class splitSELAFIN():
    def __init__(self,

        print '\n... Acquiring global files'
        # ~~> Acquire global CONLIM file
        print '    +> CONLIM file'
        self.clm = CONLIM(CLMfileName)
        self.isCONLIM = splitCONLIM

        # ~~> Acquire global SELAFIN file
        print '    +> SELAFIN file'
        self.slf = SELAFIN(SLFfileName)

        # ~~> Acquire global SELAFIN file
        if SEQfileName != '':
            print '    +> SEQUENCE file'
            self.NPARTS, self.NSPLIT, self.KSPLIT = self.getSplitFromSequence(
                np.array(getFileContent(SEQfileName), dtype='<i4'))
            self.NPARTS, self.NSPLIT, self.KSPLIT = self.getSplitFromNodeValues(

        print '\n... Split by elements in ', self.NPARTS, ' parts\n'

        # ~~> Clean inconsistencies in boundary segments
        self.IPOBO, self.NSPLIT, self.KSPLIT = self.setSplitForBoundaries(
            self.NSPLIT, self.clm.KFRGL, self.KSPLIT)

        self.PINTER,self.PNHALO,self.PNODDS = \
           self.setSplitForElements( self.IPOBO,self.NPARTS,self.NSPLIT,self.KSPLIT )
        self.slfn = self.copyCommonData()

        # ~~> Optional output file names
        self.isDOMAIN = DOMfileRoot

    #   Make a copy of common information for sub-meshes
    def copyCommonData(self):

        SLFn = SELAFIN('')
        #   Meta data
        SLFn.TITLE = self.slf.TITLE
        SLFn.file = self.slf.file
        SLFn.IPARAM = self.slf.IPARAM
        #   Time
        SLFn.DATETIME = self.slf.DATETIME
        SLFn.tags = self.slf.tags
        #   Variables
        SLFn.NBV1 = self.slf.NBV1
        SLFn.VARNAMES = self.slf.VARNAMES
        SLFn.VARUNITS = self.slf.VARUNITS
        SLFn.NBV2 = self.slf.NBV2
        SLFn.CLDNAMES = self.slf.CLDNAMES
        SLFn.CLDUNITS = self.slf.CLDUNITS
        SLFn.NVAR = self.slf.NVAR
        SLFn.VARINDEX = range(self.slf.NVAR)
        #   Unchanged numbers
        SLFn.NPLAN = self.slf.NPLAN
        SLFn.NDP = self.slf.NDP

        return SLFn

    #   Split based on a sequence of parts, one for each element (result from METIS)
    def getSplitFromSequence(self, KSPLIT):

        # ~~> NPARTS is the number of parts /!\ does not check continuity vs. missing parts
        NPARTS = max(*KSPLIT)

        NSPLIT = np.zeros(self.slf.NPOIN3, dtype=np.int)
        for part in range(NPARTS):
            k = np.compress(KSPLIT == (part + 1), range(len(self.slf.IKLE)))
            NSPLIT[self.slf.IKLE[k]] = KSPLIT[k]

        return NPARTS, NSPLIT - 1, KSPLIT - 1

    #   Split based on the variable PROCESSORS, defined at the nodes
    def getSplitFromNodeValues(self, var):

        # ~~> Filter for 'PROCESSORS' as input to the getVariablesAt method
        i, vn = subsetVariablesSLF(var, self.slf.VARNAMES)
        if i == []:
            print '... Could not find ', var, ', you may need another split method'
        # ~~> NSPLIT is the interger value of the variable PROCESSORS (time frame 0)
        NSPLIT = np.array( \
           getVariablesAt( self.slf.file,self.slf.tags,0,self.slf.NVAR,self.slf.NPOIN3,i )[0], \

        # ~~> NPARTS is the number of parts /!\ does not check continuity vs. missing parts
        NPARTS = max(*NSPLIT) + 1  # User numbering NSPLIT starts from 0

        KSPLIT = np.minimum(*(NSPLIT[self.slf.IKLE].T))

        return NPARTS, NSPLIT, KSPLIT

    def setSplitForBoundaries(self, NSPLIT, KFRGL, KSPLIT):

        # ~~> Join up the global boundary nodes with the halo elements
        IPOBO = np.zeros(self.slf.NPOIN3, dtype=np.int)
        IPOBO[KFRGL.keys()] = np.array(
            dtype=np.int) + 1  # this is so the nonzero search is easier

