def get_error(model_files, dicts, source_file, target_file, devices):"Loading model options from {}".format(model_files[0])) with open(model_files[0], "r") as f: model_options = json.load(f) global dictionaries"loading dictionaries from {}, {}".format(*dicts)) with open(dicts[0], "r") as f1, open(dicts[1], "r") as f2: dictionaries = [json.load(f1), json.load(f2)]"loading parameters from {}".format(model_files[1])) params = load_params(model_files[1]) global in_queue global out_queue in_queue = Queue() out_queue = Queue() processes = [Process(target=error_process, name="process_{}".format(device), args=(params, device), kwargs=model_options) for device in devices.split(",")] for p in processes: p.daemon = True p.start() ti = TextIterator(source_file=source_file, target_file=target_file, source_dict=dictionaries[0], target_dict=dictionaries[1], maxlen=model_options["maxlen"], n_words_source=model_options["n_words_source"], n_words_target=model_options["n_words_target"], raw_characters=model_options["characters"]) num_batches = 0 for batch in ti: in_queue.put(batch) num_batches += 1 for _ in processes: in_queue.put("STOP") costs = [] for num_processed in range(num_batches): costs.append(out_queue.get()) percentage_done = (num_processed / num_batches) * 100 print("{}: {:.2f}% of input processed".format(model_files[1], percentage_done), end="\r", flush=True) print() mean_cost = np.mean(costs) print(model_files[1], mean_cost) return mean_cost
def test_suite(argv): """ the main test suite driver """ # parse the commandline arguments args = test_util.get_args(arg_string=argv) # read in the test information suite, test_list = params.load_params(args) active_test_list = [ for t in test_list] test_list = suite.get_tests_to_run(test_list) suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("running tests: ") suite.log.indent() for obj in test_list: suite.log.log( suite.log.outdent() if not args.complete_report_from_crash == "": # make sure the web directory from the crash run exists suite.full_web_dir = "{}/{}/".format( suite.webTopDir, args.complete_report_from_crash) if not os.path.isdir(suite.full_web_dir):"Crash directory does not exist") suite.test_dir = args.complete_report_from_crash # find all the tests that completed in that web directory tests = [] test_file = "" was_benchmark_run = 0 for sfile in os.listdir(suite.full_web_dir): if os.path.isfile(sfile) and sfile.endswith(".status"): index = string.rfind(sfile, ".status") tests.append(sfile[:index]) with open(suite.full_web_dir + sfile, "r") as f: for line in f: if line.find("benchmarks updated") > 0: was_benchmark_run = 1 if os.path.isfile(sfile) and sfile.endswith(".ini"): test_file = sfile # create the report for this test run num_failed = report.report_this_test_run(suite, was_benchmark_run, "recreated report after crash of suite", "", tests, test_file) # create the suite report suite.log.bold("creating suite report...") report.report_all_runs(suite, active_test_list) suite.log.close_log() sys.exit("done") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check bench dir and create output directories #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- all_compile = all([t.compileTest == 1 for t in test_list]) if not all_compile: bench_dir = suite.get_bench_dir() if not args.copy_benchmarks is None: last_run = suite.get_last_run() suite.make_test_dirs() if suite.slack_post: msg = "{} ({}) test suite started, id: {}\n{}".format( suite.suiteName, suite.sub_title, suite.test_dir, args.note) suite.slack_post_it(msg) if not args.copy_benchmarks is None: old_full_test_dir = suite.testTopDir + suite.suiteName + "-tests/" + last_run copy_benchmarks(old_full_test_dir, suite.full_web_dir, test_list, bench_dir, suite.log) # here, args.copy_benchmarks plays the role of make_benchmarks num_failed = report.report_this_test_run(suite, args.copy_benchmarks, "copy_benchmarks used -- no new tests run", "", test_list, args.input_file[0]) report.report_all_runs(suite, active_test_list) if suite.slack_post: msg = "copied benchmarks\n{}".format(args.copy_benchmarks) suite.slack_post_it(msg) sys.exit("done") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # figure out what needs updating and do the git updates, save the # current hash / HEAD, and make a ChangeLog # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- now = time.localtime(time.time()) update_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", now) no_update = args.no_update.lower() if not args.copy_benchmarks is None: no_update = "all" # the default is to update everything, unless we specified a hash # when constructing the Repo object if no_update == "none": pass elif no_update == "all": for k in suite.repos: suite.repos[k].update = False else: nouplist = [k.strip() for k in no_update.split(",")] for repo in suite.repos.keys(): if repo.lower() in nouplist: suite.repos[repo].update = False os.chdir(suite.testTopDir) for k in suite.repos: suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("repo: {}".format(suite.repos[k].name)) suite.log.indent() if suite.repos[k].update or suite.repos[k].hash_wanted: suite.repos[k].git_update() suite.repos[k].save_head() if suite.repos[k].update: suite.repos[k].make_changelog() suite.log.outdent() # keep track if we are running on any branch that is not the suite # default branches = [suite.repos[r].branch_wanted for r in suite.repos] if not all(suite.default_branch == b for b in branches): suite.log.warn("some git repos are not on the default branch") bf = open("{}/branch.status".format(suite.full_web_dir), "w") bf.write("branch different than suite default") bf.close() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build the tools and do a make clean, only once per build directory #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.build_tools(test_list) all_build_dirs = find_build_dirs(test_list) suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("make clean in...") for d, source_tree in all_build_dirs: if not source_tree == "": suite.log.log("{} in {}".format(d, source_tree)) os.chdir(suite.repos[source_tree].dir + d) suite.make_realclean(repo=source_tree) else: suite.log.log("{}".format(d)) os.chdir(suite.source_dir + d) if suite.sourceTree == "BoxLib": suite.make_realclean(repo="BoxLib") else: suite.make_realclean() os.chdir(suite.testTopDir) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # main loop over tests #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- for test in test_list: suite.log.outdent() # just to make sure we have no indentation suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("working on test: {}".format( suite.log.indent() if not args.make_benchmarks is None and (test.restartTest or test.compileTest or test.selfTest): suite.log.warn("benchmarks not needed for test {}".format( continue output_dir = suite.full_test_dir + + '/' os.mkdir(output_dir) test.output_dir = output_dir #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # compile the code #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if not test.extra_build_dir == "": bdir = suite.repos[test.extra_build_dir].dir + test.buildDir else: bdir = suite.source_dir + test.buildDir os.chdir(bdir) if test.reClean == 1: # for one reason or another, multiple tests use different # build options, make clean again to be safe suite.log.log("re-making clean...") if not test.extra_build_dir == "": suite.make_realclean(repo=test.extra_build_dir) else: suite.make_realclean() suite.log.log("building...") coutfile="{}/{}.make.out".format(output_dir, if suite.sourceTree == "C_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "C_Src": comp_string, rc = suite.build_c(test=test, outfile=coutfile) executable = test_util.get_recent_filename(bdir, "", ".ex") elif suite.sourceTree == "F_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "F_Src": comp_string, rc = suite.build_f(test=test, outfile=coutfile) executable = test_util.get_recent_filename(bdir, "main", ".exe") test.comp_string = comp_string # make return code is 0 if build was successful if rc == 0: test.compile_successful = True # copy the make.out into the web directory shutil.copy("{}/{}.make.out".format(output_dir,, suite.full_web_dir) if not test.compile_successful: error_msg = "ERROR: compilation failed" report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) continue if test.compileTest: suite.log.log("creating problem test report ...") report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list) continue #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # copy the necessary files over to the run directory #---------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.log("copying files to run directory...") needed_files = [] needed_files.append((executable, "move")) needed_files.append((test.inputFile, "copy")) # strip out any sub-directory from the build dir test.inputFile = os.path.basename(test.inputFile) if test.probinFile != "": needed_files.append((test.probinFile, "copy")) # strip out any sub-directory from the build dir test.probinFile = os.path.basename(test.probinFile) for auxf in test.auxFiles: needed_files.append((auxf, "copy")) # if any copy/move fail, we move onto the next test skip_to_next_test = 0 for nfile, action in needed_files: if action == "copy": act = shutil.copy elif action == "move": act = shutil.move else:"invalid action") try: act(nfile, output_dir) except IOError: error_msg = "ERROR: unable to {} file {}".format(action, nfile) report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) skip_to_next_test = 1 break if skip_to_next_test: continue skip_to_next_test = 0 for lfile in test.linkFiles: if not os.path.exists(lfile): error_msg = "ERROR: link file {} does not exist".format(lfile) report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) skip_to_next_test = 1 break else: link_source = os.path.abspath(lfile) link_name = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(lfile)) try: os.symlink(link_source, link_name) except IOError: error_msg = "ERROR: unable to symlink link file: {}".format(lfile) report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) skip_to_next_test = 1 break if skip_to_next_test: continue #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # run the test #---------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.log("running the test...") os.chdir(output_dir) test.wall_time = time.time() if suite.sourceTree == "C_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "C_Src": base_cmd = "./{} {} amr.plot_file={}_plt amr.check_file={}_chk".format( executable, test.inputFile,, # keep around the checkpoint files only for the restart runs if test.restartTest: base_cmd += " amr.checkpoint_files_output=1 amr.check_int=%d" % \ (test.restartFileNum) else: base_cmd += " amr.checkpoint_files_output=0" base_cmd += "{} {}".format(suite.globalAddToExecString, test.runtime_params) elif suite.sourceTree == "F_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "F_Src": base_cmd = "./{} {} --plot_base_name {}_plt --check_base_name {}_chk ".format( executable, test.inputFile,, # keep around the checkpoint files only for the restart runs if not test.restartTest: base_cmd += " --chk_int 0 " base_cmd += "{} {}".format(suite.globalAddToExecString, test.runtime_params) if args.with_valgrind: base_cmd = "valgrind " + args.valgrind_options + " " + base_cmd suite.run_test(test, base_cmd) # if it is a restart test, then rename the final output file and # restart the test if test.restartTest: skip_restart = False last_file = test.get_last_plotfile(output_dir=output_dir) if last_file == "": error_msg = "ERROR: test did not produce output. Restart test not possible" skip_restart = True if len(test.find_backtrace()) > 0: error_msg = "ERROR: test produced backtraces. Restart test not possible" skip_restart = True if skip_restart: # copy what we can test.wall_time = time.time() - test.wall_time shutil.copy("{}.run.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) if os.path.isfile("{}.err.out".format( shutil.copy("{}.err.