def exec_specmax(ddata, opts):
    p = {
        'expmt_group': '',
        'n_sim': 0,
        'n_trial': 0,
        't_interval': None,
        'f_interval': None,
        'f_sort': None,
        # 't_interval': [0., -1],
        # 'f_interval': [0., -1],

    args_check(p, opts)

    p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)
    # trial_prefix = p_exp.trial_prefix_str % (p['n_sim'], p['n_trial'])

    if not p['expmt_group']:
        p['expmt_group'] = ddata.expmt_groups[0]

    # Get the associated dipole and spec file
    fspec = ddata.return_specific_filename(p['expmt_group'], 'rawspec', p['n_sim'], p['n_trial'])

    # Load the spec data
    spec = specfn.Spec(fspec)

    # get max data
    data_max = spec.max('agg', p['t_interval'], p['f_interval'], p['f_sort'])

    if data_max:
        print "Max power of %4.2e at f of %4.2f Hz at %4.3f ms" % (data_max['pwr'], data_max['f_at_max'], data_max['t_at_max'])
def exec_throwaway(ddata, opts):
    p = {
        'n_sim': 0,
        'n_trial': 0,
    args_check(p, opts)

    p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)
    N_trials = p_exp.N_trials
    print opts, p

    if p['n_sim'] == -1:
        for i in range(p_exp.N_sims):
            if p['n_trial'] == -1:
                for j in range(N_trials):
                    dipolefn.dpl_convert_and_save(ddata, i, j)
                j = p['n_trial']
                dipolefn.dpl_convert_and_save(ddata, i, j)

        i = p['n_sim']
        if p['n_trial'] == -1:
            for j in range(N_trials):
                dipolefn.dpl_convert_and_save(ddata, i, j)
            j = p['n_trial']
            dipolefn.dpl_convert_and_save(ddata, i, j)
def dpl_convert_and_save(ddata, i=0, j=0):
    """ trial is currently undefined
        function is broken for N_trials > 1
    # take the ith sim, jth trial, do some stuff to it, resave it
    # only uses first expmt_group
    expmt_group = ddata.expmt_groups[0]

    # need n_trials
    p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)
    if not p_exp.N_trials:
        N_trials = 1
        N_trials = p_exp.N_trials

    # absolute number
    n = i*N_trials + j

    # grab the correct files
    f_dpl = ddata.file_match(expmt_group, 'rawdpl')[n]
    f_param = ddata.file_match(expmt_group, 'param')[n]

    # print ddata.sim_prefix, ddata.dsim
    f_name_short = '%s-%03d-T%02d-dpltest.txt' % (ddata.sim_prefix, i, j)
    f_name = os.path.join(ddata.dsim, expmt_group, f_name_short)

    dpl = Dipole(f_dpl)
    print("baseline renormalized")

    print("converted to nAm")

def exec_replot(ddata, opts):
# def regenerate_plots(ddata, xlim=[0, 'tstop']):
    p = {
        'xlim': None,
        'ylim': None,

    args_check(p, opts)

    # recreate p_exp ... don't like this
    # ** should be guaranteed to be identical **
    p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)

    # grab the list of spec results that exists
    # there is a method in SimulationPaths/ddata for this specifically, this should be deprecated
    # fspec_list = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-spec.npz')

    # generate data if no spec exists here
    if not fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-spec.npz'):
    # if not fspec_list:
        print "No saved spec data found. Performing spec anaylsis ... "
        # spec_results = exec_spec_regenerate(ddata)

    # run our core pall plot
    plotfn.pall(ddata, p_exp, p['xlim'], p['ylim'])
def freqpwr_with_hist(ddata, dsim):
    fspec_list = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-spec.npz')
    spk_list = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-spk.txt')
    fparam_list = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-param.txt')

    p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)
    key_types = p_exp.get_key_types()

    # If no save spec reslts exist, redo spec analysis
    if not fspec_list:
        print "No saved spec data found. Performing spec analysis...",
        fspec_list = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-spec.npz')
        # spec_results = exec_spec_regenerate(ddata)

        print "now doing spec freq-pwr analysis"