        # ~~> Cross check partition quality -- step 1
        found = True
        nloop = 0
        while found:
            found = False
            nloop += 1
            for k in range(len(self.slf.IKLE)):
                e = self.slf.IKLE[k]
                if KSPLIT[k] != max(NSPLIT[e]):
                    for p1, p2, p3 in zip([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 0, 1]):
                        if NSPLIT[e[p1]] != KSPLIT[k] and NSPLIT[
                                e[p2]] != KSPLIT[k]:
                            if IPOBO[e[p1]] != 0 and IPOBO[e[p2]] != 0:
                                print '       ~> correcting boundary segment at iteration: ', nloop, (
                                    e[p1], e[p2]), k, KSPLIT[k], e, NSPLIT[e]
                                NSPLIT[e[p1]] = NSPLIT[e[p3]]
                                NSPLIT[e[p2]] = NSPLIT[e[p3]]
                                KSPLIT[k] = NSPLIT[e[p3]]
                                found = True

        # ~~> Cross check partition quality -- step 2
        found = True
        nloop = 0
        while found:
            found = False
            nloop += 1
            for k in range(len(self.slf.IKLE)):
                e = self.slf.IKLE[k]
                if min(NSPLIT[e]) != max(NSPLIT[e]) and KSPLIT[k] != min(
                    print '       ~> correcting internal segment at iteration: ', nloop, k, KSPLIT[
                        k], e, NSPLIT[e]
                    KSPLIT[k] = min(NSPLIT[e])
                    found = True

        return IPOBO, NSPLIT, KSPLIT

    #   Split based on the variable PROCESSORS, defined at the nodes
    def setSplitForElements(self, IPOBO, NPARTS, NSPLIT, KSPLIT):

        SNHALO = dict([(i, []) for i in range(NPARTS)])
        PNODDS = dict([(i, []) for i in range(NPARTS)])
        SINTER = dict([(i, []) for i in range(NPARTS)])

        # ~~> Internal segments separating parts
        pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=len(self.slf.IKLE)).start()
        for k in range(len(self.slf.IKLE)):
            e = self.slf.IKLE[k]
            # Case 1: you are at an internal boundary element
            if KSPLIT[k] != max(NSPLIT[e]):
                for p1, p2 in zip([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0]):
                    if NSPLIT[e[p1]] != KSPLIT[k] and NSPLIT[
                            e[p2]] != KSPLIT[k]:
                        SINTER[KSPLIT[k]].append((e[p1], e[p2]))
                        SINTER[min(NSPLIT[e[p1]], NSPLIT[e[p2]])].append(
                            (e[p2], e[p1]))
            # Case 2: you may be at an external boundary element
            if np.count_nonzero(IPOBO[e]) > 1:
                for p1, p2 in zip([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0]):
                    if IPOBO[e[p1]] != 0 and IPOBO[
                            e[p2]] != 0:  # multiplier is not possible
                        if IPOBO[e[p1]] + 1 == IPOBO[e[p2]]:
                            SNHALO[KSPLIT[k]].append((e[p1], e[p2]))
                            PNODDS[KSPLIT[k]].append([e[p1], e[p2]])

        # ~~> Clean-up of funny segments looping on themselves
        for part in range(NPARTS):

            # ~~> Quickly checking through to remove duplicate segments
            found = True
            while found:
                found = False
                INTER = np.array(SINTER[part], dtype=[('h', int), ('t', int)])
                HEADT = np.argsort(INTER['h'])
                HLINK = np.searchsorted(INTER['h'][HEADT], INTER['t'][HEADT])
                w = 0
                while w < len(HLINK):
                    if HLINK[w] < len(HLINK):
                        if INTER['h'][HEADT[w]] == INTER['t'][HEADT[
                                HLINK[w]]] and INTER['t'][
                                    HEADT[w]] == INTER['h'][HEADT[HLINK[w]]]:
                            print '       ~> Removing dupicate segments in part: ', part, SINTER[
                                part][HEADT[w]], SINTER[part][HEADT[HLINK[w]]]
                            if HEADT[w] > HEADT[HLINK[w]]:
                            found = True
                    w += 1

        return SINTER, SNHALO, PNODDS

    def getIKLE(self, npart):