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) test.has_stderr = True suite.copy_backtrace(test) report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) continue orig_last_file = "orig_{}".format(last_file) shutil.move(last_file, orig_last_file) if test.diffDir: orig_diff_dir = "orig_{}".format(test.diffDir) shutil.move(test.diffDir, orig_diff_dir) # get the file number to restart from restart_file = "%s_chk%5.5d" % (, test.restartFileNum) suite.log.log("restarting from {} ... ".format(restart_file)) if suite.sourceTree == "C_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "C_Src": base_cmd = "./{} {} amr.plot_file={}_plt amr.check_file={}_chk amr.checkpoint_files_output=0 amr.restart={}".format( executable, test.inputFile,,, restart_file) elif suite.sourceTree == "F_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "F_Src": base_cmd = "./{} {} --plot_base_name {}_plt --check_base_name {}_chk --chk_int 0 --restart {} {}".format( executable, test.inputFile,,, test.restartFileNum, suite.globalAddToExecString) suite.run_test(test, base_cmd) test.wall_time = time.time() - test.wall_time #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # do the comparison #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if not test.selfTest: if test.outputFile == "": if test.compareFile == "": compare_file = test.get_last_plotfile(output_dir=output_dir) else: # we specified the name of the file we want to # compare to -- make sure it exists compare_file = test.compareFile if not os.path.isdir(compare_file): compare_file = "" output_file = compare_file else: output_file = test.outputFile compare_file ='_'+output_file # get the number of levels for reporting prog = "{} -l {}".format(["fboxinfo"], output_file) stdout0, stderr0, rc = test.nlevels = stdout0.rstrip('\n') if not type(params.convert_type(test.nlevels)) is int: test.nlevels = "" if args.make_benchmarks is None: suite.log.log("doing the comparison...") suite.log.indent() suite.log.log("comparison file: {}".format(output_file)) test.compare_file_used = output_file if not test.restartTest: bench_file = bench_dir + compare_file else: bench_file = orig_last_file # see if it exists # note, with BoxLib, the plotfiles are actually directories if not os.path.isdir(bench_file): suite.log.warn("no corresponding benchmark found") bench_file = "" with open("{}.compare.out".format(, 'w') as cf: cf.write("WARNING: no corresponding benchmark found\n") cf.write(" unable to do a comparison\n") else: if not compare_file == "": suite.log.log("benchmark file: {}".format(bench_file)) command = "{} -n 0 {} {}".format(["fcompare"], bench_file, output_file) sout, serr, ierr =, outfile="{}.compare.out".format(, store_command=True) if ierr == 0: test.compare_successful = True else: suite.log.warn("unable to do a comparison") with open("{}.compare.out".format(, 'w') as cf: cf.write("WARNING: run did not produce any output\n") cf.write(" unable to do a comparison\n") suite.log.outdent() if not test.diffDir == "": if not test.restartTest: diff_dir_bench = bench_dir + '/' + + '_' + test.diffDir else: diff_dir_bench = orig_diff_dir suite.log.log("doing the diff...") suite.log.log("diff dir: {}".format(test.diffDir)) command = "diff {} -r {} {}".format( test.diffOpts, diff_dir_bench, test.diffDir) outfile = "{}.compare.out".format( sout, serr, diff_status =, outfile=outfile, store_command=True) if diff_status == 0: diff_successful = True with open("{}.compare.out".format(, 'a') as cf: cf.write("\ndiff was SUCCESSFUL\n") else: diff_successful = False test.compare_successful = test.compare_successful and diff_successful else: # make_benchmarks suite.log.log("storing output of {} as the new benchmark...".format( suite.log.indent() suite.log.warn("new benchmark file: {}".format(compare_file)) suite.log.outdent() if not compare_file == "": if not output_file == compare_file: source_file = output_file else: source_file = compare_file try: shutil.rmtree("{}/{}".format(bench_dir, compare_file)) except: pass shutil.copytree(source_file, "{}/{}".format(bench_dir, compare_file)) with open("{}.status".format(, 'w') as cf: cf.write("benchmarks updated. New file: {}\n".format(compare_file) ) else: with open("{}.status".format(, 'w') as cf: cf.write("benchmarks failed") # copy what we can shutil.copy("{}.run.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) if os.path.isfile("{}.err.out".format( shutil.copy("{}.err.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) test.has_stderr = True suite.copy_backtrace(test) error_msg = "ERROR: runtime failure during benchmark creation" report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) if not test.diffDir == "": diff_dir_bench = "{}/{}_{}".format(bench_dir,, test.diffDir) if os.path.isdir(diff_dir_bench): shutil.rmtree(diff_dir_bench) shutil.copytree(test.diffDir, diff_dir_bench) else: shutil.copy(test.diffDir, diff_dir_bench) suite.log.log("new diffDir: {}_{}".format(, test.diffDir)) else: # selfTest if args.make_benchmarks is None: suite.log.log("looking for selfTest success string: {} ...".format(test.stSuccessString)) try: of = open("{}.run.out".format(, 'r') except IOError: suite.log.warn("no output file found") out_lines = [''] else: out_lines = of.readlines() # successful comparison is indicated by presence # of success string for line in out_lines: if line.find(test.stSuccessString) >= 0: test.compare_successful = True break of.close() with open("{}.compare.out".format(, 'w') as cf: if test.compare_successful: cf.write("SELF TEST SUCCESSFUL\n") else: cf.write("SELF TEST FAILED\n") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # do any requested visualization (2- and 3-d only) and analysis #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if not test.selfTest: if output_file != "": if args.make_benchmarks is None: # get any parameters for the summary table job_info_file = "{}/job_info".format(output_file) if os.path.isfile(job_info_file): test.has_jobinfo = 1 try: jif = open(job_info_file, "r") except: suite.log.warn("unable to open the job_info file") else: job_file_lines = jif.readlines() if suite.summary_job_info_field1 is not "": for l in job_file_lines: if l.find(suite.summary_job_info_field1) >= 0 and l.find(":") >= 0: _tmp = l.split(":")[1] idx = _tmp.rfind("/") + 1 test.job_info_field1 = _tmp[idx:] break if suite.summary_job_info_field2 is not "": for l in job_file_lines: if l.find(suite.summary_job_info_field2) >= 0 and l.find(":") >= 0: _tmp = l.split(":")[1] idx = _tmp.rfind("/") + 1 test.job_info_field2 = _tmp[idx:] break if suite.summary_job_info_field3 is not "": for l in job_file_lines: if l.find(suite.summary_job_info_field3) >= 0 and l.find(":") >= 0: _tmp = l.split(":")[1] idx = _tmp.rfind("/") + 1 test.job_info_field3 = _tmp[idx:] break # visualization if test.doVis: if test.dim == 1: suite.log.log("Visualization not supported for dim = {}".format(test.dim)) else: suite.log.log("doing the visualization...") tool =["fsnapshot{}d".format(test.dim)]'{} --palette {}/Palette -cname "{}" -p "{}"'.format( tool, suite.compare_tool_dir, test.visVar, output_file)) # convert the .ppm files into .png files ppm_file = test_util.get_recent_filename(output_dir, "", ".ppm") if not ppm_file is None: png_file = ppm_file.replace(".ppm", ".png")"convert {} {}".format(ppm_file, png_file)) test.png_file = png_file # analysis if not test.analysisRoutine == "": suite.log.log("doing the analysis...") if not test.extra_build_dir == "": tool = "{}/{}".format(suite.repos[test.extra_build_dir].dir, test.analysisRoutine) else: tool = "{}/{}".format(suite.source_dir, test.analysisRoutine) shutil.copy(tool, os.getcwd()) option = eval("suite.{}".format(test.analysisMainArgs))"{} {} {}".format(os.path.basename(test.analysisRoutine), option, output_file)) else: if test.doVis or test.analysisRoutine != "": suite.log.warn("no output file. Skipping visualization") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # move the output files into the web directory #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if args.make_benchmarks is None: shutil.copy("{}.run.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) if os.path.isfile("{}.err.out".format( shutil.copy("{}.err.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) test.has_stderr = True shutil.copy("{}.compare.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) shutil.copy(test.inputFile, "{}/{}.{}".format( suite.full_web_dir,, test.inputFile) ) if test.has_jobinfo: shutil.copy(job_info_file, "{}/{}.job_info".format( suite.full_web_dir, if suite.sourceTree == "C_Src" and test.probinFile != "": shutil.copy(test.probinFile, "{}/{}.{}".format( suite.full_web_dir,, test.probinFile) ) for af in test.auxFiles: # strip out any sub-directory under build dir for the aux file # when copying shutil.copy(os.path.basename(af), "{}/{}.{}".format(suite.full_web_dir,, os.path.basename(af)) ) if not test.png_file is None: try: shutil.copy(test.png_file, suite.full_web_dir) except IOError: # visualization was not successful. Reset image test.png_file = None if not test.analysisRoutine == "": try: shutil.copy(test.analysisOutputImage, suite.full_web_dir) except IOError: # analysis was not successful. Reset the output image test.analysisOutputImage = "" # were any Backtrace files output (indicating a crash) suite.copy_backtrace(test) else: shutil.copy("{}.status".format(, suite.full_web_dir) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # archive (or delete) the output #---------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.log("archiving the output...") for pfile in os.listdir(output_dir): if (os.path.isdir(pfile) and (pfile.startswith("{}_plt".format( or pfile.startswith("{}_chk".format( ) ): if suite.purge_output == 1 and not pfile == output_file: # delete the plt/chk file if os.path.isdir(pfile): try: shutil.rmtree(pfile) except: suite.log.warn("unable to remove {}".format(pfile)) else: # tar it up try: tar ="{}.tgz".format(pfile), "w:gz") tar.add("{}".format(pfile)) tar.close() except: suite.log.warn("unable to tar output file {}".format(pfile)) else: try: shutil.rmtree(pfile) except OSError: suite.log.warn("unable to remove {}".format(pfile)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # write the report for this test #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if args.make_benchmarks is None: suite.log.log("creating problem test report ...") report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # write the report for this instance of the test suite #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.outdent() suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("creating new test report...") num_failed = report.report_this_test_run(suite, args.make_benchmarks, args.note, update_time, test_list, args.input_file[0]) # make sure that all of the files in the web directory are world readable for file in os.listdir(suite.full_web_dir): current_file = suite.full_web_dir + file if os.path.isfile(current_file): os.chmod(current_file, 0o644) # reset the branch to what it was originally suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("reverting git branches/hashes") suite.log.indent() for k in suite.repos: if suite.repos[k].update or suite.repos[k].hash_wanted: suite.repos[k].git_back() suite.log.outdent() # For temporary run, return now without creating suote report. if args.do_temp_run: return num_failed # store an output file in the web directory that can be parsed easily by # external program name = "source" if suite.sourceTree == "BoxLib": name = "BoxLib" branch = suite.repos[name].branch_wanted.strip("\"") with open("{}/suite.{}.status".format(suite.webTopDir, branch), "w") as f: f.write("{}; num failed: {}; source hash: {}".format( suite.repos[name].name, num_failed, suite.repos[name].hash_current)) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # generate the master report for all test instances #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("creating suite report...") report.report_all_runs(suite, active_test_list) def email_developers(): msg = email.message_from_string(suite.emailBody) msg['From'] = suite.emailFrom msg['To'] = ",".join(suite.emailTo) msg['Subject'] = suite.emailSubject server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') server.sendmail(suite.emailFrom, suite.emailTo, msg.as_string()) server.quit() if num_failed > 0 and suite.sendEmailWhenFail and not args.send_no_email: suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("sending email...") email_developers() if suite.slack_post: suite.slack_post_it("test complete, num failed = {}\n{}".format(num_failed, suite.emailBody)) return num_failed
def reg_test_gc(argv): usage = """ ./reg_test_gc [--before|-b 2000-00-00] testfile.ini """ if len(sys.argv) == 1: print usage sys.exit(2) try: opts, next = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "b:", ["before="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print "invalid calling sequence" print usage sys.exit(2) # defaults gcdate = "" for o, a in opts: if o == "--before" or o == "-b" : gcdate = a try: testFile = next[0] except IndexError: print "ERROR: a test file was not specified" print usage sys.exit(2) if not gcdate: print "ERROR: date was not specified" print usage sys.exit(2) gcd = valid_date(gcdate) if gcd == '': print "ERROR: invalid date", gcdate print usage sys.exit(2) workdir = os.getcwd() print "loading ", testFile args=test_util.get_args([testFile]) suite, testList = params.load_params(args) activeTestList = [ for t in testList] benchmarkTestList = [t for t in testList if not (t.compileTest or t.restartTest)] benchmarkNotFound = {} for t in benchmarkTestList: benchmarkNotFound[] = '' ### clean up the web dir print "\ncleaning ", suite.webTopDir os.chdir(suite.webTopDir) validDirs = [] for d in os.listdir(suite.webTopDir): if (d.startswith("20") and os.path.isdir(d)): statusFile = d + '/' + d + '.status' if (os.path.isfile(statusFile)): validDirs.append(d) validDirs.sort() validDirs.reverse() latestBMDate = {} for d in validDirs: bmtests = benchmarkNotFound.keys() if d >= gcd and bmtests: if isBenchmarkDir(d): for t in bmtests: if findBenchmark(d,t): del benchmarkNotFound[t] latestBMDate[t] = d else: if isBenchmarkDir(d) and bmtests: found = False for t in bmtests: if findBenchmark(d,t): found = True del benchmarkNotFound[t] latestBMDate[t] = d if not found: rmDir(d) else: rmDir(d) ### clean up the test dir testDirs = os.path.join(suite.testTopDir,suite.suiteName+"-tests") print "\ncleaning ", testDirs os.chdir(testDirs) validDirs = [] for d in os.listdir(testDirs): if (d.startswith("20") and os.path.isdir(d)): validDirs.append(d) validDirs.sort() validDirs.reverse() for d in validDirs: if d < gcd: tests = [t for t in os.listdir(d) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(d,t))] found = False for t in tests: if t in latestBMDate.keys() and latestBMDate[t] == d: found = True break if not found: rmDir(d) print "\ncreating suite report..." report.report_all_runs(suite, activeTestList) print "\nGarbage cleaning finished."
