    def test_is_datetime_dtypes(self):

        ts = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3)
        tsa = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3, tz='US/Eastern')

        assert is_datetime64_dtype('datetime64')
        assert is_datetime64_dtype('datetime64[ns]')
        assert is_datetime64_dtype(ts)
        assert not is_datetime64_dtype(tsa)

        assert not is_datetime64_ns_dtype('datetime64')
        assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype('datetime64[ns]')
        assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(ts)
        assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(tsa)

        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype('datetime64')
        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype('datetime64[ns]')
        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(ts)
        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(tsa)

        assert not is_datetime64tz_dtype('datetime64')
        assert not is_datetime64tz_dtype('datetime64[ns]')
        assert not is_datetime64tz_dtype(ts)
        assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(tsa)

        for tz in ['US/Eastern', 'UTC']:
            dtype = 'datetime64[ns, {}]'.format(tz)
            assert not is_datetime64_dtype(dtype)
            assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype)
            assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(dtype)
            assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(dtype)
    def test_is_datetime_dtypes(self):

        ts = pd.date_range("20130101", periods=3)
        tsa = pd.date_range("20130101", periods=3, tz="US/Eastern")

        assert is_datetime64_dtype("datetime64")
        assert is_datetime64_dtype("datetime64[ns]")
        assert is_datetime64_dtype(ts)
        assert not is_datetime64_dtype(tsa)

        assert not is_datetime64_ns_dtype("datetime64")
        assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype("datetime64[ns]")
        assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(ts)
        assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(tsa)

        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype("datetime64")
        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype("datetime64[ns]")
        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(ts)
        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(tsa)

        assert not is_datetime64tz_dtype("datetime64")
        assert not is_datetime64tz_dtype("datetime64[ns]")
        assert not is_datetime64tz_dtype(ts)
        assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(tsa)

        for tz in ["US/Eastern", "UTC"]:
            dtype = "datetime64[ns, {}]".format(tz)
            assert not is_datetime64_dtype(dtype)
            assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype)
            assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(dtype)
            assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(dtype)
    def test_is_datetime_dtypes(self):

        ts = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3)
        tsa = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3, tz='US/Eastern')

        assert is_datetime64_dtype('datetime64')
        assert is_datetime64_dtype('datetime64[ns]')
        assert is_datetime64_dtype(ts)
        assert not is_datetime64_dtype(tsa)

        assert not is_datetime64_ns_dtype('datetime64')
        assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype('datetime64[ns]')
        assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(ts)
        assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(tsa)

        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype('datetime64')
        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype('datetime64[ns]')
        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(ts)
        assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(tsa)

        assert not is_datetime64tz_dtype('datetime64')
        assert not is_datetime64tz_dtype('datetime64[ns]')
        assert not is_datetime64tz_dtype(ts)
        assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(tsa)

        for tz in ['US/Eastern', 'UTC']:
            dtype = 'datetime64[ns, {}]'.format(tz)
            assert not is_datetime64_dtype(dtype)
            assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype)
            assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(dtype)
            assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(dtype)
 def test_compat(self):
     self.assertTrue(is_datetime64tz_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]'))
     self.assertTrue(is_datetime64_any_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]'))
     self.assertTrue(is_datetime64_ns_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]'))
     self.assertFalse(is_datetime64_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]'))
 def test_compat(self):
     assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert is_datetime64tz_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]')
     assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert is_datetime64_any_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]')
     assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]')
     assert not is_datetime64_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert not is_datetime64_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]')
 def test_compat(self):
     self.assertTrue(is_datetime64tz_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]'))
     self.assertTrue(is_datetime64_any_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]'))
     self.assertTrue(is_datetime64_ns_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]'))
     self.assertFalse(is_datetime64_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]'))
 def test_compat(self):
     assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert is_datetime64tz_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]')
     assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert is_datetime64_any_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]')
     assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]')
     assert not is_datetime64_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert not is_datetime64_dtype('datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]')
 def test_compat(self, dtype):
     assert is_datetime64tz_dtype(dtype)
     assert is_datetime64tz_dtype("datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]")
     assert is_datetime64_any_dtype(dtype)
     assert is_datetime64_any_dtype("datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]")
     assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(dtype)
     assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype("datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]")
     assert not is_datetime64_dtype(dtype)
     assert not is_datetime64_dtype("datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]")
def test_pandas_parser_test_issue_sample_data_1138():
    descriptor = {
        "path": "data/issue-1138.csv",
        "name": "pegeldaten-schleswig-holstein-114515",
        "profile": "tabular-data-resource",
        "format": "csv",
        "encoding": "iso8859-1",
        "dialect": {
            "delimiter": ";"
        "schema": {
            "fields": [
                    "type": "date",
                    "format": "%d.%m.%Y",
                    "name": "Zeit [MEZ]"
                    "type": "integer",
                    "name": "Wasserstand"
                    "type": "string",
                    "name": "Status",
                    "constraints": {
                        ["qualitätsgesichert", "nicht qualitätsgesichert"]
    resource = Resource(descriptor)
    df = resource.to_pandas()
    assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(df.dtypes.values[0])
def test_pandas_parser_preserve_datetime_field_type_1138():
    descriptor = {
        "schema": {
            "fields": [
                    "name": "id",
                    "type": "integer"
                    "name": "datetime",
                    "type": "date"
        "data": [
            ["id", "datetime"],
            ["1", "2020-01-01 15:00:00"],
            ["2", "2020-01-01 15:00:00"],
    resource = Resource(descriptor)
    df = resource.to_pandas()
    assert is_datetime64_ns_dtype(df.dtypes.values[1])
    def fast_xs(self, loc: int) -> ArrayLike:
        Return the array corresponding to `frame.iloc[loc]`.

        loc : int

        np.ndarray or ExtensionArray
        dtype = interleaved_dtype([arr.dtype for arr in self.arrays])

        values = [arr[loc] for arr in self.arrays]
        if isinstance(dtype, ExtensionDtype):
            result = dtype.construct_array_type()._from_sequence(values,
        # for datetime64/timedelta64, the np.ndarray constructor cannot handle pd.NaT
        elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(dtype):
            result = DatetimeArray._from_sequence(values, dtype=dtype)._data
        elif is_timedelta64_ns_dtype(dtype):
            result = TimedeltaArray._from_sequence(values, dtype=dtype)._data
            result = np.array(values, dtype=dtype)
        return result
def _aggregate_dimension_groups(group):
    # FIXME this should aggregate according to field definition, instead of sum/max
    # Need a way to interpret definitions in python code in order to do that
    if is_datetime64_ns_dtype(group):
        # sum aggregation doesn't work on the datetime type so use max instead
        return group.max()
    return group.sum()
def test_is_datetime64_ns_dtype():
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(int)
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(str)
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(np.datetime64)
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(np.array([1, 2]))
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(np.array(["a", "b"]))
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(np.array([], dtype=np.datetime64))

    # This datetime array has the wrong unit (ps instead of ns)
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(np.array([], dtype="datetime64[ps]"))

    assert com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(DatetimeTZDtype("ns", "US/Eastern"))
    assert com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(
        pd.DatetimeIndex([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.dtype("datetime64[ns]")))

    # non-nano dt64tz
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(DatetimeTZDtype("us", "US/Eastern"))
def test_is_datetime64_ns_dtype():
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(int)
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(str)
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(np.datetime64)
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(np.array([1, 2]))
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(np.array(['a', 'b']))
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(np.array([], dtype=np.datetime64))

    # This datetime array has the wrong unit (ps instead of ns)
    assert not com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(np.array([], dtype="datetime64[ps]"))