        # ~~> get IKLE for that part ... still with global element numbers
        GIKLE = np.compress(self.KSPLIT == npart, self.slf.IKLE, axis=0)
        KELLG = np.compress(self.KSPLIT == npart,
        # ~~> KNOLG(NPOIN3) gives the global node number such that
        #   for i = 1,NPOIN3: Fwrite(i) = Fread(KNOLG(i)) and is ordered
        KNOLG, indices = np.unique(np.ravel(GIKLE), return_index=True)
        KNOGL = dict(zip(KNOLG, range(len(KNOLG))))
        LIKLE = -np.ones_like(GIKLE, dtype=np.int)
        pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=len(GIKLE)).start()
        for k in range(len(GIKLE)):
            LIKLE[k] = [
                KNOGL[GIKLE[k][0]], KNOGL[GIKLE[k][1]], KNOGL[GIKLE[k][2]]

        return LIKLE, KELLG, KNOLG

    def resetPartition(self, part, PINTER, KSPLIT):

        MASKER = np.zeros(self.slf.NPOIN3, dtype=np.int)
        for p in PINTER:
            MASKER[p] = np.arange(len(p)) + 1  # PINTER is ordered

        KIKLE = np.compress(
            np.maximum(*(MASKER[self.slf.IKLE].T)) >= 0,
        #KIKLE = np.compress(np.count_nonzero(MASKER[self.slf.IKLE],axis=1)>2,range(len(self.slf.IKLE))) # /!\ does not work ?
        pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=len(KIKLE)).start()
        for k in KIKLE:
            e = self.slf.IKLE[k]
            if np.count_nonzero(MASKER[e]) < 2 or KSPLIT[k] == part: continue
            for p1, p2 in zip([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0]):
                if MASKER[e[p1]] > 0 and MASKER[e[p2]] > 0 and MASKER[
                        e[p2]] > MASKER[e[p1]]:
                    print '       ~> Warning for element of part: ', part, '(was:', KSPLIT[
                        k], ') ', k, e
                    #KSPLIT[k] = part

        return KSPLIT

    def joinPairs(self, polyLines):

        INTER = np.array(polyLines, dtype=[('h', int), ('t', int)])
        IDONE = np.ones(len(polyLines), dtype=np.int)
        polyA = []
        polyZ = []
        polyL = []

        # ~~> Finding the endings
        HEADT = np.argsort(
            INTER['h'])  # knowing that INTER[HEADT] is sorted by the head
        HLINK = np.searchsorted(
            INTER['t'][HEADT])  # INTER['h'][HEADT] is sorted
        # ... HLINK[w] for w in INTER['t'] gives you the position of INTER['t'][w] in INTER['h'][HEADT]
        w = min(np.compress(np.not_equal(IDONE, IDONE * 0), range(len(HEADT))))
        po = INTER['h'][HEADT[w]]
        pe = INTER['t'][HEADT[w]]
        IDONE[w] = 0
        swapMinMax = True
        while True:
            if HLINK[w] < len(INTER):
                if INTER['t'][HEADT][w] == INTER['h'][HEADT][HLINK[w]]:
                    w = HLINK[w]
                    pe = INTER['t'][HEADT][w]
                    IDONE[w] = 0
            if pe not in polyA:
                if HLINK[w] < len(INTER):
                    if INTER['t'][HEADT][w] != po and INTER['t'][HEADT][
                            w] == INTER['h'][HEADT][HLINK[w]]:
                if po == pe: polyL.append(pe)
                    if pe not in polyZ: polyZ.append(pe)
            if np.count_nonzero(IDONE) == 0: break
            if swapMinMax:
                w = max(
                    np.compress(np.not_equal(IDONE, IDONE * 0),
                w = min(
                    np.compress(np.not_equal(IDONE, IDONE * 0),
            swapMinMax = not swapMinMax
            po = INTER['h'][HEADT[w]]
            pe = INTER['t'][HEADT[w]]
            IDONE[w] = 0