def test_suite(argv): """ the main test suite driver """ # parse the commandline arguments args = test_util.get_args(arg_string=argv) # read in the test information suite, test_list = params.load_params(args) active_test_list = [ for t in test_list] test_list = suite.get_tests_to_run(test_list) suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("running tests: ") suite.log.indent() for obj in test_list: suite.log.log( suite.log.outdent() if not args.complete_report_from_crash == "": # make sure the web directory from the crash run exists suite.full_web_dir = "{}/{}/".format(suite.webTopDir, args.complete_report_from_crash) if not os.path.isdir(suite.full_web_dir):"Crash directory does not exist") suite.test_dir = args.complete_report_from_crash # find all the tests that completed in that web directory tests = [] test_file = "" was_benchmark_run = 0 for sfile in os.listdir(suite.full_web_dir): if os.path.isfile(sfile) and sfile.endswith(".status"): index = string.rfind(sfile, ".status") tests.append(sfile[:index]) with open(suite.full_web_dir + sfile, "r") as f: for line in f: if line.find("benchmarks updated") > 0: was_benchmark_run = 1 if os.path.isfile(sfile) and sfile.endswith(".ini"): test_file = sfile # create the report for this test run num_failed = report.report_this_test_run( suite, was_benchmark_run, "recreated report after crash of suite", "", tests, test_file) # create the suite report suite.log.bold("creating suite report...") report.report_all_runs(suite, active_test_list) suite.log.close_log() sys.exit("done") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check bench dir and create output directories #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- all_compile = all([t.compileTest == 1 for t in test_list]) if not all_compile: bench_dir = suite.get_bench_dir() if not args.copy_benchmarks is None: last_run = suite.get_last_run() suite.make_test_dirs() if suite.slack_post: msg = "> {} ({}) test suite started, id: {}\n> {}".format( suite.suiteName, suite.sub_title, suite.test_dir, args.note) suite.slack_post_it(msg) if not args.copy_benchmarks is None: old_full_test_dir = suite.testTopDir + suite.suiteName + "-tests/" + last_run copy_benchmarks(old_full_test_dir, suite.full_web_dir, test_list, bench_dir, suite.log) # here, args.copy_benchmarks plays the role of make_benchmarks num_failed = report.report_this_test_run( suite, args.copy_benchmarks, "copy_benchmarks used -- no new tests run", "", test_list, args.input_file[0]) report.report_all_runs(suite, active_test_list) if suite.slack_post: msg = "> copied benchmarks\n> {}".format(args.copy_benchmarks) suite.slack_post_it(msg) sys.exit("done") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # figure out what needs updating and do the git updates, save the # current hash / HEAD, and make a ChangeLog # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- now = time.localtime(time.time()) update_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", now) no_update = args.no_update.lower() if not args.copy_benchmarks is None: no_update = "all" # the default is to update everything, unless we specified a hash # when constructing the Repo object if no_update == "none": pass elif no_update == "all": for k in suite.repos: suite.repos[k].update = False else: nouplist = [k.strip() for k in no_update.split(",")] for repo in suite.repos.keys(): if repo.lower() in nouplist: suite.repos[repo].update = False os.chdir(suite.testTopDir) for k in suite.repos: suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("repo: {}".format(suite.repos[k].name)) suite.log.indent() if suite.repos[k].update or suite.repos[k].hash_wanted: suite.repos[k].git_update() suite.repos[k].save_head() if suite.repos[k].update: suite.repos[k].make_changelog() suite.log.outdent() # keep track if we are running on any branch that is not the suite # default branches = [suite.repos[r].branch_wanted for r in suite.repos] if not all(suite.default_branch == b for b in branches): suite.log.warn("some git repos are not on the default branch") bf = open("{}/branch.status".format(suite.full_web_dir), "w") bf.write("branch different than suite default") bf.close() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build the tools and do a make clean, only once per build directory #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.build_tools(test_list) all_build_dirs = find_build_dirs(test_list) suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("make clean in...") for d, source_tree in all_build_dirs: if not source_tree == "": suite.log.log("{} in {}".format(d, source_tree)) os.chdir(suite.repos[source_tree].dir + d) suite.make_realclean(repo=source_tree) else: suite.log.log("{}".format(d)) os.chdir(suite.source_dir + d) if suite.sourceTree in ["AMReX", "amrex"]: suite.make_realclean(repo="AMReX") else: suite.make_realclean() os.chdir(suite.testTopDir) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup Cmake if needed #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (suite.useCmake): cmake_setup(suite) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # main loop over tests #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- for test in test_list: suite.log.outdent() # just to make sure we have no indentation suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("working on test: {}".format( suite.log.indent() if not args.make_benchmarks is None and (test.restartTest or test.compileTest or test.selfTest): suite.log.warn("benchmarks not needed for test {}".format( continue output_dir = suite.full_test_dir + + '/' os.mkdir(output_dir) test.output_dir = output_dir #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # compile the code #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if not test.extra_build_dir == "": bdir = suite.repos[test.extra_build_dir].dir + test.buildDir else: bdir = suite.source_dir + test.buildDir # # For cmake builds, there is only one build dir # if ( suite.useCmake ): bdir = suite.source_build_dir os.chdir(bdir) if test.reClean == 1: # for one reason or another, multiple tests use different # build options, make clean again to be safe suite.log.log("re-making clean...") if not test.extra_build_dir == "": suite.make_realclean(repo=test.extra_build_dir) else: suite.make_realclean() suite.log.log("building...") coutfile = "{}/{}.make.out".format(output_dir, if suite.sourceTree == "C_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "C_Src": if (suite.useCmake): comp_string, rc = suite.build_test_cmake(test=test, outfile=coutfile) else: comp_string, rc = suite.build_c(test=test, outfile=coutfile) executable = test_util.get_recent_filename(bdir, "", ".ex") elif suite.sourceTree == "F_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "F_Src": comp_string, rc = suite.build_f(test=test, outfile=coutfile) executable = test_util.get_recent_filename(bdir, "main", ".exe") test.comp_string = comp_string # make return code is 0 if build was successful if rc == 0: test.compile_successful = True # copy the make.out into the web directory shutil.copy("{}/{}.make.out".format(output_dir,, suite.full_web_dir) if not test.compile_successful: error_msg = "ERROR: compilation failed" report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) continue if test.compileTest: suite.log.log("creating problem test report ...") report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list) continue #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # copy the necessary files over to the run directory #---------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.log("copying files to run directory...") needed_files = [] if executable is not None: needed_files.append((executable, "move")) needed_files.append((test.inputFile, "copy")) # strip out any sub-directory from the build dir test.inputFile = os.path.basename(test.inputFile) if test.probinFile != "": needed_files.append((test.probinFile, "copy")) # strip out any sub-directory from the build dir test.probinFile = os.path.basename(test.probinFile) for auxf in test.auxFiles: needed_files.append((auxf, "copy")) # if any copy/move fail, we move onto the next test skip_to_next_test = 0 for nfile, action in needed_files: if action == "copy": act = shutil.copy elif action == "move": act = shutil.move else:"invalid action") try: act(nfile, output_dir) except IOError: error_msg = "ERROR: unable to {} file {}".format(action, nfile) report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) skip_to_next_test = 1 break if skip_to_next_test: continue skip_to_next_test = 0 for lfile in test.linkFiles: if not os.path.exists(lfile): error_msg = "ERROR: link file {} does not exist".format(lfile) report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) skip_to_next_test = 1 break else: link_source = os.path.abspath(lfile) link_name = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(lfile)) try: os.symlink(link_source, link_name) except IOError: error_msg = "ERROR: unable to symlink link file: {}".format( lfile) report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) skip_to_next_test = 1 break if skip_to_next_test: continue #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # run the test #---------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.log("running the test...") os.chdir(output_dir) test.wall_time = time.time() if suite.sourceTree == "C_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "C_Src": base_cmd = "./{} {} amr.plot_file={}_plt amr.check_file={}_chk".format( executable, test.inputFile,, # keep around the checkpoint files only for the restart runs if test.restartTest: base_cmd += " amr.checkpoint_files_output=1 amr.check_int=%d" % \ (test.restartFileNum) else: base_cmd += " amr.checkpoint_files_output=0" base_cmd += " {} {}".format(suite.globalAddToExecString, test.runtime_params) elif suite.sourceTree == "F_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "F_Src": base_cmd = "./{} {} --plot_base_name {}_plt --check_base_name {}_chk ".format( executable, test.inputFile,, # keep around the checkpoint files only for the restart runs if not test.restartTest: base_cmd += " --chk_int 0 " base_cmd += "{} {}".format(suite.globalAddToExecString, test.runtime_params) if args.with_valgrind: base_cmd = "valgrind " + args.valgrind_options + " " + base_cmd if test.customRunCmd is not None: base_cmd = test.customRunCmd suite.run_test(test, base_cmd) # if it is a restart test, then rename the final output file and # restart the test if test.restartTest: skip_restart = False last_file = test.get_last_plotfile(output_dir=output_dir) if last_file == "": error_msg = "ERROR: test did not produce output. Restart test not possible" skip_restart = True if len(test.find_backtrace()) > 0: error_msg = "ERROR: test produced backtraces. Restart test not possible" skip_restart = True if skip_restart: # copy what we can test.wall_time = time.time() - test.wall_time shutil.copy("{}.run.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) if os.path.isfile("{}.err.out".format( shutil.copy("{}.err.