def proto_from_txt(lab, args):
  #Create words
  proto = {"utt":[]}
  proto["id"] = lab[0].split("/")[-1]
  #Make words and look up in dictionary
  #If no parse exists (i.e. no pos tags) we will simply grab the first pronunciation we can find that is not reduced (if one exist).
  #We also forget the pos tag of that in the process.
  if not args.stanfordparse:
    for word in lab[1:]:
      proto["utt"].append({"id":word, "syllables":[args.dictionary.get_single_entry(word)]})
  else: #Else a parse should exist and we can get the pos tags from that.
    tree = parsetrees.stanfordtree()
    leafs = tree.get_leafs()
    #In this case we need to do some merging
    if len(leafs) != len(lab[1:]):
      print "WARNING! Merging not implemented yet - the current is a non-complete hack!"
      print "Check if this sentences was done correctly - {0}".format(proto["id"])
      for i, l in enumerate(lab[1:]):
        if l == "i'm":
          p2 = leafs[i+1].label.split("-")[0]
          leafs[i].label = leafs[i].label.split("-")[0]+"|"+p2+"-i'm"
    for i, leaf in enumerate(leafs):
      pos, word = leaf.label.lower().split("-")
      if word != lab[i+1]:
        print "ERROR: Parse and text does not match in {0}!".format(lab)
        print "{0} != {1}".format(word, lab[i+1])
      c_best = args.dictionary.get_single_entry(word)
      proto["utt"].append({"id":word, "syllables":[c_best]})
  #Make syllables and split dictionary format
  #Phony phoneme duration counter
  cur_dur = 0
  for word in proto["utt"]:
    sylls = [x.strip("()") for x in word["syllables"][0].split(") (")]
    word["syllables"] = []
    for syll in sylls:
      c_syll = {"id":"", "phonemes":[], "stress":None}
      syll = syll.split(") ")
      c_syll["stress"] = syll[1]
      #Make the phonemes
      for phon in syll[0].split():
        c_phon = {"id":None, "stress":None, "start":None, "end":None}
        c_phon["id"] = phon
        c_phon["start"] = cur_dur
        #Add 100ms in HTK lab format
        cur_dur += 1000000
        c_phon["end"] = cur_dur
        #Phone stress not encoded directly in combilex dict.
        c_phon["stress"] = None
      c_syll["id"] = syll[0].replace(" ", "")
  return proto
def load_stanford_parse(utt, parse):
  if utt.words == None:
    print "Error: No words in utterance! Please load an mlf or txt (not implemented yet) file first!"
  tree = parsetrees.stanfordtree()
  leafs = tree.get_leafs()
  if len(leafs) != utt.num_words_no_pau():
    #First we try to see if this is due to differences in how words are
    #dealt with in parsing and annotation. 
    #Prime example is using 's in e.g. there's for transcription instead of there is.
    #Parsing splits there's into two whereas in e.g. combilex there's is one word.
    #If this is the case we split the WORD into two with the 's being a single phoneme
    #single syllable word. In other cases the contraction straddles two words and
    #we add a "phony" word which affects contexts but adds no phonemes.
    if len(leafs) != utt.num_words_no_pau():
      print "Error! Number of leaves ({0}) not equal to number of words ({1})!".format(len(leafs), utt.num_words_no_pau())
      print utt.id
      for w in utt.words:
        print w.id
  #Match each word with parse
  for i, word in enumerate(utt.get_words_no_pau()):
    l = leafs[i].label.split("-")
    word.id = l[1]
    word.pos = l[0]
    #There should always be a parent
    word.parent_phrase = leafs[i].parent
    #But there might not be more than one
    if word.parent_phrase.parent != None:
      word.grandparent_phrase = word.parent_phrase.parent
      word.grandparent_phrase = parsetrees.get_fake_stanford_parse()
    #And certainly we might be done here
    if word.grandparent_phrase.parent in [None, "xx"] or word.grandparent_phrase.parent.label == "xx":
      word.greatgrandparent_phrase = parsetrees.get_fake_stanford_parse()
      word.greatgrandparent_phrase = word.grandparent_phrase.parent
  #Now add fake parse for sil, pau and #
  for word in utt.words:
    if word.id in utt.phoneme_features.get_sil_phonemes():
      word.parent_phrase = parsetrees.get_fake_stanford_parse()
      word.grandparent_phrase = parsetrees.get_fake_stanford_parse()
      word.greatgrandparent_phrase = parsetrees.get_fake_stanford_parse()
      word.pos = "sil"