 def getEntity(res: Response, returnRawJSON: bool = True):
     Deserializes a Response object to POJO of some type.
     @param res: response
     @param returnRawJSON: true if an array should be returned
     @return: an object
     if res:
         code = res.status_code
         if code == 200 or code == 201 or code == 304:
             if returnRawJSON:
                     body = res.json()
                     return body if body else {}
                 except JSONDecodeError:
                     return res.text
                 obj = ParaObject()
                 return obj
         elif code != 404 or code != 304 or code != 204:
             error = res.json()
             if error and error["code"]:
                 msg = (error["message"] if error["message"] else "error")
                 logging.error(msg + " - " + error["code"])
                 logging.error(code + " - " + res.reason)
     return None
 def signIn(self, provider: str, providertoken: str, rememberjwt: bool = True):
     Takes an identity provider access token and fetches the user data from that provider.
     A new User object is created if that user doesn't exist.
     Access tokens are returned upon successful authentication using one of the SDKs from
     Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.
     <b>Note:</b> Twitter uses OAuth 1 and gives you a token and a token secret.
     <b>You must concatenate them like this: <code>{oauth_token}:{oauth_token_secret}</code> and
     use that as the provider access token.</b>
     @param provider: identity provider, e.g. 'facebook', 'google'...
     @param providertoken: access token from a provider like Facebook, Google, Twitter
     @param rememberjwt: it true the access token returned by Para will be stored locally and
     available through getAccessToken(). True by default.
     @return: a User object or None if something failed
     if not provider or not providertoken:
         return None
     credentials = {"appid": self.__accessKey, "provider": provider, "token": providertoken}
     result = self.getEntity(self.invokePost(self.JWT_PATH, json.dumps(credentials)))
     if result and result["user"] and result["jwt"]:
         jwt_data = result["jwt"]
         if rememberjwt:
             self.__tokenKey = jwt_data["access_token"]
             self.__tokenKeyExpires = jwt_data["expires"]
             self.__tokenKeyNextRefresh = jwt_data["refresh"]
         obj = ParaObject()
         return obj
         return None
    def testSetFields(self):
        o1 = ParaObject("123", "dog")
        o1.one = 1
        o1.two = "two"

        assert o1.type == "dog"
        assert o1.id == "123"

        obj = json.loads(o1.jsonSerialize())
        obj1 = ParaObject()

        assert obj1.type == "dog"
        assert obj1.id == "123"
        assert obj1.two == "two"
 def getItemsFromList(result: list):
     Deserializes ParaObjects from a JSON array (the "items:[]" field in search results).
     @param result: a list of deserialized objects
     @return: a list of ParaObjects
     if result and len(result) > 0:
         # this isn't very efficient but there's no way to know what type of objects we're reading
         objects = []
         for obj in result:
             if obj and len(obj) > 0:
                 p = ParaObject()
         return objects
     return []