 def check(val):
     if val is not None:
         choices = kwargs.get('choices')
         if choices is None and 'type' in kwargs:
             type_arg = kwargs.get('type')
             if inspect.isclass(type_arg) and issubclass(
                     type_arg, Enum):
                 choices = list(type_arg)
         # TODO: convert this into an enum() pattern match!
         if choices is not None and val not in choices:
             raise ParseError(
                 '`{}` is not an allowed value for option {} in {}. '
                 'Must be one of: {}'.format(val, dest,
         elif kwargs.get(
                 'type') == dir_option and not os.path.isdir(val):
             raise ParseError(
                 'Directory value `{}` for option {} in {} does not exist.'
                 .format(val, dest, self._scope_str()))
         elif kwargs.get(
                 'type') == file_option and not os.path.isfile(val):
             raise ParseError(
                 'File value `{}` for option {} in {} does not exist.'.
                 format(val, dest, self._scope_str()))
 def check(val):
     if val is not None:
         choices = kwargs.get('choices')
         # If the `type` argument has an `all_variants` attribute, use that as `choices` if not
         # already set. Using an attribute instead of checking a subclass allows `type` arguments
         # which are functions to have an implicit fallback `choices` set as well.
         if choices is None and 'type' in kwargs:
             type_arg = kwargs.get('type')
             if hasattr(type_arg, 'all_variants'):
                 choices = list(type_arg.all_variants)
         # TODO: convert this into an enum() pattern match!
         if choices is not None and val not in choices:
             raise ParseError(
                 '`{}` is not an allowed value for option {} in {}. '
                 'Must be one of: {}'.format(val, dest,
         elif kwargs.get(
                 'type') == dir_option and not os.path.isdir(val):
             raise ParseError(
                 'Directory value `{}` for option {} in {} does not exist.'
                 .format(val, dest, self._scope_str()))
         elif kwargs.get(
                 'type') == file_option and not os.path.isfile(val):
             raise ParseError(
                 'File value `{}` for option {} in {} does not exist.'.
                 format(val, dest, self._scope_str()))
文件: parser.py 项目: valeraz/pants
 def check_dir_exists(val) -> None:
     error_prefix = f"Directory value `{val}` for option `{dest}` in `{self._scope_str()}`"
         path = Path(val)
         path_with_buildroot = Path(get_buildroot(), val)
     except TypeError:
         raise ParseError(f"{error_prefix} cannot be parsed as a directory path.")
     if not path.is_dir() and not path_with_buildroot.is_dir():
         raise ParseError(f"{error_prefix} does not exist.")
 def check(val):
   if val is not None:
     choices = kwargs.get('choices')
     if choices is not None and val not in choices:
       raise ParseError('`{}` is not an allowed value for option {} in {}. '
                        'Must be one of: {}'.format(val, dest, self._scope_str(), choices))
     elif kwargs.get('type') == dir_option and not os.path.isdir(val):
       raise ParseError('Directory value `{}` for option {} in {} does not exist.'.format(
           val, dest, self._scope_str()))
     elif kwargs.get('type') == file_option and not os.path.isfile(val):
       raise ParseError('File value `{}` for option {} in {} does not exist.'.format(
           val, dest, self._scope_str()))
文件: parser.py 项目: valeraz/pants
 def _convert_member_type(member_type, value):
     if member_type == dict:
         return DictValueComponent.create(value).val
         return member_type(value)
     except ValueError as error:
         raise ParseError(str(error))
    def merge(cls, components):
        """Merges components into a single component, applying their actions appropriately.

    This operation is associative:  M(M(a, b), c) == M(a, M(b, c)) == M(a, b, c).

    :param list components: an iterable of instances of ListValueComponent.
    :return: An instance representing the result of merging the components.
    :rtype: `ListValueComponent`
        # Note that action of the merged component is MODIFY until the first REPLACE is encountered.
        # This guarantees associativity.
        action = cls.MODIFY
        appends = []
        filters = []
        for component in components:
            if component._action is cls.REPLACE:
                appends = component._appends
                filters = component._filters
                action = cls.REPLACE
            elif component._action is cls.MODIFY:
                raise ParseError('Unknown action for list value: {}'.format(
        return cls(action, appends, filters)
    def register(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Register an option, using argparse params.

