def fetch(self): filename = os.path.join(PathFinder.getSourceDir(), 'InitialGuess.pkl') if not os.path.isfile(filename): self.generate() return # Load the DB with open(filename, 'rb') as f: dict = pickle.load(f) # Rem: Dict is n x 3 cell array {scenario, Dynamic, Market} # First, find exact match (if any) if dict.shape[1] == 3: for i in range(dict.shape[0]): scenario = dict[i, 0] if self.scenario.isEquivalent(scenario): self.Dynamic = dict[i, 1] self.Market = dict[i, 2] return # Check for non-version math as a back-up if dict.shape[1] == 3: for i in range(dict.shape[0]): scenario = dict[i, 0] if self.scenario.isEquivalentIgnoreVersion(scenario): self.Dynamic = dict[i, 1] self.Market = dict[i, 2] print( '[INFO] Using initial guess from different scenario version.\n' ) return # If not found, generate self.generate()
def save(self): filename = os.path.join(PathFinder.getSourceDir(), 'InitialGuess.pkl') dict = np.array([[]]) if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: dict = pickle.load(f) # dict is an array with a scenario, Dynamic, Market values # Find exact match (if any), otherwise add found = False if dict.shape[1] == 3: for i in range(dict.shape[0]): scenario = dict[i, 0] if self.scenario.isEquivalent(scenario): dict[i, :] = [scenario, self.Dynamic, self.Market] found = True break if not found: np.append(dict, [self.scenario, self.Dynamic, self.Market]) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(dict, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) if found: source = 'Overwrote existing guess.' else: source = 'Added as new guess.' print('[INFO] Saved initial guess to file. %s \n' % source)
def report_baseline_moments(): outputfilename = os.path.join(PathFinder.getSourceDir(), 'BaselineMoments.txt') f = open(outputfilename, 'w+') f.write('-------------BASELINE MOMENTS-------------') f.write('%s \r\n' % str( # load the matrix and get inverter function (_, f_invert) = ParamGenerator.invert() for labelas in np.arange(0.25, 1.0, 0.25): for savelas in np.arange(0.25, 1.0, 0.25): target = {'labelas': labelas, 'savelas': savelas} f.write( '\r\nBASELINE labor elas = %0.2f savings elas = %0.2f \r\n' % (labelas, savelas)) inverse = f_invert(target) scenario = Scenario({ 'economy': 'steady', 'beta': inverse['beta'], 'gamma': inverse['gamma'], 'sigma': inverse['sigma'], 'modelunit_dollar': inverse['modelunit_dollar'], 'bequest_phi_1': 0 }) save_dir = ModelSolver.solve(scenario) targets = ModelCalibrator.moment_targets targets = np.vstack( (targets, ['labelas', labelas, 'Labor elasticity'])) targets = np.vstack( (targets, ['savelas', savelas, 'Savings elasticity'])) outstr = ModelCalibrator.report_moments(save_dir, targets) f.write('%s \r\n' % outstr) f.write('-------------------------------------\r\n') f.write(' ==== DONE ===== \r\n') f.close()
class ModelCalibrator: # Define list of parameters which define the steady state paramlist = ['beta', 'gamma', 'sigma', 'modelunit_dollar'] # Define list of targets targetlist = ['captoout', 'labelas', 'savelas', 'outperHH'] ntarget = len(targetlist) # Define number of discretization points for each dimension of the calibration grid ngrid = 15 # Determine total number of calibration points # There are 3 dimensions for the calibration grid -- beta, sigma, gamma npoint = ngrid**3 # Define calibration point directory and calibration point file path pointdir = os.path.join(PathFinder.getSourceDir(), 'CalibrationPoints') pointfile = lambda ipoint: os.path.join(ModelCalibrator.pointdir, 'point%05d.pkl' % ipoint) # Define the moment targets for the reports on how we did # Cell array: { Variable Name, Value, Description } moment_targets = [['r', 0.05, 'Return on capital'], ['PIT', 