    assert com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(DatetimeTZDtype("ns", "US/Eastern"))
    assert com.is_datetime64_ns_dtype(pd.DatetimeIndex([1, 2, 3],
文件: ewm.py 项目: wbing520/pandas
 def __init__(
     com: Optional[float] = None,
     span: Optional[float] = None,
     halflife: Optional[Union[float, TimedeltaConvertibleTypes]] = None,
     alpha: Optional[float] = None,
     min_periods: int = 0,
     adjust: bool = True,
     ignore_na: bool = False,
     axis: int = 0,
     times: Optional[Union[str, np.ndarray, FrameOrSeries]] = None,
         min_periods=max(int(min_periods), 1),
     self.adjust = adjust
     self.ignore_na = ignore_na
     if times is not None:
         if isinstance(times, str):
             times = self._selected_obj[times]
         if not is_datetime64_ns_dtype(times):
             raise ValueError("times must be datetime64[ns] dtype.")
         if len(times) != len(obj):
             raise ValueError("times must be the same length as the object.")
         if not isinstance(halflife, (str, datetime.timedelta)):
             raise ValueError(
                 "halflife must be a string or datetime.timedelta object"
         if isna(times).any():
             raise ValueError("Cannot convert NaT values to integer")
         self.times = np.asarray(times.view(np.int64))
         self.halflife = Timedelta(halflife).value
         # Halflife is no longer applicable when calculating COM
         # But allow COM to still be calculated if the user passes other decay args
         if common.count_not_none(com, span, alpha) > 0:
             self.com = get_center_of_mass(com, span, None, alpha)
             self.com = 0.0
         if halflife is not None and isinstance(halflife, (str, datetime.timedelta)):
             raise ValueError(
                 "halflife can only be a timedelta convertible argument if "
                 "times is not None."
         self.times = None
         self.halflife = None
         self.com = get_center_of_mass(com, span, halflife, alpha)
def _dt_to_float_ordinal(dt):
    Convert :mod:`datetime` to the Gregorian date as UTC float days,
    preserving hours, minutes, seconds and microseconds.  Return value
    is a :func:`float`.
    if isinstance(dt, (np.ndarray, Index, Series)) and is_datetime64_ns_dtype(dt):
        base = dates.epoch2num(dt.asi8 / 1.0e9)
        base = dates.date2num(dt)
    return base
def _dt_to_float_ordinal(dt):
    Convert :mod:`datetime` to the Gregorian date as UTC float days,
    preserving hours, minutes, seconds and microseconds.  Return value
    is a :func:`float`.
    if (isinstance(dt, (np.ndarray, Index, ABCSeries)
                   ) and is_datetime64_ns_dtype(dt)):
        base = dates.epoch2num(dt.asi8 / 1.0E9)
        base = dates.date2num(dt)
    return base
def maybe_castable(arr) -> bool:
    # return False to force a non-fastpath

    # check datetime64[ns]/timedelta64[ns] are valid
    # otherwise try to coerce
    kind = arr.dtype.kind
    if kind == "M":
        return is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arr.dtype)
    elif kind == "m":
        return is_timedelta64_ns_dtype(arr.dtype)

    return arr.dtype.name not in _POSSIBLY_CAST_DTYPES
 def test_compat(self):
文件: ewm.py 项目: warrenferns/pandas
 def __init__(
     com: Optional[float] = None,
     span: Optional[float] = None,
     halflife: Optional[Union[float, TimedeltaConvertibleTypes]] = None,
     alpha: Optional[float] = None,
     min_periods: int = 0,
     adjust: bool = True,
     ignore_na: bool = False,
     axis: int = 0,
     times: Optional[Union[str, np.ndarray, FrameOrSeries]] = None,
         min_periods=max(int(min_periods), 1),
     self.com = com
     self.span = span
     self.halflife = halflife
     self.alpha = alpha
     self.adjust = adjust
     self.ignore_na = ignore_na
     self.times = times
     if self.times is not None:
         if not self.adjust:
             raise NotImplementedError(
                 "times is not supported with adjust=False.")
         if isinstance(self.times, str):
             self.times = self._selected_obj[self.times]
         if not is_datetime64_ns_dtype(self.times):
             raise ValueError("times must be datetime64[ns] dtype.")
         if len(self.times) != len(obj):
             raise ValueError(
                 "times must be the same length as the object.")
         if not isinstance(self.halflife, (str, datetime.timedelta)):
             raise ValueError(
                 "halflife must be a string or datetime.timedelta object")
         if isna(self.times).any():
             raise ValueError("Cannot convert NaT values to integer")
         _times = np.asarray(self.times.view(np.int64), dtype=np.float64)
         _halflife = float(Timedelta(self.halflife).value)
         self._deltas = np.diff(_times) / _halflife
         # Halflife is no longer applicable when calculating COM
         # But allow COM to still be calculated if the user passes other decay args
         if common.count_not_none(self.com, self.span, self.alpha) > 0:
             self._com = get_center_of_mass(self.com, self.span, None,
             self._com = 1.0
         if self.halflife is not None and isinstance(
                 self.halflife, (str, datetime.timedelta)):
             raise ValueError(
                 "halflife can only be a timedelta convertible argument if "
                 "times is not None.")
         # Without times, points are equally spaced
         self._deltas = np.ones(max(len(self.obj) - 1, 0), dtype=np.float64)
         self._com = get_center_of_mass(self.com, self.span, self.halflife,
    def _convert_listlike(arg, box, format, name=None, tz=tz):

        if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
            arg = np.array(arg, dtype='O')

        # these are shortcutable
        if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg):
            if not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            if utc:
                arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize('UTC')
            return arg

        elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg):
            if box and not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
                    return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
                except ValueError:

            return arg

        elif unit is not None:
            if format is not None:
                raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
            arg = getattr(arg, 'values', arg)
            result = tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime(arg, unit,
            if box:
                if errors == 'ignore':
                    from pandas import Index
                    return Index(result)

                return DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
            return result
        elif getattr(arg, 'ndim', 1) > 1:
            raise TypeError('arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, '
                            '1-d array, or Series')

        arg = _ensure_object(arg)
        require_iso8601 = False

        if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
            format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

        if format is not None:
            # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
            # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
            # format because this path makes process slower in this
            # special case
            format_is_iso8601 = _format_is_iso(format)
            if format_is_iso8601:
                require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
                format = None

            result = None

            if format is not None:
                # shortcut formatting here
                if format == '%Y%m%d':
                        result = _attempt_YYYYMMDD(arg, errors=errors)
                        raise ValueError("cannot convert the input to "
                                         "'%Y%m%d' date format")

                # fallback
                if result is None:
                        result = array_strptime(arg, format, exact=exact,
                    except tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
                        if errors == 'raise':
                        result = arg
                    except ValueError:
                        # if format was inferred, try falling back
                        # to array_to_datetime - terminate here
                        # for specified formats
                        if not infer_datetime_format:
                            if errors == 'raise':
                            result = arg

            if result is None and (format is None or infer_datetime_format):
                result = tslib.array_to_datetime(

            if is_datetime64_dtype(result) and box:
                result = DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
            return result

        except ValueError as e:
                values, tz = conversion.datetime_to_datetime64(arg)
                return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(values, name=name, tz=tz)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise e
def _convert_listlike_datetimes(
    format: str | None,
    name: Hashable = None,
    tz: Timezone | None = None,
    unit: str | None = None,
    errors: str = "raise",
    infer_datetime_format: bool = False,
    dayfirst: bool | None = None,
    yearfirst: bool | None = None,
    exact: bool = True,
    Helper function for to_datetime. Performs the conversions of 1D listlike
    of dates

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be parsed
    name : object
        None or string for the Index name
    tz : object
        None or 'utc'
    unit : str
        None or string of the frequency of the passed data
    errors : str
        error handing behaviors from to_datetime, 'raise', 'coerce', 'ignore'
    infer_datetime_format : bool, default False
        inferring format behavior from to_datetime
    dayfirst : bool
        dayfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    yearfirst : bool
        yearfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    exact : bool, default True
        exact format matching behavior from to_datetime

    Index-like of parsed dates

    if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        arg = np.array(arg, dtype="O")

    arg_dtype = getattr(arg, "dtype", None)
    # these are shortcutable
    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg_dtype):
        if not isinstance(arg, (DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex)):
            return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
        if tz == "utc":
            arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize(tz)
        return arg

    elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg_dtype):
        if not isinstance(arg, (DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex)):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            except ValueError:
        elif tz:
            # DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex
            return arg.tz_localize(tz)

        return arg

    elif unit is not None:
        if format is not None:
            raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
        return _to_datetime_with_unit(arg, unit, name, tz, errors)
    elif getattr(arg, "ndim", 1) > 1:
        raise TypeError(
            "arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series"

    # warn if passing timedelta64, raise for PeriodDtype
    # NB: this must come after unit transformation
    orig_arg = arg
        arg, _ = maybe_convert_dtype(arg, copy=False)
    except TypeError:
        if errors == "coerce":
            npvalues = np.array(["NaT"],
            return DatetimeIndex(npvalues, name=name)
        elif errors == "ignore":
            idx = Index(arg, name=name)
            return idx

    arg = ensure_object(arg)
    require_iso8601 = False

    if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
        format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

    if format is not None:
        # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
        # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
        # format because this path makes process slower in this
        # special case
        format_is_iso8601 = format_is_iso(format)
        if format_is_iso8601:
            require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
            format = None

    if format is not None:
        res = _to_datetime_with_format(arg, orig_arg, name, tz, format, exact,
                                       errors, infer_datetime_format)
        if res is not None:
            return res

    assert format is None or infer_datetime_format
    utc = tz == "utc"
    result, tz_parsed = objects_to_datetime64ns(

    if tz_parsed is not None:
        # We can take a shortcut since the datetime64 numpy array
        # is in UTC
        dta = DatetimeArray(result, dtype=tz_to_dtype(tz_parsed))
        return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(dta, name=name)

    utc = tz == "utc"
    return _box_as_indexlike(result, utc=utc, name=name)
def array(
    data: Union[Sequence[object], AnyArrayLike],
    dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None,
    copy: bool = True,
) -> "ExtensionArray":
    Create an array.