        # ~~> Finding the sources
        TAILT = np.argsort(
            INTER['t'])  # knowing that INTER[TAILT] is sorted by the tail
        TLINK = np.searchsorted(
            INTER['h'][TAILT])  # INTER['h'][HEADT] is sorted
        # ... TLINK[w] for w in polyZ gives you the position of polyZ[w] in INTER['t'][TAILT]

        polyGones = []
        # ~~> Finding the sources of non-looping lines
        TAILS = np.searchsorted(INTER['t'][TAILT], polyZ)
        for w in TAILS:
            p = [INTER['t'][TAILT[w]]]
            while True:
                if INTER['h'][TAILT][w] == INTER['t'][TAILT][TLINK[w]]:
                    po = [INTER['h'][TAILT][w]]
                    p = po
                    w = TLINK[w]
                if TLINK[w] < len(INTER):
                    if INTER['h'][TAILT][w] == INTER['t'][TAILT][TLINK[w]]:
                po = [INTER['h'][TAILT][w]]
                p = po

        # ~~> Finding the sources of looping lines
        LOOPS = np.searchsorted(INTER['t'][TAILT], polyL)
        for w in LOOPS:
            p = [INTER['t'][TAILT[w]]]
            while True:
                if INTER['h'][TAILT][w] == INTER['t'][TAILT][TLINK[w]]:
                    po = [INTER['h'][TAILT][w]]
                    p = po
                    w = TLINK[w]
                if INTER['h'][TAILT][w] != p[len(p) - 1]: continue
                po = [INTER['h'][TAILT][w]]
                p = po

        return polyGones

    def joinSegments(self, polyLines):

        polyGones = []
        maxbar = max(len(polyLines), 1)
        pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=maxbar).start()
        while polyLines != []:
            # ~~> starting point
            e = polyLines[0]
            le = len(e)
            a, b = e[0], e[len(e) - 1]
            # ~~> case of closed line
            if a == b:
                    e[0:len(e)])  # /!\ here you keep the duplicated point
            # ~~> iterative process
            for ei, iline in zip(polyLines[1:], range(len(polyLines))[1:]):
                # ~~> merging the two segments
                if b == ei[0]:
                    polyLines[0] = e[0:len(e)]  # copy !
                if a == ei[len(ei) - 1]:
                    polyLines[0] = ei[0:len(ei)]  # copy !
            # ~~> completed search
            if le == len(polyLines[0]):
            pbar.update(maxbar - len(polyLines))

        return polyGones

    def tetrisOddSegments(self, main, odds):

        polyGones = []
        lo = len(odds)
        while main != []:
            # ~~> starting point
            e = main[0]
            le = len(e)
            a, b = e[0], e[len(e) - 1]
            # ~~> case of closed line
            if a == b:
                    e[0:len(e)])  # /!\ here you keep the duplicated point
            # ~~> iterative process
            for ei, iline in zip(odds, range(len(odds))):
                # ~~> merging the two segments
                if b == ei[0]:
                    main[0] = e[0:len(e)]
                if a == ei[len(ei) - 1]:
                    main[0] = ei[0:len(ei)]
            # ~~> completed search
            if le == len(main[0]):

        # ~~> removing the over-constrained elements
        for p in polyGones:
            if len(p) > 3:
                j = 2
                while j < len(p):
                    if p[j - 2] == p[j]:
                        p.pop(j - 2)
                        p.pop(j - 2)
                    j += 1

        return polyGones

    #   Filter poly according to IPOBO on that part.
    #   ~> gloseg: is the ensemble of either closed islands or
    #      open external boundary segments
    #   Note: filtering now seems to mean that to have done a lot of work for nothing
    def globalSegments(self, poly):
        gloseg = []
        for p in poly:
            pA = p[0]
            pZ = p[len(p) - 1]
            closed = False
            if pA == pZ and self.IPOBO[pA] != 0: closed = True
            iA = 0
            iZ = 0
            ploseg = []
            for i in p:
                if self.IPOBO[
                        i] != 0:  # moves the counter along for external points
                    iZ += 1
                elif iZ != 0:  # you have just found the end of an external segment
                    ploseg.append(p[iA:iA + iZ])
                    iA += iZ + 1
                    iZ = 0
                    iA += 1
            if iZ != 0:
                if closed and len(ploseg) > 0:
                    i = p[iA:iA + iZ]
                    i.extend(ploseg[0][1:])  # remove duplicate
                    ploseg[0] = i
                    ploseg.append(p[iA:iA + iZ])
        return gloseg

    def putContent(self):