    Custom extensions to argparse params:
    :param advanced: if True, the option will be suppressed when displaying help.
    :param deprecated_version: Mark an option as deprecated.  The value is a semver that indicates
       the release at which the option should be removed from the code.
    :param deprecated_hint: A message to display to the user when displaying help for or invoking
       a deprecated option.
        if self._frozen:
            raise RegistrationError(
                'Cannot register option {0} in scope {1} after registering options '
                'in any of its inner scopes.'.format(args[0], self._scope))

        # Prevent further registration in enclosing scopes.
        ancestor = self._parent_parser
        while ancestor:
            ancestor = ancestor._parent_parser

        self._validate(args, kwargs)
        dest = self._set_dest(args, kwargs)
        if 'recursive' in kwargs:
            if self._scope_info.category == ScopeInfo.SUBSYSTEM:
                raise ParseError(
                    'Option {} in scope {} registered as recursive, but subsystem options '
                    'may not set recursive=True.'.format(args[0], self.scope))
                'recursive_root'] = True  # So we can distinguish the original registrar.
        if self._scope_info.category == ScopeInfo.SUBSYSTEM:
            kwargs['subsystem'] = True
            dest, args,
            kwargs)  # Note: May modify kwargs (to remove recursive_root).
    def create(cls, value):
        """Interpret value as either a dict or something to extend another dict with.

    :param value: The value to convert.  Can be an instance of DictValueComponent, a dict,
                  or a string representation (possibly prefixed by +) of a dict.
    :rtype: `DictValueComponent`
        if isinstance(value, bytes):
            value = value.decode('utf-8')
        if isinstance(value, cls):  # Ensure idempotency.
            action = value.action
            val = value.val
        elif isinstance(
                dict):  # Ensure we can handle dict-typed default values.
            action = cls.REPLACE
            val = value
        elif value.startswith('{'):
            action = cls.REPLACE
            val = _convert(value, dict)
        elif value.startswith('+{'):
            action = cls.EXTEND
            val = _convert(value[1:], dict)
            raise ParseError('Invalid dict value: {}'.format(value))
        return cls(action, dict(val))
def _parse_error(s, msg):
  """Return a ParseError with a usefully formatted message, for the caller to throw.

  :param s: The option value we're parsing.
  :param msg: An extra message to add to the ParseError.
  return ParseError('Error while parsing option value {0}: {1}'.format(s, msg))
 def add_flag_val(v: Optional[Union[int, float, bool, str]]) -> None:
   if v is None:
     if implicit_value is None:
       raise ParseError(f'Missing value for command line flag {arg} in {self._scope_str()}')
文件: parser.py 项目: cheister/pants
 def check(val):
   if choices is not None and val is not None and val not in choices:
     raise ParseError('{} is not an allowed value for option {} in {}. '
                      'Must be one of: {}'.format(
       val, dest, self._scope_str(), choices
   return val
  def _raise_error_for_invalid_flag_names(self, flag_value_map, all_scoped_flag_names,
    """Identify similar option names to unconsumed flags and raise a ParseError with those names."""
    matching_flags = {}
    for flag_name in flag_value_map.keys():
      # We will be matching option names without their leading hyphens, in order to capture both
      # short and long-form options.
      flag_normalized_unscoped_name = re.sub(r'^-+', '', flag_name)
      flag_normalized_scoped_name = (
        f"{self.scope.replace('.', '-')}-{flag_normalized_unscoped_name}"
        if self.scope != GLOBAL_SCOPE
        else flag_normalized_unscoped_name)

      substring_matching_option_names = []
      levenshtein_matching_option_names = defaultdict(list)
      for other_scoped_flag in all_scoped_flag_names:
        other_complete_flag_name = other_scoped_flag.scoped_arg
        other_normalized_scoped_name = other_scoped_flag.normalized_scoped_arg
        other_normalized_unscoped_name = other_scoped_flag.normalized_arg
        if flag_normalized_unscoped_name == other_normalized_unscoped_name:
          # If the unscoped option name itself matches, but the scope doesn't, display it.
        elif other_normalized_scoped_name.startswith(flag_normalized_scoped_name):
          # If the invalid scoped option name is the beginning of another scoped option name,
          # display it. This will also suggest long-form options such as --verbose for an attempted
          # -v (if -v isn't defined as an option).
          # If an unscoped option name is similar to the unscoped option from the command line
          # according to --option-name-check-distance, display the matching scoped option name. This
          # covers misspellings!
          unscoped_option_levenshtein_distance = Levenshtein.distance(flag_normalized_unscoped_name, other_normalized_unscoped_name)
          if unscoped_option_levenshtein_distance <= levenshtein_max_distance:
            # NB: We order the matched flags by Levenshtein distance compared to the entire option string!
            fully_scoped_levenshtein_distance = Levenshtein.distance(flag_normalized_scoped_name, other_normalized_scoped_name)

