def test_date_unreported_within_two_hours(self):
     Should return True since the node has not reported within
     the default value of 2 hours.
     date = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=3)).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
     results = is_unreported(date)
     self.assertEquals(results, True)
 def test_date_unreported_within_two_hours(self):
     Should return True since the node has not reported within
     the default value of 2 hours.
     date = (datetime.utcnow() -
     results = is_unreported(date)
     self.assertEquals(results, True)
 def test_unreported_date_with_hours_set_to_24_hours(self):
     Test timestamp set to 25 hours ago, it should
     count as a unreported timestamp since the unreported
     time is set to 24 hours.
     date = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=25)).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
     results = is_unreported(date, unreported=24 * 60)
     self.assertEquals(results, True)
 def test_unreported_date_with_hours_set_to_24_hours(self):
     Test timestamp set to 25 hours ago, it should
     count as a unreported timestamp since the unreported
     time is set to 24 hours.
     date = (datetime.utcnow() -
     results = is_unreported(date, unreported=24)
     self.assertEquals(results, True)
 def test_reported_date_with_hours_set_to_30_minutes_using_float_value(self):
     Test unreported parameter to is_unreported accepts float value.
     It is set to .5 hours which is effectively 30 minutes.
     With a time set to 15 minutes ago it should return
     that the node is not unreported.
     date = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=15)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
     results = is_unreported(date, unreported=.5)
     self.assertEquals(results, False)
 def test_none_date(self):
     Should fail because if there is no report timestamp
     the node has not managed to complete a puppet run.
     date = None
     results = is_unreported(date)
     self.assertEquals(results, True)
 def test_none_date(self):
     Should fail because if there is no report timestamp
     the node has not managed to complete a puppet run.
     date = None
     results = is_unreported(date)
     self.assertEquals(results, True)
 def test_reported_date_with_hours_set_to_30_minutes_using_float_value(
     Test unreported parameter to is_unreported accepts float value.
     It is set to .5 hours which is effectively 30 minutes.
     With a time set to 15 minutes ago it should return
     that the node is not unreported.
     date = (datetime.utcnow() -
     results = is_unreported(date, unreported=.5)
     self.assertEquals(results, False)
def dictstatus(node_dict,
    :param node_dict: dict
    :param status_dict: dict
    :param sortby: Takes a field name to sort by 'certname', 'latestCatalog', 'latestReport', 'latestFacts', 'success', 'noop', 'failure', 'skipped'
    :param get_status: Status type to return. all, changed, failed, unreported, noops
    :return: tuple(tuple,tuple)

    node_dict input:
        'certname': {
            "name": <string>,
            "deactivated": <timestamp>,
            "catalog_timestamp": <timestamp>,
            "facts_timestamp": <timestamp>,
            "report_timestamp": <timestamp>
    status_dict input:
        'certname': {
            "subject-type": "certname",
            "subject": { "title": "foo.local" },
            "failures": 0,
            "successes": 2,
            "noops": 0,
           "skips": 1

    # The merged_list tuple should look like this.
    # (
    # ('certname', 'latestCatalog', 'latestReport', 'latestFacts', 'success', 'noop', 'failure', 'skipped'),
    # )
    def check_failed_compile(report_timestamp,
        :param report_timestamp: str
        :param fact_timestamp: str
        :param catalog_timestamp: str
        :return: Bool
        Returns False if the compiled run has not failed
        Returns True if the compiled run has failed

        if report_timestamp is None or catalog_timestamp is None or fact_timestamp is None:
            return True
        # check if the fact report is older than puppet_run_time by double the run time
        report_time = json_to_datetime(report_timestamp)
        fact_time = json_to_datetime(fact_timestamp)
        catalog_time = json_to_datetime(catalog_timestamp)

        # Report time, fact time and catalog time should all be run within (PUPPET_RUN_INTERVAL / 2)
        # minutes of each other
        diffs = dict()
        # Time elapsed between fact time and catalog time
        diffs['catalog_fact'] = catalog_time - fact_time
        diffs['fact_catalog'] = fact_time - catalog_time