    .. versionadded:: 0.24.0

    data : Sequence of objects
        The scalars inside `data` should be instances of the
        scalar type for `dtype`. It's expected that `data`
        represents a 1-dimensional array of data.

        When `data` is an Index or Series, the underlying array
        will be extracted from `data`.

    dtype : str, np.dtype, or ExtensionDtype, optional
        The dtype to use for the array. This may be a NumPy
        dtype or an extension type registered with pandas using

        If not specified, there are two possibilities:

        1. When `data` is a :class:`Series`, :class:`Index`, or
           :class:`ExtensionArray`, the `dtype` will be taken
           from the data.
        2. Otherwise, pandas will attempt to infer the `dtype`
           from the data.

        Note that when `data` is a NumPy array, ``data.dtype`` is
        *not* used for inferring the array type. This is because
        NumPy cannot represent all the types of data that can be
        held in extension arrays.

        Currently, pandas will infer an extension dtype for sequences of

        ============================== =====================================
        Scalar Type                    Array Type
        ============================== =====================================
        :class:`pandas.Interval`       :class:`pandas.arrays.IntervalArray`
        :class:`pandas.Period`         :class:`pandas.arrays.PeriodArray`
        :class:`datetime.datetime`     :class:`pandas.arrays.DatetimeArray`
        :class:`datetime.timedelta`    :class:`pandas.arrays.TimedeltaArray`
        :class:`int`                   :class:`pandas.arrays.IntegerArray`
        :class:`str`                   :class:`pandas.arrays.StringArray`
        :class:`bool`                  :class:`pandas.arrays.BooleanArray`
        ============================== =====================================

        For all other cases, NumPy's usual inference rules will be used.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0

           Pandas infers nullable-integer dtype for integer data,
           string dtype for string data, and nullable-boolean dtype
           for boolean data.

    copy : bool, default True
        Whether to copy the data, even if not necessary. Depending
        on the type of `data`, creating the new array may require
        copying data, even if ``copy=False``.

        The newly created array.

        When `data` is not 1-dimensional.

    See Also
    numpy.array : Construct a NumPy array.
    Series : Construct a pandas Series.
    Index : Construct a pandas Index.
    arrays.PandasArray : ExtensionArray wrapping a NumPy array.
    Series.array : Extract the array stored within a Series.

    Omitting the `dtype` argument means pandas will attempt to infer the
    best array type from the values in the data. As new array types are
    added by pandas and 3rd party libraries, the "best" array type may
    change. We recommend specifying `dtype` to ensure that

    1. the correct array type for the data is returned
    2. the returned array type doesn't change as new extension types
       are added by pandas and third-party libraries

    Additionally, if the underlying memory representation of the returned
    array matters, we recommend specifying the `dtype` as a concrete object
    rather than a string alias or allowing it to be inferred. For example,
    a future version of pandas or a 3rd-party library may include a
    dedicated ExtensionArray for string data. In this event, the following
    would no longer return a :class:`arrays.PandasArray` backed by a NumPy

    >>> pd.array(['a', 'b'], dtype=str)
    ['a', 'b']
    Length: 2, dtype: str32

    This would instead return the new ExtensionArray dedicated for string
    data. If you really need the new array to be backed by a  NumPy array,
    specify that in the dtype.

    >>> pd.array(['a', 'b'], dtype=np.dtype("<U1"))
    ['a', 'b']
    Length: 2, dtype: str32

    Finally, Pandas has arrays that mostly overlap with NumPy

      * :class:`arrays.DatetimeArray`
      * :class:`arrays.TimedeltaArray`

    When data with a ``datetime64[ns]`` or ``timedelta64[ns]`` dtype is
    passed, pandas will always return a ``DatetimeArray`` or ``TimedeltaArray``
    rather than a ``PandasArray``. This is for symmetry with the case of
    timezone-aware data, which NumPy does not natively support.

    >>> pd.array(['2015', '2016'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')
    ['2015-01-01 00:00:00', '2016-01-01 00:00:00']
    Length: 2, dtype: datetime64[ns]

    >>> pd.array(["1H", "2H"], dtype='timedelta64[ns]')
    ['0 days 01:00:00', '0 days 02:00:00']
    Length: 2, dtype: timedelta64[ns]

    If a dtype is not specified, pandas will infer the best dtype from the values.
    See the description of `dtype` for the types pandas infers for.

    >>> pd.array([1, 2])
    [1, 2]
    Length: 2, dtype: Int64

    >>> pd.array([1, 2, np.nan])
    [1, 2, <NA>]
    Length: 3, dtype: Int64

    >>> pd.array(["a", None, "c"])
    ['a', <NA>, 'c']
    Length: 3, dtype: string

    >>> pd.array([pd.Period('2000', freq="D"), pd.Period("2000", freq="D")])
    ['2000-01-01', '2000-01-01']
    Length: 2, dtype: period[D]

    You can use the string alias for `dtype`

    >>> pd.array(['a', 'b', 'a'], dtype='category')
    [a, b, a]
    Categories (2, object): [a, b]

    Or specify the actual dtype

    >>> pd.array(['a', 'b', 'a'],
    ...          dtype=pd.CategoricalDtype(['a', 'b', 'c'], ordered=True))
    [a, b, a]
    Categories (3, object): [a < b < c]

    If pandas does not infer a dedicated extension type a
    :class:`arrays.PandasArray` is returned.

    >>> pd.array([1.1, 2.2])
    [1.1, 2.2]
    Length: 2, dtype: float64

    As mentioned in the "Notes" section, new extension types may be added
    in the future (by pandas or 3rd party libraries), causing the return
    value to no longer be a :class:`arrays.PandasArray`. Specify the `dtype`
    as a NumPy dtype if you need to ensure there's no future change in

    >>> pd.array([1, 2], dtype=np.dtype("int32"))
    [1, 2]
    Length: 2, dtype: int32

    `data` must be 1-dimensional. A ValueError is raised when the input
    has the wrong dimensionality.

    >>> pd.array(1)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Cannot pass scalar '1' to 'pandas.array'.
    from pandas.core.arrays import (

    if lib.is_scalar(data):
        msg = f"Cannot pass scalar '{data}' to 'pandas.array'."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if dtype is None and isinstance(
            data, (ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass, ABCExtensionArray)):
        dtype = data.dtype

    data = extract_array(data, extract_numpy=True)

    # this returns None for not-found dtypes.
    if isinstance(dtype, str):
        dtype = registry.find(dtype) or dtype

    if is_extension_array_dtype(dtype):
        cls = cast(ExtensionDtype, dtype).construct_array_type()
        return cls._from_sequence(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)

    if dtype is None:
        inferred_dtype = lib.infer_dtype(data, skipna=True)
        if inferred_dtype == "period":
                return period_array(data, copy=copy)
            except IncompatibleFrequency:
                # We may have a mixture of frequencies.
                # We choose to return an ndarray, rather than raising.
        elif inferred_dtype == "interval":
                return IntervalArray(data, copy=copy)
            except ValueError:
                # We may have a mixture of `closed` here.
                # We choose to return an ndarray, rather than raising.

        elif inferred_dtype.startswith("datetime"):
            # datetime, datetime64
                return DatetimeArray._from_sequence(data, copy=copy)
            except ValueError:
                # Mixture of timezones, fall back to PandasArray

        elif inferred_dtype.startswith("timedelta"):
            # timedelta, timedelta64
            return TimedeltaArray._from_sequence(data, copy=copy)

        elif inferred_dtype == "string":
            return StringArray._from_sequence(data, copy=copy)

        elif inferred_dtype == "integer":
            return IntegerArray._from_sequence(data, copy=copy)

        elif inferred_dtype == "boolean":
            return BooleanArray._from_sequence(data, copy=copy)

    # Pandas overrides NumPy for
    #   1. datetime64[ns]
    #   2. timedelta64[ns]
    # so that a DatetimeArray is returned.
    if is_datetime64_ns_dtype(dtype):
        return DatetimeArray._from_sequence(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
    elif is_timedelta64_ns_dtype(dtype):
        return TimedeltaArray._from_sequence(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)

    result = PandasArray._from_sequence(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
    return result
 def test_compat(self):
def array(data,         # type: Sequence[object]
          dtype=None,   # type: Optional[Union[str, np.dtype, ExtensionDtype]]
          copy=True,    # type: bool
    # type: (...) -> ExtensionArray
    Create an array.

    .. versionadded:: 0.24.0

    data : Sequence of objects
        The scalars inside `data` should be instances of the
        scalar type for `dtype`. It's expected that `data`
        represents a 1-dimensional array of data.

        When `data` is an Index or Series, the underlying array
        will be extracted from `data`.

    dtype : str, np.dtype, or ExtensionDtype, optional
        The dtype to use for the array. This may be a NumPy
        dtype or an extension type registered with pandas using

        If not specified, there are two possibilities:

        1. When `data` is a :class:`Series`, :class:`Index`, or
           :class:`ExtensionArray`, the `dtype` will be taken
           from the data.
        2. Otherwise, pandas will attempt to infer the `dtype`
           from the data.