      # If any option name matched or started with the invalid flag in any scope, put that
      # first. Then, display the option names matching in order of overall edit distance, in a deterministic way.
      all_matching_scoped_option_names = substring_matching_option_names + [
        for distance in sorted(levenshtein_matching_option_names.keys())
        for flag in sorted(levenshtein_matching_option_names[distance])
      if all_matching_scoped_option_names:
        matching_flags[flag_name] = all_matching_scoped_option_names

    if matching_flags:
      suggestions_message = ' Suggestions:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(
        '{}: [{}]'.format(flag_name, ', '.join(matches))
        for flag_name, matches in matching_flags.items()
      suggestions_message = ''
    raise ParseError(
      'Unrecognized command line flags on {scope}: {flags}.{suggestions_message}'
              flags=', '.join(flag_value_map.keys()),
def file_option(s):
  """Same type as 'str', but indicates string represents a filepath.

  :API: public
  if not os.path.isfile(s):
    raise ParseError('Options file "{filepath}" does not exist.'.format(filepath=s))
  return s
文件: parser.py 项目: valeraz/pants
 def add_flag_val(v: int | float | bool | str | None) -> None:
     if v is None:
         if implicit_value is None:
             raise ParseError(
                 f"Missing value for command line flag {arg} in {self._scope_str()}"
文件: parser.py 项目: cheister/pants
 def add_flag_val(v):
   if v is None:
     if implicit_value is None:
       raise ParseError('Missing value for command line flag {} in {}'.format(
         arg, self._scope_str()))
 def to_value_type(self, val_str, type_arg, member_type, dest):
     """Convert a string to a value of the option's type."""
     if val_str is None:
         return None
     if type_arg == bool:
         return self.ensure_bool(val_str)
         if type_arg == list:
             return ListValueComponent.create(val_str, member_type=member_type)
         if type_arg == dict:
             return DictValueComponent.create(val_str)
         return type_arg(val_str)
     except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
         if issubclass(type_arg, Enum):
             choices = ", ".join(f"{choice.value}" for choice in type_arg)
             raise ParseError(f"Invalid choice '{val_str}'. Choose from: {choices}")
         raise ParseError(
             f"Error applying type '{type_arg.__name__}' to option value '{val_str}': {e}"
def workspace_path(s: str) -> str:
    """Same type as 'str', but indicates string represents a directory path that is relative to
    either the build root, or a BUILD file if prefix with `./`.

    :API: public
    if s.startswith("/"):
        raise ParseError(
            f"Invalid value: `{s}`. Expected a relative path, optionally in the form "
            "`./relative/path` to make it relative to the BUILD files rather than the build root."
    return s
 def to_value_type(val_str):
     if val_str is None:
         return None
     if kwargs.get("type") == bool:
         return self._ensure_bool(val_str)
     type_arg = kwargs.get("type", str)
         return self._wrap_type(type_arg)(val_str)
     except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
         raise ParseError(
             f"Error applying type '{type_arg.__name__}' to option value '{val_str}', for option "
             f"'--{dest}' in {self._scope_str()}: {e}")
def memory_size(s: str | int | float) -> int:
    """A string that normalizes the suffixes {GiB, MiB, KiB, B} into the number of bytes.

    :API: public
    if isinstance(s, (int, float)):
        return int(s)
    if not s:
        raise ParseError("Missing value.")

    original = s
    s = s.lower().strip()

        return int(float(s))
    except ValueError:

    invalid = ParseError(
        f"Invalid value: `{original}`. Expected either a bare number or a number with one of "
        f"`GiB`, `MiB`, `KiB`, or `B`.")

    def convert_to_bytes(power_of_2) -> int:
            return int(float(s[:-3]) * (2**power_of_2))  # type: ignore[index]
        except TypeError:
            raise invalid

    if s.endswith("gib"):
        return convert_to_bytes(30)
    elif s.endswith("mib"):
        return convert_to_bytes(20)
    elif s.endswith("kib"):
        return convert_to_bytes(10)
    elif s.endswith("b"):
            return int(float(s[:-1]))
        except TypeError:
            raise invalid
    raise invalid
 def to_value_type(val_str):
   if val_str is None:
     return None
   elif kwargs.get('type') == bool:
     return self._ensure_bool(val_str)
     type_arg = kwargs.get('type', str)
       return self._wrap_type(type_arg)(val_str)
     except TypeError as e:
       raise ParseError(
         "Error applying type '{}' to option value '{}', for option '--{}' in {}: {}"
         .format(type_arg.__name__, val_str, dest, self._scope_str(), e))
def _convert(val, acceptable_types):
    """Ensure that val is one of the acceptable types, converting it if needed.