        # Time elapsed between fact time and report time
        diffs['report_fact'] = report_time - fact_time
        diffs['fact_report'] = fact_time - report_time
        # Time elapsed between report and catalog
        diffs['report_catalog'] = report_time - catalog_time
        diffs['catalog_report'] = catalog_time - report_time

        for key, value in diffs.items():
            if value > timedelta(minutes=puppet_run_interval / 2):
                return True
        return False

    def append_list(n_data, s_data, m_list, r_status):
        if type(n_data) is not dict or type(s_data) is not dict and type(
                m_list) is not list and not r_status:
            raise ValueError(
                'Incorrect type given as input. Expects n_data, s_data as dict and m_list as list.'
                'Y-m-d H:i:s')
            if n_data['catalog_timestamp'] is not None else '',
                'Y-m-d H:i:s')
            if n_data['report_timestamp'] is not None else '',
                'Y-m-d H:i:s')
            if n_data['facts_timestamp'] is not None else '',
            s_data.get('successes', 0),
            s_data.get('noops', 0),
            s_data.get('failures', 0),
            s_data.get('skips', 0),
        return m_list

    sortables = {
        'certname': 0,
        'catalog_timestamp': 1,
        'report_timestamp': 2,
        'facts_timestamp': 3,
        'successes': 4,
        'noops': 5,
        'failures': 6,
        'skips': 7,

    if sortby:
        # Sort by the field recieved, if valid field was not supplied, fallback
        # to report
        sortbycol = sortables.get(sortby, 2)
        sortbycol = 2

    # if sortbycol is 4, 5, 6 or 7 ( a different list creation method must be used.

    merged_list = []
    failed_list = []
    unreported_list = []
    changed_list = []
    pending_list = []
    mismatch_list = []

    # if sort field is certname or catalog/report/facts_timestamp then we will sort this way
    # or if the get_status is set to "not_all" indicating that the dashboard wants info.
    if get_status != 'all':
        for node_name, data in node_dict.items():
            node_is_unreported = False
            node_has_mismatching_timestamps = False
            # Check if its unreported.
            if is_unreported(data['report_timestamp']):
                node_is_unreported = True
            if check_failed_compile(
                    report_timestamp=data.get('report_timestamp', None),
                    fact_timestamp=data.get('facts_timestamp', None),
                    catalog_timestamp=data.get('catalog_timestamp', None)):
                node_has_mismatching_timestamps = True
            # Check for the latest report.
            if node_name in reports_dict:
                # Check which status the run is.
                report_status = reports_dict[node_name]['status']
                Can be used later but right now we just utilize the event-counts response.
                # Dictify the metrics for the report.
                metrics_data = {item['category'] + '-' + item['name']: item for item in

                # Collect the number of events for each node in its latest report.
                if node_name in status_dict:
                    # If the puppet status is changed but there are noop events set to pending.
                    if report_status == 'unchanged' and status_dict[node_name][
                            'noops'] > 0:
                        report_status = 'pending'
                # If there is no status events for the latest report then send an empty list to append_list function
                    # Add an empty status_dict for the node.
                    status_dict[node_name] = {}

                # If theres no report for this node ... panic no idea how to handle this yet. If it can even happen?
                # Check if its an unreported longer than the unreported time.
                if node_is_unreported is True:
                    # Append to the unreported list.
                    unreported_list = append_list(data, status_dict[node_name],
                # If its got mismatching timestamps put it in the mismatching list
                if node_has_mismatching_timestamps is True:
                    mismatch_list = append_list(data, status_dict[node_name],
                                                mismatch_list, report_status)
                # If the node is not unreported or has mismatching timestamps.. proceed to put in the correct lists.
                if report_status == 'changed':
                    changed_list = append_list(data, status_dict[node_name],
                                               changed_list, report_status)
                elif report_status == 'failed':
                    failed_list = append_list(data, status_dict[node_name],
                                              failed_list, report_status)
                elif report_status == 'pending':
                    pending_list = append_list(data, status_dict[node_name],
                                               pending_list, report_status)

