def histogram(): args = parse.get_args_ds() if args == -1: return df = parse.read_file(args.fname_dataset) plot_hist(parse.normalize_df(df)) my_histogram(parse.normalize_df(df))
def main(argv): arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="blast_sort", description="A program to look up blast numbers and associated DNA/Protein data from a data file, check it against a list of blasts you want to compare, and save the output of all of the finds in fasta formated files named after the blast number") arg_parser.add_argument('--blast_file', '-b', required=True, help="csv lookup for blast nos") arg_parser.add_argument('--data_files', '-d', nargs='+', required=True, help="data files to search") arg_parser.add_argument('--output_folder', '-o', required=True, help="where to save the results") arg_parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', required=False, default=False, help="print status and completion rate") if len(argv) == 1: argv.append('--help') args = arg_parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w',0) output_folder = path(args.output_folder) # check that the output folder exists if not output_folder.exists(): output_folder.mkdir() if not output_folder.isdir(): print "{0} already exists and is not a directory. please choose a directory or a new name" sys.exit(status=1) blast_set = read_file(args.blast_file) for data_file in args.data_files: check_inclusion(blast_set, data_file, output_folder, args.verbose) if args.verbose: print "\n\nDONE! :)"
def main(): args = parse.get_args_ds() if args == -1: return df = parse.read_file(args.fname_dataset) # Describe test_describe(df, dc.get_data(df))
def main(): # Read CSV file with pandas args = parse.get_args_ds() if args == -1: return df = parse.read_file(args.fname_dataset) # Plot the normalized data for each feature my_scatter_plot(parse.normalize_df(df.copy()))
def main(): args = parse.get_args_predict() if args == -1: exit(1) df = parse.normalize_df( parse.read_file(args.fname_dataset, check_hog=False)) df1 = df.copy()[cst.feat_list] df1 = df1.replace(np.nan, 0.5) theta = load_thetas(args.fname_weights) y_pred = lt.predict(theta, df1, df1.shape[0]) print_in_file(y_pred)
def main(): # Read CSV file with pandas args = parse.get_args_ds() if args == -1: return df = parse.read_file(args.fname_dataset) # Normalize a copy of the dataframe df_norm = parse.normalize_df(df.copy()) # Pair plot the normalized grades for each class and each house my_pair_plot(df_norm, get_classes(df_norm))
def main(): args = parse.get_args_train() if args == -1: return df = parse.normalize_df(parse.read_file(args.fname_dataset)) df1 = df.copy()[['Hogwarts House'] + cst.feat_list] df1 = df1.replace(np.nan, 0.5) rocky = Rocky(df1, tp=(59 if args.accuracy else 100)) rocky.y = rocky.get_binary_house() rocky.gradient() save_thetas(rocky.theta, args.fname_weights) if args.accuracy: accuracy(rocky)
def test_read_file(): filename = './datasets/C50test/AaronPressman/421829newsML.txt' data = parse.read_file(filename) assert data[0][:4] == 'U.S.'