        # ~~> Extension for parallel file names
        fmtn = '00000' + str(self.NPARTS - 1)
        fmtn = fmtn[len(fmtn) - 5:]

        print '\n... Split the boundary connectivity'
        # ~~> Assemble internal and external segments
        polyCLOSED = dict([(i, []) for i in range(self.NPARTS)])
        polyFILTER = dict([(i, []) for i in range(self.NPARTS)])
        polyGLOSED = []
        for part in range(self.NPARTS):  # this could be done in parallel

            print '    +> Joining up boundary segments for part: ', part + 1
            # ~~> Joining up boundaries for sub-domains
            print '       ~> main internal segments'
            self.PINTER[part] = self.joinPairs(self.PINTER[part])
            print '       ~> main external segments'
            polyHALO = self.joinPairs(self.PNHALO[part])
            polyHALO = self.joinSegments(polyHALO)
            print '       ~> odd segments'
            polyODDS = self.joinSegments(self.PNODDS[part])
            print '       ~> stitching with the odd ones'
            polyGones = self.tetrisOddSegments(polyHALO, polyODDS)
            print '       ~> final closure'
            polyCLOSED[part] = self.joinSegments(polyGones)

            # ~~> Building up the entire picture
            polyFILTER[part] = self.globalSegments(polyCLOSED[part])

        # ~~> Joining up boundaries for the global domain (Note: seems counter productive but is not)
        polyGLOSED = self.joinSegments(polyGLOSED)

        if self.isDOMAIN != '':
            print '\n... Printing the domain split into a series of i2s files'
            # ~~> Convert node numbers into x,y
            for part in range(self.NPARTS):
                print '    +> part ', part + 1, ' of ', self.NPARTS
                polyXY = []
                for pg in range(len(polyCLOSED[part])):
                    pxy = []
                    for pt in range(len(polyCLOSED[part][pg])):
                        n = polyCLOSED[part][pg][pt]
                        pxy.append([self.slf.MESHX[n], self.slf.MESHY[n]])
                # ~~> Write polygons to double check
                fmti = '00000' + str(part)
                fmti = fmti[len(fmti) - 5:]
                fileName = path.join(
                    self.isDOMAIN + fmtn + '-' + fmti + '.i2s')
                putInS(fileName, [], 'i2s', polyXY)

            # ~~> Convert node numbers into x,y
            polyXY = []
            for pg in range(len(polyGLOSED)):
                pxy = []
                for pt in range(len(polyGLOSED[pg])):
                    n = polyGLOSED[pg][pt]
                    pxy.append([self.slf.MESHX[n], self.slf.MESHY[n]])
            # ~~> Write polygons to double check
            fileName = path.join(path.dirname(self.slf.fileName),
                                 self.isDOMAIN + '.i2s')
            putInS(fileName, [], 'i2s', polyXY)

        print '\n... Final check to the element partitioning'
        for part in range(self.NPARTS):  # this could be done in parallel
            self.KSPLIT = self.resetPartition(part, self.PINTER[part],

        if self.isDOMAIN != '':
            # ~~> This is optional
            print '\n... Printing the domain split into a SELAFIN'
            fileRoot, fileExts = path.splitext(self.slf.fileName)
            self.slf.fole = open(fileRoot + '_PROCS' + fileExts, 'wb')
            appendCoreTimeSLF(self.slf, 0)
            VARSOR = self.slf.getVALUES(0)
            for v in range(self.slf.NVAR):
                VARSOR[v] = self.NSPLIT
            appendCoreVarsSLF(self.slf, VARSOR)

        print '\n... Storing the global liquid boundary numbering (NUMLIQ)'
        # ~~> Implying NUMLIQ and the number NFRLIQ based on the joined-up lines

        print '\n... Split the mesh connectivity'
        # ~~> Preliminary set up for LIKLE, KNOLG and KEMLG by parts
        LIKLE = dict([(i, []) for i in range(self.NPARTS)])
        KELLG = dict([(i, []) for i in range(self.NPARTS)])
        KNOLG = dict([(i, []) for i in range(self.NPARTS)])
        for part in range(self.NPARTS):
            print '    +> re-ordering IKLE for part ', part + 1
            LIKLE[part], KELLG[part], KNOLG[part] = self.getIKLE(part)

        # ~~> CONLIM file: Preliminary set up of IFAPAR and ISEG for all parts
        IFAPAR = dict([(i, {}) for i in range(self.NPARTS)])