    elif sortbycol <= 3 and get_status == 'all':
        for node_name, data in node_dict.items():
            # Check for the latest report.
            if node_name in reports_dict:
                # Check which status the run is.
                report_status = reports_dict[node_name]['status']
                Can be used later but right now we just utilize the event-counts response.
                # Dictify the metrics for the report.
                metrics_data = {item['category'] + '-' + item['name']: item for item in
            # Collect the number of events for each node in its latest report.
            if node_name in status_dict:
                # If the puppet status is changed but there are noop events set to pending.
                if status_dict[node_name]:
                    if report_status == 'unchanged' and status_dict[node_name][
                            'noops'] > 0:
                        report_status = 'pending'
            # If there is no status events for the latest report then send an empty list to append_list function
                # Add an empty status_dict for the node.
                status_dict[node_name] = {}
            merged_list = append_list(data, status_dict[node_name],
                                      merged_list, report_status)
    # Only used when orderby is a status field.
    elif sortbycol >= 4 and get_status == 'all':
        for status in status_dict:
            if status['subject']['title'] in reports_dict:
                # Check which status the run is.
                report_status = reports_dict[status['subject']
            if status['subject']['title'] in node_dict:
                merged_list = append_list(
                    node_dict[status['subject']['title']], status, merged_list,

    # Sort the lists if sort is True
    if sort and get_status == 'all':
        return sort_table(merged_list, order=asc, col=sortbycol)
    elif sort and get_status != 'all':
        sorted_unreported_list = sort_table(unreported_list,
        sorted_changed_list = sort_table(changed_list,
        sorted_failed_list = sort_table(failed_list, order=asc, col=sortbycol)
        sorted_mismatch_list = sort_table(mismatch_list,
        sorted_pending_list = sort_table(pending_list,
        return sorted_failed_list, \
               sorted_changed_list, \
               sorted_unreported_list, \
               sorted_mismatch_list, \

    if get_status == 'all':
        return merged_list
        return failed_list, changed_list, unreported_list, mismatch_list, pending_list
def dictstatus(node_list, reports_dict, status_dict, sort=True, sortby=None, asc=False, get_status="all",
    :param node_list: dict
    :param status_dict: dict
    :param sortby: Takes a field name to sort by 'certname', 'latestCatalog', 'latestReport', 'latestFacts', 'success', 'noop', 'failure', 'skipped'
    :param get_status: Status type to return. all, changed, failed, unreported, noops
    :return: tuple(tuple,tuple)

    node_dict input:
        'certname': {
            "name": <string>,
            "deactivated": <timestamp>,
            "catalog_timestamp": <timestamp>,
            "facts_timestamp": <timestamp>,
            "report_timestamp": <timestamp>
    status_dict input:
        'certname': {
            "subject-type": "certname",
            "subject": { "title": "foo.local" },
            "failures": 0,
            "successes": 2,
            "noops": 0,
           "skips": 1
    # The merged_list tuple should look like this.
    # (
    # ('certname', 'latestCatalog', 'latestReport', 'latestFacts', 'success', 'noop', 'failure', 'skipped'),
    # )
    def check_failed_compile(report_timestamp,
        :param report_timestamp: str
        :param fact_timestamp: str
        :param catalog_timestamp: str
        :return: Bool
        Returns False if the compiled run has not failed
        Returns True if the compiled run has failed

        if report_timestamp is None or catalog_timestamp is None or fact_timestamp is None:
            return True
        # check if the fact report is older than puppet_run_time by double the run time
        report_time = json_to_datetime(report_timestamp)
        fact_time = json_to_datetime(fact_timestamp)
        catalog_time = json_to_datetime(catalog_timestamp)

        # Report time, fact time and catalog time should all be run within (PUPPET_RUN_INTERVAL / 2)
        # minutes of each other
        diffs = dict()
        # Time elapsed between fact time and catalog time
        diffs['catalog_fact'] = catalog_time - fact_time
        diffs['fact_catalog'] = fact_time - catalog_time

        # Time elapsed between fact time and report time
        diffs['report_fact'] = report_time - fact_time
        diffs['fact_report'] = fact_time - report_time
        # Time elapsed between report and catalog
        diffs['report_catalog'] = report_time - catalog_time
        diffs['catalog_report'] = catalog_time - report_time

        for key, value in diffs.items():
            if value > timedelta(minutes=puppet_run_interval / 2):
                return True
        return False