    :param val: The value we're parsing (either a string or one of the acceptable types).
    :param acceptable_types: A tuple of expected types for val.
    :returns: The parsed value.
    :raises :class:`pants.options.errors.ParseError`: if there was a problem parsing the val as an
                                                      acceptable type.
    if isinstance(val, acceptable_types):
        return val
        return parse_expression(val, acceptable_types)
    except ValueError as e:
        raise ParseError(str(e)) from e
 def check_scalar_value(val):
     if val is None:
     choices = kwargs.get("choices")
     if choices is None and "type" in kwargs:
         if inspect.isclass(type_arg) and issubclass(type_arg, Enum):
             choices = list(type_arg)
     if choices is not None and val not in choices:
         raise ParseError(
             f"`{val}` is not an allowed value for option {dest} in {self._scope_str()}. "
             f"Must be one of: {choices}")
     elif type_arg == file_option:
     elif type_arg == dir_option:
  def merge(cls, components: Iterable["DictValueComponent"]) -> "DictValueComponent":
    """Merges components into a single component, applying their actions appropriately.

    This operation is associative:  M(M(a, b), c) == M(a, M(b, c)) == M(a, b, c)."""
    # Note that action of the merged component is EXTEND until the first REPLACE is encountered.
    # This guarantees associativity.
    action = cls.EXTEND
    val = {}
    for component in components:
      if component.action is cls.REPLACE:
        val = component.val
        action = cls.REPLACE
      elif component.action is cls.EXTEND:
        raise ParseError(f'Unknown action for dict value: {component.action}')
    return cls(action, val)
文件: parser.py 项目: valeraz/pants
 def to_value_type(self, val_str, type_arg, member_type, dest):
     """Convert a string to a value of the option's type."""
     if val_str is None:
         return None
     if type_arg == bool:
         return self._ensure_bool(val_str)
         if type_arg == list:
             return ListValueComponent.create(val_str, member_type=member_type)
         if type_arg == dict:
             return DictValueComponent.create(val_str)
         return type_arg(val_str)
     except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
         raise ParseError(
             f"Error applying type '{type_arg.__name__}' to option value '{val_str}', "
             f"for option '--{dest}' in {self._scope_str()}: {e}"
        def check(val):
            if val is None:
            choices = kwargs.get("choices")
            type_arg = kwargs.get("type")
            if choices is None and "type" in kwargs:
                if inspect.isclass(type_arg) and issubclass(type_arg, Enum):
                    choices = list(type_arg)
            # TODO: convert this into an enum() pattern match!
            if choices is not None and val not in choices:
                raise ParseError(
                    f"`{val}` is not an allowed value for option {dest} in {self._scope_str()}. Must be one of: {choices}"

            if type_arg == file_option:
            elif type_arg == dir_option:
  def merge(cls, components: Iterable["ListValueComponent"]) -> "ListValueComponent":
    """Merges components into a single component, applying their actions appropriately.

    This operation is associative:  M(M(a, b), c) == M(a, M(b, c)) == M(a, b, c)."""
    # Note that action of the merged component is MODIFY until the first REPLACE is encountered.
    # This guarantees associativity.
    action = cls.MODIFY
    appends = []
    filters = []
    for component in components:
      if component._action is cls.REPLACE:
        appends = component._appends
        filters = component._filters
        action = cls.REPLACE
      elif component._action is cls.MODIFY:
        raise ParseError(f'Unknown action for list value: {component._action}')
    return cls(action, appends, filters)
  def merge(cls, components):
    """Merges components into a single component, applying their actions appropriately.

    This operation is associative:  M(M(a, b), c) == M(a, M(b, c)) == M(a, b, c).

