def SelectInputFile(self): fd = QtGui.QFileDialog(self) self.input_file_path = fd.getOpenFileName() if self.input_file_path == '' : return if self.isNot_TeX_File(self.input_file_path): self.ui.input_file_field.setText(RedText('> Error: Unsupported file format')) self.input_file_path = '' return self.ui.input_file_field.setText(self.input_file_path) print('> got input file path:',self.input_file_path) self.tex_filename = PureWindowsPath(self.input_file_path).name # Potential Error self.tex_filename = self.tex_filename[:-4]+'_results.tex' self.working_dir = str( PureWindowsPath(self.input_file_path).parents[0] ) print('> working dir set to :', self.working_dir) print('> tex file name set to :', self.tex_filename)
def test_replace_music_folder(tmp_path, pl): replacement = (PureWindowsPath(':/Users/testuser/Desktop/songs'), Path('/pool/Media/Music')) expected = ("/pool/Media/Music/08 Moonscape.mp3\n" "/pool/Media/Music/08 Mountains.mp3\n" "/pool/Media/Music/09 Outlands.mp3\n" "/pool/Media/Music/10 Crush.mp3\n") if os.path.sep == '\\': expected = expected.replace('/', '\\') path = tmp_path / 'test' m3u.write(pl, path, replace=replacement) assert path.read_text() == expected
def files_in_dir(root_dir): """ A function to get the full file paths for all files in root_dir """ file_set = set() for dir_, _, files in os.walk(root_dir): for file_name in files: rel_dir = os.path.relpath(dir_, root_dir) rel_file = os.path.join(rel_dir, file_name) file_set.add(rel_file) return [Path(PureWindowsPath(f)) for f in file_set]
def find_func_dir(self, parent_tree=None, local_branch=None): conn_file_mat = loadmat(self.conn_file) func_dir_example = conn_file_mat["CONN_x"]["Setup"][0][0][0][0][6][0][ 0][0][0][0][0][0] if "\\" in func_dir_example: func_dir_example = PureWindowsPath(func_dir_example) else: func_dir_example = Path(func_dir_example) if not (parent_tree is None): self.func_dir = PurePath(local_branch) / sep.join( func_dir_example.parents[0].parts[parent_tree:]) else: self.func_dir = func_dir_example.parents[0]
def _compress(root_data_folder, command, flag_pattern, dry=False, max_sessions=None): # runs a command of the form command = "ls -1 {file_name}.avi" c = 0 for flag_file in Path(root_data_folder).rglob(flag_pattern): ses_path = flag_file.parent files2compress = flags.read_flag_file(flag_file) if isinstance(files2compress, bool): Path(flag_file).unlink() continue for f2c in files2compress: cfile = ses_path.joinpath(PureWindowsPath(f2c)) c += 1 if max_sessions and c > max_sessions: return print(cfile) if dry: continue if not cfile.exists(): _logger.error(f'NON-EXISTING RAW FILE: {cfile}. Skipping...') continue if flag_file.exists(): flag_file.unlink() # run the compression command redirecting output cfile.parent.joinpath(cfile.stem) # if the output file already exists, overwrite it outfile = cfile.parent / (cfile.stem + '.mp4') if outfile.exists(): outfile.unlink() command2run = command.format( file_name=cfile.parent.joinpath(cfile.stem)) process = subprocess.Popen(command2run, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) info, error = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: _logger.error('COMPRESSION FAILED FOR ' + str(cfile)) with open(cfile.parent.joinpath('extract.error'), 'w+') as fid: fid.write(command2run) fid.write(error.decode()) else: # if the command was successful delete the original file cfile.unlink() # and add the file to register_me.flag flags.write_flag_file(ses_path.joinpath('register_me.flag'), file_list=cfile.stem)
