    def apply(self, message):
            # NEXT_HOP and COMMUNITIES are attributes of a BGP UPDATE message
            if message.type is not BGPStatics.MESSAGE_TYPE_UPDATE:
                # Skip messages that are no UPDATE messages
                return None

            for attribute in message.path_attributes:
                # Skip attributes that are no NEXT_HOP attributes
                if attribute.type is BGPStatics.UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE_NEXT_HOP:
                    # Here we found the NEXT_HOP attribute - check for blackhole next_hop
                    for value in self.values:
                        if str(
                                    attribute.next_hop)) == str(value):
                            # Match on NEXT_HOP attribute - Return message
                            return message

                # Alternatively check if well-known BGP community is set (RFC 7999)
                if attribute.type is BGPStatics.UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE_COMMUNITIES:

                    for community in attribute.communities:
                        if community.asn == 65535 and community.value == 666:
                            return message

            # Searched value was not found
            return None
        except Exception as e:
            # On error the filtering was not successful (due to wrong fields, etc.)
            return None
 def json(self):
     return {
         "type": self.type,
         "type_string": BGPTranslation.path_attribute(self.type),
         "error": self.error,
         "next_hop": str(BGPRoute.decimal_ip_to_string(self.next_hop))
    def apply(self, message):
            # NEXT_HOP is a path attribute of BGP UPDATE message
            # Therefore we first need to make that we are currently handling an UPDATE message
            if message.type is not BGPStatics.MESSAGE_TYPE_UPDATE:
                # Skip messages that are no UPDATE messages
                return None

            for attribute in message.path_attributes:
                # Skip attributes that are no NEXT_HOP attributes
                if attribute.type is not BGPStatics.UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE_NEXT_HOP:

                # Here we found the NEXT_HOP attribute - loop through allowed values
                for value in self.values:
                    if str(BGPRoute.decimal_ip_to_string(
                            attribute.next_hop)) == str(value):
                        # Match on NEXT_HOP attribute - Return message
                        return message

            # Searched value was not found
            return None
        except Exception as e:
            # On error the filtering was not successful (due to wrong fields, etc.)
            return None
    def apply(self, message):
        # Example return:
        # [BGPMessage UPDATE] - [ ->]
        # |- IP: ->
        # |- MAC: 11:11:11:11:11:11 -> 11:11:11:11:11
        # |- Unix Time: 1412416346.123245123
        # |
        # |- Withdrawn Routes Length: 0
        # |- Total Path Attribute Length: 55
        # |- Path Attributes
        # |--- ORIGIN: IGP
        # |--- AS_PATH: (9498 9430)
        # |--- NEXT_HOP:
        # |--- COMMUNITIES: 9498:1 9498:11 9498:91
        # |- NLRI
        # |---

        # Initialize basic return string and PCAP information
        string = "[BGPMessage " + BGPTranslation.message_type(
            message.type) + "] - " + str(message.length) + " Bytes\n"
        string += self.prefix(0) + "MAC: " + message.pcap_information.get_mac(
            separated=True) + " -> " + message.pcap_information.get_mac(
            ).get_destination_string(separated=True) + "\n"
        string += self.prefix(0) + "IP: " + message.pcap_information.get_ip(
        ).get_source_string() + ":" + message.pcap_information.get_ports(
        ).get_source_string() + " -> " + message.pcap_information.get_ip(
        ).get_destination_string() + ":" + message.pcap_information.get_ports(
        ).get_destination_string() + "\n"
        string += self.prefix(
            0) + "Timestamp: " + message.pcap_information.get_timestmap_utc(
            ) + " (" + str(
                message.pcap_information.get_timestamp()[0]) + "." + str(
                    message.pcap_information.get_timestamp()[1]) + ")\n"

        # Display additional information
        if BGPStatics.MESSAGE_TYPE_KEEPALIVE == message.type:

        if BGPStatics.MESSAGE_TYPE_OPEN == message.type:
            # --- Divider for PCAP information
            string += self.prefix(-1) + "\n"

            string += self.prefix(0) + "Version: " + str(
                message.version) + "\n"
            string += self.prefix(0) + "My ASN: " + str(message.asn) + "\n"
            string += self.prefix(0) + "Hold Time: " + str(
                message.hold_time) + "\n"
            string += self.prefix(0) + "BGP Identifier: " + str(
                BGPRoute.decimal_ip_to_string(message.identifier)) + "\n"