    :param list components: an iterable of instances of DictValueComponent.
    :return: An instance representing the result of merging the components.
    :rtype: `DictValueComponent`
    # Note that action of the merged component is EXTEND until the first REPLACE is encountered.
    # This guarantees associativity.
    action = cls.EXTEND
    val = {}
    for component in components:
      if component.action is cls.REPLACE:
        val = component.val
        action = cls.REPLACE
      elif component.action is cls.EXTEND:
        raise ParseError('Unknown action for dict value: {}'.format(component.action))
    return cls(action, val)
文件: parser.py 项目: cheister/pants
  def _compute_value(self, dest, kwargs, flag_vals):
    """Compute the value to use for an option.

    The source of the default value is chosen according to the ranking in RankedValue.
    is_fromfile = kwargs.get('fromfile', False)
    action = kwargs.get('action')
    if is_fromfile and action and action != 'append':
      raise ParseError('Cannot fromfile {} with an action ({}) in scope {}'
                       .format(dest, action, self._scope))

    config_section = GLOBAL_SCOPE_CONFIG_SECTION if self._scope == GLOBAL_SCOPE else self._scope
    udest = dest.upper()
    if self._scope == GLOBAL_SCOPE:
      # For convenience, we allow three forms of env var for global scope options.
      # The fully-specified env var is PANTS_DEFAULT_FOO, which is uniform with PANTS_<SCOPE>_FOO
      # for all the other scopes.  However we also allow simply PANTS_FOO. And if the option name
      # itself starts with 'pants-' then we also allow simply FOO. E.g., PANTS_WORKDIR instead of
      # PANTS_PANTS_WORKDIR or PANTS_DEFAULT_PANTS_WORKDIR. We take the first specified value we
      # find, in this order: PANTS_DEFAULT_FOO, PANTS_FOO, FOO.
      env_vars = ['PANTS_DEFAULT_{0}'.format(udest), 'PANTS_{0}'.format(udest)]
      if udest.startswith('PANTS_'):
      sanitized_env_var_scope = self._ENV_SANITIZER_RE.sub('_', config_section.upper())
      env_vars = ['PANTS_{0}_{1}'.format(sanitized_env_var_scope, udest)]

    value_type = self.str_to_bool if is_boolean_flag(kwargs) else kwargs.get('type', str)

    env_val_str = None
    if self._env:
      for env_var in env_vars:
        if env_var in self._env:
          env_val_str = self._env.get(env_var)

    config_val_str = self._config.get(config_section, dest, default=None)
    config_source_file = self._config.get_source_for_option(config_section, dest)
    if config_source_file is not None:
      config_source_file = os.path.relpath(config_source_file)

    def expand(val_str):
      if is_fromfile and val_str and val_str.startswith('@') and not val_str.startswith('@@'):
        fromfile = val_str[1:]
          with open(fromfile) as fp:
            return fp.read().strip()
        except IOError as e:
          raise self.FromfileError('Failed to read {} in {} from file {}: {}'.format(
            dest, self._scope_str(), fromfile, e))
        # Support a literal @ for fromfile values via @@.
        return val_str[1:] if is_fromfile and val_str.startswith('@@') else val_str

    def parse_typed_list(val_str):
      return None if val_str is None else [value_type(x) for x in list_option(expand(val_str))]

    def parse_typed_item(val_str):
      return None if val_str is None else value_type(expand(val_str))

    flag_val = None
    if flag_vals:
      if action == 'append':
        flag_val = [parse_typed_item(v) for v in flag_vals]
      elif len(flag_vals) > 1:
        raise ParseError('Multiple cmd line flags specified for option {} in {}'.format(
          dest, self._scope_str()))
        flag_val = parse_typed_item(flag_vals[0])

    default, parse = ([], parse_typed_list) if action == 'append' else (None, parse_typed_item)

    config_val = parse(config_val_str)
    env_val = parse(env_val_str)
    hardcoded_val = kwargs.get('default')

    config_details = 'in {}'.format(config_source_file) if config_source_file else None

