def zDot(self, t): day = t/24/60/60 mjd = day + self.jdDep stateCyl, __, __ = ephemeris(self.body, mjd, mode=self.ephemSource) return stateCyl[5]
def samplePlanets(self, add=[]): ''' Returns the state of the bodies visited during the patched transfer Ephemeris source is passed as a list in self.ephems The body names defined in the transfer objects must correspond to the names or IDs expected by the ephemeris source add manually adds another body to be included in the plot Output structure: Dictionary with a sub-dictionary for each body, containing a (3 x samples) numpy array ''' print('Sample celestial body ephemerides') # retrieve names of all visited bodies bodyNames = [] bodyPykep = [] for trans in self.transfers: body1 = trans.departureBody body2 = trans.arrivalBody bodyNames.extend([body1, body2]) for entry in add: bodyNames.extend(entry) # remove duplicates (kepping the order) # bodyNames = list(set(bodyNames)) bodyNames = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(bodyNames)) print(f'Visited bodies: {bodyNames}') # retrieve the corresponding ephemeris source if mode is 'auto' # else default to the spice ephemerides # Example syntax for spice: '1234', for jpl: 'mars', for gtoc2: 123 mode = [] if self.ephems == 'auto': for body in bodyNames: if type(body) == str: try: int(body) mode.append('spice') except ValueError: mode.append('jpl') else: mode.append('gtoc2') else: mode = ['spice'] * len(bodyNames) # create nested dictionary states = ['rCart', 'vCart', 'rCyl', 'vCyl'] bodyEphemeris = { name: {state: np.empty([3, self.samples]) for state in states} for name in bodyNames } # retrieve values for each body and each state vector # for body in bodyNames: # pkBody = pk.planet.spice(body, 'sun', 'eclipj2000') # for i, t in enumerate(self.tSamples): # rCart, vCart = pkBody.eph(t) # bodyEphemeris[body]['rCart'][:, i] = rCart # bodyEphemeris[body]['vCart'][:, i] = vCart # bodyEphemeris[body]['rCyl'][:, i] = Pcart2cyl(rCart) # bodyEphemeris[body]['vCyl'][:, i] = Vcart2cyl(vCart, rCart) # retrieve values for each body and each state vector for j, body in enumerate(bodyNames): for i, t in enumerate(self.tSamples): stateCyl, stateCart, __ = ephemeris(body, t, mode=mode[j]) bodyEphemeris[body]['rCart'][:, i] = stateCart[0:3] bodyEphemeris[body]['vCart'][:, i] = stateCart[3:6] bodyEphemeris[body]['rCyl'][:, i] = stateCyl[0:3] bodyEphemeris[body]['vCyl'][:, i] = stateCyl[3:6] return bodyEphemeris, bodyNames
def r(self, t): # convert time from [s since launch] to [mjd2000] day = t/24/60/60 mjd = day + self.jdDep stateCyl, __, __ = ephemeris(self.body, mjd, mode=self.ephemSource) return stateCyl[0]
def planetSystem(self, save=None, folder=None, plotSOI=False, scaling=False): ''' Plots the orbits of the visited planets Options: save save the plot (True/False) in png and pdf folder specify differing folder for the saved plot plotSOI plots the sphere of influence of the planets scaling adjusts the axis limits to the same, summetric range, pass a number in [AU] ''' print('Plot the planets in 3D.') ephem = self.bodyEphemeris # start figure fig = newFigure(height=6, target='paper') ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') # Sun ax.scatter([0], [0], [0], s=100, color='yellow', label='Sun', marker='o', edgecolor='orange') # celestial bodies: orbits and position at launch for body in self.bodyNames: ax.plot(ephem[body]['rCart'][0, :] / pk.AU, ephem[body]['rCart'][1, :] / pk.AU, ephem[body]['rCart'][2, :] / pk.AU, label=body) ax.scatter(ephem[body]['rCart'][0, 0] / pk.AU, ephem[body]['rCart'][1, 0] / pk.AU, ephem[body]['rCart'][2, 0] / pk.AU) if plotSOI: plotting = True if body == '1': jplName = 'mercury' elif body == '2': jplName = 'venus' if body == '3': jplName = 'earth' elif body == '4': jplName = 'mars' elif body == '5': jplName = 'jupiter' elif body == '6': jplName = 'saturn' elif body == '7': jplName = 'uranus' elif body == '8': jplName = 'neptune' else: print(f'\tNo SOI computed for {body}.') plotting = False if plotting: __, __, planet = ephemeris(jplName, 0, mode='jpl') muBody = planet.mu_self muCentral = pk.MU_SUN rSOI = np.sqrt( ephem[body]['rCart'][0, 0]**2 + ephem[body]['rCart'][1, 0]**2 + ephem[body]['rCart'][2, 0]**2)\ * (muBody/muCentral)**(2/5) self.plotSphere(ephem[body]['rCart'][:, 0] / pk.AU, rSOI / pk.AU) # print(f'\tGravitational parameter {body}: {muBody:.2E} m^3/s^2') print( f'\tRadius of SOI {body}: {rSOI/1e3:.2E} km = {rSOI/pk.AU:.2E} AU' ) # formatting if scaling: axisEqual3D(ax) # ax.set_xlim(-scaling, scaling) # ax.set_ylim(-scaling, scaling) # ax.set_zlim(-scaling, scaling) ax.set_xlabel('x [AU]', labelpad=15) ax.set_ylabel('y [AU]', labelpad=15) ax.set_zlabel('z [AU]', labelpad=15) plt.grid() plt.legend(loc='lower right') if save == None: save = if folder == None: folder = self.folder if save: checkFolder(folder) plt.savefig(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), folder, 'solarSystem.pdf'), dpi=300) plt.savefig(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), folder, 'solarSystem.png'), dpi=300) if