def browsing_on_done(self, index=None): if index == -1: return set_status(self.view, self.STATUS_KEY, '') if index == 0: # create from the position in the browser self.create_from = self.browser.path self.path_to_create_choosed_from_browsing = True return self.create_input() elif index == 1: self.browser.path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(self.browser.path, '..')) elif index is not None: self.browser.path = os.path.join(self.browser.path, self.browser.items[index]) if os.path.isfile(self.browser.path): self.window.open_file(self.browser.path) folders, files = [], [] for item in os.listdir(self.browser.path): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.browser.path, item)): folders.append(item + '/') else: files.append(item) self.browser.items = ['[cmd] Create from here', '[cmd] ..' ] + folders + files set_status( self.view, self.STATUS_KEY, 'Browsing at: {0}'.format(ph.user_friendly(self.browser.path))) self.window.show_quick_panel(self.browser.items, self.browsing_on_done, 0, 2)
def run(self, paths=None): self.settings = get_settings() self.window = get_window() if paths is None: self.origin = self.window.active_view().file_name() else: self.origin = paths[0] initial_path = ph.user_friendly(self.origin) self.input = InputForPath( caption='Duplicate to: ', initial_text=initial_path, on_done=self.duplicate, on_change=None, on_cancel=None, create_from='', with_files=False, pick_first=self.settings.get('pick_first'), case_sensitive=self.settings.get('case_sensitive'), log_in_status_bar=self.settings.get('log_in_status_bar'), log_template='Duplicating at {0}', enable_browser=True) head = len(os.path.dirname(initial_path)) + 1 filename = len(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(initial_path))[0]) self.input.input.view.selection.clear() self.input.input.view.selection.add( sublime.Region(head, head + filename))
def run(self, paths=None): self.settings = get_settings() self.window = get_window() self.view = self.window.active_view() if paths is not None: = paths else: = [self.view.file_name()] if len( > 1: initial_text = ph.commonpath( else: initial_text = os.path.dirname([0]) initial_text = ph.user_friendly(initial_text) + '/' ipt = InputForPath( caption='Move to', initial_text=initial_text, on_done=self.move, on_change=None, on_cancel=None, create_from='', with_files=self.settings.get('complete_with_files_too'), pick_first=self.settings.get('pick_first'), case_sensitive=self.settings.get('case_sensitive'), log_in_status_bar=self.settings.get('log_in_status_bar'), log_template='Moving at {0}', enable_browser=False)
def open_terminal(self, cmd, cwd, name): if os.path.isfile(cwd): cwd = os.path.dirname(cwd) for j, bit in enumerate(cmd): cmd[j] = bit.replace('$cwd', cwd) sm('Opening "{0}" at {1}'.format(name, ph.user_friendly(cwd))) return subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=cwd)
def duplicate(self, dst, input_path): user_friendly_path = ph.user_friendly(dst) if os.path.isdir(self.origin): if not os.path.exists(dst): shutil.copytree(self.origin, dst) else: sublime.error_message('This path already exists!') raise ValueError( 'Cannot move the directory {0!r} because it already exists {1!r}' .format(self.origin, dst)) else: if not os.path.exists(dst): with open(dst, 'w') as fp: with open(self.origin, 'r') as fpread: fp.write( self.window.open_file(dst) else: def overwrite(): try: send2trash(dst) except OSError as e: sublime.error_message('Unable to send to trash: ', e) raise OSError( 'Unable to send to the trash the item {0}'.format( e)) with open(dst, 'w') as fp: with open(self.origin, 'r') as fpread: fp.write( self.window.open_file(dst) def open_file(): return self.window.open_file(dst) yes_no_cancel_panel( message=[ 'This file already exists. Overwrite?', user_friendly_path ], yes=overwrite, no=open_file, cancel=None, yes_text=[ 'Yes. Overwrite', user_friendly_path, 'will be sent to the trash, and then written' ], no_text=['Just open the target file', user_friendly_path], cancel_text=["No, don't do anything"]) refresh_sidebar(self.settings, self.window) return