        ISEG = {}
        #   Organising ISEG for easier call: part 1
        for part in range(self.NPARTS):
            for i in polyFILTER[part]:
                if i[0] == i[len(i) - 1]:
                    continue  # /!\ you are here adding one !
                if i[0] in ISEG.keys(): ISEG[i[0]].update({part: i[1] + 1})
                else: ISEG.update({i[0]: {part: i[1] + 1}})
                if i[len(i) - 1] in ISEG.keys():
                    ISEG[i[len(i) - 1]].update({part: -i[len(i) - 2] - 1})
                    ISEG.update({i[len(i) - 1]: {part: -i[len(i) - 2] - 1}})
        #   Switching parts of ISEG for final call: part 2
        for i in ISEG.keys():
            if len(ISEG[i]) != 2:
                print '... You have a boundary node surounded with more than two boundary segments: ', i
            parts = ISEG[i].keys()
            ISEG[i] = {
                parts[0]: ISEG[i][parts[1]],
                parts[1]: ISEG[i][parts[0]]

        # ~~> CONLIM file: Preliminary set up of NPTIR for all parts
        NPTIR = dict([(i, {}) for i in range(self.NPARTS)])
        for part in range(self.NPARTS):
            for p in self.PINTER[part]:
                NPTIR[part].update(dict([(i, []) for i in p]))
        parts = range(self.NPARTS)
        while parts != []:
            part = parts[0]
            for ip in NPTIR[part].keys():
                for ipart in parts:
                    if ip in NPTIR[ipart].keys():

        print '... Split of the SELAFIN file'
        for part in range(self.NPARTS):
            fmti = '00000' + str(part)
            fmti = fmti[len(fmti) - 5:]
            print '    +> part ', part + 1, ' of ', self.NPARTS

            self.slfn.IKLE = LIKLE[part]
            self.slfn.NELEM3 = len(LIKLE[part])
            self.slfn.NPOIN3 = len(KNOLG[part])
            # ~~> IPARAM has two new values: 8:NPTFR and 9:NPTIR
            self.slfn.IPARAM[7] = len(
            self.slfn.IPARAM[8] = len(NPTIR[part])
            # ~~> IPOBO (or IRAND) converted into KNOLG[part]
            self.slfn.IPOBO = KNOLG[part] + 1

            print '       ~> filtering the MESH'
            # ~~> GEO file: MESH coordinates
            self.slfn.MESHX = np.zeros(self.slfn.NPOIN3, dtype=np.float32)
            self.slfn.MESHY = np.zeros(self.slfn.NPOIN3, dtype=np.float32)
            self.slfn.MESHX = self.slf.MESHX[KNOLG[part]]
            self.slfn.MESHY = self.slf.MESHY[KNOLG[part]]

            # ~~> GEO file: File names
            fileRoot, fileExts = path.splitext(self.slf.fileName)
            self.slfn.fileName = fileRoot + fmtn + '-' + fmti + fileExts

            # ~~> GEO file: Printing
            print '       ~> printing: ', self.slfn.fileName
            self.slfn.fole = open(self.slfn.fileName, 'wb')
            LVARSOR = np.zeros((self.slfn.NVAR, self.slfn.NPOIN3),
            for t in range(len(self.slf.tags['times'])):
                appendCoreTimeSLF(self.slfn, t)
                VARSOR = self.slf.getVALUES(t)
                for v in range(self.slfn.NVAR):
                    LVARSOR[v] = VARSOR[v][KNOLG[part]]
                appendCoreVarsSLF(self.slfn, LVARSOR)

        if not self.isCONLIM: return

        print '\n... Connect elements across internal boundaries (IFAPAR)'
        for part in range(self.NPARTS):
            print '    +> part ', part + 1, ' of ', self.NPARTS
            # ~~> CONLIM file: Preliminary set up of PEHALO elements accross internal boundaries
            PEHALO = {}
            SEHALO = {}
            #   Step 1: find out about the primary elements and loop through IKLE
            self.NSPLIT *= 0
            MASKER = NPTIR[part].keys()
            self.NSPLIT[MASKER] += 1