            # --- Optional Parameters
            string += self.prefix(0) + "Optional Parameters Length: " + str(
                message.optional_parameter_length) + " Bytes" + "\n"

            # Process optional parameters
            if message.optional_parameter_length > 0:
                string += self.prefix(0) + "Optional Parameters:" + "\n"

                for parameter in message.optional_parameter:
                    if parameter.type == BGPStatics.OPEN_CAPABILITY:
                        string += self.prefix(
                            1) + "Parameter: Capability" + "\n"

                        # Process capabilities
                        for capability in parameter.capability_list:
                            if capability.type is not BGPStatics.CAPABILITY_UNKNOWN:
                                string += self.prefix(
                                    2) + BGPTranslation.capability(
                                        capability.type) + " (" + str(
                                            capability.type) + ")\n"
                                string += self.prefix(2) + str(
                                    capability) + "\n"

                    elif parameter.type == BGPStatics.OPEN_AUTHENTICATION:
                        string += self.prefix(
                            1) + "Parameter: Authentication" + "\n"
                    elif parameter.type == BGPStatics.OPEN_RESERVED:
                        string += self.prefix(1) + "Parameter: Reserved" + "\n"

        if BGPStatics.MESSAGE_TYPE_UPDATE == message.type:
            # --- Divider for PCAP information
            string += self.prefix(-1) + "\n"

            # --- Update Message Sub-Type
            string += self.prefix(
            ) + "Update Message Sub-Type: " + BGPTranslation.update_subtype(
                message.subtype) + "\n"

            # --- Lengths
            string += self.prefix(0) + "Withdrawn Routes Length: " + str(
                message.withdrawn_routes_length) + " Bytes\n"
            string += self.prefix(0) + "Total Path Attribute Length: " + str(
                message.path_attributes_length) + " Bytes\n"

            # --- NLRI
            if len(message.nlri) > 0:
                string += self.prefix(0) + "Prefix (NLRI):"
                if message.add_path:
                    string += " (AddPath)\n" + self.prefix(
                        0) + "Path Identifier: " + str(message.path_id)
                string += "\n"

                # Process NLRI
                for route in message.nlri:
                    string += self.prefix(1) + str(route) + "\n"

            # --- Path Attributes
            if message.path_attributes_length > 0:

                # Process path attributes
                for attribute in message.path_attributes:
                    string += self.prefix(0) + "Path Attributes:" + "\n"

                    if attribute.type == BGPStatics.UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE_EXTENDED_COMMUNITIES:
                        # Extended Communities must be displayed in another way than other attributes
                        string += self.prefix(
                            1) + BGPTranslation.path_attribute(
                                attribute.type) + ":\n"

                        for community in attribute.extended_communities:
                            string += self.prefix(2) + str(community) + "\n"
                        # We got a "normal" path attribute
                        string += self.prefix(
                            1) + BGPTranslation.path_attribute(
                                attribute.type) + ": " + str(attribute) + "\n"

            # --- Withdrawn Routes
            if message.withdrawn_routes_length > 0:
                string += self.prefix(0) + "Withdrawn Routes:"
                if message.add_path:
                    string += " (AddPath)\n" + self.prefix(
                        0) + "Path Identifier: " + str(message.path_id)
                string += "\n"

                # Process withdrawn routes
                for route in message.withdrawn_routes:
                    string += self.prefix(1) + str(route) + "\n"

        if BGPStatics.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION == message.type:

        if BGPStatics.MESSAGE_TYPE_ROUTE_REFRESH == message.type:

        if BGPStatics.MESSAGE_TYPE_RESERVED == message.type:

        # Return assembled string plus final line break
        return string + "\n"
 def __str__(self):
     if self.parsed and not self.error:
         return str(BGPRoute.decimal_ip_to_string(self.next_hop))
         return None