def callFIJIstitch_noCompute(dir_in, dir_out, fiji_path): copyfile(src=Path(dir_out + 'TileConfiguration' '.registered.txt'), dst=Path(dir_in + 'TileConfiguration.registered.txt')) copyfile(src=Path(dir_out + 'img_t1_z1_c1'), dst=Path(dir_out + 'img_t1_z1_c0')) script_file_p = dir_in + 'stitch_script_2.txt' dir_in = PureWindowsPath(dir_in).as_posix() dir_out = PureWindowsPath(dir_out).as_posix() out_file2 = open(script_file_p, 'w') out_file2.write('run("Grid/Collection stitching", "type=[Positions from file] order=[Defined by TileConfiguration] ' \ 'directory={} layout_file=TileConfiguration.registered.txt ' \ 'fusion_method=[Linear Blending] regression_threshold=0.30 max/avg_displacement_threshold=2.50 absolute_displacement_threshold=3.50 ' \ 'computation_parameters=[Save computation time (but use more RAM)] image_output=[Write to disk] ' \ 'output_directory={}");' '\nrun("Quit");' .format(dir_in, dir_out)) out_file2.close() base = os.path.splitext(script_file_p)[0] if os.path.exists(base + ".ijm"): os.remove(base + ".ijm") os.rename(script_file_p, base + ".ijm") call([fiji_path, '-macro', base + ".ijm"])
def get_data_path(platform='reza_win'): if platform == 'reza_wsl': data_path = Path( '/mnt/c/Users/mamar/OneDrive - University of Toronto/Thesis/Brain Network/SPINS/SPINS_ciftify/schaefer_ea' ) elif platform == 'reza_win': data_path = PureWindowsPath( r"C:\Users\mamar\OneDrive - University of Toronto\Thesis\Brain Network\SPINS\SPINS_ciftify\schaefer_ea" ) elif platform == 'camh': data_path = Path('/projects/rebrahimi/GSP/SPINS_ciftify/schaefer_ea/') else: data_path = None return data_path
def listDirFile(paths): listOfLocalFiles = {} # List of dirs listOfMd5 = {} # Key - Value pair of 'filename : md5sum' for index in paths: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(index): for file in filenames: full_path = os.path.join(dirpath, file) fullPathS3 = full_path.replace("\\", "/") listOfMd5[fullPathS3[len(index) + 1:]] = getFileMd5(full_path) if (full_path not in listOfLocalFiles): fPath = Path(full_path) listOfLocalFiles[PureWindowsPath( fPath)] = fullPathS3[len(index) + 1:] return listOfLocalFiles, listOfMd5
def activate_item(self, e=None): tags_tree = self.tags_tree tree_id_to_index_ref = self.tree_id_to_index_ref if self.active_map is None or self.queue_tree is None: return elif ("halo2" in self.active_map.engine and self.active_map.engine != "halo2vista"): print("Cannot interact with Halo 2 Xbox maps.") return def_settings = {} if self.app_root: def_settings = dict(self.app_root.tk_vars) if self.app_root.running: return map_name = self.active_map.map_header.map_name # add selection to queue for iid in tags_tree.selection(): if len(tags_tree.item(iid, 'values')): # tag_index_ref item_name = tags_tree.parent(iid) + tags_tree.item(iid, 'text') tag_index_ref = tree_id_to_index_ref[int(iid)] tag_index_refs = (tag_index_ref, ) else: # directory item_name = iid tag_index_ref = None tag_index_refs = self._compile_list_of_selected(iid) # ask for extraction settings settings, original_name, title = self.show_actions_dialog( item_name, defaults=def_settings, tag_index_ref=tag_index_ref) if settings['accept_rename'].get(): item_name = str( PureWindowsPath(tags_tree.parent(iid), tags_tree.item(iid, 'text')).with_suffix("")) self.rename_tag_index_refs(tag_index_refs, original_name, settings['rename_string'].get(), settings['newtype_string'].get()) elif settings['accept_settings'].get(): settings['tag_index_refs'] = tag_index_refs settings['title'] = title self.queue_tree.add_to_queue( "%s: map: %s: %s" % (settings['extract_mode'].get(), map_name, item_name), settings)
def playback(): # Get a random opening random_opening_name = getSelected() print(random_opening_name) # Retrieve the file it came from and find commands for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd() + '\\files\\commands'): myfile = os.getcwd() + '\\files\\commands\\' + filename if ".json" in myfile: with open(myfile) as f: data = json.load(f) if data['Name'] == random_opening_name: #command_file = Path("./files/commands/Temp.json") #command_path = PureWindowsPath(command_file) command_path = PureWindowsPath(myfile) init(command_path)