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) test.has_stderr = True suite.copy_backtrace(test) report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) continue orig_last_file = "orig_{}".format(last_file) shutil.move(last_file, orig_last_file) if test.diffDir: orig_diff_dir = "orig_{}".format(test.diffDir) shutil.move(test.diffDir, orig_diff_dir) # get the file number to restart from restart_file = "%s_chk%5.5d" % (, test.restartFileNum) suite.log.log("restarting from {} ... ".format(restart_file)) if suite.sourceTree == "C_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "C_Src": base_cmd = "./{} {} amr.plot_file={}_plt amr.check_file={}_chk amr.checkpoint_files_output=0 amr.restart={}".format( executable, test.inputFile,,, restart_file) elif suite.sourceTree == "F_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "F_Src": base_cmd = "./{} {} --plot_base_name {}_plt --check_base_name {}_chk --chk_int 0 --restart {} {}".format( executable, test.inputFile,,, test.restartFileNum, suite.globalAddToExecString) suite.run_test(test, base_cmd) test.wall_time = time.time() - test.wall_time #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # do the comparison #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if not test.selfTest: if test.outputFile == "": if test.compareFile == "": compare_file = test.get_last_plotfile( output_dir=output_dir) else: # we specified the name of the file we want to # compare to -- make sure it exists compare_file = test.compareFile if not os.path.isdir(compare_file): compare_file = "" output_file = compare_file else: output_file = test.outputFile compare_file = + '_' + output_file # get the number of levels for reporting prog = "{} -l {}".format(["fboxinfo"], output_file) stdout0, stderr0, rc = test.nlevels = stdout0.rstrip('\n') if not type(params.convert_type(test.nlevels)) is int: test.nlevels = "" if args.make_benchmarks is None: suite.log.log("doing the comparison...") suite.log.indent() suite.log.log("comparison file: {}".format(output_file)) test.compare_file_used = output_file if not test.restartTest: bench_file = bench_dir + compare_file else: bench_file = orig_last_file # see if it exists # note, with AMReX, the plotfiles are actually directories if not os.path.isdir(bench_file): suite.log.warn("no corresponding benchmark found") bench_file = "" with open("{}.compare.out".format(, 'w') as cf: cf.write("WARNING: no corresponding benchmark found\n") cf.write(" unable to do a comparison\n") else: if not compare_file == "": suite.log.log("benchmark file: {}".format(bench_file)) command = "{} -n 0 {} {}".format(["fcompare"], bench_file, output_file) sout, serr, ierr = command, outfile="{}.compare.out".format(, store_command=True) if ierr == 0: test.compare_successful = True if test.compareParticles: for ptype in test.particleTypes.strip().split(): command = "{} {} {} {}".format(["particle_compare"], bench_file, output_file, ptype) sout, serr, ierr = command, outfile="{}.compare.out".format(, store_command=True) test.compare_successful = test.compare_successful and not ierr else: suite.log.warn("unable to do a comparison") with open("{}.compare.out".format(, 'w') as cf: cf.write( "WARNING: run did not produce any output\n") cf.write(" unable to do a comparison\n") suite.log.outdent() if not test.diffDir == "": if not test.restartTest: diff_dir_bench = bench_dir + '/' + + '_' + test.diffDir else: diff_dir_bench = orig_diff_dir suite.log.log("doing the diff...") suite.log.log("diff dir: {}".format(test.diffDir)) command = "diff {} -r {} {}".format( test.diffOpts, diff_dir_bench, test.diffDir) outfile = "{}.compare.out".format( sout, serr, diff_status =, outfile=outfile, store_command=True) if diff_status == 0: diff_successful = True with open("{}.compare.out".format(, 'a') as cf: cf.write("\ndiff was SUCCESSFUL\n") else: diff_successful = False test.compare_successful = test.compare_successful and diff_successful else: # make_benchmarks suite.log.log( "storing output of {} as the new benchmark...".format( suite.log.indent() suite.log.warn("new benchmark file: {}".format(compare_file)) suite.log.outdent() if not compare_file == "": if not output_file == compare_file: source_file = output_file else: source_file = compare_file try: shutil.rmtree("{}/{}".format(bench_dir, compare_file)) except: pass shutil.copytree(source_file, "{}/{}".format(bench_dir, compare_file)) with open("{}.status".format(, 'w') as cf: cf.write("benchmarks updated. New file: {}\n".format( compare_file)) else: with open("{}.status".format(, 'w') as cf: cf.write("benchmarks failed") # copy what we can shutil.copy("{}.run.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) if os.path.isfile("{}.err.out".format( shutil.copy("{}.err.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) test.has_stderr = True suite.copy_backtrace(test) error_msg = "ERROR: runtime failure during benchmark creation" report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) if not test.diffDir == "": diff_dir_bench = "{}/{}_{}".format(bench_dir,, test.diffDir) if os.path.isdir(diff_dir_bench): shutil.rmtree(diff_dir_bench) shutil.copytree(test.diffDir, diff_dir_bench) else: if os.path.isdir(test.diffDir): shutil.copytree(test.diffDir, diff_dir_bench) else: shutil.copy(test.diffDir, diff_dir_bench) suite.log.log("new diffDir: {}_{}".format(, test.diffDir)) else: # selfTest if args.make_benchmarks is None: suite.log.log( "looking for selfTest success string: {} ...".format( test.stSuccessString)) try: of = open("{}.run.out".format(, 'r') except IOError: suite.log.warn("no output file found") out_lines = [''] else: out_lines = of.readlines() # successful comparison is indicated by presence # of success string for line in out_lines: if line.find(test.stSuccessString) >= 0: test.compare_successful = True break of.close() with open("{}.compare.out".format(, 'w') as cf: if test.compare_successful: cf.write("SELF TEST SUCCESSFUL\n") else: cf.write("SELF TEST FAILED\n") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # do any requested visualization (2- and 3-d only) and analysis #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if not test.selfTest: if output_file != "": if args.make_benchmarks is None: # get any parameters for the summary table job_info_file = "{}/job_info".format(output_file) if os.path.isfile(job_info_file): test.has_jobinfo = 1 try: jif = open(job_info_file, "r") except: suite.log.warn("unable to open the job_info file") else: job_file_lines = jif.readlines() jif.close() if suite.summary_job_info_field1 is not "": for l in job_file_lines: if l.startswith(suite.summary_job_info_field1. strip()) and l.find(":") >= 0: _tmp = l.split(":")[1] idx = _tmp.rfind("/") + 1 test.job_info_field1 = _tmp[idx:] break if suite.summary_job_info_field2 is not "": for l in job_file_lines: if l.startswith(suite.summary_job_info_field2. strip()) and l.find(":") >= 0: _tmp = l.split(":")[1] idx = _tmp.rfind("/") + 1 test.job_info_field2 = _tmp[idx:] break if suite.summary_job_info_field3 is not "": for l in job_file_lines: if l.startswith(suite.summary_job_info_field3. strip()) and l.find(":") >= 0: _tmp = l.split(":")[1] idx = _tmp.rfind("/") + 1 test.job_info_field3 = _tmp[idx:] break # visualization if test.doVis: if test.dim == 1: suite.log.log( "Visualization not supported for dim = {}". format(test.dim)) else: suite.log.log("doing the visualization...") tool =["fsnapshot{}d".format(test.dim)] '{} --palette {}/Palette -cname "{}" -p "{}"'. format(tool, suite.f_compare_tool_dir, test.visVar, output_file)) # convert the .ppm files into .png files ppm_file = test_util.get_recent_filename( output_dir, "", ".ppm") if not ppm_file is None: png_file = ppm_file.replace(".ppm", ".png")"convert {} {}".format( ppm_file, png_file)) test.png_file = png_file # analysis if not test.analysisRoutine == "": suite.log.log("doing the analysis...") if not test.extra_build_dir == "": tool = "{}/{}".format( suite.repos[test.extra_build_dir].dir, test.analysisRoutine) else: tool = "{}/{}".format(suite.source_dir, test.analysisRoutine) shutil.copy(tool, os.getcwd()) if test.analysisMainArgs == "": option = "" else: option = eval("suite.{}".format( test.analysisMainArgs)) cmd_name = os.path.basename(test.analysisRoutine) cmd_string = "./{} {} {}".format( cmd_name, option, output_file) outfile = "{}.analysis.out".format( _, _, rc =, outfile=outfile, store_command=True) if rc == 0: analysis_successful = True else: analysis_successful = False suite.log.warn("analysis failed...") test.compare_successful = test.compare_successful and analysis_successful else: if test.doVis or test.analysisRoutine != "": suite.log.warn("no output file. Skipping visualization") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # move the output files into the web directory #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if args.make_benchmarks is None: shutil.copy("{}.run.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) if os.path.isfile("{}.err.out".format( shutil.copy("{}.err.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) test.has_stderr = True shutil.copy("{}.compare.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) try: shutil.copy("{}.analysis.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) except: pass shutil.copy( test.inputFile, "{}/{}.{}".format(suite.full_web_dir,, test.inputFile)) if test.has_jobinfo: shutil.copy( job_info_file, "{}/{}.job_info".format(suite.full_web_dir, if suite.sourceTree == "C_Src" and test.probinFile != "": shutil.copy( test.probinFile, "{}/{}.{}".format(suite.full_web_dir,, test.probinFile)) for af in test.auxFiles: # strip out any sub-directory under build dir for the aux file # when copying shutil.copy( os.path.basename(af), "{}/{}.