors in ('ignore', 'raise') else True

            values = lib.maybe_convert_numeric(values, set(),

    except Exception:
        if errors == 'raise':

    # attempt downcast only if the data has been successfully converted
    # to a numerical dtype and if a downcast method has been specified
    if downcast is not None and com.is_numeric_dtype(values):
        typecodes = None

        if downcast in ('integer', 'signed'):
            typecodes = np.typecodes['Integer']
        elif downcast == 'unsigned' and np.min(values) > 0:
            typecodes = np.typecodes['UnsignedInteger']
        elif downcast == 'float':
            typecodes = np.typecodes['Float']

            # pandas support goes only to np.float32,
            # as float dtypes smaller than that are
            # extremely rare and not well supported
            float_32_char = np.dtype(np.float32).char
            float_32_ind = typecodes.index(float_32_char)
            typecodes = typecodes[float_32_ind:]

        if typecodes is not None:
            # from smallest to largest
            for dtype in typecodes:
                if np.dtype(dtype).itemsize < values.dtype.itemsize:
                    values = com._possibly_downcast_to_dtype(
                        values, dtype)

                    # successful conversion
                    if values.dtype == dtype:

    if is_series:
        return pd.Series(values, index=arg.index, name=arg.name)
    elif is_index:
        # because we want to coerce to numeric if possible,
        # do not use _shallow_copy_with_infer
        return Index(values, name=arg.name)
    elif is_scalar:
        return values[0]
        return values