    def generate(self, input=None):
        dsi = input
        ###### BINNING USING CONFI
        # Generate bin values for range start_scale to end_scale
        # Calculate the number of bins at binsize across range
        dso = DataSet()

        r = dsi.scales_r[1]
        self._bin_size, self._bin_offset = self.config.get('bin_size'), self.config.get('bin_offset')

        bins = np.arange(r[0] + self._bin_offset, r[1] + self._bin_offset, self._bin_size)
        number_of_bins = len(bins) - 1

        # Can't increase the size of data, if bins > current size return the original
        if number_of_bins >= len(dso.scales[1]):
            return {'dso': dso}

        # Resize (lossy) to the new shape
        old_shape, new_shape = list(dsi.data.shape), list(dso.data.shape)
        new_shape[1] = number_of_bins
        dso.crop(new_shape)  # Lossy crop, but we'll be within the boundary below

        for n, d in enumerate(dsi.data):
            binned_data = np.histogram(dsi.scales[1], bins=bins, weights=d)
            binned_num = np.histogram(dsi.scales[1], bins=bins)  # Number of data points that ended up contributing to each bin
            dso.data[n, :] = binned_data[0] / binned_num[0]  # Mean

        dso.scales[1] = [float(x) for x in binned_data[1][:-1]]
        #dso.labels[1] = [str(x) for x in binned_data[1][:-1]]

        # Remove any NaNs that have crept in (due to the histogram)

        return {'output': dso, 'input': input}  # Pass back input for difference plot