{}".format(suite.full_web_dir,, os.path.basename(af))) if not test.png_file is None: try: shutil.copy(test.png_file, suite.full_web_dir) except IOError: # visualization was not successful. Reset image test.png_file = None if not test.analysisRoutine == "": try: shutil.copy(test.analysisOutputImage, suite.full_web_dir) except IOError: # analysis was not successful. Reset the output image test.analysisOutputImage = "" # were any Backtrace files output (indicating a crash) suite.copy_backtrace(test) else: shutil.copy("{}.status".format(, suite.full_web_dir) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # archive (or delete) the output #---------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.log("archiving the output...") for pfile in os.listdir(output_dir): if (os.path.isdir(pfile) and (pfile.startswith("{}_plt".format( or pfile.startswith("{}_chk".format( if suite.purge_output == 1 and not pfile == output_file: # delete the plt/chk file if os.path.isdir(pfile): try: shutil.rmtree(pfile) except: suite.log.warn("unable to remove {}".format(pfile)) else: # tar it up try: tar ="{}.tgz".format(pfile), "w:gz") tar.add("{}".format(pfile)) tar.close() except: suite.log.warn( "unable to tar output file {}".format(pfile)) else: try: shutil.rmtree(pfile) except OSError: suite.log.warn("unable to remove {}".format(pfile)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # write the report for this test #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if args.make_benchmarks is None: suite.log.log("creating problem test report ...") report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clean Cmake build and install directories if needed #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (suite.useCmake): suite.cmake_clean("AMReX", suite.amrex_dir) suite.cmake_clean(suite.suiteName, suite.source_dir) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # write the report for this instance of the test suite #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.outdent() suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("creating new test report...") num_failed = report.report_this_test_run(suite, args.make_benchmarks, args.note, update_time, test_list, args.input_file[0]) # make sure that all of the files in the web directory are world readable for file in os.listdir(suite.full_web_dir): current_file = suite.full_web_dir + file if os.path.isfile(current_file): os.chmod(current_file, 0o644) # reset the branch to what it was originally suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("reverting git branches/hashes") suite.log.indent() for k in suite.repos: if suite.repos[k].update or suite.repos[k].hash_wanted: suite.repos[k].git_back() suite.log.outdent() # For temporary run, return now without creating suote report. if args.do_temp_run: return num_failed # store an output file in the web directory that can be parsed easily by # external program name = "source" if suite.sourceTree in ["AMReX", "amrex"]: name = "AMReX" branch = '' if suite.repos[name].branch_wanted: branch = suite.repos[name].branch_wanted.strip("\"") with open("{}/suite.{}.status".format(suite.webTopDir, branch), "w") as f: f.write("{}; num failed: {}; source hash: {}".format( suite.repos[name].name, num_failed, suite.repos[name].hash_current)) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # generate the master report for all test instances #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("creating suite report...") report.report_all_runs(suite, active_test_list) def email_developers(): msg = email.message_from_string(suite.emailBody) msg['From'] = suite.emailFrom msg['To'] = ",".join(suite.emailTo) msg['Subject'] = suite.emailSubject server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') server.sendmail(suite.emailFrom, suite.emailTo, msg.as_string()) server.quit() if num_failed > 0 and suite.sendEmailWhenFail and not args.send_no_email: suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("sending email...") email_developers() if suite.slack_post: suite.slack_post_it("> test complete, num failed = {}\n{}".format( num_failed, suite.emailBody)) return num_failed
def quench_single_inverse_power(coord_file_name, foldpath, sub_fold_name, optimizer, opt_param_dict): """ figures out the minimum correspoding to a set of particle coords Parameters ---------- coord_file_name: string name of the path to the coordinates foldername: str folder definining the run sub_fold_name: name of subfolder where the run data is stored optimizer: optimizer quench opt_param_dict: dict dictionary of parameters for the optimizer """ sysparams = load_params(foldpath) # path to quench coords quench_coords_path = (foldpath + "/" + sub_fold_name + "/" + "ensemble/" + coord_file_name) quench_coords = np.loadtxt(quench_coords_path) radii = get_hs_radii(foldpath, sub_fold_name) box_length = get_box_length(radii, sysparams.ndim.value, sysparams.phi.value) boxv = [box_length] * sysparams.ndim.value ncellx_scale = get_ncellsx_scale(radii, boxv) potential = InversePower( sysparams.power.value, sysparams.eps.value, use_cell_lists=False, ndim=sysparams.ndim.value, radii=radii * 1.0, boxvec=boxv, ) boxv = [box_length] * sysparams.ndim.value # ncellx_scale = get_ncellsx_scale(radii, boxv) print(potential.getEnergy(quench_coords)) ret = optimizer(quench_coords, potential, **opt_param_dict) try: ret = optimizer(quench_coords, potential, **opt_param_dict) except: print("exception occured") # if exception occurs, treat as failure. this is for rattlers # not enough failures occur that it would make a difference to not just assume this never happens # but we shoudl switch this out # but jic return (quench_coords, False, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # This exists because some runs don't have hessian evaluations try: ret["nhev"] except: ret["nhev"] = 0 # mixed optimizer statistics try: ret["n_phase_1"] except: ret["n_phase_1"] = 0 # mixed optimizer statistics try: ret["n_phase_2"] except: ret["n_phase_2"] = 0 print(ret.coords - quench_coords) print(opt_param_dict) results = ( ret.coords, ret.success, ret.nfev, ret.nsteps, ret.nhev, ret.n_phase_1, ret.n_phase_2, ) print(quench_coords_path) return results
def googlenet_train(train_batch_size=32, val_batch_size=50, image_size=(3, 224, 224), n_epochs=60): #mean_path = '/home/2T/caffe/data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto' train_lmdb_path = '/home/2T/imagenet/ilsvrc2012/lmdb/ilsvrc12_train_lmdb' val_lmdb_path = '/home/2T/imagenet/ilsvrc2012/lmdb/ilsvrc12_val_lmdb' train_input_shape = (train_batch_size,) + image_size val_input_shape = (val_batch_size,) + image_size trainning_model = googlenet(train_input_shape) validating_model = googlenet(val_input_shape) #####read lmdb train_lmdb_iterator = read_lmdb(train_batch_size, train_lmdb_path) train_data_size = train_lmdb_iterator.total_number n_train_batches = train_data_size / train_batch_size print('n_train_batches = '+ str(n_train_batches)) val_lmdb_iterator = read_lmdb(val_batch_size, val_lmdb_path) val_data_size = val_lmdb_iterator.total_number n_val_batches = val_data_size / val_batch_size print('n_val_batches = '+ str(n_val_batches)) ## COMPILE FUNCTIONS ## (train_model, train_error, train_shared_x, train_shared_y, shared_lr) = compile_train_model(trainning_model, batch_size=train_batch_size) (val_model, val_shared_x, val_shared_y) = compile_val_model(validating_model, batch_size=val_batch_size) all_costs = [] all_errors = [] ####load net state net_params = load_net_state() if net_params: load_params(model.params, net_params['model_params']) train_lmdb_iterator.set_cursor(net_params['minibatch_index']) all_errors = net_params['all_errors'] all_costs = net_params['all_costs'] epoch = net_params['epoch'] minibatch_index = net_params['minibatch_index'] else: all_costs = [] all_errors = [] epoch = 0 minibatch_index = 0 print('... training') while(epoch < n_epochs): while(minibatch_index < n_train_batches): ####training #print(minibatch_index) iter = epoch * n_train_batches + minibatch_index print('training @ epoch = %d : iter = %d : totoal_batches = %d' %(epoch, iter, n_train_batches)) begin_time = time.time() train_data, train_label = train_shared_x.set_value(train_data) train_shared_y.set_value(train_label) set_learning_rate(shared_lr, iter) #begin_time = time.time() cost_ij = train_model() error_ij = train_error() all_costs.append(cost_ij) all_errors.append(error_ij) print('train_error: %f %%' %(error_ij*100)) print('trian_cost: %f' %(cost_ij)) end_time = time.time() print('Time per iteration: %f' % (end_time - begin_time)) if math.isnan(cost_ij): nan_params = get_params(model.params) common_save(nan_params, './nan_params') sys.exit(0) ###validation if (iter+1) % (4*n_train_batches) == 0: validation_erorrs = [] validating_model.set_dropout_off() for validation_index in xrange(0, n_val_batches): #print('validation_index = %d : total_batches = %d' %(validation_index, n_val_batches)) val_data, val_label = val_shared_x.set_value(val_data) val_shared_y.set_value(val_label) cost, errors, errors_top_5 = val_model() validation_erorrs.append(errors_top_5) validating_model.set_dropout_on() this_validation_error = np.mean(validation_erorrs) print('epoch %i, minibatch %i/%i, validation error %f %%' % (epoch, minibatch_index + 1, n_train_batches, this_validation_error * 100.)) ###save params every epoch if (iter+1) % n_train_batches == 0: net_params['model_params'] = get_params(model.params) net_params['minibatch_index'] = minibatch_index net_params['all_costs'] = all_costs net_params['all_errors'] = all_errors net_params['epoch'] = epoch save_net_state(net_params) save_figure(all_costs, all_errors) minibatch_index += 1 if minibatch_index == n_train_batches: minibatch_index = 0 epoch = epoch + 1
from params import load_params, load_secondary_params from pele.potentials import InversePower # change according to which minima you want to compare m1_arg = 148 m2_arg = 159 m3_arg = 194 m4_arg = 195 foldnameInversePower = "ndim=2phi=0.9seed=0n_part=16r1=1.0r2=1.4rstd1=0.05rstd2=0.06999999999999999use_cell_lists=0power=2.5eps=1.0" minima_database_path = (BASE_DIRECTORY + "/" + foldnameInversePower + "/" + MINIMA_DATABASE_NAME) th = np.load(minima_database_path) foldpath = BASE_DIRECTORY + "/" + foldnameInversePower sysparams = load_params(foldpath) (hs_radii, initial_coords, box_length) = load_secondary_params(foldpath) ctol = 1e-3 ndim = 2 potential = InversePower( sysparams.power.value, sysparams.eps.value, use_cell_lists=False, ndim=sysparams.ndim.value, radii=hs_radii * 1.0, boxvec=[box_length, box_length], ) minima_container = CheckSameMinimum( ctol, ndim, boxl=box_length,
apply_mask_l2 = theano.function( inputs=[], updates={model.models_stack[2].w : model.models_stack[2].w * mask_l2_theano} ) apply_mask = [apply_mask_l0, apply_mask_l1, apply_mask_l2] # deeper layers are fully connected. # pdb.set_trace() """ print "Done." ############# # PRE-TRAIN # ############# """ for i in range(len(hid_layer_sizes)): print "\n\nPre-training layer %d:" % i trainer = GraddescentMinibatch( varin=model.varin, data=train_x, cost=model.models_stack[i].cost(), params=model.models_stack[i].params_private, supervised=False, batchsize=batchsize, learningrate=pretrain_lr, momentum=momentum, rng=npy_rng ) init_lr = trainer.learningrate prev_cost = numpy.inf epc_cost = 0. patience = 0