        Note that when `data` is a NumPy array, ``data.dtype`` is
        *not* used for inferring the array type. This is because
        NumPy cannot represent all the types of data that can be
        held in extension arrays.

        Currently, pandas will infer an extension dtype for sequences of

        ============================== =====================================
        Scalar Type                    Array Type
        ============================== =====================================
        :class:`pandas.Interval`       :class:`pandas.arrays.IntervalArray`
        :class:`pandas.Period`         :class:`pandas.arrays.PeriodArray`
        :class:`datetime.datetime`     :class:`pandas.arrays.DatetimeArray`
        :class:`datetime.timedelta`    :class:`pandas.arrays.TimedeltaArray`
        ============================== =====================================

        For all other cases, NumPy's usual inference rules will be used.

    copy : bool, default True
        Whether to copy the data, even if not necessary. Depending
        on the type of `data`, creating the new array may require
        copying data, even if ``copy=False``.

        The newly created array.

        When `data` is not 1-dimensional.

    See Also
    numpy.array : Construct a NumPy array.
    Series : Construct a pandas Series.
    Index : Construct a pandas Index.
    arrays.PandasArray : ExtensionArray wrapping a NumPy array.
    Series.array : Extract the array stored within a Series.

    Omitting the `dtype` argument means pandas will attempt to infer the
    best array type from the values in the data. As new array types are
    added by pandas and 3rd party libraries, the "best" array type may
    change. We recommend specifying `dtype` to ensure that

    1. the correct array type for the data is returned
    2. the returned array type doesn't change as new extension types
       are added by pandas and third-party libraries

    Additionally, if the underlying memory representation of the returned
    array matters, we recommend specifying the `dtype` as a concrete object
    rather than a string alias or allowing it to be inferred. For example,
    a future version of pandas or a 3rd-party library may include a
    dedicated ExtensionArray for string data. In this event, the following
    would no longer return a :class:`arrays.PandasArray` backed by a NumPy

    >>> pd.array(['a', 'b'], dtype=str)
    ['a', 'b']
    Length: 2, dtype: str32

    This would instead return the new ExtensionArray dedicated for string
    data. If you really need the new array to be backed by a  NumPy array,
    specify that in the dtype.

    >>> pd.array(['a', 'b'], dtype=np.dtype("<U1"))
    ['a', 'b']
    Length: 2, dtype: str32

    Or use the dedicated constructor for the array you're expecting, and
    wrap that in a PandasArray

    >>> pd.array(np.array(['a', 'b'], dtype='<U1'))
    ['a', 'b']
    Length: 2, dtype: str32

    Finally, Pandas has arrays that mostly overlap with NumPy

      * :class:`arrays.DatetimeArray`
      * :class:`arrays.TimedeltaArray`

    When data with a ``datetime64[ns]`` or ``timedelta64[ns]`` dtype is
    passed, pandas will always return a ``DatetimeArray`` or ``TimedeltaArray``
    rather than a ``PandasArray``. This is for symmetry with the case of
    timezone-aware data, which NumPy does not natively support.

    >>> pd.array(['2015', '2016'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')
    ['2015-01-01 00:00:00', '2016-01-01 00:00:00']
    Length: 2, dtype: datetime64[ns]

    >>> pd.array(["1H", "2H"], dtype='timedelta64[ns]')
    ['01:00:00', '02:00:00']
    Length: 2, dtype: timedelta64[ns]

    If a dtype is not specified, `data` is passed through to
    :meth:`numpy.array`, and a :class:`arrays.PandasArray` is returned.

    >>> pd.array([1, 2])
    [1, 2]
    Length: 2, dtype: int64

    Or the NumPy dtype can be specified

    >>> pd.array([1, 2], dtype=np.dtype("int32"))
    [1, 2]
    Length: 2, dtype: int32

    You can use the string alias for `dtype`

    >>> pd.array(['a', 'b', 'a'], dtype='category')
    [a, b, a]
    Categories (2, object): [a, b]

    Or specify the actual dtype

    >>> pd.array(['a', 'b', 'a'],
    ...          dtype=pd.CategoricalDtype(['a', 'b', 'c'], ordered=True))
    [a, b, a]
    Categories (3, object): [a < b < c]

    Because omitting the `dtype` passes the data through to NumPy,
    a mixture of valid integers and NA will return a floating-point
    NumPy array.

    >>> pd.array([1, 2, np.nan])
    [1.0,  2.0, nan]
    Length: 3, dtype: float64

    To use pandas' nullable :class:`pandas.arrays.IntegerArray`, specify
    the dtype:

    >>> pd.array([1, 2, np.nan], dtype='Int64')
    [1, 2, NaN]
    Length: 3, dtype: Int64

    Pandas will infer an ExtensionArray for some types of data:

    >>> pd.array([pd.Period('2000', freq="D"), pd.Period("2000", freq="D")])
    ['2000-01-01', '2000-01-01']
    Length: 2, dtype: period[D]

    `data` must be 1-dimensional. A ValueError is raised when the input
    has the wrong dimensionality.

    >>> pd.array(1)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Cannot pass scalar '1' to 'pandas.array'.
    from pandas.core.arrays import (
        period_array, ExtensionArray, IntervalArray, PandasArray,
    from pandas.core.internals.arrays import extract_array

    if lib.is_scalar(data):
        msg = (
            "Cannot pass scalar '{}' to 'pandas.array'."
        raise ValueError(msg.format(data))

    data = extract_array(data, extract_numpy=True)

    if dtype is None and isinstance(data, ExtensionArray):
        dtype = data.dtype

    # this returns None for not-found dtypes.
    if isinstance(dtype, compat.string_types):
        dtype = registry.find(dtype) or dtype

    if is_extension_array_dtype(dtype):
        cls = dtype.construct_array_type()
        return cls._from_sequence(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)

    if dtype is None:
        inferred_dtype = lib.infer_dtype(data, skipna=False)
        if inferred_dtype == 'period':
                return period_array(data, copy=copy)
            except tslibs.IncompatibleFrequency:
                # We may have a mixture of frequencies.
                # We choose to return an ndarray, rather than raising.
        elif inferred_dtype == 'interval':
                return IntervalArray(data, copy=copy)
            except ValueError:
                # We may have a mixture of `closed` here.
                # We choose to return an ndarray, rather than raising.

        elif inferred_dtype.startswith('datetime'):
            # datetime, datetime64
                return DatetimeArray._from_sequence(data, copy=copy)
            except ValueError:
                # Mixture of timezones, fall back to PandasArray

        elif inferred_dtype.startswith('timedelta'):
            # timedelta, timedelta64
            return TimedeltaArray._from_sequence(data, copy=copy)

        # TODO(BooleanArray): handle this type

    # Pandas overrides NumPy for
    #   1. datetime64[ns]
    #   2. timedelta64[ns]
    # so that a DatetimeArray is returned.
    if is_datetime64_ns_dtype(dtype):
        return DatetimeArray._from_sequence(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
    elif is_timedelta64_ns_dtype(dtype):
        return TimedeltaArray._from_sequence(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)

    result = PandasArray._from_sequence(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
    return result
文件: array_.py 项目: bashtage/pandas
def array(data: Sequence[object],
          dtype: Optional[Union[str, np.dtype, ExtensionDtype]] = None,
          copy: bool = True,
          ) -> ABCExtensionArray:
    Create an array.

    .. versionadded:: 0.24.0

    data : Sequence of objects
        The scalars inside `data` should be instances of the
        scalar type for `dtype`. It's expected that `data`
        represents a 1-dimensional array of data.

        When `data` is an Index or Series, the underlying array
        will be extracted from `data`.

    dtype : str, np.dtype, or ExtensionDtype, optional
        The dtype to use for the array. This may be a NumPy
        dtype or an extension type registered with pandas using

        If not specified, there are two possibilities:

        1. When `data` is a :class:`Series`, :class:`Index`, or
           :class:`ExtensionArray`, the `dtype` will be taken
           from the data.
        2. Otherwise, pandas will attempt to infer the `dtype`
           from the data.

        Note that when `data` is a NumPy array, ``data.dtype`` is
        *not* used for inferring the array type. This is because
        NumPy cannot represent all the types of data that can be
        held in extension arrays.

        Currently, pandas will infer an extension dtype for sequences of

        ============================== =====================================
        Scalar Type                    Array Type
        ============================== =====================================
        :class:`pandas.Interval`       :class:`pandas.arrays.IntervalArray`
        :class:`pandas.Period`         :class:`pandas.arrays.PeriodArray`
        :class:`datetime.datetime`     :class:`pandas.arrays.DatetimeArray`
        :class:`datetime.timedelta`    :class:`pandas.arrays.TimedeltaArray`
        ============================== =====================================

        For all other cases, NumPy's usual inference rules will be used.

    copy : bool, default True
        Whether to copy the data, even if not necessary. Depending
        on the type of `data`, creating the new array may require
        copying data, even if ``copy=False``.

        The newly created array.

