 def test_ip_many(self):
     npoints = 100
     radii = np.linspace(0.1, 0.2, npoints)
     angles = np.linspace(0, math.pi, npoints)
     momenta = np.linspace(200, 500, npoints)
     mass = 0.5
     field = 1e-5
     origin = TVector3(0, 0, 0)
     for radius, angle, momentum in zip(radii, angles, momenta):
         ip_pos = TVector3(math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle), 0)
         ip_pos *= radius
         smom = TVector3(math.cos(angle - math.pi / 2.),
                         math.sin(angle - math.pi / 2.), 0)
         smom *= momentum
         p4 = TLorentzVector()
         p4.SetVectM(smom, mass)
         helix_vertex = copy.deepcopy(ip_pos)
         delta = copy.deepcopy(smom.Unit())
         delta *= radius
         helix_vertex += delta
         helix = Helix(field, 1., p4, helix_vertex)
         ip_mine = helix.compute_IP_2(origin, smom)
         ip_nic = compute_IP(helix, origin, smom)
         ip_luc = helix.compute_IP(origin, smom)
         nplaces = 8
         self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(ip_luc), radius, places=nplaces)
         #COLIN in the following, I modify Nic's minimization args
         # so that they work, and to reach Lucas' precision
         # it works with nplaces = 5 though.
         self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(ip_mine), radius, places=nplaces)
 def test_ip_simple(self):
     '''This simple test works for all three methods'''
     # goes along x
     p4 = TLorentzVector(1, 0, 0, 1.1)
     # starts at y = 0.1
     vertex = TVector3(0, 0.1, 0)
     helix = Helix(1, 1, p4, vertex)
     # global origin
     origin = TVector3(0, 0, 0)
     # Lucas' calculation
     ip = helix.compute_IP(origin, p4.Vect())
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ip, 0.1, places=8)
     # Nicolo's calculation
     ip2 = compute_IP(helix, origin, p4.Vect())
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ip2, 0.1, places=8)
     # and a hybrid one
     ip3 = helix.compute_IP_2(origin, p4.Vect())
     self.assertAlmostEqual(ip3, 0.1, places=8)