def map_binary_inversepower( foldername, particle_coords, optimizer, parameter_dict, random_coord_0=0, random_coord_1=-1, z=0, ): """ Finds whether a point defined by particle_coord on the meshgrid correspond to a minimum or not for a 2d case. """ foldpath = BASE_DIRECTORY + "/" + foldername # import params sysparams = load_params(foldpath) (hs_radii, initial_coords, box_length) = load_secondary_params(foldpath) assert sysparams.ndim.value == 2 minimum_coords = np.loadtxt(foldpath + "/coords_of_minimum.txt", delimiter=",") quench_coords = initial_coords.copy() if len(quench_coords) == 16: quench_coords = ( quench_coords + particle_coords[0] * VEC_8_0 + particle_coords[1] * VEC_8_1 + z * VEC_8_2 ) elif len(quench_coords) == 32: quench_coords = ( quench_coords + particle_coords[0] * VEC_16_0 + particle_coords[1] * VEC_16_1 + z * VEC_16_2 ) elif len(quench_coords) == 64: quench_coords = ( quench_coords + particle_coords[0] * VEC_16_0 + particle_coords[1] * VEC_16_1 + z * VEC_16_2 ) else: raise Exception("error other random coords have not been generated") print(quench_coords, "quench") # print(quench_coords, 'quench coords') # box length box_length = float(box_length) boxv = [box_length] * sysparams.ndim.value ncellx_scale = get_ncellsx_scale(hs_radii, boxv) potential = InversePower( sysparams.power.value, sysparams.eps.value, use_cell_lists=False, ndim=sysparams.ndim.value, radii=hs_radii * 1.0, boxvec=boxv, ) # ret = quench_mixed_optimizer(potential, # quench_coords, # make sure right coords are being passed # T=10, # step=1, # nsteps=100000, # conv_tol=1e-8, # tol=1e-6, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4) # ret = quench_steepest( # potential, # quench_coords, # make sure right coords are being passed # nsteps=2000000, # stepsize=5e-3, # for steepest descent step size should be small # tol=1e-4) # ret = quench_cvode_opt(potential, quench_coords, tol=1e-6, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4) try: ret = optimizer(quench_coords, potential, **parameter_dict) except: print(quench_coords, "failed here") print(initial_coords, "coords") print(len(quench_coords)) raise Exception("failure") # ret = lbfgs_cpp(quench_coords, potential, tol=1e-8, M=1) # This exists because some runs don't have hessian evaluations try: ret["nhev"] except: ret["nhev"] = 0 coordarg = 0 results = (ret.coords, ret.success, coordarg, ret.nfev, ret.nsteps, ret.nhev) # the reason the potential is being passed is because quench coords needs the potential to figure out what to do return results
def map_pointset_loop_xy( foldname, pointset, optimizer, parameter_dict, ctol=1e-2, ndim=2, use_minima_database=True, minima_database_path=None, coord_arg_0=0, coord_arg_1=1, z=0, ): """ Checks a bunch of points if they match to a minimum by using a for loop """ is_same_minimum_list = [] resultlist = [] foldpath = BASE_DIRECTORY + "/" + foldname sysparams = load_params(foldpath) (hs_radii, initial_coords, box_length) = load_secondary_params(foldpath) minimum_coords = np.loadtxt(foldpath + "/coords_of_minimum.txt", delimiter=",") # Initialize CheckSameMinimum potential = InversePower( sysparams.power.value, sysparams.eps.value, use_cell_lists=False, ndim=sysparams.ndim.value, radii=hs_radii * 1.0, boxvec=[box_length, box_length], ) minima_container = CheckSameMinimum( ctol, ndim, boxl=box_length, minimalist_max_len=200000, minima_database_location=minima_database_path, update_database=True, rattler_check=True, potential=potential, hs_radii=hs_radii, ) if use_minima_database == True: try: minima_container.minimalist = [ minima_container.box_reshape_coords(x) for x in np.load(minima_database_path) ] except: print("warning no minima data found. generating") minima_container.minimalist = [ # minima_container.box_reshape_coords(minimum_coords) ] nfevlist = [] nstepslist = [] nhevlist = [] for index, point in enumerate(pointset): res = map_binary_inversepower( foldname, point, optimizer, parameter_dict, random_coord_0=coord_arg_0, random_coord_1=coord_arg_1, z=z, ) minima_container.add_minimum(res[0], point, res[2]) # print(index) # print(minima_container.nrattlermin, 'nrattlermin') # print(minima_container.nfluidstates, 'nfluidstates') nfevlist.append(res[3]) nstepslist.append(res[4]) nhevlist.append(res[5]) # print(np.average(nfevlist), 'number of function evaluations') # print(np.average(nstepslist), 'number of steps') # print(np.average(nstepslist), 'number of steps') # print(np.average(nhevlist), "number of hessian evaluations") # print(minima_container.orderparamlist) foldpathdata = foldpath + "/" + QUENCH_FOLDER_NAME + "/z_data_30_l6/" + str(z) os.makedirs(foldpathdata, exist_ok=True) minima_container.dump_map(foldpathdata) run_diagnostics = {} run_diagnostics["nfev"] = float(np.average(nfevlist)) run_diagnostics["nhev"] = float(np.average(nhevlist)) run_diagnostics["nsteps"] = float(np.average(nstepslist)) # print(minima_container.initial_coords_list) # print(minima_container.orderparamlist) # print(minima_container.orderparamlist) return run_diagnostics, is_same_minimum_list, resultlist
coord_arg_0=coord_arg_0, coord_arg_1=coord_arg_1, z=z, ) # print(res) # # boollist = np.loadtxt(BASE_DIRECTORY + '/' + foldnameInversePower + '/' + 'quench_results_fire.txt') # np.savetxt(BASE_DIRECTORY + '/' + foldnameInversePower + '/' + 'quench_results_mxopt.txt', boollist) # boollistreshaped = np.reshape(boollist, (nmesh, nmesh)) # print(boollistreshaped) # print(boollist) # plt.imshow(boollistreshaped) # # # print(reslist) sysparams = load_params(data_location) # save all parameters from run run_diagnostics = res[0] run_diagnostics["identification tolerance"] = identification_tolerance run_diagnostics["nmesh"] = nmesh run_diagnostics["ndim"] = sysparams.ndim.value run_diagnostics["nparticles"] = sysparams.n_part.value run_diagnostics["run data location"] = data_location + "/" + QUENCH_FOLDER_NAME opt_name = parameter_dict["name"].replace(" ", "_") # write run data to two different locations write_run_data_to_file( parameter_dict, run_diagnostics, folder_location=data_location, name=opt_name + ".yaml",
map1.shelter_policy({"school":0.00,"shop":0.05,"entertainment":0.0,"home":1,"hospital":0.00}) ''' print('\n'+"Day "+str(" statistics:") if len(stats)==0: stats=simulate_one_day(map1) else: stats= np.vstack((stats,simulate_one_day(map1))) if>=10: map1.quarantine_policy({"school":0.0,"shop":0.0,"entertainment":0.0,"home":0.0,"hospital":0},detect_prob=0.15) print("R0 values",get_R0(stats)) end_time=time.time() print("Simulation time:",end_time-start_time) plot_stats(stats) print("peak value",(np.argmax(stats[:,0]),np.max(stats[:,0]))) if __name__ == "__main__": Jkantor_param=load_params() print("parameters",Jkantor_param) simulate() ''' map1.print_people() '''
model_ft.models_stack[-1].params) ) def return_grad(test_params, input_x, truth_y): tmp = get_params(model_ft.models_stack[-1]) set_params(model_ft.models_stack[-1], test_params) result = numpy.concatenate([numpy.array(i).flatten() for i in fun_grad(input_x, truth_y)]) set_params(model_ft.models_stack[-1], tmp) return result p, g, numlinesearches = minimize( get_params(model_ft.models_stack[-1]), return_cost, return_grad, (train_x.get_value(), train_y.get_value()), logreg_epc, verbose=False ) set_params(model_ft.models_stack[-1], p) save_params(model_ft, 'ZLIN_4000_1000_4000_10_normhid_nolinb_cae1_dtagmt2_dropout.npy') load_params(model_ft, 'ZLIN_4000_1000_4000_10_normhid_nolinb_cae1_dtagmt2_dropout.npy') print "***error rate: train: %f, test: %f" % ( train_set_error_rate(), test_set_error_rate() ) ############# # FINE-TUNE # ############# """ print "\n\n... fine-tuning the whole network" truth = T.lmatrix('truth') trainer = GraddescentMinibatch( varin=model_ft.varin, data=train_x, truth=model_ft.models_stack[-1].vartruth, truth_data=train_y, supervised=True,
def quench_single_mxopt_inverse_power_julia( coord_file_name, foldpath, sub_fold_name, optimizer, opt_param_dict ): """ quenches a single system through mxopt Parameters ---------- coord_file_name: string name of the path to the coordinates foldername: str folder definining the run sub_fold_name: name of subfolder where the run data is stored optimizer: optimizer quench opt_param_dict: dict dictionary of parameters for the optimizer """ sysparams = load_params(foldpath) # path to quench coords quench_coords_path = ( foldpath + "/" + sub_fold_name + "/" + "ensemble/" + coord_file_name ) quench_coords = np.loadtxt(quench_coords_path) radii = get_hs_radii(foldpath, sub_fold_name) box_length = get_box_length(radii, sysparams.ndim.value, sysparams.phi.value) box_length boxv = np.array([box_length] * sysparams.ndim.value) ncellx_scale = get_ncellsx_scale(radii, boxv) # potential = InversePower(sysparams.power.value, # sysparams.eps.value, # use_cell_lists=False, # ndim=sysparams.ndim.value, # radii=radii * 1.0, # boxvec=boxv) mxd = Main.Mixed_Descent( pele_wrapped_python_pot, Main.solver, Main.nls, coords, opt_param_dict["T"], opt_param_dict["rtol"], opt_param_dict["conv_tol"], opt_param_dict["tol"], ) pot = Main.pot.InversePower( sysparams.power.value, sysparams.eps.value, radii, ndim=sysparams.ndim.value, boxvec=boxv, use_cell_lists=False, ncellx_scale=cell_scale, ) ppot = Main.PythonPotential(pot) try: Main.run_b(mxd, 10000) except: print("exception occured") # if exception occurs, treat as failure. this is for rattlers # not enough failures occur that it would make a difference to not just assume this never happens # but we shoudl switch this out # but jic return (quench_coords, False, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) results = (mxd.optimizer.x0, mxd.converged, 0, mxd.iter_number, 0, 0, 0) return results
def reg_test_gc(argv): usage = """ ./reg_test_gc [--before|-b 2000-00-00] testfile.ini """ if len(sys.argv) == 1: print usage sys.exit(2) try: opts, next = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "b:", ["before="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print "invalid calling sequence" print usage sys.exit(2) # defaults gcdate = "" for o, a in opts: if o == "--before" or o == "-b": gcdate = a try: testFile = next[0] except IndexError: print "ERROR: a test file was not specified" print usage sys.exit(2) if not gcdate: print "ERROR: date was not specified" print usage sys.exit(2) gcd = valid_date(gcdate) if gcd == '': print "ERROR: invalid date", gcdate print usage sys.exit(2) workdir = os.getcwd() print "loading ", testFile args = test_util.get_args([testFile]) suite, testList = params.load_params(args) activeTestList = [ for t in testList] benchmarkTestList = [ t for t in testList if not (t.compileTest or t.restartTest) ] benchmarkNotFound = {} for t in benchmarkTestList: benchmarkNotFound[] = '' ### clean up the web dir print "\ncleaning ", suite.webTopDir os.chdir(suite.webTopDir) validDirs = [] for d in os.listdir(suite.webTopDir): if (d.startswith("20") and os.path.isdir(d)): statusFile = d + '/' + d + '.status' if (os.path.isfile(statusFile)): validDirs.append(d) validDirs.sort() validDirs.reverse() latestBMDate = {} for d in validDirs: bmtests = benchmarkNotFound.keys() if d >= gcd and bmtests: if isBenchmarkDir(d): for t in bmtests: if findBenchmark(d, t): del benchmarkNotFound[t] latestBMDate[t] = d else: if isBenchmarkDir(d) and bmtests: found = False for t in bmtests: if findBenchmark(d, t): found = True del benchmarkNotFound[t] latestBMDate[t] = d if not found: rmDir(d) else: rmDir(d) ### clean up the test dir testDirs = os.path.join(suite.testTopDir, suite.suiteName + "-tests") print "\ncleaning ", testDirs os.chdir(testDirs) validDirs = [] for d in os.listdir(testDirs): if (d.startswith("20") and os.path.isdir(d)): validDirs.append(d) validDirs.sort() validDirs.reverse() for d in validDirs: if d < gcd: tests = [ t for t in os.listdir(d) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(d, t)) ] found = False for t in tests: if t in latestBMDate.keys() and latestBMDate[t] == d: found = True break if not found: rmDir(d) print "\ncreating suite report..." report.report_all_runs(suite, activeTestList) print "\nGarbage cleaning finished."
