def sane_members(members, destination):
    resolve = lambda path: realpath(normpath(join(destination, path)))

    destination = PurePath(destination)

    for member in members:
        mpath = PurePath(resolve(member.path))

        # Check if mpath is under destination
        if destination not in mpath.parents:
            raise BadPathError(
                "Bad path to outside destination directory: {}".format(mpath))
        elif member.issym() or member.islnk():
            # Check link to make sure it resolves under destination
            lnkpath = PurePath(member.linkpath)
            if lnkpath.is_absolute() or lnkpath.is_reserved():
                raise BadLinkError("Bad link: {}".format(lnkpath))

            # resolve the link to an absolute path
            lnkpath = PurePath(resolve(lnkpath))
            if destination not in lnkpath.parents:
                raise BadLinkError(
                    "Bad link to outside destination directory: {}".format(

        yield member
def check_valid_loc(s: str):

    if s == "":
        raise ValueError(f"empty loc '{s}' is not allowed (try '.' instead)")

    p = PurePath(s)

    if p.is_absolute():
        raise ValueError(f"loc '{p}' is absolute")

    if p.is_reserved():
        raise ValueError(f"loc '{p}' is reserved.")

    if ".." in p.parts:
        raise ValueError(f"loc '{p}' contains disallowed '..'")
def sane_members(members, destination):
    resolve = lambda path: realpath(normpath(join(destination, path)))

    destination = PurePath(destination)

    for member in members:
        mpath = PurePath(resolve(member.path))

        # Check if mpath is under destination
        if destination not in mpath.parents:
            raise BadPathError("Bad path to outside destination directory: {}".format(mpath))
        elif member.issym() or member.islnk():
            # Check link to make sure it resolves under destination
            lnkpath = PurePath(member.linkpath)
            if lnkpath.is_absolute() or lnkpath.is_reserved():
                raise BadLinkError("Bad link: {}".format(lnkpath))

            # resolve the link to an absolute path
            lnkpath = PurePath(resolve(lnkpath))
            if destination not in lnkpath.parents:
                raise BadLinkError("Bad link to outside destination directory: {}".format(lnkpath))

        yield member