0.08, 'PIT/GDP'], ['SSTax', 0.05, 'SSTax/GDP'], ['KbyY', 3.0, 'Capital/GDP'], ['outperHH', 7.98e4, 'GDP$/adult']] # Define calibration points @staticmethod def definePoints(): assert ModelCalibrator.npoint <= 75000, 'Number of calibration points exceeds HPCC task array job size limit.' # Clear or create calibration point directory if os.path.exists(ModelCalibrator.pointdir): shutil.rmtree(ModelCalibrator.pointdir) os.mkdir(ModelCalibrator.pointdir) # Specify parameter lower and upper bounds lb = {} ub = {} lb['beta'] = 0.920 lb['gamma'] = 0.150 lb['sigma'] = 1.20 ub['beta'] = 1.050 ub['gamma'] = 0.900 ub['sigma'] = 9.00 # Construct vectors of parameter values v = {} v['beta'] = np.linspace(lb['beta'], ub['beta'], num=ModelCalibrator.ngrid) v['gamma'] = np.linspace(lb['gamma'], ub['gamma'], num=ModelCalibrator.ngrid) v['sigma'] = np.logspace(np.log10(lb['sigma']), np.log10(ub['sigma']), num=ModelCalibrator.ngrid) # Generate calibration points as unique combinations of parameter values grid = {} (grid['beta'], grid['gamma'], grid['sigma']) = np.meshgrid(v['beta'], v['gamma'], v['sigma']) for ipoint in range(ModelCalibrator.npoint): params = {} for p in ['beta', 'gamma', 'sigma']: params[p] = grid[p][ipoint] #ok<STRNU> with open(ModelCalibrator.pointfile(ipoint)) as f: pickle.dump(params, f) # Solve calibration point @staticmethod def calibratePoint(ipoint): # Load parameter values for calibration point with open(ModelCalibrator.pointfile(ipoint)) as f: s = pickle.load(f) params = s['params'] try: # Calibrate steady state on modelunit_dollar (targets, modelunit_dollar, solved) = ModelCalibrator.calibrate_dollar(params) #ok<ASGLU> except: print( 'Error encountered calibrating point %u:\n\t \nSaving placeholder solution values.\n' % ipoint) for o in ModelCalibrator.targetlist: targets[o] = None modelunit_dollar = None solved = 0 #ok<NASGU> # Extend parameters structure params['modelunit_dollar'] = modelunit_dollar # Save parameters, targets, and solution condition to calibration point file with open(ModelCalibrator.pointfile(ipoint)) as f: pickle.dump(params) pickle.dump(targets) pickle.dump(solved) # Consolidate solved calibration points @staticmethod def consolidatePoints(): # Clear or create calibration output directory outputdir = PathFinder.getCalibrationOutputDir() if os.path.exists(outputdir): shutil.rmtree(outputdir) os.mkdir(outputdir) paramv = {} targetv = {} # Initialize vectors of parameters, targets, and solution conditions for o in ModelCalibrator.paramlist: paramv[o] = np.empty(shape=(1, ModelCalibrator.npoint)) for o in ModelCalibrator.targetlist: targetv[o] = np.empty(shape=(1, ModelCalibrator.npoint)) solved = np.zeros(shape=(1, ModelCalibrator.npoint)) # Load and consolidate calibration points for i in range(ModelCalibrator.npoint): print('Reading calibration point %5d of %5d\n' % (i, ModelCalibrator.npoint)) s = {} with open(ModelCalibrator.pointfile[i]) as f: s['params'] = pickle.load(f) s['targets'] = pickle.load(f) s['solved'] = pickle.load(f) for o in ModelCalibrator.paramlist: paramv[o][i] = s['params'][o] for o in ModelCalibrator.targetlist: targetv[o][i] = s['targets'][o] solved[i] = s['solved'] # Save consolidated points to calibration output directory with open(os.path.join(outputdir, 'calibration.pkl')) as f: pickle.dump(paramv) pickle.dump(targetv) pickle.dump(solved) # Initialize plot of calibration point solution conditions fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Determine colors cv = np.zeros((ModelCalibrator.npoint, 3)) devs = min(abs(targetv['captoout'][solved] - 3)**0.5, 1) cv[solved, :] = np.hstack( (devs, np.ones(devs.shape), devs)) * 180 / 256 # Gray to green cv[np.logical_not(solved), :] = np.tile( [200 / 256, 0, 0], (sum(np.logical_not(solved)), 1)) # Red # Plot solution conditions ax.scatter(paramv['beta'], paramv['gamma'], paramv['sigma'], s=40, c=cv, marker='o') # Format axes plt.axis('tight') ax.set_frame_on(True) ax.grid(b=True, which='minor') ax.set_aspect(num=1) ax.set_xlabel('beta') ax.set_xscale('linear') ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(ax.get_xlim[0], ax.get_ylim[1], num=3)) ax.set_ylabel('gamma') ax.set_yscale('linear') ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(ax.get_ylim[0], ax.get_ylim[1], num=3)) ax.set_zlabel('sigma') ax.set_zscale('log') ax.set_zticks( np.logspace(np.log10(ax.get_zlim[0]), np.log10(ax.get_zlim[1]), num=3)) ax.minorticks_off() ax.grid(which='minor') # Save plot to calibration output directory plt.savefig(fig, os.path.join(outputdir, 'conditions.fig')) ## # Single loop to calibrate on modelunit_dollar targets def calibrate_dollar(gridpoint): # Set target = $gdp/adult # from Alex $79.8k for 2016 # REM: In moment_targets, # col 1 = varname, col 2 = value, col 3 = description target_outperHH_index = np.where( ModelCalibrator.moment_targets[:, 0] == 'outperHH')[0] target_outperHH = np.array( [ModelCalibrator.moment_targets[target_outperHH_index, 1]]) # Set initial modelunit_dollar. # In the future, we could apply a heuristic better initial guess. modelunit_dollar = 4.0e-05 tolerance = 0.01 # as ratio err_size = 1 iter_num = 1 iter_max = 8 # iterations for modelunit_dollar while err_size > tolerance and iter_num <= iter_max: # Create Scenario to run scenario = Scenario({ 'economy': 'steady', 'beta': gridpoint.beta, 'gamma': gridpoint.gamma, 'sigma': gridpoint.sigma, 'modelunit_dollar': modelunit_dollar, 'bequest_phi_1': 0 }) save_dir = ModelSolver.solve(scenario) # find target -- $gdp/pop with open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'paramsTargets.pkl'), 'rb') as handle: s_paramsTargets = pickle.load(handle) run_outperHH = s_paramsTargets['outperHH'] err_size = abs(run_outperHH / target_outperHH - 1) print('...MODELUNIT_DOLLAR iteration %u error=%f\n ' % (iter_num, err_size)) # package up answer targets = { 'savelas': s_paramsTargets['savelas'], 'labelas': s_paramsTargets['labelas'], 'captoout': s_paramsTargets['captoout'], 'outperHH': run_outperHH } # Update by percent shift, reduced a bit as number of # iterations increases. This approach slows the update rate # in case of slow convergence -- we're usually bouncing around then. exp_reduce = max(0.5, 1.0 - iter_num * 0.07) modelunit_dollar = modelunit_dollar * ( (run_outperHH / target_outperHH)**exp_reduce) # Find if converged # This only needs to be done after the loop, but # we're about to wipe out the run's files. with open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'dynamics.pkl'), 'rb') as handle: s_dynamics = pickle.load(handle) is_converged = s_dynamics['is_converged'] # Delete save directory along with parent directories shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(save_dir, '..', '..')) iter_num = iter_num + 1 # Keep last successful run with modelunit_dollar modelunit_dollar = scenario.modelunit_dollar # Check solution condition. # Stable solution identified as: # 1. Robust solver convergence rate # 2. modelunit_dollar convergence is_solved = is_converged and (err_size <= tolerance) if iter_num > iter_max: print('...MODELUNIT_DOLLAR -- max iterations (%u) reached.