class DateShiftFixPart(et.SqlScriptTask): script = Script.date_shift_2015_part cms_rif_schema = pv.StrParam(default='CMS_DEID_2015') upload_id = pv.IntParam() @property def variables(self) -> Environment: return dict(upload_id=str(self.upload_id))
class MigrateUpload(UploadRunTask): """ TODO: explain of why run() is trivial, i.e. why we don't get an upload_status record until the end. Or fix it. """ upload_id = pv.IntParam() workspace_schema = pv.StrParam(default='HERON_ETL_1') i2b2_deid = pv.StrParam(default='BlueHeronData') db_url_deid = pv.StrParam() log_dest = pv.PathParam(significant=False) @property def label(self) -> str: return self.get_task_family() @property def source_cd(self) -> str: return self.workspace_schema def requires(self) -> Dict[str, luigi.Task]: if self.complete(): return {} _configure_logging(self.log_dest) return { 'id': CopyRecords( src_table= f'{self.workspace_schema}.observation_fact_{self.upload_id}', dest_table=f'{self.schema}.observation_fact', mode='append', db_url=self.db_url, db_url_dest=self.db_url, driver=self.driver, user=self.user, passkey=self.passkey), 'deid': CopyRecords( src_table= f'{self.workspace_schema}.observation_fact_deid_{self.upload_id}', dest_table=f'{self.i2b2_deid}.observation_fact', mode='append', db_url=self.db_url, db_url_dest=self.db_url_deid, driver=self.driver, user=self.user, passkey=self.passkey), } def _upload_target(self) -> UploadTarget: return UploadTarget(self, self.schema, transform_name=self.task_id) def run_upload(self, conn: Connection, upload_id: int) -> None: pass
class NAACCR_Visits(_NAACCR_JDBC): """Make a per-tumor table for use in encounter_mapping etc. """ design_id = pv.StrParam('patient_num') table_name = "NAACCR_TUMORS" encounter_num_start = pv.IntParam(description='see client.cfg') def _data(self, spark: SparkSession, naaccr_text_lines: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: tumors = td.TumorKeys.with_tumor_id( td.TumorKeys.pat_tmr(spark, naaccr_text_lines)) tumors = td.TumorKeys.with_rownum(tumors, start=self.encounter_num_start) return tumors
class NAACCR_FlatFile(ManualTask): """A NAACCR flat file is determined by the registry, export date, and version. """ naaccrRecordVersion = pv.IntParam(default=180) dateCaseReportExported = pv.DateParam() npiRegistryId = pv.StrParam() testData = pv.BoolParam(default=False, significant=False) flat_file = pv.PathParam(significant=False) record_qty_min = pv.IntParam(significant=False, default=1) def check_version_param(self) -> None: """Only version 18 (180) is currently supported. """ if self.naaccrRecordVersion != 180: raise NotImplementedError() def complete(self) -> bool: with task_action(self, 'complete') as ctx: result = self.complete_action() ctx.add_success_fields(result=result) return result def complete_action(self) -> bool: """Check the first record, assuming all the others have the same export date and registry NPI. """ self.check_version_param() with as records: record0 = records.readline() qty = 1 + sum(1 for _ in records.readlines())'record qty: %d (> %d? %s)', qty, self.record_qty_min, qty >= self.record_qty_min) vOk = self._checkItem(record0, 'naaccrRecordVersion', str(self.naaccrRecordVersion)) regOk = self._checkItem(record0, 'npiRegistryId', self.npiRegistryId) dtOk = self._checkItem(record0, 'dateCaseReportExported', self.dateCaseReportExported.strftime('%Y%m%d')) if vOk and regOk and dtOk and qty >= self.record_qty_min: return True else: if self.testData: log.warn('ignoring failed FlatFile check') return True return False @classmethod def _checkItem(cls, record: str, naaccrId: str, expected: str) -> bool: ''' >>> npi = '1234567890' >>> record0 = ' ' * 19 + npi >>> NAACCR_FlatFile._checkItem(record0, 'npiRegistryId', npi) True >>> NAACCR_FlatFile._checkItem(record0, 'npiRegistryId', 'XXX') False ''' itemDef = tr_ont.NAACCR1.itemDef(naaccrId) [startColumn, length ] = [int(itemDef.attrib[it]) for it in ['startColumn', 'length']] startColumn -= 1 actual = record[startColumn:startColumn + length] if actual != expected: log.warn('%s: expected %s [%s:%s] = {%s} but found {%s}', cls.__name__, naaccrId, startColumn - 1, startColumn + length, expected, actual) return actual == expected