            print '       ~> Assembling primary elements with other side'
            # Sub Step 1: Assembling all edges from the other sides
            maxbar = 0
            ibar = 0
            for ip in range(self.NPARTS):
                maxbar += len(LIKLE[ip])
            pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=maxbar).start()
            for otherpart in range(self.NPARTS):
                if otherpart == part:
                    continue  # all parts are still positive at this stage
                for k in range(len(LIKLE[otherpart])):
                    ibar += 1
                    e = self.slf.IKLE[KELLG[otherpart][k]]
                    if np.count_nonzero(self.NSPLIT[e]) < 2: continue
                    for p1, p2 in zip([1, 2, 0], [
                            0, 1, 2
                    ]):  # reverse order because looking from the other side
                        if self.NSPLIT[e[p1]] > 0 and self.NSPLIT[e[p2]] > 0:
                            if not PEHALO.has_key((e[p1], e[p2])):
                                PEHALO.update({(e[p1], e[p2]): [0, []]})
                            PEHALO[(e[p1], e[p2])][1].append(k)
                            PEHALO[(e[p1], e[p2])][1].append(otherpart)
            # Sub Step 2: Assembling all edges from the primary side (there are three times more of them)
            for k in range(len(LIKLE[part])):
                ibar += 1
                j = KELLG[part][k]
                e = self.slf.IKLE[j]
                if np.count_nonzero(self.NSPLIT[e]) < 2: continue
                for p1, p2, p3 in zip([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 0, 1]):
                    if self.NSPLIT[e[p1]] > 0 and self.NSPLIT[e[p2]] > 0:
                        if PEHALO.has_key(
                             e[p2])):  # the good side opposes the dark side
                            PEHALO[(e[p1], e[p2])][0] = k
                            if self.NSPLIT[e[p3]] == 0: self.NSPLIT[e[p3]] = -1
                            if self.NSPLIT[e[p3]] == -1:
                                if not SEHALO.has_key((e[p1], e[p3])):
                                    SEHALO.update({(e[p1], e[p3]): []})
                                SEHALO[(e[p1], e[p3])].append(k)
                                if not SEHALO.has_key((e[p2], e[p3])):
                                    SEHALO.update({(e[p2], e[p3]): []})
                                SEHALO[(e[p2], e[p3])].append(k)
                            else:  # self.NSPLIT[e[p3]] must be 2 !
                                if not SEHALO.has_key((e[p3], e[p1])):
                                    SEHALO.update({(e[p3], e[p1]): []})
                                if k not in SEHALO[(e[p3], e[p1])]:
                                    SEHALO[(e[p3], e[p1])].append(k)
                                if not SEHALO.has_key((e[p2], e[p3])):
                                    SEHALO.update({(e[p2], e[p3]): []})
                                if k not in SEHALO[(e[p2], e[p3])]:
                                    SEHALO[(e[p2], e[p3])].append(k)
                            if self.KSPLIT[j] >= 0:
                                self.KSPLIT[j] = -(
                                    self.KSPLIT[j] + 1
                                )  # /!\ This is very dangerous but necessary
            # Sub Step 3: Final clean up of the other side ? no need but check later for (ei)[0] == 0
            #   Step 2: find out about the secondary elements on IKLE ( local LIKLE ? )
            print '       ~> Assembling secondary elements of that side'
            pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=len(LIKLE[part])).start()
            for k in range(len(LIKLE[part])):
                j = KELLG[part][k]
                e = self.slf.IKLE[j]
                if self.KSPLIT[j] != part: continue
                if np.count_nonzero(self.NSPLIT[e]) < 2: continue
                for i in [0, 1, 2]:
                    ii = (i + 1) % 3
                    if self.NSPLIT[e[i]] > 0 and self.NSPLIT[
                            e[ii]] < 0 and SEHALO.has_key((e[i], e[ii])):
                        SEHALO[(e[i], e[ii])].append(k)  # correct orientation
                    if self.NSPLIT[e[i]] > 0 and self.NSPLIT[
                            e[ii]] > 0 and SEHALO.has_key((e[ii], e[i])):
                        SEHALO[(e[ii], e[i])].append(k)  # opposite orientation
                    ii = (i + 2) % 3
                    if self.NSPLIT[e[i]] > 0 and self.NSPLIT[
                            e[ii]] < 0 and SEHALO.has_key((e[i], e[ii])):
                        SEHALO[(e[i], e[ii])].append(k)  # correct orientation
                    if self.NSPLIT[e[i]] > 0 and self.NSPLIT[
                            e[ii]] > 0 and SEHALO.has_key((e[i], e[ii])):
                        SEHALO[(e[i], e[ii])].append(k)  # opposite orientation
                if self.KSPLIT[j] < 0:
                        j] = -self.KSPLIT[j] - 1  # /!\ back to a safe place
            #   Step 3: finally cross reference information between SEHALO and PEHALO
            print '       ~> Combining sides surrounding the halo-elements'
            for ie in PEHALO.keys():
                if PEHALO[ie][0] == 0: continue
                k = PEHALO[ie][0]  # element number in its local part numbering
                if not IFAPAR[part].has_key(k):
                    IFAPAR[part].update({k: [-2, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1]})
                j = KELLG[part][k]
                e = self.slf.IKLE[j]
                for p1, p2 in zip([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0]):
                    if SEHALO.has_key((e[p1], e[p2])):
                        if len(SEHALO[(e[p1], e[p2])]) > 1:
                            if SEHALO[(e[p1], e[p2])][0] == k:
                                IFAPAR[part][k][2 * p1] = SEHALO[(e[p1],
                            if SEHALO[(e[p1], e[p2])][1] == k:
                                IFAPAR[part][k][2 * p1] = SEHALO[(e[p1],
                            IFAPAR[part][k][1 + 2 * p1] = part
                    if SEHALO.has_key((e[p2], e[p1])):
                        if len(SEHALO[(e[p2], e[p1])]) > 1:
                            if SEHALO[(e[p2], e[p1])][0] == k:
                                IFAPAR[part][k][2 * p1] = SEHALO[(e[p2],
                            if SEHALO[(e[p2], e[p1])][1] == k:
                                IFAPAR[part][k][2 * p1] = SEHALO[(e[p2],
                            IFAPAR[part][k][1 + 2 * p1] = part
                    if ie == (e[p1], e[p2]):
                        IFAPAR[part][k][2 * p1] = PEHALO[ie][1][0]
                        IFAPAR[part][k][1 + 2 * p1] = PEHALO[ie][1][1]