    # perform freqpwr analysis
    freqpwr_results_list = [specfn.freqpwr_analysis(fspec) for fspec in fspec_list]

    # Plot
    for freqpwr_result, f_spk, fparam in zip(freqpwr_results_list, spk_list, fparam_list):
        gid_dict, p_dict = paramrw.read(fparam)
        file_name = 'freqpwr.png'

        specfn.pfreqpwr_with_hist(file_name, freqpwr_result, f_spk, gid_dict, p_dict, key_types)
    def __init__(self,
                 title='Spectrogram Viewer'):
        FigureCanvas.__init__(self, Figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=dpi))
        self.title = title
        self.gui = parent
        self.index = index
        FigureCanvas.setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Expanding,
        self.paramf = paramf
        self.invertedhistax = False
        self.G = gridspec.GridSpec(10, 1)
        self.dat = []
        self.lextspec = []
        self.lax = []
        self.avgdipole = []
        self.avgspec = []

        # get spec_cmap
        p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(self.paramf, 0)
        if len(p_exp.expmt_groups) > 0:
            expmt_group = p_exp.expmt_groups[0]
            expmt_group = None
        p = p_exp.return_pdict(expmt_group, 0)
        self.spec_cmap = p['spec_cmap']

文件: vislfp.py 项目: tbardouille/hnn
    def __init__(self,
                 title='LFP Viewer'):
        FigureCanvas.__init__(self, Figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=dpi))
        self.title = title
        self.index = index
        FigureCanvas.setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Expanding,
        self.paramf = paramf
        self.drawwavelet = True

        # get spec_cmap
        p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(self.paramf, 0)
        if len(p_exp.expmt_groups) > 0:
            expmt_group = p_exp.expmt_groups[0]
            expmt_group = None
        p = p_exp.return_pdict(expmt_group, 0)
        self.spec_cmap = p['spec_cmap']

def exec_spec_stationary_avg(ddata, dsim, maxpwr):

    # Prompt user for type of analysis (per expmt or whole sim)
    analysis_type = raw_input('Would you like analysis per expmt or for whole sim? (expmt or sim): ')

    fspec_list = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-spec.npz')
    fparam_list = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-param.txt')
    # fspec_list = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-spec.npz')
    # fparam_list = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-param.txt')

    p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)
    key_types = p_exp.get_key_types()

    # If no saved spec results exist, redo spec analysis
    if not fspec_list:
        print "No saved spec data found. Performing spec analysis...",
        fspec_list = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-spec.npz')
        # spec_results = exec_spec_regenerate(ddata)

        print "now doing spec freq-pwr analysis"

    # perform time-averaged stationary analysis
    # specpwr_results = [specfn.specpwr_stationary_avg(fspec) for fspec in fspec_list]
    specpwr_results = []

    for fspec in fspec_list:
        spec = specfn.Spec(fspec)

    # plot for whole simulation
    if analysis_type == 'sim':

        file_name = os.path.join(dsim, 'specpwr.eps')
        pspec.pspecpwr(file_name, specpwr_results, fparam_list, key_types)

        # if maxpwr plot indicated
        if maxpwr:
            f_name = os.path.join(dsim, 'maxpwr.png')
            specfn.pmaxpwr(f_name, specpwr_results, fparam_list)

    # plot per expmt
    if analysis_type == 'expmt':
        for expmt_group in ddata.expmt_groups:
            # create name for figure. Figure saved to expmt directory
            file_name = os.path.join(dsim, expmt_group, 'specpwr.png')

            # compile list of freqpwr results and param pathways for expmt
            partial_results_list = [result for result in specpwr_results if result['expmt']==expmt_group]
            partial_fparam_list = [fparam for fparam in fparam_list if expmt_group in fparam]

            # plot results
            pspec.pspecpwr(file_name, partial_results_list, partial_fparam_list, key_types)

            # if maxpwr plot indicated
            if maxpwr:
                f_name = os.path.join(dsim, expmt_group, 'maxpwr.png')
                specfn.pmaxpwr(f_name, partial_results_list, partial_fparam_list)
def exec_specmax_dpl_tmpl(ddata, opts):
    p = {
        'expmt_group': '',
        'n_sim': 0,
        'trials': [0, -1],
        't_interval': None,
        'f_interval': None,
        'f_sort': None,

    args_check(p, opts)

    # set expmt group
    if not p['expmt_group']:
        p['expmt_group'] = ddata.expmt_groups[0]

    # set directory to save template in and check that it exists
    dir_out = os.path.join(ddata.dsim, p['expmt_group'], 'tmpldpl')

    # if p['trials'][1] is -1, assume all trials are wanted
    # 1 is subtracted from N_trials to be consistent with manual entry of trial range
    if p['trials'][1] == -1:
        p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)
        p['trials'][1] = p_exp.N_trials - 1