    def append_list(n_data, s_data, m_list, r_status):
        if type(n_data) is not dict or type(s_data) is not dict and type(m_list) is not list and not r_status:
            raise ValueError('Incorrect type given as input. Expects n_data, s_data as dict and m_list as list.')
  ['catalog_timestamp'])), 'Y-m-d H:i:s') if n_data[
                                                                                                         'catalog_timestamp'] is not None else '',
  ['report_timestamp'])), 'Y-m-d H:i:s') if n_data[
                                                                                                        'report_timestamp'] is not None else '',
  ['facts_timestamp'])), 'Y-m-d H:i:s') if n_data[
                                                                                                       'facts_timestamp'] is not None else '',
            s_data.get('successes', 0),
            s_data.get('noops', 0),
            s_data.get('failures', 0),
            s_data.get('skips', 0),
        return m_list

    sortables = {
        'certname': 0,
        'catalog_timestamp': 1,
        'report_timestamp': 2,
        'facts_timestamp': 3,
        'successes': 4,
        'noops': 5,
        'failures': 6,
        'skips': 7,

    if sortby:
        # Sort by the field recieved, if valid field was not supplied, fallback
        # to report
        sortbycol = sortables.get(sortby, 2)
        sortbycol = 2

    # if sortbycol is 4, 5, 6 or 7 ( a different list creation method must be used.

    merged_list = []
    failed_list = []
    unreported_list = []
    changed_list = []
    pending_list = []
    mismatch_list = []

    # if sort field is certname or catalog/report/facts_timestamp then we will sort this way
    # or if the get_status is set to "not_all" indicating that the dashboard wants info.
    if get_status != 'all':
        for node in node_list:
            node_is_unreported = False
            node_has_mismatching_timestamps = False
            # Check if its unreported.
            if is_unreported(node['report_timestamp']):
                node_is_unreported = True
            if check_failed_compile(report_timestamp=node.get('report_timestamp', None),
                                    fact_timestamp=node.get('facts_timestamp', None),
                                    catalog_timestamp=node.get('catalog_timestamp', None)):
                node_has_mismatching_timestamps = True
            # Check for the latest report.
            if node['certname'] in reports_dict:
                # Check which status the run is.
                report_status = reports_dict[node['certname']]['status']

                Can be used later but right now we just utilize the event-counts response.
                # Dictify the metrics for the report.
                metrics_data = {item['category'] + '-' + item['name']: item for item in

                # Collect the number of events for each node in its latest report.
                if node['certname'] in status_dict:
                    # If the puppet status is changed but there are noop events set to pending.
                    if report_status == 'unchanged' and status_dict[node['certname']]['noops'] > 0:
                        report_status = 'pending'
                # If there is no status events for the latest report then send an empty list to append_list function
                    # Add an empty status_dict for the node.
                    status_dict[node['certname']] = {}

                # If theres no report for this node ... panic no idea how to handle this yet. If it can even happen?
                # Check if its an unreported longer than the unreported time.
                if node_is_unreported is True:
                    # Append to the unreported list.
                    unreported_list = append_list(node, status_dict[node['certname']], unreported_list, report_status)
                # If its got mismatching timestamps put it in the mismatching list
                if node_has_mismatching_timestamps is True:
                    mismatch_list = append_list(node, status_dict[node['certname']], mismatch_list, report_status)
                # If the node is not unreported or has mismatching timestamps.. proceed to put in the correct lists.
                if report_status == 'changed':
                    changed_list = append_list(node, status_dict[node['certname']], changed_list, report_status)
                elif report_status == 'failed':
                    failed_list = append_list(node, status_dict[node['certname']], failed_list, report_status)
                elif report_status == 'pending':
                    pending_list = append_list(node, status_dict[node['certname']], pending_list, report_status)

    elif sortbycol <= 3 and get_status == 'all':
        for node in node_list:
            # Check for the latest report.
            if node['certname'] in reports_dict:
                # Check which status the run is.
                report_status = reports_dict[node['certname']]['status']
                Can be used later but right now we just utilize the event-counts response.
                # Dictify the metrics for the report.
                metrics_data = {item['category'] + '-' + item['name']: item for item in
            # Collect the number of events for each node in its latest report.
            if node['certname'] in status_dict:
                # If the puppet status is changed but there are noop events set to pending.
                if status_dict[node['certname']]:
                    if report_status == 'unchanged' and status_dict[node['certname']]['noops'] > 0:
                        report_status = 'pending'
            # If there is no status events for the latest report then send an empty list to append_list function
                # Add an empty status_dict for the node.
                status_dict[node['certname']] = {}
            merged_list = append_list(node, status_dict[node['certname']], merged_list, report_status)
    # Only used when orderby is a status field.
    elif sortbycol >= 4 and get_status == 'all':
        sort = True
        node_dict = {item['certname']: item for item in node_list}
        for status, value in status_dict.items():
            if value['subject']['title'] in reports_dict:
                # Check which status the run is.
                report_status = reports_dict[value['subject']['title']]['status']
            if value['subject']['title'] in node_dict and report_status:
                merged_list = append_list(node_dict[value['subject']['title']], value, merged_list, report_status)