class NAACCR_Ontology1(JDBCTask): table_name = pv.StrParam(default="NAACCR_ONTOLOGY") who_cache = pv.PathParam() z_design_id = pv.StrParam( default='2019-12-16 pystdlib %s' % _stable_hash(tr_ont.NAACCR_I2B2.ont_script.code), description=''' mnemonic for latest visible change to output. Changing this causes task_id to change, which ensures the ontology gets rebuilt if necessary. '''.strip(), ) naaccr_version = pv.IntParam(default=18) # ISSUE: ignored? jdbc_driver_jar = pv.StrParam(significant=False) # based on custom_meta col_to_type = dict( c_hlevel='int', c_fullname='varchar(700)', c_name='varchar(2000)', c_visualattributes='varchar(3)', c_totalnum='int', c_basecode='varchar(50)', c_dimcode='varchar(700)', c_tooltip='varchar(900)', update_date='date', sourcesystem_cd='varchar(50)', ) coltypes = ','.join(f'{name} {ty}' for (name, ty) in col_to_type.items()) @property def version_name(self) -> str: """version info that fits in an i2b2 name (50 characters) """ task_hash = self.task_id.split('_')[ -1] # hmm... luigi doesn't export this return f'v{self.naaccr_version}-{task_hash}' @property def task_hash(self) -> str: return self.task_id.split('_')[-1] # hmm... luigi doesn't export this def output(self) -> JDBCTableTarget: query = fr""" (select 1 from {self.table_name} where c_fullname = '{tr_ont.NAACCR_I2B2.top_folder}' and c_basecode = '{self.version_name}') """ return JDBCTableTarget(self, query) @property def classpath(self) -> str: return self.jdbc_driver_jar @property def __password(self) -> str: from os import environ # ISSUE: ambient return environ[self.passkey] def account(self) -> td.Account: from subprocess import Popen # ISSUE: AMBIENT return td.Account('DEID', self.user, self.__password, Popen, url=self.db_url, driver=self.driver) def run(self) -> None: conn = connect_mem(':memory:', detect_types=PARSE_COLNAMES) spark = DBSession(conn) update_date = dt.datetime.strptime(self.z_design_id[:10], '%Y-%m-%d').date() terms = tr_ont.NAACCR_I2B2.ont_view_in(spark, who_cache=self.who_cache, task_hash=self.task_hash, update_date=update_date) cdw = self.account() cdw.wr(self.table_name, td.case_fold(terms))
class CohortRIFTablePart(et.DBAccessTask, et.I2B2Task): """Build subset of one CMS RIF table where bene_id is from site cohorts. """ cms_rif = pv.StrParam(description="Source RIF schema") work_schema = pv.StrParam(description="Destination RIF schema") table_name = pv.StrParam() site_star_list = ListParam(description='DATA_KUMC,DATA_MCW,...') parallel_degree = pv.IntParam(significant=False, default=16) @property def site_cohorts(self) -> SiteCohorts: return SiteCohorts(site_star_list=self.site_star_list) def requires(self) -> List[luigi.Task]: return [self.site_cohorts] def complete(self) -> bool: for t in self.requires(): if not t.complete(): return False with self.connection('rif_table_done') as conn: for cohort_id in self.site_cohorts._cohort_ids( self.project.star_schema, conn): # We're not guaranteed that each site cohort intersects the CMS data, # but if it does, the CMS patient numbers are the low ones; hence min(). lo, hi = conn.execute(''' select min(patient_num), max(patient_num) from {i2b2}.qt_patient_set_collection where result_instance_id = {id} '''.format(i2b2=self.project.star_schema, id=cohort_id)).first() try: found = conn.execute(''' select 1 from {work}.{t} where bene_id between :lo and :hi and rownum = 1 '''.format(work=self.work_schema, t=self.table_name), params=dict(lo=lo, hi=hi)).scalar() except DatabaseError as oops: conn.log.warning('complete query failed:', exc_info=oops) return False if not found: return False return True def run(self) -> None: with self.connection('rif_table') as conn: self._create(conn) cohort_ids = self.site_cohorts._cohort_ids( self.project.star_schema, conn) conn.execute(''' insert /*+ append */ into {work}.{t} select /*+ parallel({degree}) */ * from {rif}.{t} where bene_id in ( select patient_num from {i2b2}.qt_patient_set_collection where result_instance_id in ({cohorts}) ) '''.format(work=self.work_schema, t=self.table_name, degree=self.parallel_degree, rif=self.cms_rif, i2b2=self.project.star_schema, cohorts=', '.join(str(i) for i in cohort_ids))) def _create(self, conn: et.LoggedConnection) -> None: try: conn.execute(''' create table {work}.{t} as select * from {rif}.{t} where 1 = 0 '''.format(work=self.work_schema, t=self.table_name, rif=self.cms_rif)) except DatabaseError: pass # perhaps it already exists...