def get_rrd_data(self,hostname): try: rrd_url = "http://"+self.xs_username+":"+self.xs_password+"@"+hostname rrd_parameters = {} rrd_data = parse_rrd.RRDUpdates() rrd_data.refresh(rrd_url,rrd_parameters) except Exception, e: raise
def check_cpu(session, args): warning = args["warning"] critical = args["critical"] import parse_rrd params = {} hosts = params['cf'] = "AVERAGE" params['start'] = int(time.time()) - 300 params['interval'] = 5 params['host'] = "true" perfdata = {} for host in hosts: v= [] url = rrd_updates = parse_rrd.RRDUpdates() rrd_updates.refresh(session.handle, params, url) paramList = ['cpu'+session.xenapi.host_cpu.get_record(i)['number'] for i in session.xenapi.host_cpu.get_all_records() if host in session.xenapi.host_cpu.get_record(i)['host'] ] latest_row = get_latest_row(rrd_updates) for param in rrd_updates.get_host_param_list(): if param in paramList: v.append(float(rrd_updates.get_host_data(param, latest_row))) perfdata[] = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, v)/len(v) exitcode = 0 globalperf = 0 for perf in perfdata: globalperf += perfdata[perf] if perfdata[perf] > float(critical)/100: exitcode = 2 prefix = "CRITICAL: CPU " elif perfdata[perf] > float(warning)/100: exitcode = 1 prefix = "WARNING: CPU " else: exitcode = 0 prefix = "OK: CPU " globalperf = globalperf / len(perfdata) print prefix + "| 'used_cpu'="+str(round(globalperf, 2)*100)+"%;" + str(warning)+"%;" + str(critical)+"%;0%;100%;\n"+\ ";\n".join([host+" Used CPU = "+str(round(perfdata[host],2)*100) for host in perfdata]) + "%; |" +\ " ".join(["'"+host+"_used_cpu'="+str(round(perfdata[host],2)*100)+"%;"+str(warning)+"%;" + str(critical)+"%;0%;100%" for host in perfdata]) sys.exit(exitcode)
def __init__(self): self.params = {} self.url = "http://localhost" self.x = XenAPI.xapi_local() try: self.x.login_with_password("root", "password") self.xapi = self.x.xenapi self.rrd_updates = parse_rrd.RRDUpdates() self.params['cf'] = "AVERAGE" self.params['start'] = int(time.time()) - 10 self.params['interval'] = 5 self.params['host'] = "true" self.rrd_updates.refresh(self.x.handle, self.params, self.url) finally: self.x.logout()
def main(): url = "" session = XenAPI.Session(url) session.xenapi.login_with_password('root', 'VVTLiuztTP3F') rrd_updates = parse_rrd.RRDUpdates() params = {} params['cf'] = "AVERAGE" params['start'] = int(time.time()) - 10 params['interval'] = 5 params['host'] = "true" rrd_updates.refresh(session.handle, params, url) if params['host'] == 'true': print_latest_host_data(rrd_updates) for uuid in rrd_updates.get_vm_list(): print_latest_vm_data(rrd_updates, uuid) param = 'cpu0' data = build_vm_graph_data(rrd_updates, uuid, param) fh = open("%s-%s.dat" % (uuid, param), 'w') fh.write(data) fh.close()
def check_cpu(session, args): warning = args["warning"] critical = args["critical"] import parse_rrd params = {} hosts = params['cf'] = "AVERAGE" params['start'] = int(time.time()) - 300 params['interval'] = 5 params['host'] = "true" perfdata = {} for host in hosts: v = [] url = scheme + rrd_updates = parse_rrd.RRDUpdates() rrd_updates.refresh(session.handle, params, url) paramList = [ 'cpu' + session.xenapi.host_cpu.get_record(i)['number'] for i in session.xenapi.host_cpu.get_all_records() if host in session.xenapi.host_cpu.get_record(i)['host'] ] for param in rrd_updates.get_host_param_list(): if param in paramList: max_time = 0 data = "" for row in range(rrd_updates.get_nrows()): epoch = rrd_updates.get_row_time(row) dv = str(rrd_updates.get_host_data(param, row)) if epoch > max_time: max_time = epoch data = dv if data == "": data = 0 v.append(float(data)) perfdata[] = reduce( lambda x, y: x + y, v) / len(v) exitcode = 0 globalperf = 0 for perf in perfdata: globalperf += perfdata[perf] if perfdata[perf] > float(critical) / 100: exitcode = 2 prefix = "CRITICAL - CPU: " elif perfdata[perf] > float(warning) / 100: exitcode = 1 prefix = "WARNING - CPU: " else: exitcode = 0 prefix = "OK - CPU: " globalperf = globalperf / len(perfdata) # print prefix + "| used_cpu="+str(round(globalperf, 2)*100)+"%;" + str(warning)+"%;" + str(critical)+"%\n"+\ # "\n".join([host+" Used CPU = "+str(round(perfdata[host],2)*100)+"%" for host in perfdata]) + " | " +\ # "\n".join([host+"_used_cpu="+str(round(perfdata[host],2)*100)+"%;"+str(warning)+"%;" + str(critical)+"%" for host in perfdata]) print prefix + ", ".join([host+" CPU = "+str(round(perfdata[host],2)*100)+"%" for host in perfdata]) + " | " + \ "average_used_cpu=" + str(round(globalperf, 2)*100) + "%;" + str(warning) + "%;" + str(critical) + "% " + \ " ".join([host+"_used_cpu="+str(round(perfdata[host],2)*100)+"%;"+str(warning)+"%;" + str(critical)+"%" for host in perfdata]) sys.exit(exitcode)
def run(self): sys.stderr.write('xen2monitis \n') sys.stderr.flush() # gets last time try: time_file except NameError: time_file = ('/usr/local/lib/xen2monitis/time.file') last_time = get_last_time(time_file) try: secret_file except NameError: secret_file = ('/usr/local/lib/xen2monitis/secret') while True: # reads secretes from given file try: secrets = open(secret_file).read().rstrip('/n').split(',') secrets = [v.strip() for v in secrets] except Exception: secrets = [] try: key = secrets[0] secret = secrets[1] except IndexError: sys.stderr.write( "Information necessary to connect to Monitis API not define in secret file\n" ) self.delpid() sys.exit(2) try: password = secrets[2] except IndexError: sys.stderr.write( "Password necessary to connect to XenServer not define in secret file\n" ) self.delpid() sys.exit(2) # establishes connection to Monitis mon_obj = monitis_connection(key, secret) # creates new object for data updates rrd_updates = parse_rrd.RRDUpdates() # dictionary (as in original example) to update default value params = {} params['cf'] = "AVERAGE" params['interval'] = 60 params['host'] = 'true' params['start'] = last_time try: xs_url except NameError: xs_url = 'http://localhost' # establish connection to XenServer xs_conn, xs_token = xs_connection(password, xs_url) # update data rrd_updates.refresh(xs_token, params, xs_url) # LOOP TO ADD RESULTS FOR HOSTS if params['host'] == 'true': # LOOP OVER for host_ref in['Value']: # LOOP OVER ALL HOSTS for param_name in rrd_updates.get_host_param_list(): vm_uuid = rrd_updates.get_host_uuid() monitor_name = "%s - %s (HOST: %s)" % ( xs_token, host_ref)['Value'], param_name, vm_uuid) sys.stderr.write(monitor_name + '\n') if monitor_name not in mon_obj.dictMonitors().keys(): mon_obj.addMonitor( name=monitor_name, resultParams='1m: 1 Min. Average: :4', tag='XenServer') for row in range(rrd_updates.get_nrows()): data = str( rrd_updates.get_host_data(param_name, row)) data_time = str( rrd_updates.get_row_time(row) * 1000) monitor_id = mon_obj.dictMonitors( )[monitor_name][0] mon_obj.addResult(monitorId=monitor_id, result='1m:' + data, checkTime=data_time) # LOOP TO ADD RESULTS FOR VM # LOOP OVER ALL VMs for vm_uuid in rrd_updates.get_vm_list(): # LOOP OVER ALL PARAMS FOR GIVEN VM for param_name in rrd_updates.get_vm_param_list(vm_uuid): # check if monitor exist vm_ref = xs_conn.VM.get_by_uuid(xs_token, vm_uuid)['Value'] monitor_name = "%s - %s (VM: %s)" % ( xs_conn.VM.get_name_label( xs_token, vm_ref)['Value'], param_name, vm_uuid) sys.stderr.write(monitor_name + '\n') if monitor_name not in mon_obj.dictMonitors().keys(): mon_obj.addMonitor( name=monitor_name, resultParams='1m: 1 Min. Average: :4', tag='XenServer') # ALL RESULT NEWER THAN LAST CHECK for row in range(rrd_updates.get_nrows()): data = str( rrd_updates.get_vm_data(vm_uuid, param_name, row)) data_time = str(rrd_updates.get_row_time(row) * 1000) monitor_id = mon_obj.dictMonitors()[monitor_name][0] mon_obj.addResult( monitorId=monitor_id, result='1m:' + data, checkTime=data_time ) #what is check time - I think it what I expect it is. # update time of operation try: open(time_file, 'w').write("%d" % time.time()) except IOError as e: sys.stderr.write("PROBLEM WITH TIME FILE\n %s" % e)