    # Note: ranked_vals is guaranteed to have at least one element, and none of the values
    # of any of its elements will be None.
    ranked_vals = list(reversed(list(RankedValue.prioritized_iter(
      flag_val, env_val, config_val, hardcoded_val, default))))
    choices = kwargs.get('choices')
    for ranked_val in ranked_vals:
      details = config_details if ranked_val.rank == RankedValue.CONFIG else None

    def check(val):
      if choices is not None and val is not None and val not in choices:
        raise ParseError('{} is not an allowed value for option {} in {}. '
                         'Must be one of: {}'.format(
          val, dest, self._scope_str(), choices
      return val

    if action == 'append':
      merged_rank = ranked_vals[-1].rank
      merged_val = [check(val) for vals in ranked_vals for val in vals.value]
      return RankedValue(merged_rank, merged_val)
      map(lambda rv: check(rv.value), ranked_vals)
      return ranked_vals[-1]
文件: parser.py 项目: cheister/pants
  def parse_args(self, flags, namespace):
    """Set values for this parser's options on the namespace object."""
    flag_value_map = self._create_flag_value_map(flags)

    for args, kwargs in self._unnormalized_option_registrations_iter():
      self._validate(args, kwargs)
      dest = kwargs.get('dest') or self._select_dest(args)
      is_bool = is_boolean_flag(kwargs)

      def consume_flag(flag):
        self._check_deprecated(dest, kwargs)
        del flag_value_map[flag]

      # Compute the values provided on the command line for this option.  Note tha there may be
      # multiple values, for any combination of the following reasons:
      #   - The user used the same flag multiple times.
      #   - The user specified a boolean flag (--foo) and its inverse (--no-foo).
      #   - The option has multiple names, and the user used more than one of them.
      # We also check if the option is deprecated, but we only do so if the option is explicitly
      # specified as a command-line flag, so we don't spam users with deprecated option values
      # specified in config, which isn't something they control.
      implicit_value = kwargs.get('implicit_value')
      flag_vals = []

      def add_flag_val(v):
        if v is None:
          if implicit_value is None:
            raise ParseError('Missing value for command line flag {} in {}'.format(
              arg, self._scope_str()))

      for arg in args:
        if is_bool:
          if arg in flag_value_map:
            flag_vals.append('true' if kwargs['action'] == 'store_true' else 'false')
          elif self._inverse_arg(arg) in flag_value_map:
            flag_vals.append('false' if kwargs['action'] == 'store_true' else 'true')
          if arg in flag_value_map:
            for v in flag_value_map[arg]:

      # Get the value for this option, falling back to defaults as needed.
        val = self._compute_value(dest, kwargs, flag_vals)
      except ParseError as e:
        # Reraise a new exception with context on the option being processed at the time of error.
        # Note that other exception types can be raised here that are caught by ParseError (e.g.
        # BooleanConversionError), hence we reference the original exception type by e.__class__.
        raise type(e)(
          'Error computing value for {} in {} (may also be from PANTS_* environment variables):\n'
          '{}'.format(', '.join(args), self._scope_str(), e)

      setattr(namespace, dest, val)

    # See if there are any unconsumed flags remaining.
    if flag_value_map:
      raise ParseError('Unrecognized command line flags on {}: {}'.format(
        self._scope_str(), ', '.join(flag_value_map.keys())))

    return namespace
    def _compute_value(self, dest, kwargs, flag_val_strs):
        """Compute the value to use for an option.

    The source of the default value is chosen according to the ranking in RankedValue.

        # Helper function to convert a string to a value of the option's type.
        def to_value_type(val_str):
            if val_str is None:
                return None
            elif kwargs.get('type') == bool:
                return self._ensure_bool(val_str)
                return self._wrap_type(kwargs.get('type', str))(val_str)

        # Helper function to expand a fromfile=True value string, if needed.
        def expand(val_str):
            if kwargs.get('fromfile',
                          False) and val_str and val_str.startswith('@'):
                if val_str.startswith(
                ):  # Support a literal @ for fromfile values via @@.
                    return val_str[1:]
                    fromfile = val_str[1:]
                        with open(fromfile) as fp:
                            return fp.read().strip()
                    except IOError as e:
                        raise self.FromfileError(
                            'Failed to read {} in {} from file {}: {}'.format(
                                dest, self._scope_str(), fromfile, e))
                return val_str

        # Get value from config files, and capture details about its derivation.
        config_details = None
        config_section = GLOBAL_SCOPE_CONFIG_SECTION if self._scope == GLOBAL_SCOPE else self._scope
        config_val_str = expand(
            self._config.get(config_section, dest, default=None))
        config_source_file = self._config.get_source_for_option(
            config_section, dest)
        if config_source_file is not None:
            config_source_file = os.path.relpath(config_source_file)
            config_details = 'in {}'.format(config_source_file)