def train(train_data, dicts, save_to, save_frequency, valid_data, valid_frequency, patience, encoder, decoder, params_dtype, dim_emb, dim_rnn, n_words_source, n_words_target, maxlen, decay_c, alpha_c, clip_c, dropout, l_rate, epochs, batch_size, optimizer, devices, characters, resume_training, log_file, display_frequency): """ Trains a Neural Machine Translation model with the specified parameters. Provides asynchronous optimization algorithms, see option --optimizer. Training (and validation) data must provide tokenization which can be recovered with `str.split`. Not necessary for character based models. """ if log_file: f_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) f_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s %(module)s - %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) logging.getLogger().addHandler(f_handler)"logging to {}".format(log_file))"loading dictionaries from {}, {}".format(*dicts)) with open(dicts[0], 'r') as f1, open(dicts[1], 'r') as f2: dictionaries = [json.load(f1), json.load(f2)]"preparing training data streams from {}, {}".format(*train_data)) train_data_iter = TextIterator(train_data[0], train_data[1], dictionaries[0], dictionaries[1], n_words_source=n_words_source, n_words_target=n_words_target, batch_size=batch_size, maxlen=maxlen, raw_characters=characters) valid_data_iter = None if valid_data:"preparing validation data streams from {}, {}".format(*valid_data)) valid_data_iter = TextIterator(valid_data[0], valid_data[1], dictionaries[0], dictionaries[1], n_words_source=n_words_source, n_words_target=n_words_target, batch_size=batch_size, maxlen=maxlen, raw_characters=characters)"initializing weights") if resume_training: params = load_params(resume_training[0]) # check if model options saved in json format match the current settings with open(resume_training[1], "r") as f: resume_options = json.load(f) if not all([encoder == resume_options["encoder"], decoder == resume_options["decoder"], dim_emb == resume_options["dim_emb"], dim_rnn == resume_options["dim_rnn"], n_words_source == resume_options["n_words_source"], n_words_target == resume_options["n_words_target"], maxlen == resume_options["maxlen"], decay_c == resume_options["decay_c"], alpha_c == resume_options["alpha_c"], dropout == resume_options["dropout"], characters == resume_options["characters"]]): raise ValueError("Option mismatch!") else: params = init_params(n_words_source, n_words_target, dim_emb, dim_rnn, dtype=params_dtype) if optimizer in ["hogwild", "async_agrad", "async_da"]:"selected parallelizable optimizing algorithm {}, handing over to async-train".format(optimizer)) # saving, validation and logging is taken care of by async_train.train_params # TODO: set noise to 0 if used trained_params = train_params(params, build_model, data=train_data_iter, devices=devices.split(","), update_scheme=optimizer, num_epochs=epochs, l_rate=l_rate, log_level=30, log_file=log_file, valid_data=valid_data_iter, valid_freq=valid_frequency, patience=patience, save_to=save_to, save_freq=save_frequency, dim_emb=dim_emb, dim_rnn=dim_rnn, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, n_words_target=n_words_target, n_words_source=n_words_source, maxlen=maxlen, params_dtype=params_dtype, dropout=dropout, decay_c=decay_c, alpha_c=alpha_c, clip_c=clip_c, display_freq=display_frequency, characters=characters) elif optimizer in ["sgd", "adagrad", "adadelta", "adam", "rmsprop"]:"selected sequential optimizer {}".format(optimizer)) dir_path = os.path.dirname(save_to) if dir_path and not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) save_file = save_params(params, save_to, epoch_update=(0, 0))"update {}, saving current model parameters to {}".format(0, save_file)) train_options_file = os.path.splitext(save_to)[0] + ".json""saving training options to {}".format(train_options_file)) train_options = {"devices": devices, "optimizer": optimizer, "l_rate": l_rate, "save_to": save_to, "patience": patience, "dim_emb": dim_emb, "dim_rnn": dim_rnn, "encoder": encoder, "decoder": decoder, "dropout": dropout, "n_words_target": n_words_target, "n_words_source": n_words_source, "maxlen": maxlen, "decay_c": decay_c, "alpha_c": alpha_c, "clip_c": clip_c, "characters": characters} with open(train_options_file, "w") as f: json.dump(train_options, f, indent=4) # get callable optimizer function import seq_optimizers opt_func = getattr(seq_optimizers, optimizer) import theano import theano.tensor as T import theano.sandbox.cuda theano.sandbox.cuda.use(devices.split(",")[0]) tparams = OrderedDict() for param_name, param in params.items(): tparams[param_name] = theano.shared(param) def pull_from_tparams(param_dict): params = OrderedDict() for param_name, param in param_dict.items(): params[param_name] = param.value() return params"building model") inputs, cost, _ = build_model(tparams, dim_emb=dim_emb, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, dropout=dropout, n_words_target=n_words_target, decay_c=decay_c, alpha_c=alpha_c) grads = T.grad(cost, wrt=list(tparams.values())) if clip_c > 0.: grads_squard_sum = 0. for g in grads: grads_squard_sum += (g**2).sum() grads = [T.switch(grads_squard_sum > (clip_c**2), g / T.sqrt(grads_squard_sum) * clip_c, g) for g in grads]"compiling model") learning_rate = T.scalar("learning_rate") f_grad_shared, f_update = opt_func(learning_rate, tparams, grads, inputs, cost) update_idx = 0 early_stop = False best_params = params best_valid_error = np.inf patience_left = patience"starting training") for epoch_idx in range(1, epochs+1): for train_batch in train_data_iter: logging.debug("processing next data sample") cost = f_grad_shared(*train_batch) f_update(l_rate) update_idx += 1 if update_idx % display_frequency == 0:"epoch {} update {}, cost of last processed batch: {}" .format(epoch_idx, update_idx, cost)) if update_idx % valid_frequency == 0 and valid_data: # TODO: set noise to 0 if used cur_valid_error = np.mean([f_grad_shared(*d) for d in valid_data_iter]) if cur_valid_error < best_valid_error: best_params = pull_from_tparams(tparams) best_valid_error = cur_valid_error patience_left = patience else: patience_left -= 1 if patience_left == 0: early_stop = True break if update_idx % save_frequency == 0: save_file = save_params(pull_from_tparams(tparams), save_to, epoch_update=(epoch_idx, update_idx))"epoch {}, update {} saved to {}".format(epoch_idx, update_idx, save_file)) if early_stop: break save_file = save_params(best_params, save_to)"saved best parameters to {}".format(save_file))"done!")