def on_done(self, abspath, input_path): input_path = ph.user_friendly(input_path) if input_path[-1] == '/': return makedirs(abspath, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.isfile(abspath): makedirs(os.path.dirname(abspath), exist_ok=True) with open(abspath, 'w') as fp: pass template = get_template(abspath) else: template = None view = self.window.open_file(abspath) if template: view.settings().set('fm_insert_snippet_on_load', template) refresh_sidebar(self.settings, self.window)
def rename(self, dst, input_dst): def rename(): makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst), exist_ok=True) os.rename(self.origin, dst) view = self.window.find_open_file(self.origin) if view: close_view(view) if os.path.isfile(dst): self.window.open_file(dst) if os.path.exists(dst): def open_file(self): return self.window.open_file(dst) def overwrite(): try: send2trash(dst) except OSError as e: sublime.error_message('Unable to send to trash: ', e) raise OSError( 'Unable to send the item {0!r} to the trash! Error {1!r}' .format(dst, e)) rename() user_friendly_path = ph.user_friendly(dst) return yes_no_cancel_panel( message=[ 'This file already exists. Overwrite?', user_friendly_path ], yes=overwrite, no=open_file, cancel=None, yes_text=[ 'Yes. Overwrite', user_friendly_path, 'will be sent to the trash, and then written' ], no_text=['Just open the target file', user_friendly_path], cancel_text=["No, don't do anything"]) rename() refresh_sidebar(self.settings, self.window)
def input_on_change(self, input_path): self.input_path = ph.user_friendly(input_path) # get changed inputs and create_from from the on_change user function if self.user_on_change: new_values = self.user_on_change( self.input_path, self.path_to_create_choosed_from_browsing) if new_values is not None: create_from, self.input_path = new_values self.create_from = ph.computer_friendly(create_from) def reset_settings(): self.input.settings.erase('completions') self.input.settings.erase('completions_index') def replace_with_completion(completions, index, prefix=None): # replace the previous completion # with the new one (completions[index+1]) region = [self.input.view.sel()[0].begin()] # -1 because of the \t region.append( region[0] - len(prefix if prefix is not None else completions[index]) - 1) index += 1 self.input.settings.set('completions_index', index) # Running fm_edit_replace will trigger this function # and because it is not going to find any \t # it's going to erase the settings # Adding this will prevent this behaviour self.input.settings.set('just_completed', True) self.input.view.run_command('fm_edit_replace', { 'region': region, 'text': completions[index] }) self.prev_input_path = self.input.view.substr( sublime.Region(0, self.input.view.size())) # log in the status bar if self.log_in_status_bar: path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(self.create_from, ph.computer_friendly(self.input_path))) if self.input_path != '' and self.input_path[-1] == '/': path += os.path.sep if self.log_in_status_bar == 'user': path = ph.user_friendly(path) set_status(self.view, self.STATUS_KEY, self.log_template.format(path)) if not hasattr(self.input, 'settings'): return completions = self.input.settings.get('completions', None) index = self.input.settings.get('completions_index', None) if completions is not None and index is not None: # check if the user typed something after the completion text = input_path if text[-1] == '\t': text = text[:-1] if not text.endswith(tuple(completions)): return reset_settings() if '\t' in input_path: # there is still some completions available if len(completions) - 1 > index: return replace_with_completion(completions, index) if '\t' in input_path: before, after = self.input_path.split('\t') prefix, completions = self.__get_completion_for( abspath=ph.computer_friendly( os.path.join(self.create_from, before)), with_files=self.with_files, pick_first=self.pick_first, case_sensitive=self.case_sensitive, can_add_slash=after == '' or after[0] != '/') if not completions: return self.input.settings.set('completions', completions) self.input.settings.set('completions_index', -1) replace_with_completion(completions, -1, prefix)