 def get_kernel_compile_files(self):
     Returns the correct src_file, lib_file, log_file for this kernel
     if MPI:
         mpi_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
         mpi_rank = mpi_comm.Get_rank()
         cache_name = self._cache_key  # only required here because loading is done by Kernel class instead of Compiler class
         dyn_dir = get_cache_dir() if mpi_rank == 0 else None
         dyn_dir = mpi_comm.bcast(dyn_dir, root=0)
         basename = cache_name if mpi_rank == 0 else None
         basename = mpi_comm.bcast(basename, root=0)
         basename = basename + "_%d" % mpi_rank
         cache_name = self._cache_key  # only required here because loading is done by Kernel class instead of Compiler class
         dyn_dir = get_cache_dir()
         basename = "%s_0" % cache_name
     lib_path = "lib" + basename
     src_file_or_files = None
     if type(basename) in (list, dict, tuple, ndarray):
         src_file_or_files = [
         ] * len(basename)
         for i, src_file in enumerate(basename):
             src_file_or_files[i] = "%s.c" % path.join(dyn_dir, src_file)
         src_file_or_files = "%s.c" % path.join(dyn_dir, basename)
     lib_file = "%s.%s" % (path.join(
         dyn_dir, lib_path), 'dll' if platform == 'win32' else 'so')
     log_file = "%s.log" % path.join(dyn_dir, basename)
     return src_file_or_files, lib_file, log_file
    def remove_lib(self):
        # Unload the currently loaded dynamic linked library to be secure
        if self._lib is not None:
            _ctypes.FreeLibrary(self._lib._handle) if platform == 'win32' else _ctypes.dlclose(self._lib._handle)
            del self._lib
            self._lib = None

        # deactivate the cleanup finalizers for the current set of files
        if self._cleanup_files is not None:

        if self._cleanup_lib is not None:

        # If file already exists, pull new names. This is necessary on a Windows machine, because
        # Python's ctype does not deal in any sort of manner well with dynamic linked libraries on this OS.
        if path.isfile(self.lib_file):
            [remove(s) for s in [self.src_file, self.lib_file, self.log_file]]
            if MPI:
                mpi_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
                mpi_rank = mpi_comm.Get_rank()
                basename = path.join(get_cache_dir(), self._cache_key) if mpi_rank == 0 else None
                basename = mpi_comm.bcast(basename, root=0)
                basename = basename + "_%d" % mpi_rank
                basename = path.join(get_cache_dir(), "%s_0" % self._cache_key)

            self.src_file = "%s.c" % basename
            self.lib_file = "%s.%s" % (basename, 'dll' if platform == 'win32' else 'so')
            self.log_file = "%s.log" % basename
    def __init__(self, fieldset, ptype, pyfunc=None, funcname=None,
                 funccode=None, py_ast=None, funcvars=None, c_include="", delete_cfiles=True):
        self.fieldset = fieldset
        self.ptype = ptype
        self._lib = None
        self.delete_cfiles = delete_cfiles
        self._cleanup_files = None
        self._cleanup_lib = None
        self.c_include = c_include

        # Derive meta information from pyfunc, if not given
        self.funcname = funcname or pyfunc.__name__
        if pyfunc is AdvectionRK4_3D:
            warning = False
            if isinstance(fieldset.W, Field) and fieldset.W.creation_log != 'from_nemo' and \
               fieldset.W._scaling_factor is not None and fieldset.W._scaling_factor > 0:
                warning = True
            if type(fieldset.W) in [SummedField, NestedField]:
                for f in fieldset.W:
                    if f.creation_log != 'from_nemo' and f._scaling_factor is not None and f._scaling_factor > 0:
                        warning = True
            if warning:
                logger.warning_once('Note that in AdvectionRK4_3D, vertical velocity is assumed positive towards increasing z.\n'
                                    '         If z increases downward and w is positive upward you can re-orient it downwards by setting fieldset.W.set_scaling_factor(-1.)')
        elif pyfunc is AdvectionAnalytical:
            if ptype.uses_jit:
                raise NotImplementedError('Analytical Advection only works in Scipy mode')
            if fieldset.U.interp_method != 'cgrid_velocity':
                raise NotImplementedError('Analytical Advection only works with C-grids')
            if fieldset.U.grid.gtype not in [GridCode.CurvilinearZGrid, GridCode.RectilinearZGrid]:
                raise NotImplementedError('Analytical Advection only works with Z-grids in the vertical')

