def __init__(self, symbol, type, start=None, end=None): self.symbol = symbol self.type = type self.start = start self.end = end self.tool = YahooOptions(symbol) self.optionData = None
def Options(symbol, data_source=None, session=None): if data_source is None: warnings.warn("Options(symbol) is deprecated, use Options(symbol," " data_source) instead", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) data_source = "yahoo" if data_source == "yahoo": return YahooOptions(symbol, session=session) else: raise NotImplementedError("currently only yahoo supported")
def Options(symbol, data_source=None, session=None): if data_source is None: warnings.warn("Options(symbol) is deprecated, use Options(symbol," " data_source) instead", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) data_source = "yahoo" if data_source == "yahoo": raise ImmediateDeprecationError(DEP_ERROR_MSG.format('Yahoo Options')) return YahooOptions(symbol, session=session) elif data_source == "google": raise ImmediateDeprecationError(DEP_ERROR_MSG.format('Google Options')) return GoogleOptions(symbol, session=session) else: raise NotImplementedError("currently only yahoo and google supported")
def __get_data(self, year, month, day, tickers, strike): """ this is a private function this function gives the price of one call knowing its year, month,day and strike the dataframe manipulated is multiindex ( jutification of using ( get_level_values(0)=strike) it returns the cheapest call price at (year-month-day) """ # this function the price of one call knowing its year, month,day and strike # the dataframe manipulated is multiindex ( jutification of using ( get_level_values(0)=strike) C_frame = YahooOptions(tickers).get_call_data(year=year, month=month) C_frame = self.__select_min_call(df_call_market=C_frame, k=strike, a=year, m=month, j=day) " to construct Dataframe, we fill the empty value with zero" if not C_frame.size > 0: C_frame = np.append(C_frame, 0) return (C_frame)
#%% import as web import datetime # %% start = datetime.datetime(2015,1,1) end = datetime.datetime(2017,1,1) facebook = web.DataReader('FB','yahoo',start,end) #Probe con google y no me deja, me da error # %% facebook.head() #el close value puede tomar stock split por el api # %% #option reader #No me funciona, pero lo hice abajo ''' from import Options fb_options = Options('FB','yahoo') options_df = fb_options.get_options_data(expiry=fb_options.expiry_dates[0]) ''' # %% from import Options as YahooOptions underlying_symbol = 'FB' options_obj = YahooOptions(underlying_symbol) options_frame_live = options_obj.get_options_data() # %% options_frame_live # %%
def vizualize_calls(self, yearr, montth, tickerr): "the function will help the costumers look at offers available in the market" return (YahooOptions(tickerr).get_call_data(year=yearr, month=montth))