        # Get value from environment, and capture details about its derivation.
        udest = dest.upper()
        if self._scope == GLOBAL_SCOPE:
            # For convenience, we allow three forms of env var for global scope options.
            # The fully-specified env var is PANTS_GLOBAL_FOO, which is uniform with PANTS_<SCOPE>_FOO
            # for all the other scopes.  However we also allow simply PANTS_FOO. And if the option name
            # itself starts with 'pants-' then we also allow simply FOO. E.g., PANTS_WORKDIR instead of
            # PANTS_PANTS_WORKDIR or PANTS_GLOBAL_PANTS_WORKDIR. We take the first specified value we
            # find, in this order: PANTS_GLOBAL_FOO, PANTS_FOO, FOO.
            env_vars = [
                'PANTS_GLOBAL_{0}'.format(udest), 'PANTS_{0}'.format(udest)
            if udest.startswith('PANTS_'):
            sanitized_env_var_scope = self._ENV_SANITIZER_RE.sub(
                '_', self._scope.upper())
            env_vars = ['PANTS_{0}_{1}'.format(sanitized_env_var_scope, udest)]

        env_val_str = None
        env_details = None
        if self._env:
            for env_var in env_vars:
                if env_var in self._env:
                    env_val_str = expand(self._env.get(env_var))
                    env_details = 'from env var {}'.format(env_var)

        # Get value from cmd-line flags.
        flag_vals = [to_value_type(expand(x)) for x in flag_val_strs]
        if is_list_option(kwargs):
            # Note: It's important to set flag_val to None if no flags were specified, so we can
            # distinguish between no flags set vs. explicit setting of the value to [].
            flag_val = ListValueComponent.merge(
                flag_vals) if flag_vals else None
        elif is_dict_option(kwargs):
            # Note: It's important to set flag_val to None if no flags were specified, so we can
            # distinguish between no flags set vs. explicit setting of the value to {}.
            flag_val = DictValueComponent.merge(
                flag_vals) if flag_vals else None
        elif len(flag_vals) > 1:
            raise ParseError(
                'Multiple cmd line flags specified for option {} in {}'.format(
                    dest, self._scope_str()))
        elif len(flag_vals) == 1:
            flag_val = flag_vals[0]
            flag_val = None

        # Rank all available values.
        # Note that some of these values may already be of the value type, but type conversion
        # is idempotent, so this is OK.

        values_to_rank = [
            to_value_type(x) for x in [
                flag_val, env_val_str, config_val_str,
                kwargs.get('default'), None
        # Note that ranked_vals will always have at least one element, and all elements will be
        # instances of RankedValue (so none will be None, although they may wrap a None value).
        ranked_vals = list(

        # Record info about the derivation of each of the values.
        for ranked_val in ranked_vals:
            if ranked_val.rank == RankedValue.CONFIG:
                details = config_details
            elif ranked_val.rank == RankedValue.ENVIRONMENT:
                details = env_details
                details = None

        # Helper function to check various validity constraints on final option values.
        def check(val):
            if val is not None:
                choices = kwargs.get('choices')
                if choices is not None and val not in choices:
                    raise ParseError(
                        '`{}` is not an allowed value for option {} in {}. '
                        'Must be one of: {}'.format(val, dest,
                elif kwargs.get(
                        'type') == dir_option and not os.path.isdir(val):
                    raise ParseError(
                        'Directory value `{}` for option {} in {} does not exist.'
                        .format(val, dest, self._scope_str()))
                elif kwargs.get(
                        'type') == file_option and not os.path.isfile(val):
                    raise ParseError(
                        'File value `{}` for option {} in {} does not exist.'.
                        format(val, dest, self._scope_str()))

        # Generate the final value from all available values, and check that it (or its members,
        # if a list) are in the set of allowed choices.
        if is_list_option(kwargs):
            merged_rank = ranked_vals[-1].rank
            merged_val = ListValueComponent.merge(
                [rv.value for rv in ranked_vals if rv.value is not None]).val
            merged_val = [
                self._convert_member_type(kwargs.get('member_type', str), x)
                for x in merged_val
            map(check, merged_val)
            ret = RankedValue(merged_rank, merged_val)
        elif is_dict_option(kwargs):
            merged_rank = ranked_vals[-1].rank
            merged_val = DictValueComponent.merge(
                [rv.value for rv in ranked_vals if rv.value is not None]).val
            map(check, merged_val)
            ret = RankedValue(merged_rank, merged_val)
            ret = ranked_vals[-1]

        # All done!
        return ret