    # Get spec, dpl, and param files
    # Sorry for lack of readability
    spec_list = [ddata.return_specific_filename(p['expmt_group'], 'rawspec', p['n_sim'], i) for i in range(p['trials'][0], p['trials'][1]+1)]
    dpl_list = [ddata.return_specific_filename(p['expmt_group'], 'rawdpl', p['n_sim'], i) for i in range(p['trials'][0], p['trials'][1]+1)]
    param_list = [ddata.return_specific_filename(p['expmt_group'], 'param', p['n_sim'], i) for i in range(p['trials'][0], p['trials'][1]+1)]

    # Get max spectral data
    data_max_list = []

    for fspec in spec_list:
        spec = specfn.Spec(fspec)
        data_max_list.append(spec.max('agg', p['t_interval'], p['f_interval'], p['f_sort']))

    # Get time intervals of max spectral pwr
    t_interval_list = [dmax['t_int'] for dmax in data_max_list if dmax is not None]

    # truncate dpl_list to include only sorted trials
    # kind of crazy that this works. Just sayin'...
    dpl_list = [fdpl for fdpl, dmax in zip(dpl_list, data_max_list) if dmax is not None]

    # create file name
    if p['f_sort']:
        fname_short = "sim-%03i-T%03i-T%03d-sort-%i-%i-tmpldpl.txt" %(p['n_sim'], p['trials'][0], p['trials'][1], p['f_sort'][0], p['f_sort'][1])

        fname_short = "sim-%03i-T%03i-T%03i-tmpldpl.txt" %(p['n_sim'], p['trials'][0], p['trials'][1])

    fname = os.path.join(dir_out, fname_short)

    # Create dpl template
    dipolefn.create_template(fname, dpl_list, param_list, t_interval_list)
def exec_aggregatespec(ddata, labels):
    p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)

    fspec_list = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-spec.npz')

    # generate data if no spec exists here
    if not fspec_list:
        print "No saved spec data found. Performing spec anaylsis ... "

    plotfn.aggregate_spec_with_hist(ddata, p_exp, labels)
def exec_specmax_dpl_match(ddata, opts):
    p = {
        'expmt_group': '',
        'n_sim': 0,
        'trials': [0, -1],
        't_interval': None,
        'f_interval': None,
        'f_sort': None,

    args_check(p, opts)

    # set expmt group
    if not p['expmt_group']:
        p['expmt_group'] = ddata.expmt_groups[0]

    # set directory to save fig in and check that it exists
    dir_fig = os.path.join(ddata.dsim, p['expmt_group'], 'figint')

    # if p['trials'][1] is -1, assume all trials are wanted
    # 1 is subtracted from N_trials to be consistent with manual entry of trial range
    if p['trials'][1] == -1:
        p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)
        p['trials'][1] = p_exp.N_trials - 1

    # Get spec, dpl, and param files
    # Sorry for lack of readability
    spec_list = [ddata.return_specific_filename(p['expmt_group'], 'rawspec', p['n_sim'], i) for i in range(p['trials'][0], p['trials'][1]+1)]
    dpl_list = [ddata.return_specific_filename(p['expmt_group'], 'rawdpl', p['n_sim'], i) for i in range(p['trials'][0], p['trials'][1]+1)]
    param_list = [ddata.return_specific_filename(p['expmt_group'], 'param', p['n_sim'], i) for i in range(p['trials'][0], p['trials'][1]+1)]

    # Get max spectral data
    data_max_list = []

    for fspec in spec_list:
        spec = specfn.Spec(fspec)
        data_max_list.append(spec.max('agg', p['t_interval'], p['f_interval'], p['f_sort']))

    # create fig name
    if p['f_sort']:
        fname_short = "sim-%03i-T%03i-T%03d-sort-%i-%i" %(p['n_sim'], p['trials'][0], p['trials'][1], p['f_sort'][0], p['f_sort'][1])

        fname_short = "sim-%03i-T%03i-T%03i" %(p['n_sim'], p['trials'][0], p['trials'][1])

    fname = os.path.join(dir_fig, fname_short)

    # plot time-series over proper intervals
    dipolefn.plot_specmax_interval(fname, dpl_list, param_list, data_max_list)
    def do_load(self, args):
        """Load parameter file and regens all vars
           Date needs to be set correctly for this to work. See 'help setdate'
           Usage example:
           [s1sh] setdate 2013-01-01
           [s1sh] load mucomplex-000