\n' % iter_max) return (targets, modelunit_dollar, is_solved) ## # Print moments info on a particular steady state def report_moments(save_dir, targets=None): delimiter = [chr(13), chr(10)] # end-of-line filepath = os.path.join(save_dir % 'iterations.csv') T = pd.read_csv(filepath) iters = T.iloc[:, 0].values iterations = iters[-1] with open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'dynamics.pkl'), 'rb') as handle: s_dynamics = pickle.load(handle) with open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'paramsTargets.pkl'), 'rb') as handle: s_paramsTargets = pickle.load(handle) with open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'market.pkl'), 'rb') as handle: s_markets = pickle.load(handle) # Define some helper vars for clarity pop = s_dynamics['pops'] gdp = s_dynamics['outs'] dollar = 1 / s_paramsTargets['modelunit_dollar'] if targets == None: targets = ModelCalibrator.moment_targets targets = np.vstack((targets, ['labelas', 1, 'Labor elasticity'])) targets = np.vstack((targets, ['savelas', 1, 'Savings elasticity'])) # helper function to format results myTargetPrint = (lambda lbl, modelResult, targetResult: ' %20s = %f (%f) error = %0.1f%%' % (lbl, modelResult, targetResult, (modelResult / targetResult - 1) * 100.0)) myParamPrint = lambda lbl, modelInput: ' %20s = %f' % (lbl, modelInput) # Make PARAMS section params = { 'beta': s_paramsTargets['beta'], 'sigma': s_paramsTargets['sigma'], 'gamma': s_paramsTargets['gamma'], 'model$': s_paramsTargets['modelunit_dollar'] } param_part = '%s PARAMS%s' % (delimiter, delimiter) for i in range(len(params)): result = params[i, 1] lbl = params[i, 0] line = myParamPrint(lbl, result) param_part = '%s%s%s' % (param_part, line, delimiter) # Make structure for results # targets has been passed in (or set to default) model_results = { 'r': s_markets['MPKs'], 'PIT': s_dynamics['pits'] / gdp, 'SSTax': s_dynamics['ssts'] / gdp, 'KbyY': s_paramsTargets['captoout'], 'outperHH': gdp * dollar / pop, 'labelas': s_paramsTargets['labelas'], 'savelas': s_paramsTargets['savelas'] } # Make TARGETS section target_part = '%s TARGETS%s' % (delimiter, delimiter) for i in range(len(model_results[:, 0])): m_index = np.where(targets[:, 0] == model_results[i, 0])[0] target = targets[m_index, 1] lbl = targets[m_index, 2] result = model_results[i, 1] line = myTargetPrint(lbl, result, target) target_part = '%s%s%s' % (target_part, line, delimiter) # Make convergence part if s_dynamics['is_converged']: s_iter = 'Converged in %u iterations' % iterations else: s_iter = 'DID NOT converge in %u iterations.' % iterations converge_part = '%s CONVERGENCE: %s %s' % (delimiter, s_iter, delimiter) # Concatentate for full report outstr = '%s%s%s' % (param_part, target_part, converge_part) return outstr ## # Make a report of various moments for the 16 baselines def report_baseline_moments(): outputfilename = os.path.join(PathFinder.getSourceDir(), 'BaselineMoments.txt') f = open(outputfilename, 'w+') f.write('-------------BASELINE MOMENTS-------------') f.write('%s \r\n' % str( # load the matrix and get inverter function (_, f_invert) = ParamGenerator.invert() for labelas in np.arange(0.25, 1.0, 0.25): for savelas in np.arange(0.25, 1.0, 0.25): target = {'labelas': labelas, 'savelas': savelas} f.write( '\r\nBASELINE labor elas = %0.2f savings elas = %0.2f \r\n' % (labelas, savelas)) inverse = f_invert(target) scenario = Scenario({ 'economy': 'steady', 'beta': inverse['beta'], 'gamma': inverse['gamma'], 'sigma': inverse['sigma'], 'modelunit_dollar': inverse['modelunit_dollar'], 'bequest_phi_1': 0 }) save_dir = ModelSolver.solve(scenario) targets = ModelCalibrator.moment_targets targets = np.vstack( (targets, ['labelas', labelas, 'Labor elasticity'])) targets = np.vstack( (targets, ['savelas', savelas, 'Savings elasticity'])) outstr = ModelCalibrator.report_moments(save_dir, targets) f.write('%s \r\n' % outstr) f.write('-------------------------------------\r\n') f.write(' ==== DONE ===== \r\n') f.close()