def dpll_solve(sudo: Circuit) -> Solution: return dpll(sudo) def pycosat_solve(circ: Circuit) -> Solution: variables = {t.variable for c in circ for t in c} to_sym = dict(zip(variables, range(1, len(variables) + 1))) from_sym = {v: k for k, v in to_sym.items()} sym = [] for c in circ: sym.append([to_sym[t.variable] if t.sign else -1 * to_sym[t.variable] for t in c]) sol = next(itersolve(sym), False) if sol: return True, {from_sym[abs(s)] : s > 0 for s in sol} return False, {} if __name__ == "__main__": sudo = make_circ(read_file("./circuits/sudoku_circuit.txt")) sol = pycosat_solve(sudo)
def command_handler(self, command="NA"): commands = [ "help", "credits", "parse", "viewmem", "viewreg", "start", "next", "changereg", "changemem", "stop", "exit", "run", "dumpmem" ] args = command.split(' ') if args[0] in commands: if args[0] == "help": print( "help\t\t\tView available commands\n" + "credits\t\t\tView credits\n" + "parse\t\t\tBegin parsing and syntax checking\n" + "viewmem\t\t\tExport current memory to a text-file\n" + "viewreg\t\t\tView the value of a given register\n" + "start\t\t\tStarts the interpreter\n" + "next\t\t\tIncrements the interpreter by one instruction\n" + "changereg\t\tAlters a given register\n" + "changemem\t\tAlters a section of memory\n" + "stop\t\t\tStops the interpreter\n" + "exit\t\t\tExits the simulator\n" + "run\t\t\tExecutes the entire assembly file" + "dumpmem\t\t\tExports the current memory to a txt file") elif args[0] == "credits": clear_console() print("----------Credits----------") print("Product of Bagel Bois 2019") print( "Gary Fishell - Console and Interpreter Architecture Design" ) print("Salim Aweys - Memory and Register management") print("Lauren DeLeon - Parser Design and Documentation") print( "Kristian Bunda - Memory/Register Design and Assembler Directives management" ) print( "SIC and SICXE Instruction implementation - Collective effort" ) print("---------------------------") elif args[0] == "parse": if len(args) != 2: print("Usage: parse [filename]") return while True: print("SIC (0) or SIC/XE (1)", end=' ') choice = input() if (choice == '0'): self.isExtended = False break elif (choice == '1'): self.isExtended = True break else: print("Invalid choice, try again") self.instruction_array = (read_file(args[1])) if self.instruction_array is None: print("Parsing unsuccesful") return self.memory = Memory(self.isExtended) self.registery = Registery(self.isExtended) elif args[0] == "viewmem": if len(args) != 2: print("Usage: viewmem [address]") return if self.memory == None: print("Please parse a file before viewing memory") return address = args[1] if len(address) == SIZE_OF_BYTE * 2: memory = self.memory.get_memory(address) if (memory == None): print("Address out of bounds or invalid address") else: print(memory) else: print("Please provide an address in the correct format") elif args[0] == "viewreg": if len(args) != 2: print("Usage: viewreg [register]") return if self.registery == None: print("Please parse a file before viewing registery") return reg_choice = args[1] if self.isExtended and reg_choice in VALID_OPTIONS_EXTENDED: print(self.registery.get_register(reg_choice)) elif not self.isExtended and reg_choice in VALID_OPTIONS_SIMPLE: print(self.registery.get_register(reg_choice)) elif args[0] == "start": self.interpreter = Interpreter(self.instruction_array, self.memory, self.registery, self.isExtended) self.interpreter.assign_address() elif args[0] == "next": self.interpreter.execute_next_instruction() elif args[0] == "run": while True: done = self.interpreter.execute_next_instruction() if done != None: break elif args[0] == "dumpmem": if self.memory == None: print("Please parse a file before viewing memory") else: self.memory.show_mem() elif args[0] == "changereg": if len(args) != 3: print("Usage: changereg [register] [value]") return reg_choice = args[1] value = args[2] if (len(value) % 2 != 0 or len(value) > 6): print("Please provide a valid value") return if self.isExtended and reg_choice in VALID_OPTIONS_EXTENDED: print("Adjusting register", reg_choice, "to", value) elif not self.isExtended and reg_choice in VALID_OPTIONS_SIMPLE: if self.registery.set_register(reg_choice, value) == False: print("Invalid value - Setting register failed") else: print("Please provide a valid register") elif args[0] == "changemem": if len(args) != 3: print("Usage: changemem [address] [bytevalue]") return address = args[1] value = args[2] if (len(value) != SIZE_OF_BYTE): print("Please provide a valid value") return if self.memory.set_memory(address, value) == False: print("Invalid value or address - Setting memory failed") elif args[0] == "stop": print("Stopping interpreter") elif args[0] == "exit": print("Bye :)") sys.exit() else: print("Invalid command")