class Start(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self,parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self,parent) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.run_button,QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.Run ) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.about_button,QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.About ) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.select_input_button,QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.SelectInputFile ) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.select_pdflatex_button,QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.SelectPdflatexFile ) self.input_file_path = '' self.pdflatex_file_path = '' self.fo_tex = 0 self.tex_file_path = '' self.tex_filename = '' self.working_dir = '' def AboutClose(self): self.about_widget.hide() def About(self): # A help window popups self.about_widget = QtGui.QWidget() # create widget self.about = Ui_About() # get designer's code self.about.setupUi(self.about_widget) # apply designer's code QtCore.QObject.connect( self.about.OK_button,QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.AboutClose ) # def isNot_TeX_File(self,name): #check extension ending = name[-4:] if ending != '.tex': return True return False def SelectInputFile(self): fd = QtGui.QFileDialog(self) self.input_file_path = fd.getOpenFileName() if self.input_file_path == '' : return if self.isNot_TeX_File(self.input_file_path): self.ui.input_file_field.setText(RedText('> Error: Unsupported file format')) self.input_file_path = '' return self.ui.input_file_field.setText(self.input_file_path) print('> got input file path:',self.input_file_path) self.tex_filename = PureWindowsPath(self.input_file_path).name # Potential Error self.tex_filename = self.tex_filename[:-4]+'_results.tex' self.working_dir = str( PureWindowsPath(self.input_file_path).parents[0] ) print('> working dir set to :', self.working_dir) print('> tex file name set to :', self.tex_filename) def isNotPdflatexFile(self,name): ending = name[len(name)-12:] if ending != 'pdflatex.exe' : return True return False def SelectPdflatexFile(self): fd = QtGui.QFileDialog(self) self.pdflatex_file_path = fd.getOpenFileName() print('> selected file:', self.pdflatex_file_path) if self.pdflatex_file_path == '' : return if self.isNotPdflatexFile(self.pdflatex_file_path): self.ui.pdflatex_field.setText(RedText('> Error: pdflatex.exe expected')) self.pdflatex_file_path = '' return self.ui.pdflatex_field.setText(self.pdflatex_file_path) def Print(self,text): print (text,file=self.fo_tex) def PPrint(self,expr): print ('\n$$\n',sympy.latex(expr),'\n$$\n',file=self.fo_tex) def InitiateTexFile(self): try: #cur_dir = Path('.') cur_dir = Path(self.working_dir) #print('> current directory is set to: ',cur_dir) self.tex_file_path = str(cur_dir/self.tex_filename) self.fo_tex = open(self.tex_file_path,'w') #TODO close ?? except OSError: self.ui.input_file_field.setText(Redtext('.tex file cannot be created')) return True initial_string = ''' \documentclass{article} \\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \\usepackage{amsthm} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\begin{document} ''' # \\usepackage[russian]{babel} self.Print(initial_string) print('> TeX file has been created') return False def RunPdflatexAndOpenPdf(self): print ('> Starting pdflatex.exe') args = [ self.pdflatex_file_path, '-interaction=batchmode', '-halt-on-error', '-no-shell-escape', self.tex_file_path ] tex_process =,cwd=self.working_dir) print('> pdflatex