           Running without arguments will load the last modified directory found in the date dir:
           [s1] load
        if not args:
            # attempt to load the most recent in the dproj/ddate
            # find the most recent directory in this folder
            list_d = []

            for dsim_short in os.listdir(self.ddate):
                # check to see if dsim_tmp is actually a dir
                dsim_tmp = os.path.join(self.ddate, dsim_short)

                # append to list along with its modified time (mtime)
                if os.path.isdir(dsim_tmp):
                        (dsim_tmp, time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(dsim_tmp))))

            # sort by mtime
            list_d.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])

            # grab the directory name of the most recent dir
            dcheck = list_d[-1][0]

            # dir_check is the attempt at creating this directory
            dcheck = os.path.join(self.dproj, self.ddate, args)

        # check existence of the path
        if os.path.exists(dcheck):
            # create blank ddata structure from SimPaths
            self.ddata = fio.SimulationPaths()

            # set dsim after using ddata's readsim method
            self.dsim = self.ddata.read_sim(self.dproj, dcheck)
            self.p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(self.ddata.fparam)
            print self.ddata.fparam
            self.var_list = paramrw.changed_vars(self.ddata.fparam)

            print dcheck
            print "Could not find that dir, maybe check your date?"
def exec_addalphahist(ddata, opts):
# def exec_addalphahist(ddata, xlim=[0, 'tstop']):
    p = {
        'xlim': None,
        'ylim': None,

    args_check(p, opts)

    p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)

    # generate data if no spec exists here
    if not fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-spec.npz'):
        print "No saved spec data found. Performing spec anaylsis ... "

    plotfn.pdpl_pspec_with_hist(ddata, p_exp, p['xlim'], p['ylim'])
def exec_dipolemin(ddata, expmt_group, n_sim, n_trial, t_interval):
    p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)
    trial_prefix = p_exp.trial_prefix_str % (n_sim, n_trial)

    # list of all the dipoles
    dpl_list = ddata.file_match(expmt_group, 'rawdpl')

    # load the associated dipole file
    # find the specific file
    # assume just the first file
    fdpl = [file for file in dpl_list if trial_prefix in file][0]

    data = np.loadtxt(open(fdpl, 'r'))
    t_vec = data[:, 0]
    data_dpl = data[:, 1]

    data_dpl_range = data_dpl[(t_vec >= t_interval[0]) & (t_vec <= t_interval[1])]
    dpl_min_range = data_dpl_range.min()
    t_min_range = t_vec[data_dpl == dpl_min_range]

    print "Minimum value over t range %s was %4.4f at %4.4f." % (str(t_interval), dpl_min_range, t_min_range)
def generate_missing_spec(ddata, f_max=40):
    # just check first expmt_group
    expmt_group = ddata.expmt_groups[0]

    # list of spec data
    l_spec = ddata.file_match(expmt_group, 'rawspec')

    # if this list is empty, assume it is everywhere and run the analysis function
    if not l_spec:
        opts = {
            'type': 'dpl_laminar',
            'f_max': f_max,
            'save_data': 1,
            'runtype': 'parallel',
        analysis_typespecific(ddata, opts)

        # this is currently incorrect, it should actually return the data that has been referred to
        # as spec_results. such a function to properly get this without analysis (eg. reader to this data)
        # should exist
        spec = []

    # do the one for current, too. Might as well at this point
    l_speccurrent = ddata.file_match(expmt_group, 'rawspeccurrent')

    if not l_speccurrent:
        p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)
        opts = {
            'type': 'current',
            'f_max': 90.,
            'save_data': 1,
            'runtype': 'parallel',
        analysis_typespecific(ddata, opts)
        spec_current = []
    # if pcID==0: print('setoutfiles:',trial,ntrial)
    doutf = {}
    doutf['file_dpl'] = getfname(ddir, 'rawdpl', trial, ntrial)
    doutf['file_current'] = getfname(ddir, 'rawcurrent', trial, ntrial)
    doutf['file_param'] = getfname(ddir, 'param', trial, ntrial)
    doutf['file_spikes'] = getfname(ddir, 'rawspk', trial, ntrial)
    doutf['file_spec'] = getfname(ddir, 'rawspec', trial, ntrial)
    doutf['filename_debug'] = 'debug.dat'
    doutf['file_dpl_norm'] = getfname(ddir, 'normdpl', trial, ntrial)
    doutf['file_vsoma'] = getfname(ddir, 'vsoma', trial, ntrial)
    doutf['file_lfp'] = getfname(ddir, 'lfp', trial, ntrial)
    #if pcID==0: print('doutf:',doutf)
    return doutf

