文件: cli.py 项目: lpp1985/lpp_Script
def get_sal_and_status(host, port):
    """Get Sal or Raise if status isn't successful"""
        sal = ServiceAccessLayer(host, port)
        return sal
    except RequestException as e:
        log.error("Failed to connect to {h}:{p}".format(h=host, p=port))
def get_sal_and_status(host, port):
    """Get Sal or Raise if status isn't successful"""
        sal = ServiceAccessLayer(host, port)
        return sal
    except RequestException as e:
        log.error("Failed to connect to {h}:{p}".format(h=host, p=port))
def get_sal_and_status(host, port):
    """Get Sal or Raise if status isn't successful"""
    sal = ServiceAccessLayer(host, port)
    return sal
def run_main(host, port, nprocesses, ntimes, profile_csv):
    # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, file=sys.stdout)

    profile_d = {}

    started_at = time.time()


    sal = ServiceAccessLayer(host, port)
    status = sal.get_status()
    log.info("Status {}".format(status))

    profile_d['nprocesses'] = nprocesses
    profile_d["init_nsubreads"] = len(sal.get_subreadsets())
    profile_d['init_nreferences'] = len(sal.get_referencesets())
    profile_d['init_njobs'] = len(sal.get_analysis_jobs())

    chunksize = 6

    info = "{h}:{p} with ntimes:{n} with processors:{x}".format(h=host,

    # FIXME. All paths are relative to smrtflow root
    def to_p(rpath):
        return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), rpath)

    # DataSet
    referenceset_path = to_p(
    subreadset_path = to_p(

    # Run Design
    run_design_path = to_p(

    # Dev Diagnostic
    analysis_json = to_p(

    output_dir_prefix = to_p("test-output")
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir_prefix):

    # import referenceset with original UUID for the dev_diagnostic run
    _run_cmd("{pbservice} import-dataset --host={h} --port={p} {x}".format(
        pbservice=pbservice, h=host, p=port, x=referenceset_path))

    xs = _generate_data(host, port, [referenceset_path, subreadset_path],
                        analysis_json, run_design_path, output_dir_prefix,

    log.info("Starting {i}".format(i=info))

    p = multiprocessing.Pool(nprocesses)

    results = p.map(runner, xs, chunksize=chunksize)

    failed = [r for r in results if r.exit_code != 0]
    was_successful = len(failed) == 0
    for f in failed:

    log.debug("exiting {i}".format(i=info))
    if failed:
        log.error("Failed Results {r} of {x}".format(r=len(failed),

    run_time_sec = time.time() - started_at

    profile_d['nresults'] = len(results)
    profile_d['nfailed'] = len(failed)
    profile_d['was_successful'] = was_successful

    profile_d["final_nsubreads"] = len(sal.get_subreadsets())
    profile_d['final_nreferences'] = len(sal.get_referencesets())
    profile_d['final_njobs'] = len(sal.get_analysis_jobs())
    profile_d['run_time_sec'] = run_time_sec

    write_profile(profile_d, profile_csv)
    return 0 if was_successful else 1
def run_main(host, port, nprocesses, ntimes, profile_csv):
    # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, file=sys.stdout)

    profile_d = {}

    started_at = time.time()


    sal = ServiceAccessLayer(host, port)
    status = sal.get_status()
    log.info("Status {}".format(status))

    profile_d['nprocesses'] = nprocesses
    profile_d["init_nsubreads"] = len(sal.get_subreadsets())
    profile_d['init_nreferences'] = len(sal.get_referencesets())
    profile_d['init_njobs'] = len(sal.get_analysis_jobs())

    chunksize = 6

    info = "{h}:{p} with ntimes:{n} with processors:{x}".format(h=host, p=port, n=ntimes, x=nprocesses)

    # FIXME. All paths are relative to smrtflow root
    def to_p(rpath):
        return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), rpath)

    # DataSet
    referenceset_path = to_p("test-data/smrtserver-testdata/ds-references/mk-01/mk_name_01/referenceset.xml")
    subreadset_path = to_p("test-data/smrtserver-testdata/ds-subreads/PacBioTestData/m54006_160504_020705.tiny.subreadset.xml")

    # Run Design
    run_design_path = to_p("smrt-server-link/src/test/resources/runCreate2.xml")

    # Dev Diagnostic
    analysis_json = to_p("smrt-server-analysis/src/test/resources/analysis-dev-diagnostic-stress-01.json")

    output_dir_prefix = to_p("test-output")
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir_prefix):