        if funcvars is not None:
            self.funcvars = funcvars
        elif hasattr(pyfunc, '__code__'):
            self.funcvars = list(pyfunc.__code__.co_varnames)
            self.funcvars = None
        self.funccode = funccode or inspect.getsource(pyfunc.__code__)
        # Parse AST if it is not provided explicitly
        self.py_ast = py_ast or parse(fix_indentation(self.funccode)).body[0]
        if pyfunc is None:
            # Extract user context by inspecting the call stack
            stack = inspect.stack()
                user_ctx = stack[-1][0].f_globals
                user_ctx['math'] = globals()['math']
                user_ctx['ParcelsRandom'] = globals()['ParcelsRandom']
                user_ctx['random'] = globals()['random']
                user_ctx['StateCode'] = globals()['StateCode']
                user_ctx['OperationCode'] = globals()['OperationCode']
                user_ctx['ErrorCode'] = globals()['ErrorCode']
                logger.warning("Could not access user context when merging kernels")
                user_ctx = globals()
                del stack  # Remove cyclic references
            # Compile and generate Python function from AST
            py_mod = parse("")
            py_mod.body = [self.py_ast]
            exec(compile(py_mod, "<ast>", "exec"), user_ctx)
            self.pyfunc = user_ctx[self.funcname]
            self.pyfunc = pyfunc

        if version_info[0] < 3:
            numkernelargs = len(inspect.getargspec(self.pyfunc).args)
            numkernelargs = len(inspect.getfullargspec(self.pyfunc).args)

        assert numkernelargs == 3, \
            'Since Parcels v2.0, kernels do only take 3 arguments: particle, fieldset, time !! AND !! Argument order in field interpolation is time, depth, lat, lon.'

        self.name = "%s%s" % (ptype.name, self.funcname)

        # Generate the kernel function and add the outer loop
        if self.ptype.uses_jit:
            kernelgen = KernelGenerator(fieldset, ptype)
            kernel_ccode = kernelgen.generate(deepcopy(self.py_ast),
            self.field_args = kernelgen.field_args
            self.vector_field_args = kernelgen.vector_field_args
            fieldset = self.fieldset
            for f in self.vector_field_args.values():
                Wname = f.W.ccode_name if f.W else 'not_defined'
                for sF_name, sF_component in zip([f.U.ccode_name, f.V.ccode_name, Wname], ['U', 'V', 'W']):
                    if sF_name not in self.field_args:
                        if sF_name != 'not_defined':
                            self.field_args[sF_name] = getattr(f, sF_component)
            self.const_args = kernelgen.const_args
            loopgen = LoopGenerator(fieldset, ptype)
            if path.isfile(c_include):
                with open(c_include, 'r') as f:
                    c_include_str = f.read()
                c_include_str = c_include
            self.ccode = loopgen.generate(self.funcname, self.field_args, self.const_args,
                                          kernel_ccode, c_include_str)
            if MPI:
                mpi_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
                mpi_rank = mpi_comm.Get_rank()
                basename = path.join(get_cache_dir(), self._cache_key) if mpi_rank == 0 else None
                basename = mpi_comm.bcast(basename, root=0)
                basename = basename + "_%d" % mpi_rank
                basename = path.join(get_cache_dir(), "%s_0" % self._cache_key)

            self.src_file = "%s.c" % basename
            self.lib_file = "%s.%s" % (basename, 'dll' if platform == 'win32' else 'so')
            self.log_file = "%s.log" % basename