    # Sort the lists if sort is True
    if sort and get_status == 'all':
        return sort_table(merged_list, order=asc, col=sortbycol)
    elif sort and get_status != 'all':
        sorted_unreported_list = sort_table(unreported_list, order=asc, col=sortbycol)
        sorted_changed_list = sort_table(changed_list, order=asc, col=sortbycol)
        sorted_failed_list = sort_table(failed_list, order=asc, col=sortbycol)
        sorted_mismatch_list = sort_table(mismatch_list, order=asc, col=sortbycol)
        sorted_pending_list = sort_table(pending_list, order=asc, col=sortbycol)
        return sorted_failed_list, \
               sorted_changed_list, \
               sorted_unreported_list, \
               sorted_mismatch_list, \

    if get_status == 'all':
        return merged_list
        return failed_list, changed_list, unreported_list, mismatch_list, pending_list
def dictstatus(node_dict, status_dict, sort=True, sortby=None, asc=False, get_status="all", puppet_run_time=PUPPET_RUN_INTERVAL):
    :param node_dict: dict
    :param status_dict: dict
    :param sortby: Takes a field name to sort by 'certname', 'latestCatalog', 'latestReport', 'latestFacts', 'success', 'noop', 'failure', 'skipped'
    :param get_status: Status type to return. all, changed, failed, unreported, noops
    :return: tuple(tuple,tuple)

    node_dict input:
            "name": <string>,
            "deactivated": <timestamp>,
            "catalog_timestamp": <timestamp>,
            "facts_timestamp": <timestamp>,
            "report_timestamp": <timestamp>
    status_dict input:
            "subject-type": "certname",
            "subject": { "title": "foo.local" },
            "failures": 0,
            "successes": 2,
            "noops": 0,
           "skips": 1
    # The merged_list tuple should look like this.
    # (
    # ('certname', 'latestCatalog', 'latestReport', 'latestFacts', 'success', 'noop', 'failure', 'skipped'),
    # )

    def check_failed_compile(report_timestamp,
        :param report_timestamp: str
        :param fact_timestamp: str
        :param catalog_timestamp: str
        :return: Bool
        Returns False if the compiled run has not failed
        Returns True if the compiled run has failed

        if report_timestamp is None or catalog_timestamp is None or fact_timestamp is None:
            return True
        # check if the fact report is older than puppet_run_time by double the run time
        report_time = json_to_datetime(report_timestamp)
        fact_time = json_to_datetime(fact_timestamp)
        catalog_time = json_to_datetime(catalog_timestamp)

        # Report time, fact time and catalog time should all be run within (PUPPET_RUN_INTERVAL / 2)
        # minutes of each other
        diffs = dict()
        # Time elapsed between fact time and catalog time
        diffs['catalog_fact'] = catalog_time - fact_time
        diffs['fact_catalog'] = fact_time - catalog_time

        # Time elapsed between fact time and report time
        diffs['report_fact'] = report_time - fact_time
        diffs['fact_report'] = fact_time - report_time
        # Time elapsed between report and catalog
        diffs['report_catalog'] = report_time - catalog_time
        diffs['catalog_report'] = catalog_time - report_time

        for key, value in diffs.items():
            if value > timedelta(minutes=puppet_run_interval / 2):
                return True
        return False

    sortables = {
        'certname': 0,
        'catalog-timestamp': 1,
        'report-timestamp': 2,
        'facts-timestamp': 3,
        'successes': 4,
        'noops': 5,
        'failures': 6,
        'skips': 7,

    if sortby:
        # Sort by the field recieved, if valid field was not supplied, fallback
        # to report
        sortbycol = sortables.get(sortby, 2)
        sortbycol = 2