p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(
    f_psim, debug=debug)  # creates p_exp.sim_prefix and other param structures
ddir = setupsimdir(f_psim, p_exp, pcID)  # one directory for all experiments
# create rotating data files
doutf = setoutfiles(ddir)
# core iterator through experimental groups
expmt_group = p_exp.expmt_groups[0]

simparams = p = p_exp.return_pdict(
    expmt_group, 0)  # return the param dict for this simulation

pc.barrier()  # get all nodes to this place before continuing

# global variables, should be node-independent
h("dp_total_L2 = 0.")
h("dp_total_L5 = 0.")
def ppsth_grid(simpaths):
    # get filename lists in dictionaries of experiments
    dict_exp_param = simpaths.exp_files_of_type('param')
    dict_exp_spk = simpaths.exp_files_of_type('rawspk')

    # recreate the ExpParams object used in the simulation
    p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(simpaths.fparam[0])

    # need number of lambda vals (cols) and number of sigma vals (rows)
        N_rows = len(p_exp.p_all['L2Pyr_Gauss_A_weight'])
    except TypeError:
        N_rows = 1

        N_cols = len(p_exp.p_all['L2Basket_Pois_lamtha'])
    except TypeError:
        N_cols = 1

    tstop = p_exp.p_all['tstop']

    print N_rows, N_cols, tstop

    # ugly but slightly less ugly than the index arithmetic i had planned. muahaha
    f = ac.FigGrid(N_rows, N_cols, tstop)

    # create coordinates for axes
    # this is backward-looking for a reason!
    axes_coords = [
        (j, i) for i, j in it.product(np.arange(N_cols), np.arange(N_rows))

    if len(simpaths.expnames) != len(axes_coords):
        print "um ... see ppsth.py"

    # assumes a match between expnames and the keys of the previous dicts
    for expname, axis_coord in zip(simpaths.expnames, axes_coords):
        # get the tstop
        exp_param_list = dict_exp_param[expname]
        exp_spk_list = dict_exp_spk[expname]
        gid_dict, p = paramrw.read(exp_param_list[0])
        tstop = p['tstop']
        lamtha = p['L2Basket_Pois_lamtha']
        sigma = p['L2Pyr_Gauss_A_weight']

        # these are total spike dicts for the experiments
        s_L2Pyr_list = []
        # s_L5Pyr_list = []

        # iterate through params and spikes for a given experiment
        for fparam, fspk in zip(dict_exp_param[expname],
            # get gid dict
            gid_dict, p = paramrw.read(fparam)

            # get spike dict
            s_dict = spikefn.spikes_from_file(gid_dict, fspk)

            # add a new entry to list for each different file assoc with an experiment
            # s_L5Pyr_list.append(np.array(list(it.chain.from_iterable(s_dict['L5_pyramidal'].spike_list))))

        # now aggregate over all spikes
        s_L2Pyr = np.array(list(it.chain.from_iterable(s_L2Pyr_list)))
        # s_L5Pyr = np.array(list(it.chain.from_iterable(s_L5Pyr_list)))

        # optimize bins, currently unused for comparison reasons!
        N_trials = len(fparam)
        bin_L2 = 250
        # bin_L5 = 120
        # bin_L2 = spikefn.hist_bin_opt(s_L2Pyr, N_trials)
        # bin_L5 = spikefn.hist_bin_opt(s_L5Pyr, N_trials)

        r = axis_coord[0]
        c = axis_coord[1]
        # create standard fig and axes
        f.ax[r][c].hist(s_L2Pyr, bin_L2, facecolor='g', alpha=0.75)

        if r == 0:
            f.ax[r][c].set_title(r'$\lambda_i$ = %d' % lamtha)

        if c == 0:
            f.ax[r][c].set_ylabel(r'$A_{gauss}$ = %.3e' % sigma)
            # f.ax[r][c].set_ylabel(r'$\sigma_{gauss}$ = %d' % sigma)

        # normalize these axes
        y_L2 = f.ax[r][c].get_ylim()
        # y_L2 = f.ax['L2_psth'].get_ylim()

        print expname, lamtha, sigma, r, c, y_L2[1]

        f.ax[r][c].set_ylim((0, 250.))
        # f.ax['L2_psth'].set_ylim((0, 450.))
        # f.ax['L5_psth'].set_ylim((0, 450.))

