def main():
    args = parse_arguments()

    addr = args.addr
    addr_prefix = args.addr_prefix
    port = args.port
    firmware = args.firmware
    template = args.template
    nodetype = args.type
    baud = int(args.baud)
    mac = args.write_mac

    if addr == 'auto' and ('send' in args.actions
                           or 'send-receive' in args.actions):
        addr = read_ipv6_addr(port, addr_prefix)

    if template == 'auto' and firmware:
        template = parse_template_filename(firmware)

    print "------------------"
    print "port:", port, "@", baud
    print "address:", addr
    print "template:", template
    print "firmware:", firmware
    print "nodetype:", nodetype
    print "------------------"

    rdf = None
    if template and template != 'auto':
        ns = vars(args)
        ns.update({'addr': addr})
        rdf = parse_rdftemplate(template, ns)

    for action in args.actions:
        if action == 'flash':
            flash_node(port, firmware)
        elif action == 'write-mac':
            write_mac(port, mac)
        elif action == 'send':
            send(port, rdf, False, nodetype, baud)
        elif action == 'send-receive':
            send(port, rdf, True, nodetype, baud)
        elif action == 'print-rdf':
            for elem in rdf:
                print elem
        elif action == 'receive':
            receive(port, nodetype, baud)
        elif action == 'test':
            test(port, nodetype, baud)
def main():
	args = parse_arguments()
	addr = args.addr
	addr_prefix = args.addr_prefix
	port = args.port
	firmware = args.firmware
	template = args.template
	nodetype = args.type
	baud = int(args.baud)
	mac = args.write_mac
	if addr == 'auto' and ('send' in args.actions or 'send-receive' in args.actions):
		addr = read_ipv6_addr(port, addr_prefix)
	if template == 'auto' and firmware:
		template = parse_template_filename(firmware)

	print "------------------"
	print "port:", port, "@", baud
	print "address:", addr
	print "template:", template
	print "firmware:", firmware
	print "nodetype:", nodetype
	print "------------------"
	rdf = None
	if template and template != 'auto':
		ns = vars(args)
		ns.update({'addr': addr})
		rdf = parse_rdftemplate(template, ns)

	for action in args.actions:
		if action == 'flash':
			flash_node(port, firmware)
		elif action == 'write-mac':
			write_mac(port, mac)
		elif action == 'send':
			send(port, rdf, False, nodetype, baud)
		elif action == 'send-receive':
			send(port, rdf, True, nodetype, baud)
		elif action == 'print-rdf':
			for elem in rdf:
				print elem
		elif action == 'receive':
			receive(port, nodetype, baud)
		elif action == 'test':
			test(port, nodetype, baud)