文件: block.py 项目: agramfort/PyMP
    def computeTransform(self, startingFrame=1 , endFrame = -1):
        if self.wLong is None:
        # due to later time-shift optimizations , need to ensure nothing is selected too close to the borders!!
        if endFrame <0 or endFrame>self.frameNumber -3:
            endFrame = self.frameNumber -3
        if startingFrame<2:
            startingFrame = 2
        # new version: C binding
        if self.useC:
            parallelProjections.project_mclt(self.enframedDataMatrix, self.bestScoreTree,
                                                 self.projectionMatrix , 
                                                 self.locCoeff , 
                                                 self.post_twidVec ,
                                                 self.scale )
            L = self.scale
            K = L/2
            T = K/2
            normaCoeffs = sqrt(2/float(K))
            locenframedDataMat = self.enframedDataMatrix
#            locfftMat = self.fftMat
#            locprojMat = self.projectionMatrix
            preTwidCoeff = self.locCoeff
            postTwidCoeff = self.post_twidVec
            # Bottleneck here !! need to fasten this loop : do it by Matrix technique? or bind to a C++ file?
            for i in range(startingFrame , endFrame):
                x = locenframedDataMat[i*K - T: i*K + L - T]
                if len(x) !=L:
                    x =zeros(L , complex)
                # do the pre-twiddle 
                x = x * preTwidCoeff
                # compute fft            
#                locfftMat[: , i] = fft(x , L)
                # post-twiddle
#                y = locfftMat[0:K , i] * postTwidCoeff
                y = (fft(x , L)[0:K]) * postTwidCoeff
    #            y = self.doPretwid(locfftMat[0:K , i], postTwidCoeff)
                # we work with MCLT now
                self.projectionMatrix[i*K : (i+1)*K] = normaCoeffs*y
                # store new max score in tree
                self.bestScoreTree[i] = abs(self.projectionMatrix[i*K : (i+1)*K]).max() 
print " ---Testing good call"
parallelProjections.project(input_data, scoreTree, projectionMatrix_real, pre_twidVec, post_twidVec, i, j, L, 0)

# if parallelFFT.clean_plans() != 1:
#    print "Cleaning Stage Failed"
##print  projectionMatrix_real
print scoreTree
print "--- OK"
# if computeMCLT.initialize_plans(np.array([L])) != 1:
#    print "Initiliazing Stage Failed"

print "---Testing good call: complex"
res = parallelProjections.project_mclt(input_data, scoreTree, projectionMatrix_comp, pre_twidVec, post_twidVec, i, j, L)
print scoreTree
if res is not None:
    print "--- Ok"
    print "ERROR"
print "---Testing good call: complex set"

res = parallelProjections.project_mclt_set(
    input_data, scoreTree, projectionMatrix_comp, pre_twidVec, post_twidVec, i, j, L, 1
if res is not None:
    print "--- Ok"
    print "ERRRORRRR"