def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Creates and adds an attachment to a beacon') parser.add_argument( '--access-token', required=True, help= 'Access token for interacting with the API. Must be tied to a project that has activated the Proximity Beacon API' ) parser.add_argument( '--beacon-name', required=True, help= 'Name of the beacon to attach to. Format is "beacons/N!<beacon ID>"') parser.add_argument('--attachment-data', required=True, help='Un-encoded data for the attachment') parser.add_argument( '--namespaced-type', required=True, help= 'In the from of "namespace/type" for the attachment. Namespace is most likely your project ID' ) parser.add_argument('--project-id', required=False, help='ID for the project ') args = parser.parse_args() access_token = args.access_token pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_access_token(access_token) pb_client.add_attachment(args.beacon_name, args.namespaced_type, args.attachment_data, args.project_id)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='CLI wrapper for the Proximity Beacon API', add_help=False) parser.add_argument('command', nargs='?', metavar='command', choices=aliases.keys(), help='Name of the Proximity Beacon API method to execute. Supported options are: ' + str(aliases.keys())) parser.add_argument('--help', '-h', nargs='?', default=False, const=True, metavar='command', help='This help message or the help message for the given command') parser.add_argument('--list-commands', action='store_true', help='Lists the Proximity Beacon API methods available to run') parser.add_argument('--service-account-creds', help='Path to file containing credentials for a service account. If this is a p12 file, you ' + 'must also supply --service-account-email. Otherwise, this is expected to be JSON.') parser.add_argument('--service-account-email', help='Client email of the service account to use if --service-account-creds is a p12. Not ' + 'needed if using an access token or a JSON service account file.') parser.add_argument('--access-token', help='OAuth2 access token ') parser.add_argument('--client-secret', help='Path to a JSON file containing oauth client ID secrets.') parser.add_argument('--print-results', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print the command\'s return value to stdout.') args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args() if handle_help(parser, args) exit(0) if args.list_commands: list_commands() exit(0) if args.command is None: print('[ERROR] command name is required') parser.print_help() exit(1) # TODO: support specifying creds via env vars pb_client = None if args.service_account_creds is not None and args.service_account_email is not None: pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_p12(args.service_account_creds, args.service_account_email) elif args.service_account_creds is not None: pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_json(args.service_account_creds) elif args.access_token is not None: pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_access_token(args.access_token) elif args.client_secret is not None: pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_client_id_json(args.client_secret) else: try: pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_app_default() except Exception, err: # TODO: if no creds found, attempt web-based oauth flow print('[ERROR] No usable access credentials specified. Cannot create API client: {}'.format(err.message)) exit(1)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='CLI wrapper for the Proximity Beacon API', add_help=False) parser.add_argument('command', nargs='?', metavar='command', choices=aliases.keys(), help='Name of the Proximity Beacon API method to execute. Supported options are: ' + str(aliases.keys())) parser.add_argument('--help', '-h', nargs='?', default=False, const=True, metavar='command', help='This help message or the help message for the given command') parser.add_argument('--list-commands', action='store_true', help='Lists the Proximity Beacon API methods available to run') parser.add_argument('--service-account-creds', help='Path to file containing credentials for a service account. If this is a p12 file, you ' + 'must also supply --service-account-email. Otherwise, this is expected to be JSON.') parser.add_argument('--service-account-email', help='Client email of the service account to use if --service-account-creds is a p12. Not ' + 'needed if using an access token or a JSON service account file.') parser.add_argument('--access-token', help='OAuth2 access token ') parser.add_argument('--client-secret', help='Path to a JSON file containing oauth client ID secrets.') args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args() if handle_help(parser, args) exit(0) if args.list_commands: list_commands() exit(0) if args.command is None: print('[ERROR] command name is required') parser.print_help() exit(1) # TODO: support specifying creds via env vars pb_client = None if args.service_account_creds is not None and args.service_account_email is not None: pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_p12(args.service_account_creds, args.service_account_email) elif args.service_account_creds is not None: pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_json(args.service_account_creds) elif args.access_token is not None: pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_access_token(args.access_token) elif args.client_secret is not None: pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_client_id_json(args.client_secret) else: try: pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_app_default() except Exception, err: # TODO: if no creds found, attempt web-based oauth flow print('[ERROR] No usable access credentials specified. Cannot create API client: {}'.format(err.message)) exit(1)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Lists known attachments for this beacon/project.') parser.add_argument( 'creds', nargs='?', help= 'Path to JSON file containing service account credentials authorized to call the Google Proximity Beacon API' ) parser.add_argument( '--beacon-name', required=False, help= 'Optional beacon name to list attachments for. Otherwise, lists all attachments for all beacons under this project.' ) parser.add_argument('--project-id', required=False, help='') parser.add_argument('--access-token', required=False, help='') args = parser.parse_args() pb_client = None if args.creds is not None: pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_json(args.creds) elif args.access_token is not None: pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_access_token(args.access_token) else: print( '[ERROR] No usable access credentials specified. Cannot create API client.' ) exit(1) if args.beacon_name is None: beacons = pb_client.list_beacons() beacon_names = map(lambda b: b['beaconName'], beacons) else: beacon_names = [args.beacon_name] for beacon in beacon_names: attachments = pb_client.list_attachments(beacon, '*/*', args.project_id) print("Attachments for beacon '%s':" % beacon) if attachments is not None: for attachment in attachments: attachment['data'] = base64.b64decode(attachment['data']) print("\t%s" % json.dumps(attachment)) else: print('\tNone')
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Lists all beacon ') parser.add_argument( 'creds', nargs='?', help= 'Path to JSON file containing service account credentials authorized to call the Google Proximity Beacon API' ) parser.add_argument('--names-only', action='store_true', help='Only output names, rather than full JSON') parser.add_argument('--project-id', help='Project ID run this command on.') parser.add_argument( '--access-token', help='OAuth Access token to use. Incompatible with specifying creds.') args = parser.parse_args() project = args.project_id pb_client = None if args.creds is not None: pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_json(args.creds) elif args.access_token is not None: pb_client = pbapi.build_client_from_access_token(args.access_token) else: print( '[ERROR] No usable access credentials specified. Cannot create API client.' ) exit(1) beacons = pb_client.list_beacons(project) if args.names_only: beacon_names = map(lambda b: b['beaconName'], beacons) for beacon in beacon_names: print(beacon) else: for beacon in beacons: print(json.dumps(beacon))