def plot(self,var='kappa',output=None): plt.clf() # Panel 1: Galaxy positions: ax1 = plt.subplot(3,3,(1,4), aspect ='equal') self.plotFieldOfView('light',ax1) # Panel 2: Halo mass distributions: ax2 = plt.subplot(3,3,(2,5), aspect ='equal') self.plotFieldOfView('mass',ax2) # Panel 3: Kappa contributions: ax3 = plt.subplot(3,3,(3,6), aspect ='equal') self.plotFieldOfView(var,ax3) # Lower panel: View along redshift axis ax4 = plt.subplot(3,3,(7,9)) self.plotLineOfSight(var,ax4) if output != None: pangloss.rm(output) plt.savefig(output,dpi=300) return None
def plot(self, output=None): plt.clf() # Panel 1: Galaxy positions: ax1 = plt.subplot(3, 3, (1, 4), aspect="equal") self.plotFieldOfView("light", ax1) # Panel 2: Halo mass distributions: ax2 = plt.subplot(3, 3, (2, 5), aspect="equal") self.plotFieldOfView("mass", ax2) # Panel 3: Kappa contributions: ax3 = plt.subplot(3, 3, (3, 6), aspect="equal") self.plotFieldOfView("kappa", ax3) # Lower panel: View along redshift axis ax4 = plt.subplot(3, 3, (7, 9)) self.plotLineOfSight("kappa", ax4) if output != None: pangloss.rm(output) plt.savefig(output, dpi=300) return None
def plotContributions(self,quantity,output): plt.clf() # Point positions: zmax = self.zs+0.1 z = numpy.linspace(0.0,zmax,100) # Plot the points: if quantity == 'mass': contr = numpy.zeros(len(z)) for i in range(len(z)): galaxies = self.galaxies.where(self.galaxies.z <= z[i]) size = galaxies.Mhalo_obs contr[i] = numpy.sum(size) plt.plot(z, contr) plt.title('Cumulative Sum of Halo Mass') elif quantity == 'kappa': contr = numpy.zeros(len(z)) for i in range(len(z)): galaxies = self.galaxies.where(self.galaxies.z <= z[i]) size = galaxies.kappa contr[i] = numpy.sum(size) plt.plot(z, contr) plt.title(r'Cumulative Sum of $\kappa_h$') elif quantity == 'mu': contr = numpy.zeros(len(z)) for i in range(len(z)): galaxies = self.galaxies.where(self.galaxies.z <= z[i]) size = contr[i] = numpy.sum(size) plt.plot(z, contr) plt.title(r'Cumulative Sum of $\mu_h$') elif quantity == 'stellarmass': contr = numpy.zeros(len(z)) for i in range(len(z)): galaxies = self.galaxies.where(self.galaxies.z <= z[i]) size = galaxies.Mstar_obs contr[i] = numpy.sum(size) plt.plot(z, contr) plt.title('Cumulative Sum of Stellar Mass') else: raise "Lightcone plotting error: unknown quantity "+quantity # Axis limits: zmax = max(self.galaxies.z.max(),self.zs+0.1) # Labels: plt.xlabel('redshift z') if output != None: pangloss.rm(output) plt.savefig(output,dpi=300) return
def plot(self,key1,key2=None,weight="weight",output=None,bins=None,title=None): import pylab as plt assert key1 in self.parameters, self.errmsg() if key2!=None: assert key2 in self.parameters, self.errmsg() if key2=="weight": print "This code automatically uses the weights to form a histogram, you can state this explicitly using weightkey=weight if you have several weight columns" key2==None reformatnames={} reformatnames["mu"]="$\mu$" reformatnames["mu_cone"]="$\mu_{lc}$" reformatnames["kappa_cone"]="$\kappa_{lc}$" reformatnames["mu_tot"]="$\mu_{\mathrm{tot}}$" reformatnames["kappa_tot"]="$\kappa_{\mathrm{tot}}$" reformatnames["kappa_ext"]="$\kappa_{\mathrm{ext}}$" reformatnames["Kappah_median"]="$\widetilde{\kappa}_{\mathrm{halos}}$" key1name=key1[:] if key1name in reformatnames.keys(): key1name = reformatnames[key1name] if key2 != None: key2name=key2[:] if key2name in reformatnames.keys(): key2name = reformatnames[key2name] # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # 1D histogram: if key2 == None: par1 = self.getParameter(key1) # Check to see if samples are weighted: if weight!