def parseBed2Json(bedfile):
    # test if the file exitst
        # try resolve path and get the absolute path
        my_abs_path_file = Path(bedfile).resolve()

        ###### Open bed file and parse to json #####
        jsonData = []

        # open bed file
        infile = open(bedfile, 'r').readlines()

        # read header
        header = infile.pop(0).strip('\n').split("\t")
        for line in infile:

            # get row and convert to array
            data = line.strip('\n').split("\t")

            # test if the row is complete and have the same size as the header
            if len(data) == len(header):
                datadict = {}

                # iterate over my bedfile row
                for i, element in enumerate(data):
                    datadict[header[i]] = element

                # push into array the dictionary structure

        ######## write into file the json structure

        # bed filename (without path)
        filename = PurePosixPath(my_abs_path_file).name

        # json file name
        jsonFile = filename + ".json"
        # test if file ends with .bed
        if filename.endswith('.bed'):
            jsonFile = filename.split(".bed")[0] + ".json"

        with open(jsonFile, 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump(jsonData, outfile, indent=4)

    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("your file does not exist")
from pathlib import PurePosixPath

tag_path = 'apriltag-imgs/tag36h11/'
tag_pattern = 'tag36_11_*.png'
#tag_pattern = 'tag36_11_00000.png'

resized_tags_folder = 'tag36h11_big/'
ouput_folder = 'output/'

pathlist = Path(tag_path).rglob(tag_pattern)
for img_path in pathlist:
	# because path is object not string
	img_fn = str(img_path)

	bfn = PurePosixPath(img_fn).stem
	tagid = bfn.split('_')[2]

	# don't create resized image if already exists
	r_img_path = Path(resized_tags_folder + bfn + '.jpg')
	if (r_img_path.exists() == False):
		# load image
		img = cv2.imread(img_fn,0)

		# crop border
		crop_img = img[1:1+8, 1:1+8]

		# resize to something really big
		r_img = cv2.resize(crop_img,(2000,2000),fx=0, fy=0, interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