        When `data` is not 1-dimensional.

    See Also
    numpy.array : Construct a NumPy array.
    Series : Construct a pandas Series.
    Index : Construct a pandas Index.
    arrays.PandasArray : ExtensionArray wrapping a NumPy array.
    Series.array : Extract the array stored within a Series.

    Omitting the `dtype` argument means pandas will attempt to infer the
    best array type from the values in the data. As new array types are
    added by pandas and 3rd party libraries, the "best" array type may
    change. We recommend specifying `dtype` to ensure that

    1. the correct array type for the data is returned
    2. the returned array type doesn't change as new extension types
       are added by pandas and third-party libraries

    Additionally, if the underlying memory representation of the returned
    array matters, we recommend specifying the `dtype` as a concrete object
    rather than a string alias or allowing it to be inferred. For example,
    a future version of pandas or a 3rd-party library may include a
    dedicated ExtensionArray for string data. In this event, the following
    would no longer return a :class:`arrays.PandasArray` backed by a NumPy

    >>> pd.array(['a', 'b'], dtype=str)
    ['a', 'b']
    Length: 2, dtype: str32

    This would instead return the new ExtensionArray dedicated for string
    data. If you really need the new array to be backed by a  NumPy array,
    specify that in the dtype.

    >>> pd.array(['a', 'b'], dtype=np.dtype("<U1"))
    ['a', 'b']
    Length: 2, dtype: str32

    Or use the dedicated constructor for the array you're expecting, and
    wrap that in a PandasArray

    >>> pd.array(np.array(['a', 'b'], dtype='<U1'))
    ['a', 'b']
    Length: 2, dtype: str32

    Finally, Pandas has arrays that mostly overlap with NumPy

      * :class:`arrays.DatetimeArray`
      * :class:`arrays.TimedeltaArray`

    When data with a ``datetime64[ns]`` or ``timedelta64[ns]`` dtype is
    passed, pandas will always return a ``DatetimeArray`` or ``TimedeltaArray``
    rather than a ``PandasArray``. This is for symmetry with the case of
    timezone-aware data, which NumPy does not natively support.

    >>> pd.array(['2015', '2016'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')
    ['2015-01-01 00:00:00', '2016-01-01 00:00:00']
    Length: 2, dtype: datetime64[ns]

    >>> pd.array(["1H", "2H"], dtype='timedelta64[ns]')
    ['01:00:00', '02:00:00']
    Length: 2, dtype: timedelta64[ns]

    If a dtype is not specified, `data` is passed through to
    :meth:`numpy.array`, and a :class:`arrays.PandasArray` is returned.

    >>> pd.array([1, 2])
    [1, 2]
    Length: 2, dtype: int64

    Or the NumPy dtype can be specified

    >>> pd.array([1, 2], dtype=np.dtype("int32"))
    [1, 2]
    Length: 2, dtype: int32

    You can use the string alias for `dtype`

    >>> pd.array(['a', 'b', 'a'], dtype='category')
    [a, b, a]
    Categories (2, object): [a, b]

    Or specify the actual dtype

    >>> pd.array(['a', 'b', 'a'],
    ...          dtype=pd.CategoricalDtype(['a', 'b', 'c'], ordered=True))
    [a, b, a]
    Categories (3, object): [a < b < c]

    Because omitting the `dtype` passes the data through to NumPy,
    a mixture of valid integers and NA will return a floating-point
    NumPy array.

    >>> pd.array([1, 2, np.nan])
    [1.0,  2.0, nan]
    Length: 3, dtype: float64

    To use pandas' nullable :class:`pandas.arrays.IntegerArray`, specify
    the dtype:

    >>> pd.array([1, 2, np.nan], dtype='Int64')
    [1, 2, NaN]
    Length: 3, dtype: Int64

    Pandas will infer an ExtensionArray for some types of data:

    >>> pd.array([pd.Period('2000', freq="D"), pd.Period("2000", freq="D")])
    ['2000-01-01', '2000-01-01']
    Length: 2, dtype: period[D]

    `data` must be 1-dimensional. A ValueError is raised when the input
    has the wrong dimensionality.

    >>> pd.array(1)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Cannot pass scalar '1' to 'pandas.array'.
    from pandas.core.arrays import (
        period_array, ExtensionArray, IntervalArray, PandasArray,
    from pandas.core.internals.arrays import extract_array

    if lib.is_scalar(data):
        msg = (
            "Cannot pass scalar '{}' to 'pandas.array'."
        raise ValueError(msg.format(data))

    data = extract_array(data, extract_numpy=True)

    if dtype is None and isinstance(data, ExtensionArray):
        dtype = data.dtype

    # this returns None for not-found dtypes.
    if isinstance(dtype, str):
        dtype = registry.find(dtype) or dtype

    if is_extension_array_dtype(dtype):
        cls = dtype.construct_array_type()
        return cls._from_sequence(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)

    if dtype is None:
        inferred_dtype = lib.infer_dtype(data, skipna=False)
        if inferred_dtype == 'period':
                return period_array(data, copy=copy)
            except tslibs.IncompatibleFrequency:
                # We may have a mixture of frequencies.
                # We choose to return an ndarray, rather than raising.
        elif inferred_dtype == 'interval':
                return IntervalArray(data, copy=copy)
            except ValueError:
                # We may have a mixture of `closed` here.
                # We choose to return an ndarray, rather than raising.

        elif inferred_dtype.startswith('datetime'):
            # datetime, datetime64
                return DatetimeArray._from_sequence(data, copy=copy)
            except ValueError:
                # Mixture of timezones, fall back to PandasArray

        elif inferred_dtype.startswith('timedelta'):
            # timedelta, timedelta64
            return TimedeltaArray._from_sequence(data, copy=copy)

        # TODO(BooleanArray): handle this type

    # Pandas overrides NumPy for
    #   1. datetime64[ns]
    #   2. timedelta64[ns]
    # so that a DatetimeArray is returned.
    if is_datetime64_ns_dtype(dtype):
        return DatetimeArray._from_sequence(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
    elif is_timedelta64_ns_dtype(dtype):
        return TimedeltaArray._from_sequence(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)

    result = PandasArray._from_sequence(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
    return result
def _convert_listlike_datetimes(arg, box, format, name=None, tz=None,
                                unit=None, errors=None,
                                infer_datetime_format=None, dayfirst=None,
                                yearfirst=None, exact=None):
    Helper function for to_datetime. Performs the conversions of 1D listlike
    of dates

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be parced
    box : boolean
        True boxes result as an Index-like, False returns an ndarray
    name : object
        None or string for the Index name
    tz : object
        None or 'utc'
    unit : string
        None or string of the frequency of the passed data
    errors : string
        error handing behaviors from to_datetime, 'raise', 'coerce', 'ignore'
    infer_datetime_format : boolean
        inferring format behavior from to_datetime
    dayfirst : boolean
        dayfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    yearfirst : boolean
        yearfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    exact : boolean
        exact format matching behavior from to_datetime

    ndarray of parsed dates

        - Index-like if box=True
        - ndarray of Timestamps if box=False
    from pandas import DatetimeIndex
    if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        arg = np.array(arg, dtype='O')

    # these are shortcutable
    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg):
        if not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
            return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
        if tz == 'utc':
            arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize(tz)
        return arg

    elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg):
        if box and not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            except ValueError:

        return arg

    elif unit is not None:
        if format is not None:
            raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
        arg = getattr(arg, 'values', arg)
        result = tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime(arg, unit,
        if box:
            if errors == 'ignore':
                from pandas import Index
                return Index(result)

            return DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
        return result
    elif getattr(arg, 'ndim', 1) > 1:
        raise TypeError('arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, '
                        '1-d array, or Series')

    arg = _ensure_object(arg)
    require_iso8601 = False

    if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
        format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

    if format is not None:
        # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
        # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
        # format because this path makes process slower in this
        # special case
        format_is_iso8601 = _format_is_iso(format)
        if format_is_iso8601:
            require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
            format = None

        result = None

        if format is not None:
            # shortcut formatting here
            if format == '%Y%m%d':
                    result = _attempt_YYYYMMDD(arg, errors=errors)
                    raise ValueError("cannot convert the input to "
                                     "'%Y%m%d' date format")

            # fallback
            if result is None:
                    result, timezones = array_strptime(
                        arg, format, exact=exact, errors=errors)
                    if '%Z' in format or '%z' in format:
                        return _return_parsed_timezone_results(
                            result, timezones, box, tz)
                except tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
                    if errors == 'raise':
                    result = arg
                except ValueError:
                    # if format was inferred, try falling back
                    # to array_to_datetime - terminate here
                    # for specified formats
                    if not infer_datetime_format:
                        if errors == 'raise':
                        result = arg

        if result is None and (format is None or infer_datetime_format):
            result = tslib.array_to_datetime(
                utc=tz == 'utc',

        if is_datetime64_dtype(result) and box:
            result = DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
        return result

    except ValueError as e:
            values, tz = conversion.datetime_to_datetime64(arg)
            return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(values, name=name, tz=tz)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            raise e
def _convert_listlike_datetimes(
    format: Optional[str],
    name: Hashable = None,
    tz: Optional[Timezone] = None,
    unit: Optional[str] = None,
    errors: Optional[str] = None,
    infer_datetime_format: bool = False,
    dayfirst: Optional[bool] = None,
    yearfirst: Optional[bool] = None,
    exact: bool = True,
    Helper function for to_datetime. Performs the conversions of 1D listlike
    of dates