    # import referenceset with original UUID for the dev_diagnostic run
    _run_cmd("pbservice import-dataset --host={h} --port={p} {x}".format(h=host, p=port, x=referenceset_path))

    xs = _generate_data(host, port, [referenceset_path, subreadset_path],
                        analysis_json, run_design_path, output_dir_prefix, ntimes)

    log.info("Starting {i}".format(i=info))

    p = multiprocessing.Pool(nprocesses)

    results = p.map(runner, xs, chunksize=chunksize)

    failed = [r for r in results if r.exit_code != 0]
    was_successful = len(failed) == 0
    for f in failed:

    log.debug("exiting {i}".format(i=info))
    if failed:
        log.error("Failed Results {r} of {x}".format(r=len(failed), x=len(results)))

    run_time_sec = time.time() - started_at

    profile_d['nresults'] = len(results)
    profile_d['nfailed'] = len(failed)
    profile_d['was_successful'] = was_successful

    profile_d["final_nsubreads"] = len(sal.get_subreadsets())
    profile_d['final_nreferences'] = len(sal.get_referencesets())
    profile_d['final_njobs'] = len(sal.get_analysis_jobs())
    profile_d['run_time_sec'] = run_time_sec

    write_profile(profile_d, profile_csv)
    return 0 if was_successful else 1
def run_main(path, host, port, job_name, pipeline_id, referenceset_uuid, block=False, custom_options=None):

    :param path: Path to SubreadSet XML will be imported (if it's not already been imported)
    :param host: SL Host
    :param port: SL Port
    :param job_name:  Job name
    :param pipeline_id:  Pipeline Id (e.g, pbsmrtpipe.pipelines.my_pipeline
    :param referenceset_uuid: UUID of Rset. This *must* already be imported
    :param block: To block and poll for the analysis job to complete

    :param custom_options: Dictionary of task options for the provided
    Pipeline in the form

    :type custom_options: dict | None
    :rtype: int

    # look up the reference set UUID from pbservice CLI util or
    # http://smrtlink-beta:8081/secondary-analysis/datasets/references
    # TODO. 1. Import SubreadSet if it's not already imported
    # TODO. 2. Check and see if the Job with the SubreadSet UUID was already submitted
    # TODO. 3. Add option to force a new submission to override (2)
    # TODO. 4. Enable custom pipeline options json file at the CLI

    # sanity test
    sset = SubreadSet(path)
    log.info("Loaded SubreadSet {}".format(sset))

    sal = ServiceAccessLayer(host, port)
    # Sanity Check
    _ = sal.get_status()

    # Step 1. Import SubreadSet (and block) if it's not imported already
    service_sset = sal.get_subreadset_by_id(sset.uuid)
    # TODO. Add check to see if Job was successful
    if service_sset is None:
        log.info("Running Import-DataSet job with {}".format(path))
        sset_import_job = sal.run_import_dataset_subread(path)
        log.info("Import-DataSet job {}".format(sset_import_job))
        log.info("Found already imported SubreadSet {}".format(service_sset))

    # Step 2. Check and See if an previous analysis job has already been run
    # Immediately exit if an analysis job is found
    analysis_job = get_job_by_subreadset_uuid_or_none(sal, sset.uuid)
    if analysis_job is not None:
        log.info("Found exiting job {} for SubreadSet {}".format(analysis_job, sset))
        return 0

    # Step 3. Create a new Analysis job with custom task options (if provided)
    task_options = {} if custom_options is None else custom_options

    # Get the already Successfully imported DataSets
    service_sset_d = sal.get_dataset_by_uuid(sset.uuid)
    service_rset_d = sal.get_dataset_by_uuid(referenceset_uuid)

    f = sal.run_by_pipeline_template_id if block else sal.create_by_pipeline_template_id

    # The API takes the Int id of the DataSet
    epoints = (ServiceEntryPoint("eid_subread", FileTypes.DS_SUBREADS.file_type_id, service_sset_d['id']),
               ServiceEntryPoint("eid_ref_dataset", FileTypes.DS_REF.file_type_id, service_rset_d['id']))

    job = f(job_name, pipeline_id, epoints, task_options=task_options)

    log.info("Analysis Job {}".format(job))

    if block:
        exit_code = 0 if job.state == JobStates.SUCCESSFUL else 1
        # the job is in the created state
        exit_code = 0

    return exit_code