        # spikefn.spike_png(f.ax['L2'], s_dict_L2)
        # spikefn.spike_png(f.ax['L5'], s_dict_L5)
        # spikefn.spike_png(f.ax['L2_extpois'], s_dict_L2_extpois)
        # spikefn.spike_png(f.ax['L2_extgauss'], s_dict_L2_extgauss)
        # spikefn.spike_png(f.ax['L5_extpois'], s_dict_L5_extpois)
        # spikefn.spike_png(f.ax['L5_extgauss'], s_dict_L5_extgauss)

    # testfig.ax0.plot(t_vec, dp_total)
    fig_name = os.path.join(simpaths.dsim, 'aggregate.eps')


    # run the compression
    fio.epscompress(simpaths.dsim, '.eps', 1)
def exec_spec_avg_stationary_avg(ddata, dsim, opts):

    # Prompt user for type of analysis (per expmt or whole sim)
    analysis_type = raw_input('Would you like analysis per expmt or for whole sim? (expmt or sim): ')

    spec_results_avged = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-specavg.npz')
    fparam_list = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-param.txt')

    p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)
    key_types = p_exp.get_key_types()

    # If no avg spec data found, generate it.
    if not spec_results_avged:
        exec_avgtrials(ddata, 'spec')
        spec_results_avged = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-specavg.npz')

    # perform time-averaged stationarity analysis
    # specpwr_results = [specfn.specpwr_stationary_avg(dspec) for dspec in spec_results_avged]
    specpwr_results = []

    for fspec in spec_results_avged:
        spec = specfn.Spec(fspec)

    # create fparam list to match avg'ed data
    N_trials = p_exp.N_trials
    nums = np.arange(0, len(fparam_list), N_trials)
    fparam_list = [fparam_list[num] for num in nums]

    # plot for whole simulation
    if analysis_type == 'sim':

        # if error bars indicated
        if opts['errorbars']:
            # get raw (non avg'ed) spec data
            raw_spec_data = fio.file_match(ddata.dsim, '-spec.npz')

            # perform freqpwr analysis on raw data
            # raw_specpwr = [specfn.specpwr_stationary_avg(dspec)['p_avg'] for dspec in raw_spec_data]
            raw_specpwr = []

            for fspec in raw_spec_data:
                spec = specfn.Spec(fspec)

            # calculate standard error
            error_vec = specfn.calc_stderror(raw_specpwr)

            error_vec = []

        file_name = os.path.join(dsim, 'specpwr-avg.eps')
        pspec.pspecpwr(file_name, specpwr_results, fparam_list, key_types, error_vec)

        # # if maxpwr plot indicated
        # if maxpwr:
        #     f_name = os.path.join(dsim, 'maxpwr-avg.png')
        #     specfn.pmaxpwr(f_name, freqpwr_results_list, fparam_list)

    # plot per expmt
    if analysis_type == 'expmt':
        for expmt_group in ddata.expmt_groups:
            # if error bars indicated
            if opts['errorbars']:
                # get exmpt group raw spec data
                raw_spec_data = ddata.file_match(expmt_group, 'rawspec')

                # perform stationary analysis on raw data
                raw_specpwr = [specfn.specpwr_stationary_avg(dspec)['p_avg'] for dspec in raw_spec_data]

                # calculate standard error
                error_vec = specfn.calc_stderror(raw_specpwr)

                error_vec = []

            # create name for figure. Figure saved to expmt directory
            file_name = os.path.join(dsim, expmt_group, 'specpwr-avg.png')

            # compile list of specpwr results and param pathways for expmt
            partial_results_list = [result for result in specpwr_results if result['expmt']==expmt_group]
            partial_fparam_list = [fparam for fparam in fparam_list if expmt_group in fparam]

            # plot results
            pspec.pspecpwr(file_name, partial_results_list, partial_fparam_list, key_types, error_vec)
def exec_plotaverages(ddata, ylim=[]):
    # runtype = 'parallel'
    runtype = 'debug'

    # this is a qnd check to create the fig dir if it doesn't already exist
    # backward compatibility check for sims that didn't auto-create these dirs
    for expmt_group in ddata.expmt_groups:
        dfig_avgdpl = ddata.dfig[expmt_group]['figavgdpl']
        dfig_avgspec = ddata.dfig[expmt_group]['figavgspec']

        # create them if they did not previously exist

    # presumably globally true information
    p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)
    key_types = p_exp.get_key_types()