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be parsed
    name : object
        None or string for the Index name
    tz : object
        None or 'utc'
    unit : string
        None or string of the frequency of the passed data
    errors : string
        error handing behaviors from to_datetime, 'raise', 'coerce', 'ignore'
    infer_datetime_format : bool, default False
        inferring format behavior from to_datetime
    dayfirst : boolean
        dayfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    yearfirst : boolean
        yearfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    exact : bool, default True
        exact format matching behavior from to_datetime

    Index-like of parsed dates

    if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        arg = np.array(arg, dtype="O")

    arg_dtype = getattr(arg, "dtype", None)
    # these are shortcutable
    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg_dtype):
        if not isinstance(arg, (DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex)):
            return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
        if tz == "utc":
            arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize(tz)
        return arg

    elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg_dtype):
        if not isinstance(arg, (DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex)):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            except ValueError:
        elif tz:
            # DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex
            return arg.tz_localize(tz)

        return arg

    elif unit is not None:
        if format is not None:
            raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
        arg = getattr(arg, "_values", arg)

        # GH 30050 pass an ndarray to tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime
        # because it expects an ndarray argument
        if isinstance(arg, IntegerArray):
            result = arg.astype(f"datetime64[{unit}]")
            tz_parsed = None

            result, tz_parsed = tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime(
                arg, unit, errors=errors)

        if errors == "ignore":

            result = Index(result, name=name)
            result = DatetimeIndex(result, name=name)
        # GH 23758: We may still need to localize the result with tz
        # GH 25546: Apply tz_parsed first (from arg), then tz (from caller)
        # result will be naive but in UTC
            result = result.tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert(tz_parsed)
        except AttributeError:
            # Regular Index from 'ignore' path
            return result
        if tz is not None:
            if result.tz is None:
                result = result.tz_localize(tz)
                result = result.tz_convert(tz)
        return result
    elif getattr(arg, "ndim", 1) > 1:
        raise TypeError(
            "arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series"

    # warn if passing timedelta64, raise for PeriodDtype
    # NB: this must come after unit transformation
    orig_arg = arg
        arg, _ = maybe_convert_dtype(arg, copy=False)
    except TypeError:
        if errors == "coerce":
            result = np.array(["NaT"], dtype="datetime64[ns]").repeat(len(arg))
            return DatetimeIndex(result, name=name)
        elif errors == "ignore":
            result = Index(arg, name=name)
            return result

    arg = ensure_object(arg)
    require_iso8601 = False

    if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
        format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

    if format is not None:
        # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
        # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
        # format because this path makes process slower in this
        # special case
        format_is_iso8601 = format_is_iso(format)
        if format_is_iso8601:
            require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
            format = None

    result = None

    if format is not None:
            # shortcut formatting here
            if format == "%Y%m%d":
                # pass orig_arg as float-dtype may have been converted to
                # datetime64[ns]
                orig_arg = ensure_object(orig_arg)
                    result = _attempt_YYYYMMDD(orig_arg, errors=errors)
                except (ValueError, TypeError, OutOfBoundsDatetime) as err:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "cannot convert the input to '%Y%m%d' date format"
                    ) from err

            # fallback
            if result is None:
                result = _array_strptime_with_fallback(arg, name, tz, format,
                                                       exact, errors,
                if result is not None:
                    return result

        except ValueError as e:
            # Fallback to try to convert datetime objects if timezone-aware
            #  datetime objects are found without passing `utc=True`
                values, tz = conversion.datetime_to_datetime64(arg)
                dta = DatetimeArray(values, dtype=tz_to_dtype(tz))
                return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(dta, name=name)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise e

    if result is None:
        assert format is None or infer_datetime_format
        utc = tz == "utc"
        result, tz_parsed = objects_to_datetime64ns(

        if tz_parsed is not None:
            # We can take a shortcut since the datetime64 numpy array
            # is in UTC
            dta = DatetimeArray(result, dtype=tz_to_dtype(tz_parsed))
            return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(dta, name=name)

    utc = tz == "utc"
    return _box_as_indexlike(result, utc=utc, name=name)
 def __init__(
     obj: NDFrame,
     com: float | None = None,
     span: float | None = None,
     halflife: float | TimedeltaConvertibleTypes | None = None,
     alpha: float | None = None,
     min_periods: int | None = 0,
     adjust: bool = True,
     ignore_na: bool = False,
     axis: Axis = 0,
     times: str | np.ndarray | NDFrame | None = None,
     method: str = "single",
 ) -> None:
         min_periods=1 if min_periods is None else max(int(min_periods), 1),
     self.com = com
     self.span = span
     self.halflife = halflife
     self.alpha = alpha
     self.adjust = adjust
     self.ignore_na = ignore_na
     self.times = times
     if self.times is not None:
         if not self.adjust:
             raise NotImplementedError(
                 "times is not supported with adjust=False.")
         if isinstance(self.times, str):
                 ("Specifying times as a string column label is deprecated "
                  "and will be removed in a future version. Pass the column "
                  "into times instead."),
             # self.times cannot be str anymore
             self.times = cast("Series", self._selected_obj[self.times])
         if not is_datetime64_ns_dtype(self.times):
             raise ValueError("times must be datetime64[ns] dtype.")
         if len(self.times) != len(obj):
             raise ValueError(
                 "times must be the same length as the object.")
         if not isinstance(self.halflife,
                           (str, datetime.timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
             raise ValueError(
                 "halflife must be a timedelta convertible object")
         if isna(self.times).any():
             raise ValueError("Cannot convert NaT values to integer")
         self._deltas = _calculate_deltas(self.times, self.halflife)
         # Halflife is no longer applicable when calculating COM
         # But allow COM to still be calculated if the user passes other decay args
         if common.count_not_none(self.com, self.span, self.alpha) > 0:
             self._com = get_center_of_mass(self.com, self.span, None,
             self._com = 1.0
         if self.halflife is not None and isinstance(
                 self.halflife, (str, datetime.timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
             raise ValueError(
                 "halflife can only be a timedelta convertible argument if "
                 "times is not None.")
         # Without times, points are equally spaced
         self._deltas = np.ones(max(self.obj.shape[self.axis] - 1, 0),
         self._com = get_center_of_mass(
             # error: Argument 3 to "get_center_of_mass" has incompatible type
             # "Union[float, Any, None, timedelta64, signedinteger[_64Bit]]";
             # expected "Optional[float]"
             self.halflife,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
def _convert_listlike_datetimes(arg, box, format, name=None, tz=None,
                                unit=None, errors=None,
                                infer_datetime_format=None, dayfirst=None,
                                yearfirst=None, exact=None):
    Helper function for to_datetime. Performs the conversions of 1D listlike
    of dates

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be parced
    box : boolean
        True boxes result as an Index-like, False returns an ndarray
    name : object
        None or string for the Index name
    tz : object
        None or 'utc'
    unit : string
        None or string of the frequency of the passed data
    errors : string
        error handing behaviors from to_datetime, 'raise', 'coerce', 'ignore'
    infer_datetime_format : boolean
        inferring format behavior from to_datetime
    dayfirst : boolean
        dayfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    yearfirst : boolean
        yearfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    exact : boolean
        exact format matching behavior from to_datetime

    ndarray of parsed dates

        - Index-like if box=True
        - ndarray of Timestamps if box=False
    from pandas import DatetimeIndex
    from pandas.core.arrays.datetimes import maybe_convert_dtype

    if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        arg = np.array(arg, dtype='O')

    # these are shortcutable
    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg):
        if not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
            return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
        if tz == 'utc':
            arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize(tz)
        return arg

    elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg):
        if box and not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            except ValueError:

        return arg

    elif unit is not None:
        if format is not None:
            raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
        arg = getattr(arg, 'values', arg)
        result = tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime(arg, unit,
        if box:
            if errors == 'ignore':
                from pandas import Index
                return Index(result, name=name)

            return DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
        return result
    elif getattr(arg, 'ndim', 1) > 1:
        raise TypeError('arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, '
                        '1-d array, or Series')

    # warn if passing timedelta64, raise for PeriodDtype
    # NB: this must come after unit transformation
    orig_arg = arg
    arg, _ = maybe_convert_dtype(arg, copy=False)

    arg = ensure_object(arg)
    require_iso8601 = False

    if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
        format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

    if format is not None:
        # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
        # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
        # format because this path makes process slower in this
        # special case
        format_is_iso8601 = _format_is_iso(format)
        if format_is_iso8601:
            require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
            format = None

        result = None

        if format is not None:
            # shortcut formatting here
            if format == '%Y%m%d':
                    # pass orig_arg as float-dtype may have been converted to
                    # datetime64[ns]
                    orig_arg = ensure_object(orig_arg)
                    result = _attempt_YYYYMMDD(orig_arg, errors=errors)
                except (ValueError, TypeError, tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime):
                    raise ValueError("cannot convert the input to "
                                     "'%Y%m%d' date format")

