def visit(self, node):
        """Walk a parse tree, transforming it into another representation.

        Recursively descend a parse tree, dispatching to the method named after
        the rule in the :class:`~parsimonious.grammar.Grammar` that produced
        each node. If, for example, a rule was... ::

            bold = '<b>'

        ...the ``visit_bold()`` method would be called. It is your
        responsibility to subclass :class:`NodeVisitor` and implement those

        method = getattr(self, 'visit_' + node.expr_name, self.generic_visit)

        # Call that method, and show where in the tree it failed if it blows
        # up.
            return method(node, [self.visit(n) for n in node])
        except (VisitationError, UndefinedLabel):
            # Don't catch and re-wrap already-wrapped exceptions.
        except self.unwrapped_exceptions:
        except Exception:
            # Catch any exception, and tack on a parse tree so it's easier to
            # see where it went wrong.
            exc_class, exc, tb = exc_info()
            reraise(VisitationError, VisitationError(exc, exc_class, node), tb)
    def visit(self, node):
        """Rewrite original method to use lower-case method, and not "generic" function."""

            # Get the "visit_%s" method, using the lower case version of the rule.
            method = getattr(self, 'visit_%s' % node.expr_name.lower())
        except AttributeError:
            # If the method is not defined, we do nothing for this node.

        # Below is untouched code from the original ``visit`` method.

        # Call that method, and show where in the tree it failed if it blows up.
            return method(node, [self.visit(n) for n in node])
        except (VisitationError, UndefinedLabel):
            # Don't catch and re-wrap already-wrapped exceptions.
        except self.unwrapped_exceptions:
        except Exception:
            # Catch any exception, and tack on a parse tree so it's easier to
            # see where it went wrong.
            exc_class, exc, trace = sys.exc_info()
            raise VisitationError(exc, exc_class, node).with_traceback(trace)
    def visit(self, node):
        method = getattr(self, 'visit_' + node.expr_name, self.generic_visit)

        # Call that method, and show where in the tree it failed if it blows
        # up.
            return method(node, [self.visit(n) for n in node])
        except (VisitationError, UndefinedLabel, RecursiveLabel):
            # Don't catch and re-wrap already-wrapped exceptions.
        except Exception:
            # Catch any exception, and tack on a parse tree so it's easier to
            # see where it went wrong.
            exc_class, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
            raise VisitationError(exc, exc_class, node).with_traceback(tb)
    def visit(self, node):
        See the ``NodeVisitor`` visit method. This just changes the order in which
        we visit nonterminals from right to left to left to right.
        method = getattr(self, 'visit_' + node.expr_name, self.generic_visit)

        # Call that method, and show where in the tree it failed if it blows
        # up.
            # Changing this to reverse here!
            return method(node, [self.visit(child) for child in reversed(list(node))])
        except (VisitationError, UndefinedLabel):
            # Don't catch and re-wrap already-wrapped exceptions.
        except self.unwrapped_exceptions:
        except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
            # Catch any exception, and tack on a parse tree so it's easier to
            # see where it went wrong.
            exc_class, exc, traceback = exc_info()
            reraise(VisitationError, VisitationError(exc, exc_class, node), traceback)