    # empty lists to be used/appended
    dpl_list = []
    spec_list = []
    dfig_list = []
    dfig_dpl_list = []
    dfig_spec_list = []
    pdict_list = []

    # by doing all file operations sequentially by expmt_group in this iteration
    # trying to guarantee order better than before
    for expmt_group in ddata.expmt_groups:
        # print expmt_group, ddata.dfig[expmt_group]

        # avgdpl and avgspec data paths
        # fio.file_match() returns lists sorted
        # dpl_list_expmt is so i can iterate through them in a sec
        dpl_list_expmt = fio.file_match(ddata.dfig[expmt_group]['avgdpl'], '-dplavg.txt')
        dpl_list += dpl_list_expmt
        spec_list += fio.file_match(ddata.dfig[expmt_group]['avgspec'], '-specavg.npz')

        # create redundant list of avg dipole dirs and avg spec dirs
        # unique parts are expmt group names
        # create one entry for each in dpl_list
        dfig_list_expmt = [ddata.dfig[expmt_group] for path in dpl_list_expmt]
        dfig_list += dfig_list_expmt
        dfig_dpl_list += [dfig['figavgdpl'] for dfig in dfig_list_expmt]
        dfig_spec_list += [dfig['figavgspec'] for dfig in dfig_list_expmt]

        # param list to match avg data lists
        fparam_list = fio.fparam_match_minimal(ddata.dfig[expmt_group]['param'], p_exp)
        pdict_list += [paramrw.read(f_param)[1] for f_param in fparam_list]

    if dpl_list:
        # new input to dipolefn
        pdipole_dict = {
            'xlim': None,
            'ylim': None,
            # 'xmin': 0.,
            # 'xmax': None,
            # 'ymin': None,
            # 'ymax': None,

        # if there is a length, assume it's 2 (it should be!)
        if len(ylim):
            pdipole_dict['ymin'] = ylim[0]
            pdipole_dict['ymax'] = ylim[1]

        if runtype == 'debug':
            for f_dpl, f_param, dfig_dpl in zip(dpl_list, fparam_list, dfig_dpl_list):
                dipolefn.pdipole(f_dpl, dfig_dpl, pdipole_dict, f_param, key_types)

        elif runtype == 'parallel':
            pl = Pool()
            for f_dpl, f_param, dfig_dpl in zip(dpl_list, fparam_list, dfig_dpl_list):
                pl.apply_async(dipolefn.pdipole, (f_dpl, f_param, dfig_dpl, key_types, pdipole_dict))


        print "No avg dipole data found."
        return 0

    # if avg spec data exists
    if spec_list:
        if runtype == 'debug':
            for f_spec, f_dpl, f_param, dfig_spec, pdict in zip(spec_list, dpl_list, fparam_list, dfig_spec_list, pdict_list):
                pspec.pspec_dpl(f_spec, f_dpl, dfig_spec, pdict, key_types, f_param=f_param)

        elif runtype == 'parallel':
            pl = Pool()
            for f_spec, f_dpl, dfig_spec, pdict in zip(spec_list, dpl_list, dfig_spec_list, pdict_list):
                pl.apply_async(pspec.pspec_dpl, (f_spec, f_dpl, dfig_spec, pdict, key_types))


        print "No averaged spec data found. Run avgtrials()."
        return 0
def exec_avgtrials(ddata, datatype):
    # create the relevant key for the data
    datakey = 'raw' + datatype
    datakey_avg = 'avg' + datatype

    # assumes N_Trials are the same in both
    p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)
    sim_prefix = p_exp.sim_prefix
    N_trials = p_exp.N_trials

    # fix for N_trials=0
    if not N_trials:
        N_trials = 1

    # prefix strings
    exp_prefix_str = p_exp.exp_prefix_str
    trial_prefix_str = p_exp.trial_prefix_str

    # Averaging must be done per expmt
    for expmt_group in ddata.expmt_groups:
        ddatatype = ddata.dfig[expmt_group][datakey]
        dparam = ddata.dfig[expmt_group]['param']

        param_list = ddata.file_match(expmt_group, 'param')
        rawdata_list = ddata.file_match(expmt_group, datakey)

        # if nothing in the raw data list, then generate it for spec
        if datakey == 'rawspec':
            if not len(rawdata_list):
                # generate the data!
                rawdata_list = ddata.file_match(expmt_group, datakey)

        # simple length check, but will proceed bluntly anyway.
        # this will result in truncated lists, per zip function
        if len(param_list) != len(rawdata_list):
            print "warning, some weirdness detected in list length in exec_avgtrials. Check yo' lengths!"