            # fallback
            if result is None:
                    result, timezones = array_strptime(
                        arg, format, exact=exact, errors=errors)
                    if '%Z' in format or '%z' in format:
                        return _return_parsed_timezone_results(
                            result, timezones, box, tz, name)
                except tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
                    if errors == 'raise':
                    result = arg
                except ValueError:
                    # if format was inferred, try falling back
                    # to array_to_datetime - terminate here
                    # for specified formats
                    if not infer_datetime_format:
                        if errors == 'raise':
                        result = arg

        if result is None and (format is None or infer_datetime_format):
            result, tz_parsed = tslib.array_to_datetime(
                utc=tz == 'utc',
            if tz_parsed is not None:
                if box:
                    # We can take a shortcut since the datetime64 numpy array
                    # is in UTC
                    return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(result, name=name,
                    # Convert the datetime64 numpy array to an numpy array
                    # of datetime objects
                    result = [Timestamp(ts, tz=tz_parsed).to_pydatetime()
                              for ts in result]
                    return np.array(result, dtype=object)

        if box:
            # Ensure we return an Index in all cases where box=True
            if is_datetime64_dtype(result):
                return DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
            elif is_object_dtype(result):
                # e.g. an Index of datetime objects
                from pandas import Index
                return Index(result, name=name)
        return result

    except ValueError as e:
            values, tz = conversion.datetime_to_datetime64(arg)
            return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(values, name=name, tz=tz)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            raise e
 def test_compat(self):
     assert not is_datetime64_ns_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert not is_datetime64_ns_dtype('period[D]')
     assert not is_datetime64_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert not is_datetime64_dtype('period[D]')
def _convert_listlike_datetimes(arg, box, format, name=None, tz=None,
                                unit=None, errors=None,
                                infer_datetime_format=None, dayfirst=None,
                                yearfirst=None, exact=None):
    Helper function for to_datetime. Performs the conversions of 1D listlike
    of dates

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be parced
    box : boolean
        True boxes result as an Index-like, False returns an ndarray
    name : object
        None or string for the Index name
    tz : object
        None or 'utc'
    unit : string
        None or string of the frequency of the passed data
    errors : string
        error handing behaviors from to_datetime, 'raise', 'coerce', 'ignore'
    infer_datetime_format : boolean
        inferring format behavior from to_datetime
    dayfirst : boolean
        dayfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    yearfirst : boolean
        yearfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    exact : boolean
        exact format matching behavior from to_datetime

    ndarray of parsed dates

        - Index-like if box=True
        - ndarray of Timestamps if box=False
    from pandas import DatetimeIndex
    from pandas.core.arrays.datetimes import (
        maybe_convert_dtype, objects_to_datetime64ns)

    if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        arg = np.array(arg, dtype='O')

    # these are shortcutable
    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg):
        if not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
            return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
        if tz == 'utc':
            arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize(tz)
        return arg

    elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg):
        if box and not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            except ValueError:

        return arg

    elif unit is not None:
        if format is not None:
            raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
        arg = getattr(arg, 'values', arg)
        result = tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime(arg, unit,
        if box:
            if errors == 'ignore':
                from pandas import Index
                return Index(result, name=name)

            return DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
        return result
    elif getattr(arg, 'ndim', 1) > 1:
        raise TypeError('arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, '
                        '1-d array, or Series')

    # warn if passing timedelta64, raise for PeriodDtype
    # NB: this must come after unit transformation
    orig_arg = arg
    arg, _ = maybe_convert_dtype(arg, copy=False)

    arg = ensure_object(arg)
    require_iso8601 = False

    if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
        format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

    if format is not None:
        # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
        # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
        # format because this path makes process slower in this
        # special case
        format_is_iso8601 = _format_is_iso(format)
        if format_is_iso8601:
            require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
            format = None

    tz_parsed = None
    result = None

    if format is not None:
            # shortcut formatting here
            if format == '%Y%m%d':
                    # pass orig_arg as float-dtype may have been converted to
                    # datetime64[ns]
                    orig_arg = ensure_object(orig_arg)
                    result = _attempt_YYYYMMDD(orig_arg, errors=errors)
                except (ValueError, TypeError, tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime):
                    raise ValueError("cannot convert the input to "
                                     "'%Y%m%d' date format")

            # fallback
            if result is None:
                    result, timezones = array_strptime(
                        arg, format, exact=exact, errors=errors)
                    if '%Z' in format or '%z' in format:
                        return _return_parsed_timezone_results(
                            result, timezones, box, tz, name)
                except tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
                    if errors == 'raise':
                    result = arg
                except ValueError:
                    # if format was inferred, try falling back
                    # to array_to_datetime - terminate here
                    # for specified formats
                    if not infer_datetime_format:
                        if errors == 'raise':
                        result = arg
        except ValueError as e:
            # Fallback to try to convert datetime objects if timezone-aware
            #  datetime objects are found without passing `utc=True`
                values, tz = conversion.datetime_to_datetime64(arg)
                return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(values, name=name, tz=tz)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise e

    if result is None:
        assert format is None or infer_datetime_format
        utc = tz == 'utc'
        result, tz_parsed = objects_to_datetime64ns(
            arg, dayfirst=dayfirst, yearfirst=yearfirst,
            utc=utc, errors=errors, require_iso8601=require_iso8601,

    if tz_parsed is not None:
        if box:
            # We can take a shortcut since the datetime64 numpy array
            # is in UTC
            return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(result, name=name,
            # Convert the datetime64 numpy array to an numpy array
            # of datetime objects
            result = [Timestamp(ts, tz=tz_parsed).to_pydatetime()
                      for ts in result]
            return np.array(result, dtype=object)

    if box:
        # Ensure we return an Index in all cases where box=True
        if is_datetime64_dtype(result):
            return DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
        elif is_object_dtype(result):
            # e.g. an Index of datetime objects
            from pandas import Index
            return Index(result, name=name)
    return result
def _convert_listlike_datetimes(
    Helper function for to_datetime. Performs the conversions of 1D listlike
    of dates

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be parced
    box : boolean
        True boxes result as an Index-like, False returns an ndarray
    name : object
        None or string for the Index name
    tz : object
        None or 'utc'
    unit : string
        None or string of the frequency of the passed data
    errors : string
        error handing behaviors from to_datetime, 'raise', 'coerce', 'ignore'
    infer_datetime_format : boolean
        inferring format behavior from to_datetime
    dayfirst : boolean
        dayfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    yearfirst : boolean
        yearfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    exact : boolean
        exact format matching behavior from to_datetime

    ndarray of parsed dates

        - Index-like if box=True
        - ndarray of Timestamps if box=False
    from pandas import DatetimeIndex
    from pandas.core.arrays import DatetimeArray
    from pandas.core.arrays.datetimes import (

    if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        arg = np.array(arg, dtype="O")

    # these are shortcutable
    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg):
        if not isinstance(arg, (DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex)):
            return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
        if tz == "utc":
            arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize(tz)
        return arg

    elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg):
        if box and not isinstance(arg, (DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex)):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            except ValueError:

        return arg

    elif unit is not None:
        if format is not None:
            raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
        arg = getattr(arg, "values", arg)
        result, tz_parsed = tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime(arg,
        if box:
            if errors == "ignore":
                from pandas import Index

                result = Index(result, name=name)
                result = DatetimeIndex(result, name=name)
            # GH 23758: We may still need to localize the result with tz
            # GH 25546: Apply tz_parsed first (from arg), then tz (from caller)
            # result will be naive but in UTC
                result = result.tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert(tz_parsed)
            except AttributeError:
                # Regular Index from 'ignore' path
                return result
            if tz is not None:
                if result.tz is None:
                    result = result.tz_localize(tz)
                    result = result.tz_convert(tz)
        return result
    elif getattr(arg, "ndim", 1) > 1:
        raise TypeError(
            "arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series"

    # warn if passing timedelta64, raise for PeriodDtype
    # NB: this must come after unit transformation
    orig_arg = arg
    arg, _ = maybe_convert_dtype(arg, copy=False)

    arg = ensure_object(arg)
    require_iso8601 = False

    if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
        format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

    if format is not None:
        # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
        # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
        # format because this path makes process slower in this
        # special case
        format_is_iso8601 = _format_is_iso(format)
        if format_is_iso8601:
            require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
            format = None

    tz_parsed = None
    result = None

    if format is not None:
            # shortcut formatting here
            if format == "%Y%m%d":
                    # pass orig_arg as float-dtype may have been converted to
                    # datetime64[ns]
                    orig_arg = ensure_object(orig_arg)
                    result = _attempt_YYYYMMDD(orig_arg, errors=errors)
                except (ValueError, TypeError, tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "cannot convert the input to '%Y%m%d' date format")

