 def summary_text(self, result, summary):
     # Mostly like the results from the AiServer, but with "and" in the lists.
     year = summary[3]
     players = summary.fold()[2:]
     if not result:
         result_line = "Game finished in %s." % (year,)
     elif result[0] is SLO:
         winner = result[2]
         result_line = "Solo Declared in %s. Winner is %s." % (year, winner)
     elif result == +DRW:
         winners = expand_list(p[0] for p in players if not p[4:])
         result_line = "DIAS Draw Declared in %s. Powers in the draw are %s." % (year, winners)
     elif result[0] is DRW:
         winners = expand_list(result.fold()[1])
         result_line = "Partial Declared in %s. Powers in the draw are %s." % (year, winners)
     lines = [
         "The Powers were :",
     for player in players:
         lines.append("%s    %s   %s   %s" %
             (player[0], player[1][0], player[2][0], player[-1]))
     return "\n".join(lines)
 def generate_build_orders(self, build_count, values):
     ''' Generate the build orders for an adjustment turn'''
     self.log_debug(10, "Build orders for %s", self.map.current_turn)
     orders = OrderSet(self.power)
     # Put all the locations of our open home centres into a map
     self.log_debug(11, ' Choosing from locations of %s.', expand_list(self.power.homes))
     build_map = [location.key
         for prov in [self.map.spaces[p] for p in self.power.homes]
         if prov.owner == self.power and not prov.units
         for location in prov.locations]
     # For each build, while we have a vacant home centre
     builds_remaining = build_count
     while build_map and builds_remaining:
         # Select the best location, more or less
         dest = self.random_destination(build_map, values)
         self.log_debug(13, " Considering build: %s", dest)
         if orders.has_order(dest.province):
             self.log_debug(13, '  Already building in %s', dest.province)
             self.log_debug(11, '  Ordering build')
             orders.add(BuildOrder(Unit(self.power, dest)))
             builds_remaining -= 1
     # If not all builds ordered, order some waives.
     if builds_remaining:
         self.log_debug(11, " Waiving %d builds", builds_remaining)
     return orders
 def consider_convoy(self, fleet, orders, values, dest=None):
     if self.vals.convoy_weight > 0 and fleet.can_convoy():
         self.log_debug(13, "  Considering convoys through %s." % fleet)
         beach = None
         if dest:
             key = dest.province.is_coastal()
             if key: beach = self.map.locs[key]
             else: self.log_debug(13, "   Selected location not coastal.")
             locations = self.map.locs
             possible = []
             for border in fleet.location.borders_out:
                 prov = locations[border].province
                 if not orders.moving_into(prov):
                     for unit in prov.units:
                         # Don't land on our holding or unsure unit.
                         # Side effect: prevents convoying a unit to itself.
                         if not (self.friendly(unit.nation)
                                 and not orders.is_moving(unit)):
                             key = prov.is_coastal()
                             if key: possible.append(key)
             if possible:
                 beach = self.random_destination(possible, values)
                 self.log_debug(13, "   %s selected for landing." % beach.province)
             else: self.log_debug(13, "   No available landing sites.")
         if beach:
             # The last two conditions deserve explanation:
             # If it has already been ordered, we run the risk of an
             # inconsistent order set.  If it can move there anyway,
             # a support is usually better than a convoy.
             # (Granted, that could be the solution to BUL/CON...)
             armies = [unit.location.key for unit in self.map.units
                 if unit.can_be_convoyed()
                 and self.friendly(unit.nation)
                 and fleet.can_move_to(unit.location.province)
                 and not orders.get_order(unit)
                 and not unit.can_move_to(beach.province.key)]
             if armies:
                 # Consider the army we least want to keep in place.
                 army = self.random_source(armies, values)
                 self.log_debug(13, '   %s chosen (from among %s).' % (army,
                     expand_list([key[1] for key in armies])))
                 if dest: alternate = fleet.location
                 else: alternate = beach
                 convoy_value = values.destination_value[alternate.key] * self.vals.convoy_weight
                 army_value = values.destination_value[army.key]
                 convoy_best = army_value < convoy_value
                 if convoy_best: first = convoy_value; second = army_value
                 else: first = army_value; second = convoy_value
                 if convoy_best != self.weighted_choice(first, second):
                     self.log_debug(11, "   Ordered to convoy")
                     unit = [u for u in self.map.units if u.location.key == army.key][0]
                     orders.add(ConvoyedOrder(unit, beach, [fleet]), unit.nation)
                     return ConvoyingOrder(fleet, unit, beach)
                 else: self.log_debug(13, "   Convoy rejected")
             else: self.log_debug(13, "   Nobody available to convoy")
     return None
文件: chatty.py 项目: eswald/parlance
 def handle_DRW(self, message):
     if len(message) > 2:
         self.output('Draw declared among %s', expand_list(message[2:-1]))
     else: self.output('Draw declared among surviving players')