=None and weight in self.parameters: weights = self.getParameter(weight) # print "pdf: plotting weighted histogram..." else: weights = numpy.ones(len(par1))*1.0 # print "pdf: plotting unweighted histogram..." weights /= numpy.sum(weights) if bins==None: nb=len(par1)*0.05 if nb<20: nb=20 bins=numpy.linspace(par1.min(),par1.max(),20) plt.figure() plt.hist(par1,weights=weights,bins=bins) plt.xlabel(key1name) plt.ylabel("P(%s|$\mathcal{D}$)"%key1name) if title != None: plt.title(title) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # 2D scatter plot: elif key2 != None: assert weight==None, "I don't know about weighted 2D plots yet." # print "pdf: plotting a 2D scatter plot ..." plt.figure() plt.scatter(self.getParameter(key1),self.getParameter(key2),\ c='k',s=2, edgecolors=None) plt.xlabel(key1name) plt.ylabel(key2name) if title != None: plt.title(title) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if output == None: else: pangloss.rm(output) plt.savefig(output,dpi=300) return None
def plot(self, key1, key2=None, weight="weight", output=None, bins=None, title=None): import pylab as plt assert key1 in self.parameters, self.errmsg() if key2 != None: assert key2 in self.parameters, self.errmsg() if key2 == "weight": print "This code automatically uses the weights to form a histogram, you can state this explicitly using weightkey=weight if you have several weight columns" key2 == None reformatnames = {} reformatnames["mu"] = "$\mu$" reformatnames["mu_cone"] = "$\mu_{lc}$" reformatnames["kappa_cone"] = "$\kappa_{lc}$" reformatnames["mu_tot"] = "$\mu_{\mathrm{tot}}$" reformatnames["kappa_tot"] = "$\kappa_{\mathrm{tot}}$" reformatnames["kappa_ext"] = "$\kappa_{\mathrm{ext}}$" reformatnames[ "Kappah_median"] = "$\widetilde{\kappa}_{\mathrm{halos}}$" key1name = key1[:] if key1name in reformatnames.keys(): key1name = reformatnames[key1name] if key2 != None: key2name = key2[:] if key2name in reformatnames.keys(): key2name = reformatnames[key2name] # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # 1D histogram: if key2 == None: par1 = self.getParameter(key1) # Check to see if samples are weighted: if weight != None and weight in self.parameters: weights = self.getParameter(weight) # print "pdf: plotting weighted histogram..." else: weights = numpy.ones(len(par1)) * 1.0 # print "pdf: plotting unweighted histogram..." weights /= numpy.sum(weights) if bins == None: nb = len(par1) * 0.05 if nb < 20: nb = 20 bins = numpy.linspace(par1.min(), par1.max(), 20) plt.figure() plt.hist(par1, weights=weights, bins=bins) plt.xlabel(key1name) plt.ylabel("P(%s|$\mathcal{D}$)" % key1name) if title != None: plt.title(title) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # 2D scatter plot: elif key2 != None: assert weight == None, "I don't know about weighted 2D plots yet." # print "pdf: plotting a 2D scatter plot ..." plt.figure() plt.scatter(self.getParameter(key1),self.getParameter(key2),\ c='k',s=2, edgecolors=None) plt.xlabel(key1name) plt.ylabel(key2name) if title != None: plt.title(title) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if output == None: else: pangloss.rm(output) plt.savefig(output, dpi=300) return None