            # fallback
            if result is None:
                    result, timezones = array_strptime(arg,
                    if "%Z" in format or "%z" in format:
                        return _return_parsed_timezone_results(
                            result, timezones, box, tz, name)
                except tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
                    if errors == "raise":
                    elif errors == "coerce":
                        result = np.empty(arg.shape, dtype="M8[ns]")
                        iresult = result.view("i8")
                        result = arg
                except ValueError:
                    # if format was inferred, try falling back
                    # to array_to_datetime - terminate here
                    # for specified formats
                    if not infer_datetime_format:
                        if errors == "raise":
                        elif errors == "coerce":
                            result = np.empty(arg.shape, dtype="M8[ns]")
                            iresult = result.view("i8")
                            result = arg
        except ValueError as e:
            # Fallback to try to convert datetime objects if timezone-aware
            #  datetime objects are found without passing `utc=True`
                values, tz = conversion.datetime_to_datetime64(arg)
                return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(values, name=name, tz=tz)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise e

    if result is None:
        assert format is None or infer_datetime_format
        utc = tz == "utc"
        result, tz_parsed = objects_to_datetime64ns(

    if tz_parsed is not None:
        if box:
            # We can take a shortcut since the datetime64 numpy array
            # is in UTC
            return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(result, name=name, tz=tz_parsed)
            # Convert the datetime64 numpy array to an numpy array
            # of datetime objects
            result = [
                Timestamp(ts, tz=tz_parsed).to_pydatetime() for ts in result
            return np.array(result, dtype=object)

    if box:
        utc = tz == "utc"
        return _box_as_indexlike(result, utc=utc, name=name)
    return result
文件: base.py 项目: josham/pandas
    def array(self):
        # type: () -> ExtensionArray
        The ExtensionArray of the data backing this Series or Index.

        .. versionadded:: 0.24.0

            An ExtensionArray of the values stored within. For extension
            types, this is the actual array. For NumPy native types, this
            is a thin (no copy) wrapper around :class:`numpy.ndarray`.

            ``.array`` differs ``.values`` which may require converting the
            data to a different form.

        See Also
        Index.to_numpy : Similar method that always returns a NumPy array.
        Series.to_numpy : Similar method that always returns a NumPy array.

        This table lays out the different array types for each extension
        dtype within pandas.

        ================== =============================
        dtype              array type
        ================== =============================
        category           Categorical
        period             PeriodArray
        interval           IntervalArray
        IntegerNA          IntegerArray
        datetime64[ns, tz] DatetimeArray
        ================== =============================

        For any 3rd-party extension types, the array type will be an

        For all remaining dtypes ``.array`` will be a
        :class:`arrays.NumpyExtensionArray` wrapping the actual ndarray
        stored within. If you absolutely need a NumPy array (possibly with
        copying / coercing data), then use :meth:`Series.to_numpy` instead.


        For regular NumPy types like int, and float, a PandasArray
        is returned.

        >>> pd.Series([1, 2, 3]).array
        [1, 2, 3]
        Length: 3, dtype: int64

        For extension types, like Categorical, the actual ExtensionArray
        is returned

        >>> ser = pd.Series(pd.Categorical(['a', 'b', 'a']))
        >>> ser.array
        [a, b, a]
        Categories (2, object): [a, b]
        result = self._values

        if is_datetime64_ns_dtype(result.dtype):
            from pandas.arrays import DatetimeArray
            result = DatetimeArray(result)
        elif is_timedelta64_ns_dtype(result.dtype):
            from pandas.arrays import TimedeltaArray
            result = TimedeltaArray(result)

        elif not is_extension_array_dtype(result.dtype):
            from pandas.core.arrays.numpy_ import PandasArray
            result = PandasArray(result)

        return result
文件: base.py 项目: ye-man/pandas
    def array(self) -> ExtensionArray:
        The ExtensionArray of the data backing this Series or Index.

        .. versionadded:: 0.24.0

            An ExtensionArray of the values stored within. For extension
            types, this is the actual array. For NumPy native types, this
            is a thin (no copy) wrapper around :class:`numpy.ndarray`.

            ``.array`` differs ``.values`` which may require converting the
            data to a different form.

        See Also
        Index.to_numpy : Similar method that always returns a NumPy array.
        Series.to_numpy : Similar method that always returns a NumPy array.

        This table lays out the different array types for each extension
        dtype within pandas.

        ================== =============================
        dtype              array type
        ================== =============================
        category           Categorical
        period             PeriodArray
        interval           IntervalArray
        IntegerNA          IntegerArray
        datetime64[ns, tz] DatetimeArray
        ================== =============================

        For any 3rd-party extension types, the array type will be an

        For all remaining dtypes ``.array`` will be a
        :class:`arrays.NumpyExtensionArray` wrapping the actual ndarray
        stored within. If you absolutely need a NumPy array (possibly with
        copying / coercing data), then use :meth:`Series.to_numpy` instead.


        For regular NumPy types like int, and float, a PandasArray
        is returned.

        >>> pd.Series([1, 2, 3]).array
        [1, 2, 3]
        Length: 3, dtype: int64

        For extension types, like Categorical, the actual ExtensionArray
        is returned

        >>> ser = pd.Series(pd.Categorical(['a', 'b', 'a']))
        >>> ser.array
        [a, b, a]
        Categories (2, object): [a, b]
        # As a mixin, we depend on the mixing class having _values.
        # Special mixin syntax may be developed in the future:
        # https://github.com/python/typing/issues/246
        result = self._values  # type: ignore

        if is_datetime64_ns_dtype(result.dtype):
            from pandas.arrays import DatetimeArray
            result = DatetimeArray(result)
        elif is_timedelta64_ns_dtype(result.dtype):
            from pandas.arrays import TimedeltaArray
            result = TimedeltaArray(result)

        elif not is_extension_array_dtype(result.dtype):
            from pandas.core.arrays.numpy_ import PandasArray
            result = PandasArray(result)

        return result
文件: ewm.py 项目: stjordanis/pandas
 def __init__(
     obj: FrameOrSeries,
     com: float | None = None,
     span: float | None = None,
     halflife: float | TimedeltaConvertibleTypes | None = None,
     alpha: float | None = None,
     min_periods: int | None = 0,
     adjust: bool = True,
     ignore_na: bool = False,
     axis: Axis = 0,
     times: str | np.ndarray | FrameOrSeries | None = None,
     method: str = "single",
         min_periods=1 if min_periods is None else max(int(min_periods), 1),
     self.com = com
     self.span = span
     self.halflife = halflife
     self.alpha = alpha
     self.adjust = adjust
     self.ignore_na = ignore_na
     self.times = times
     if self.times is not None:
         if not self.adjust:
             raise NotImplementedError(
                 "times is not supported with adjust=False.")
         if isinstance(self.times, str):
             self.times = self._selected_obj[self.times]
         if not is_datetime64_ns_dtype(self.times):
             raise ValueError("times must be datetime64[ns] dtype.")
         # error: Argument 1 to "len" has incompatible type "Union[str, ndarray,
         # FrameOrSeries, None]"; expected "Sized"
         if len(self.times) != len(obj):  # type: ignore[arg-type]
             raise ValueError(
                 "times must be the same length as the object.")
         if not isinstance(self.halflife, (str, datetime.timedelta)):
             raise ValueError(
                 "halflife must be a string or datetime.timedelta object")
         if isna(self.times).any():
             raise ValueError("Cannot convert NaT values to integer")
         self._deltas = _calculate_deltas(self.times, self.halflife)
         # Halflife is no longer applicable when calculating COM
         # But allow COM to still be calculated if the user passes other decay args
         if common.count_not_none(self.com, self.span, self.alpha) > 0:
             self._com = get_center_of_mass(self.com, self.span, None,
             self._com = 1.0
         if self.halflife is not None and isinstance(
                 self.halflife, (str, datetime.timedelta)):
             raise ValueError(
                 "halflife can only be a timedelta convertible argument if "
                 "times is not None.")
         # Without times, points are equally spaced
         self._deltas = np.ones(max(len(self.obj) - 1, 0), dtype=np.float64)
         self._com = get_center_of_mass(
             # error: Argument 3 to "get_center_of_mass" has incompatible type
             # "Union[float, Any, None, timedelta64, signedinteger[_64Bit]]";
             # expected "Optional[float]"
             self.halflife,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
 def test_compat(self):
     assert not is_datetime64_ns_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert not is_datetime64_ns_dtype('period[D]')
     assert not is_datetime64_dtype(self.dtype)
     assert not is_datetime64_dtype('period[D]')
 def test_compat(self, dtype):
     assert not is_datetime64_ns_dtype(dtype)
     assert not is_datetime64_ns_dtype("period[D]")
     assert not is_datetime64_dtype(dtype)
     assert not is_datetime64_dtype("period[D]")