def map_binary_inversepower_mxopt_jl( foldername, particle_coords, optimizer, opt_param_dict, random_coord_0=0, random_coord_1=-1, z=0, ): """ Finds whether a point defined by particle_coord on the meshgrid correspond to a minimum or not for a 2d case. """ foldpath = BASE_DIRECTORY + "/" + foldername # import params sysparams = load_params(foldpath) (hs_radii, initial_coords, box_length) = load_secondary_params(foldpath) assert sysparams.ndim.value == 2 minimum_coords = np.loadtxt(foldpath + "/coords_of_minimum.txt", delimiter=",") minimum_coords = np.loadtxt(foldpath + "/coords_of_minimum.txt", delimiter=",") quench_coords = initial_coords.copy() quench_coords = (quench_coords + particle_coords[0] * VEC_16_0 + particle_coords[1] * VEC_16_1 + z * VEC_16_2) # quench_coords = quench_coords + \ # particle_coords[0]*VEC_8_0 + particle_coords[1]*VEC_8_1 + z*VEC_8_2 # print(quench_coords, 'quench coords') # box length box_length = float(box_length) boxv = [box_length] * sysparams.ndim.value ncellx_scale = get_ncellsx_scale(hs_radii, boxv) print(hs_radii, "hs_radii") print(quench_coords, "quench_coords") print(boxv) potential = Main.pot.InversePower( sysparams.power.value, sysparams.eps.value, use_cell_lists=False, ndim=sysparams.ndim.value, radii=hs_radii * 1.0, boxvec=boxv, ) ppot = Main.PythonPotential(potential) nls = Main.NewtonLinesearch(ppot, quench_coords, opt_param_dict["tol"]) mxd = Main.Mixed_Descent( ppot, Main.CVODE_BDF(), nls, quench_coords, opt_param_dict["T"], opt_param_dict["rtol"], opt_param_dict["conv_tol"], opt_param_dict["tol"], ) try: Main.run_b(mxd, 10000) except: print(quench_coords, "failed here") print(initial_coords, "coords") print(len(quench_coords)) # ret = lbfgs_cpp(quench_coords, potential, tol=1e-8, M=1) # This exists because some runs don't have hessian evaluations coordarg = 0 print(mxd.converged, "converged") results = ( mxd.optimizer.x0, mxd.converged, 0, mxd.n_g_evals, mxd.iter_number, mxd.n_h_evals, ) # the reason the potential is being passed is because quench coords needs the potential to figure out what to do return results
def train_mnist(): nv, nhs = 28*28, [500] #, 200, 200, 200] batch_size = 20 train_size = 10000 n_epochs = 15 learning_rate = 0.001 decay = 1. L2_reg = 0.01 L1_reg = 0.000 momi, momf, momsw = 0.5, 0.9, 10 k=1 sample_every = None LOAD_PARAMS = False data_path = '/export/mlrg/ebuchman/datasets/mnistX_binary_lowres.pkl' data_path = '/export/mlrg/ebuchman/datasets/mnist_binary.pkl' data_path = '/mnt/data/datasets/mnist_binary.pkl' print 'opening data' f = open(data_path) d = pickle.load(f) f.close() if len(d) == 3: tr, val, ts = d X = tr[0] else: X = d print X.shape X0 = X optimizer = 'cd' n_layers = len(nhs) layer_params = [] X = X[:100] # X = X[random.sample(xrange(len(X0)), train_size)] w, bh, bv, t = test_rbm(X) print 'took', t f = open('data/results/mnist_cd_deeplearning_ref.pkl') pickle.dump([None, [w, bh, bv]], d) f.close() quit() # train each layer of DBN for layer in xrange(n_layers): if layer == 0: nv, nh = nv, nhs[0] else: nv, nh = nhs[layer-1], nhs[layer] if LOAD_PARAMS: # this needs to be fixed... param_init = load_params(nv, nh, k, 10, learning_rate) else: theta_init = random_theta(nv, nh, k=k) param_init = split_theta(theta_init, nv, nh, k=k) param_init[0] = param_init[0].reshape(nv*nh) # fit rbm params_fit = _train(X, optimizer, param_init, nv, nh, batch_size, n_epochs, learning_rate, decay, momi, momf, momsw, L1_reg, L2_reg, k) layer_params.append(params_fit) # sample_and_save(param_first_layer, nh, n_epochs, learning_rate, k, optimizer) # get data for next layer by propogating mnist up to current layer if k == 1: X = X0[random.sample(xrange(len(X0)), train_size)] for i in xrange(layer+1): W, bh, bv = layer_params[i] mean = False if i == layer else True X = sample_h_given_v_np(X, W, bh, nh, mean=mean) elif k == 2: X = X0[random.sample(xrange(len(X0)), train_size)] for i in xrange(layer+1): W, Wh, bh, bv = layer_params[i] mean = False if i == layer else True X = sample_h_given_v_2wise_np(X, W, Wh, bh, nh, mean = mean) #save_name = "mnist_ #params_fit = split_theta(model.mpf.theta.get_value(), nv, nh, k=k) deep_samples(layer_params, nsamps=50, opt=optimizer)
def map_binary_inversepower( foldername, particle_coords, optimizer, parameter_dict, random_coord_0=0, random_coord_1=-1, z=0, index=None, mesh_length=None, ): """ Finds whether a point defined by particle_coord on the meshgrid correspond to a minimum or not for a 2d case. """ foldpath = BASE_DIRECTORY + "/" + foldername # import params sysparams = load_params(foldpath) (hs_radii, initial_coords, box_length) = load_secondary_params(foldpath) assert sysparams.ndim.value == 2 quench_coords = initial_coords.copy() print("initial_coords", initial_coords) print(particle_coords[0], particle_coords[1], "vector coefficients as passed") print("z value") quench_coords = (quench_coords + particle_coords[0] * VEC_16_0 + particle_coords[1] * VEC_16_1 + z * VEC_16_2) # TODO: save this as a unit meshgrid # print(quench_coords, 'quench coords') # box length box_length = float(box_length) boxv = [box_length] * sysparams.ndim.value ncellx_scale = get_ncellsx_scale(hs_radii, boxv) print(hs_radii) potential = InversePower( sysparams.power.value, sysparams.eps.value, use_cell_lists=False, ndim=sysparams.ndim.value, radii=hs_radii * 1.0, boxvec=boxv, ) # save potential parameters # writing this out since Enum to dict conversion does not give the mapping we want potential_params_fname = "potential_params.yaml" potential_param_dict = { "ndim": sysparams.ndim.value, "phi": sysparams.phi.value, "seed": 0, "n_part": sysparams.n_part.value, "r1": sysparams.r1.value, "r2": sysparams.r2.value, "rstd1": sysparams.rstd1.value, "rstd2": sysparams.rstd2.value, "use_cell_lists": int(False), "power": sysparams.power.value, "eps": sysparams.eps.value, } param_str = generate_param_str_from_dict(potential_param_dict) # make directory to emulate structure by refactored code emulation_folder = COMPARE_FOLDER_NAME + "/" + param_str # add README to emulation folder os.makedirs(emulation_folder, exist_ok=True) with open(COMPARE_FOLDER_NAME + "/", "w") as f: f.write(" \#+AUTHOR Praharsh Suryadevara .\n") f.write("* Read First.") f.write( "This dirctory has been auto-generated by old code before refactoring. Do not change.\n" ) # emulates path of the refactored code ensemble_folder_path = emulation_folder + "/ensemble/random_plane" os.makedirs(ensemble_folder_path, exist_ok=True) # 0 to emulate the addition of seed sec_param_folder_path = emulation_folder + "/sec_params/0" os.makedirs(sec_param_folder_path, exist_ok=True) old_code_results_folder_path = emulation_folder + "/old_data" os.makedirs(old_code_results_folder_path, exist_ok=True) with open(emulation_folder + "/params.yaml", "w") as param_file: yaml.dump(potential_param_dict, param_file) opt_param_fname = "minima_finder_params.yaml" with open(emulation_folder + "/" + opt_param_fname, "w") as param_file: yaml.dump(parameter_dict, param_file) initial_coords_fname = str(index) + ".txt" np.savetxt(ensemble_folder_path + "/" + initial_coords_fname, quench_coords, delimiter=",") mesh_coords_fname = str(index) + "_mesh.txt" np.savetxt(ensemble_folder_path + "/" + mesh_coords_fname, particle_coords, delimiter=",") if mesh_length is not None: # 2 *[particle_coords[0], particle_coords[1]]/mesh_length -0.5 form our unit mesh_grid # centered around [0, 0] mesh_coords = (2 * np.array([particle_coords[0], particle_coords[1]]) / mesh_length - 0.5) mesh_coords_fname = str(index) + "_mesh.txt" np.savetxt(ensemble_folder_path + "/" + mesh_coords_fname, mesh_coords, delimiter=",") np.savetxt( sec_param_folder_path + "/" + "initial_coords.txt", initial_coords, delimiter=",", ) np.savetxt( sec_param_folder_path + "/" + "box_length.txt", np.array([box_length]), delimiter=",", ) np.savetxt(sec_param_folder_path + "/" + "hs_radii.txt", hs_radii, delimiter=",") # ret = quench_mixed_optimizer(potential, # quench_coords, # make sure right coords are being passed # T=10, # step=1, # nsteps=100000, # conv_tol=1e-8, # tol=1e-6, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4) # ret = quench_steepest( # potential, # quench_coords, # make sure right coords are being passed # nsteps=2000000, # stepsize=5e-3, # for steepest descent step size should be small # tol=1e-4) # ret = quench_cvode_opt(potential, quench_coords, tol=1e-6, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4) try: ret = optimizer(quench_coords, potential, **parameter_dict) except: raise Exception("failure") # ret = lbfgs_cpp(quench_coords, potential, tol=1e-8, M=1) # This exists because some runs don't have hessian evaluations try: ret["nhev"] except: ret["nhev"] = 0 coordarg = 0 final_coords = ret["coords"] final_coords_fname = str(index) + "_coords.txt" np.savetxt( old_code_results_folder_path + "/" + final_coords_fname, final_coords, delimiter=",", ) energy, grad, hess = potential.getEnergyGradientHessian(final_coords) hessian_fname = str(index) + "_hessian.txt" np.savetxt(old_code_results_folder_path + "/" + hessian_fname, hess, delimiter=",") grad_fname = str(index) + "_grad.txt" np.savetxt(old_code_results_folder_path + "/" + grad_fname, grad, delimiter=",") last_step_fname = str(index) + "_step.txt" # np.savetxt(old_code_results_folder_path + '/' + # last_step_fname, ret['step'], delimiter=',') # check that the minimum hessian eigenvalue is positive # print out the eigenvector corresponding to it eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(hess) print(eigvals[1]) print(eigvecs[:, 1]) # step_in_eigvec_basis = np.matmul(eigvecs.T, ret['step']) # step_in_eigvec_basis_normalized = step_in_eigvec_basis/np.linalg.norm(step_in_eigvec_basis) # -1e-15 is to avoid numerical issues if np.min(eigvals) < -1e-3: print("minimum Eigenvalue: ", np.min(eigvals)) print("Eigenvalues: ", eigvals) raise Exception("negative eigenvalue") # save heuristics as a dict results = ( ret.coords, ret.success, coordarg, ret.nfev, ret.nsteps, ret.nhev, eigvecs, ) # simplified dictionary since we're only using the success variable res_dict = { "success": bool(ret.success), "nsteps": ret.nsteps, "energy":, "nfev": ret.nfev, } # print("-------------------------------------------------steppp", step_in_eigvec_basis_normalized) # print("eigenvalues", eigvals) yaml_fname = str(index) + ".yaml" # save heuristics as yaml with open(old_code_results_folder_path + "/" + yaml_fname, "w") as f: yaml.dump(res_dict, f) print(ret.nsteps, "nsteps") # the reason the potential is being passed is because quench coords needs the potential to figure out what to do return results