def test_get_schedules_with_name(app): """Assert that the function returns schedules.""" with app.app_context(): service_name = 'PAYBC' get_response = StatusService().get_schedules(service_name=service_name) assert get_response[0]['up'] is not None
def test_get_schedules_with_name_not_exists(app): """Assert that the function don't return schedules.""" with app.app_context(): service_name = 'PAYBC1' get_response = StatusService().get_schedules(service_name=service_name) assert get_response is None
def test_status_check_single_schedule_down_first(app): """Assert that the function return a valid schedule.""" # Sunday 6:30am - 9:30pm schedule_json = [{'down': '30 6 * * 6', 'up': '30 21 * * 6'}] # 1988-07-30 11:30am US/Pacific Saturday / 1988-07-30 6:30pm UTC check_date: datetime = datetime(1988, 7, 30, 18, 30) with app.app_context(): service_name = 'PAYBC' mock_get_schedule = patch( '') mock_get = mock_get_schedule.start() mock_get.return_value = schedule_json get_response = StatusService().schedule_status( service_name=service_name, check_date=check_date) mock_get.stop() assert get_response is not None assert get_response['service'] == service_name assert not get_response['current_status'] timezone = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific') assert get_response['current_down_time'] == timezone.localize( datetime(1988, 7, 30, 6, 30)).timestamp() assert get_response['next_down_time'] == 0 assert get_response['next_up_time'] == timezone.localize( datetime(1988, 7, 30, 21, 30)).timestamp()
def test_status_check_status_single_schedule(app): """Assert that the function return a valid schedule.""" # Sunday 6:30am - 9:30pm schedule_json = [{'up': '30 6 * * 7', 'down': '30 21 * * 7'}] # 1988-07-31 10:30pm US/Pacific Sunday / 1988-08-01 5:30am UTC check_date: datetime = datetime(1988, 8, 1, 5, 30) with app.app_context(): service_name = 'PAYBC' mock_get_schedule = patch( '') mock_get = mock_get_schedule.start() mock_get.return_value = schedule_json get_response = StatusService().schedule_status( service_name=service_name, check_date=check_date) mock_get.stop() assert get_response is not None assert get_response['service'] == service_name assert not get_response['current_status']
def test_get_nearest_datetime_without_list(app): """Assert that the function don't return schedules.""" with app.app_context(): dates: list = list() check_date: datetime = datetime(1988, 8, 1, 5, 30) get_response = StatusService().get_nearest_datetime(dates, check_date) assert get_response == 0
def test_status_check_without_name(app): """Assert that the function returns schedules.""" with app.app_context(): service_name = None check_date = datetime.utcnow() get_response = StatusService().schedule_status( service_name=service_name, check_date=check_date) assert get_response is not None assert get_response['service'] == service_name assert get_response['current_status'] == 'None'
def test_status_check_multiple_flexible_schedule_false(app): """Assert that the function don't return schedules.""" # Monday - Wedensday 6:30am - 9:30pm # Thursday 6:30am - # Friday - 9:30pm # Saturday 6:30am - 9:30pm # Sunday 6:30am - 9:30pm schedule_json = [ { 'up': '30 6 * * 1-3', 'down': '30 21 * * 1-3' }, { 'up': '30 6 * * 4', 'down': '30 21 * * 4' }, { 'down': '30 21 * * 5' }, { 'up': '30 6 * * 6', 'down': '30 21 * * 6' }, { 'up': '30 6 * * 7', 'down': '30 21 * * 7' }, ] # 1988-07-29 11:30pm US/Pacific Friday / 1988-07-30 5:30am UTC check_date: datetime = datetime(1988, 7, 30, 5, 30) with app.app_context(): service_name = 'PAYBC' mock_get_schedule = patch( '') mock_get = mock_get_schedule.start() mock_get.return_value = schedule_json get_response = StatusService().schedule_status( service_name=service_name, check_date=check_date) assert get_response is not None assert get_response['service'] == service_name assert not get_response['current_status'] timezone = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific') assert get_response['current_down_time'] == timezone.localize( datetime(1988, 7, 29, 21, 30)).timestamp() assert get_response['next_up_time'] == timezone.localize( datetime(1988, 7, 30, 6, 30)).timestamp() assert get_response['next_down_time'] == 0
def test_status_check_no_schedule(app): """Assert that the function return no schedule.""" # sunday 6:30am - 9:30pm schedule_json = [{}] with app.app_context(): service_name = 'PAYBC' check_date = datetime.utcnow() mock_get_schedule = patch( '') mock_get = mock_get_schedule.start() mock_get.return_value = schedule_json get_response = StatusService().schedule_status( service_name=service_name, check_date=check_date) mock_get.stop() assert get_response is not None assert get_response['service'] == service_name assert get_response['current_status'] assert get_response['current_down_time'] == 0
def test_get_schedules_without_name(app): """Assert that the function don't return schedules.""" with app.app_context(): get_response = StatusService().get_schedules(service_name=None) assert get_response is None
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Resource for Service status endpoints.""" from datetime import datetime from http import HTTPStatus from flask import current_app, jsonify from flask_restplus import Namespace, Resource, cors from import StatusService from pay_api.utils.util import cors_preflight API = Namespace('status', description='Payment System - Service Status') STATUS_SERVICE = StatusService() @cors_preflight('GET') @API.route('', methods=['GET', 'OPTIONS']) class ServiceStatus(Resource): """Endpoint resource to calculate fee.""" @staticmethod @cors.crossdomain(origin='*') @API.response(200, 'OK') def get(service_name: str): """Get the service schedule and return status and next schedule date/time."""'<ServiceStatus.get') response, status = STATUS_SERVICE.schedule_status( service_name, datetime.utcnow()), HTTPStatus.OK current_app.logger.debug('>ServiceStatus.get')