process return code : ', tex_process) (Path(self.working_dir)/(self.tex_filename[:-4]+'.log')).unlink() (Path(self.working_dir)/(self.tex_filename[:-4]+'.aux')).unlink() print ('> .aux and .log files deleted') print('> Openning pdf file...') pdf_filename = str ( Path(self.working_dir)/(self.tex_filename.replace('.tex','.pdf')) ) import os os.system("start "+pdf_filename ) def FilesArePresent(self): if self.isNotPdflatexFile(self.pdflatex_file_path): self.ui.pdflatex_field.setText(RedText('select file')) return False if self.isNot_TeX_File(self.input_file_path): self.ui.input_file_field.setText(RedText('select file')) return False return True def CheckODEs(self,fo): ''' read text file fo, solve ODEs, print results, close file ''' funvar = FindFuncAndVar(fo) if (funvar[0] == '' or funvar[1] == '') : self.ui.input_file_field.setText(RedText('ERROR: Function or Variable is not specified')) print('> ERROR: Function or Variable is not specified') return True print ('> function and variable defined') # reset fo fo.close() fo = open(self.input_file_path,'r') # print('> input file reopened') print('> Parsing input file ...') for i,data in enumerate(ParseTex(fo)): print('>> iteration :',i ) print('>> data :',data) eqs = LatexToSympy(data+funvar) print('>> Checking solution ...') res = Check(eqs[0],eqs[1]) self.Print('ODE number: '+str(i+1)) self.PPrint(eqs[0]) if res[0] == False : self.Print ('Given solution:') self.PPrint (eqs[1]) self.Print (' is INCORRECT') # RED letters self.Print ('') self.Print ('The correct one is:') self.PPrint (res[1]) else: self.Print('Solution:') self.PPrint(eqs[1]) self.Print ('CORRECT') # GREEN letters self.Print ('') fo.close() return False ''' def ShowProcessingMessage(self): self.proc_mes = QtGui.QWidget() ui = Ui_Form() ui.setupUi(self.proc_mes) # def HideProcessingMessage(self): self.proc_mes.hide() ''' def VerifyInputFile(self): print('> Verifying input file...') args = [self.pdflatex_file_path, '-interaction=batchmode', '-halt-on-error', '-no-shell-escape', '-draftmode', # '-quiet', self.input_file_path ] tex_process =,cwd=self.working_dir) print('> pdflatex process return code : ', tex_process) Path(self.input_file_path[:-4]+'.aux').unlink() if tex_process != 0 : return True # error occured else: Path(self.input_file_path[:-4]+'.log').unlink() return False # no error def Run(self): #self.ShowProcessingMessage() print ( '> RUNNING ...') if not self.FilesArePresent(): print('> ERROR : select files') return error_occured = self.VerifyInputFile() if error_occured : print ('> ERROR: cannot compile the input file') self.ui.input_file_field.setText(RedText('ERROR: See .log file for details')) #TODO # ErrorMessage # look at log file return # open input file try: fo = open(self.input_file_path,'r') except (FileNotFoundError, NameError ) as e: self.ui.input_file_field.setText(RedText('cannot open file')) print('> ERROR: cannot open file') return # # initiate tex file error_occured = self.InitiateTexFile() if error_occured : self.ui.input_file_field.setText(RedText('cannot create TeX file')) self.ui.pdflatex_field.setText(RedText('cannot create TeX file')) print('> ERROR: cannot create TeX file') # error_occured = self.CheckODEs(fo) # fo will be closed there if error_occured : print ('> ODE checker ERROR') #TODO # ErrorMessage # look at log file return self.Print('\end{document}') self.fo_tex.close() print ('> Parsing finished') #self.HideProcessingMessage() self.RunPdflatexAndOpenPdf()
#文化局決算 from pathlib import Path, PureWindowsPath from aisimporter import import_cba_csv dir = PureWindowsPath("C:\\Users\\fhopecc\\Google 雲端硬碟\\家教中心決算\\dataset") print(dir.as_posix()) print(dir / "cba.db") import_cba_csv(str(dir.as_posix()), str((dir / "cba.db").as_posix()))