        # ~~> CONLIM file: Write to file ... pfuuuuuh ... this is it !
        print '\n... Split of the CONLIM files'
        for part in range(self.NPARTS):
            fmti = '00000' + str(part)
            fmti = fmti[len(fmti) - 5:]

            print '    +> part: ', part + 1, ' of ', self.NPARTS
            # ~~> CONLIM file: Set the filter
            INDEX = np.zeros_like(self.clm.INDEX, dtype=np.int)
            for contour in polyFILTER[part]:
                # ~~> Closed contour: no need to change ISEG
                if contour[0] == contour[len(contour) - 1]:
                    for c in contour[1:]:
                        INDEX[self.clm.KFRGL[c]] = self.clm.KFRGL[c] + 1
                # ~~> Open contour: need to change ISEG with neighbours
                    for c in contour[0:]:
                        INDEX[self.clm.KFRGL[c]] = self.clm.KFRGL[c] + 1
                    iA = self.clm.KFRGL[contour[0]]
                    self.clm.POR['is'][iA] = ISEG[contour[0]][part]
                    self.clm.POR['xs'][iA] = self.slf.MESHX[abs(
                        ISEG[contour[0]][part]) - 1]  # /!\ MESHX start at 0
                    self.clm.POR['ys'][iA] = self.slf.MESHY[abs(
                        ISEG[contour[0]][part]) - 1]  # /!\ MESHY start at 0
                    iA = self.clm.KFRGL[contour[len(contour) - 1]]
                    self.clm.POR['is'][iA] = ISEG[contour[len(contour) -
                    self.clm.POR['xs'][iA] = self.slf.MESHX[
                        abs(ISEG[contour[len(contour) - 1]][part]) - 1]
                    self.clm.POR['ys'][iA] = self.slf.MESHY[
                        abs(ISEG[contour[len(contour) - 1]][part]) - 1]
            self.clm.INDEX = INDEX

            # ~~> CONLIM file: Set the NPTIR and CUTs
            self.clm.NPTIR = NPTIR[part]

            # ~~> CONLIM file: Set the IFAPAR
            self.clm.IFAPAR = IFAPAR[part]

            # ~~> CONLIM file
            fileRoot, fileExts = path.splitext(self.clm.fileName)
            print '       ~> printing: ', fileRoot + fmtn + '-' + fmti + fileExts
            self.clm.putContent(fileRoot + fmtn + '-' + fmti + fileExts)