    # if sortbycol is 4, 5, 6 or 7 ( a different list creation method must be used.

    merged_list = []
    failed_list = []
    unreported_list = []
    changed_list = []
    pending_list = []
    mismatch_list = []

    def append_list(n_data, s_data, m_list):
        if type(n_data) is not dict or type(s_data) is not dict and type(m_list) is not list:
            raise ValueError('Incorrect type given as input. Expects n_data, s_data as dict and m_list as list.')
  ['catalog-timestamp'])), 'Y-m-d H:i:s') if n_data['catalog-timestamp'] is not None else '',
  ['report-timestamp'])), 'Y-m-d H:i:s') if n_data['report-timestamp'] is not None else '',
  ['facts-timestamp'])), 'Y-m-d H:i:s') if n_data['facts-timestamp'] is not None else '',
            s_data.get('successes', 0),
            s_data.get('noops', 0),
            s_data.get('failures', 0),
            s_data.get('skips', 0),
        return m_list
    # if sort field is certname or catalog/report/facts-timestamp then we will sort this way
    # or if the get_status is set to "not_all" indicating that the dashboard wants info.
    if get_status != 'all':
        for node in node_dict:
            found_node = False
            for status in status_dict:
                if node['certname'] == status['subject']['title']:
                    found_node = True
                    # If the node has failures
                    if status['failures'] > 0:
                        failed_list = append_list(node, status, failed_list)
                    if check_failed_compile(report_timestamp=node.get('report-timestamp', None),
                                            fact_timestamp=node.get('facts-timestamp', None),
                                            catalog_timestamp=node.get('catalog-timestamp', None)):
                        mismatch_list = append_list(node, status, mismatch_list)
                    # If the node is unreported
                    if is_unreported(node['report-timestamp']):
                        unreported_list = append_list(node, status, unreported_list)
                    # If the node has noops
                    if status['noops'] > 0 \
                            and status['successes'] == 0 \
                            and status['failures'] == 0 \
                            and status['skips'] == 0:
                        pending_list = append_list(node, status, pending_list)
                    # The node was found in the events list so it has to have changed
                    changed_list = append_list(node, status, changed_list)
                # Found the node in events list so we can break this loop
            if found_node is False:
                # If the node is unreported
                if is_unreported(node['report-timestamp']):
                    unreported_list = append_list(node, dict(), unreported_list)
                if check_failed_compile(report_timestamp=node.get('report-timestamp', None),
                                        fact_timestamp=node.get('facts-timestamp', None),
                                        catalog_timestamp=node.get('catalog-timestamp', None)):
                    mismatch_list = append_list(node, dict(), mismatch_list)
    elif sortbycol <= 3 and get_status == 'all':
        for node in node_dict:
            found_node = False
            for status in status_dict:
                if node['certname'] == status['subject']['title']:
                    found_node = True
                    merged_list = append_list(node, status, merged_list)
                    # Found the node in events list so we can break this loop
            if found_node is False:
                merged_list = append_list(node, dict(), merged_list)
    # Only used when orderby is a status field.
    elif sortbycol >= 4 and get_status == 'all':
        for status in status_dict:
            found_node = False
            for node in node_dict:
                if node['certname'] == status['subject']['title']:
                    found_node = True
                    merged_list = append_list(node, status, merged_list)

    # Sort the lists if sort is True
    if sort and get_status == 'all':
        return sort_table(merged_list, order=asc, col=sortbycol)
    elif sort and get_status != 'all':
        sorted_unreported_list = sort_table(unreported_list, order=asc, col=sortbycol)
        sorted_changed_list = sort_table(changed_list, order=asc, col=sortbycol)
        sorted_failed_list = sort_table(failed_list, order=asc, col=sortbycol)
        sorted_mismatch_list = sort_table(mismatch_list, order=asc, col=sortbycol)
        sorted_pending_list = sort_table(pending_list, order=asc, col=sortbycol)
        return sorted_failed_list, \
               sorted_changed_list, \
               sorted_unreported_list, \
               sorted_mismatch_list, \

    if get_status == 'all':
        return merged_list
        return failed_list, changed_list, unreported_list, mismatch_list, pending_list