        # number of unique simulations, per trial
        # this had better be equivalent as an integer or a float!
        N_unique = len(param_list) / N_trials

        # go through the unique simulations
        for i in range(N_unique):
            # fills in the correct int for the experimental prefix string formatter 'exp_prefix_str'
            prefix_unique = exp_prefix_str % i
            fprefix_long = os.path.join(ddatatype, prefix_unique)
            fprefix_long_param = os.path.join(dparam, prefix_unique)

            # create the sublist of just these trials
            unique_list = [rawdatafile for rawdatafile in rawdata_list if rawdatafile.startswith(fprefix_long)]
            unique_param_list = [pfile for pfile in param_list if pfile.startswith(fprefix_long_param)]

            # one filename per unique
            # length of the unique list is the number of trials for this sim, should match N_trials
            fname_unique = ddata.create_filename(expmt_group, datakey_avg, prefix_unique)

            # Average data for each trial
            # average dipole data
            if datakey == 'rawdpl':
                for f_dpl, f_param in zip(unique_list, unique_param_list):
                    dpl = dipolefn.Dipole(f_dpl)
                    # dpl = dipolefn.Dipole(f_dpl, f_param)

                    # ah, this is required becaused the dpl *file* still contains the raw, un-normalized data

                    # initialize and use x_dpl
                    if f_dpl is unique_list[0]:
                        # assume time vec stays the same throughout
                        t_vec = dpl.t
                        x_dpl_agg = dpl.dpl['agg']
                        x_dpl_L2 = dpl.dpl['L2']
                        x_dpl_L5 = dpl.dpl['L5']

                        x_dpl_agg += dpl.dpl['agg']
                        x_dpl_L2 += dpl.dpl['L2']
                        x_dpl_L5 += dpl.dpl['L5']

                # poor man's mean
                x_dpl_agg /= len(unique_list)
                x_dpl_L2 /= len(unique_list)
                x_dpl_L5 /= len(unique_list)

                # write this data to the file
                # np.savetxt(fname_unique, avg_data, '%5.4f')
                with open(fname_unique, 'w') as f:
                    for t, x_agg, x_L2, x_L5 in zip(t_vec, x_dpl_agg, x_dpl_L2, x_dpl_L5):
                        f.write("%03.3f\t%5.4f\t%5.4f\t%5.4f\n" % (t, x_agg, x_L2, x_L5))

            # average spec data
            elif datakey == 'rawspec':
                specfn.average(fname_unique, unique_list)
def exec_show(ddata, dict_opts):
    dict_opts_default = {
        'run': 0,
        'trial': 0,
        'expmt_group': '',
        'key': 'changed',
        'var_list': [],

    # hack for now to get backward compatibility with this original function
    var_list = dict_opts_default['var_list']

    exclude_list = [

    args_check(dict_opts_default, dict_opts)
    if dict_opts_default['expmt_group'] not in ddata.expmt_groups:
        # print "Warning: expmt_group %s not found" % dict_opts_default['expmt_group']
        dict_opts_default['expmt_group'] = ddata.expmt_groups[0]

    # output the expmt group used
    print "expmt_group: %s" % dict_opts_default['expmt_group']

    # find the params
    p_exp = paramrw.ExpParams(ddata.fparam)

    if dict_opts_default['key'] == 'changed':
        print "Showing changed ... \n"
        # create a list
        var_list = [val[0] for val in paramrw.changed_vars(ddata.fparam)]

    elif dict_opts_default['key'] in p_exp.keys():
        # create a list with just this element
        var_list = [dict_opts_default['key']]

        key_part = dict_opts_default['key']
        var_list = [key for key in p_exp.keys() if key_part in key]

    if not var_list:
        print "Keys were not found by exec_show()"
        return 0

    # files
    fprefix = ddata.trial_prefix_str % (dict_opts_default['run'], dict_opts_default['trial'])
    fparam = ddata.create_filename(dict_opts_default['expmt_group'], 'param', fprefix)

    list_param = ddata.file_match(dict_opts_default['expmt_group'], 'param')

    if fparam in list_param:
        # this version of read returns the gid dict as well ...
        _, p = paramrw.read(fparam)

        # use var_list to print values
        for key in var_list:
            if key not in exclude_list:
                    print '%s: %s' % (key, p[key])

                except KeyError:
                    print "Value %s not found in file %s!" % (key, fparam)