def main(): conf = toml.load(sys.argv[1]) common.setup_plot() with PdfPages(conf['Output']) as output: for page_conf in conf['Pages']: dump(output, conf, page_conf)
def main(): common.setup_plot() output = PdfPages('quadrupole-trajectory-diagram.pdf') plot_quadrupole(output) output.close() output = PdfPages('sextupole-trajectory-diagram.pdf') plot_sextupole(output) output.close()
def main(): common.setup_plot() plot.rc('figure.subplot', right=0.96, top=0.97, bottom=0.15, left=0.13) output = PdfPages('comparison.pdf') for thickness in common.thickness_vals: for energy in common.energy_vals: for particle in ['e-']: desc = '{:.3f}mm_{:.3f}MeV'.format(round(thickness / mm, 3), round(energy / MeV, 3)) filename = 'out/' + desc + '.h5' plot_run(output, filename, thickness, energy, particle) output.close()
def main(): args = get_args() conf = args.conf fin = h5py.File(conf['Files']['Input'], 'r') run_index = tuple(conf['Files']['RunIndex']) edep = fin['edep'][run_index] * eV xbin = fin['xbin'][:] * mm ybin = fin['ybin'][:] * mm zbin = fin['zbin'][:] * mm common.setup_plot() out_fname = conf['Files']['Output'] os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_fname), exist_ok=True) output = PdfPages(out_fname) plot_deposition_2d(output, conf, edep, xbin, ybin, zbin) output.close() return 0
def main(): common.setup_plot() with PdfPages('collimation-output.pdf') as output: dump( output, 'results/W-5-p45-10.h5', 'results/uncollimated.h5', 'Tungsten collimator\n' + r'$a = 5\,{\rm mm}, r = 0.45\,a, d = 10\,{\rm mm}$') dump( output, 'results/W-4-p43-12.h5', 'results/uncollimated.h5', 'Tungsten collimator\n' + r'$a = 4\,{\rm mm}, r = 0.43\,a, d = 12\,{\rm mm}$') dump( output, 'results/W-5-p42-15.h5', 'results/uncollimated.h5', 'Tungsten collimator\n' + r'$a = 5\,{\rm mm}, r = 0.42\,a, d = 15\,{\rm mm}$') dump( output, 'results/Al-5-p45-10.h5', 'results/uncollimated.h5', 'Aluminum collimator\n' + r'$a = 5\,{\rm mm}, r = 0.45\,a, d = 10\,{\rm mm}$')
def main(): fin = h5py.File('d2W.h5', 'r') common.setup_plot() os.makedirs('figs', exist_ok=True) # PWFA if True: pwfa_drive_datasets = [ 'E300 PWFA/Unmatched Trailing (s=0.17)/drive', 'E300 PWFA/Unmatched Trailing (s=0.14)/drive', 'E300 PWFA/Matched Trailing (s=0.06)/drive', 'E300 PWFA/Unmatched Trailing (s=0.01)/drive'] pwfa_trailing_datasets = [ 'E300 PWFA/Unmatched Trailing (s=0.17)/trailing', 'E300 PWFA/Unmatched Trailing (s=0.14)/trailing', 'E300 PWFA/Matched Trailing (s=0.06)/trailing', 'E300 PWFA/Unmatched Trailing (s=0.01)/trailing'] output = PdfPages('figs/pwfa.pdf') plot_spectral_photon_density( output, fin, pwfa_trailing_datasets[1:2], (MeV, 'MeV'), (1/MeV, '1/MeV'), (-0.1, 2.0), (1e7, 1e13)) plot_d2W( output, fin, pwfa_trailing_datasets[1], ) for x in pwfa_trailing_datasets: plot_double_differential( output, fin, x, 8, (MeV, 'MeV'), (mrad, 'mrad'), (uJ/(mrad*MeV), r'uJ/(mrad$^\cdot$MeV)'), (0.01, 1.0), (-2.0, 2.0)) output.close()
def main(): args = get_args() conf = args.conf fin = h5py.File(conf['Files']['Input'], 'r') run_index = tuple(conf['Files']['RunIndex']) num_events = fin['num_events'][run_index] gin = fin[conf['Files']['Group']] edep = gin['edep'][run_index] * MeV xbin = gin['xbin'][:] * mm ybin = gin['ybin'][:] * mm zbin = gin['zbin'][:] * mm common.setup_plot() filename = conf['Files']['Output'] path = os.path.dirname(filename) if path != '': os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) # output = PdfPages(filename) plot_deposition_2d(filename, conf, edep, num_events, xbin, ybin, zbin) # output.close() return 0
def main(): common.setup_plot() energy = [] position = [] theta0 = 28.0 * deg M = compton.build_transformation( [['TranslateX', 'RotateY', 'TranslateZ'], [-40.1, -28.0, -30.0]], mm, deg) with h5py.File('trajectories/trajectories.h5', 'r') as fin: for gin in fin.values(): E0 = get_energy(gin) x0 = gin['x'][0] * meter x1 = gin['x'][-1] * meter if x0[1] != 0.0: continue x1 = compton.transform(M, x1) energy.append(E0) position.append(x1[2]) energy = np.array(energy) position = np.array(position) args = np.argsort(energy) energy = energy[args] position = position[args] mod = lmfit.Model(fit_func) params = mod.make_params(c0=0.0, c1=0.0, c2=0.0) result = / MeV, x=position, params=params) print(result.fit_report()) v = result.params.valuesdict() print(v['c0']) print(v['c1']) print(v['c2']) x_fit = np.linspace(position[0], position[-1], 200) fig = plot.figure(figsize=(244.0 / 72, 120.0 / 72)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.semilogy(x_fit / mm, result.eval(x=x_fit), linewidth=0.6) ax.semilogy(position / mm, energy / MeV, marker='.', ls='', markersize=0.001, color='k') ax.text(0.05, 0.8, r'$E(z_s)/{\rm MeV} = \exp (c_0 + c_1 z_s + c_2 z_s^2)$', fontsize=7.0, transform=ax.transAxes) text = r'$c_0 = {:.3}$'.format(v['c0']) + '\n' text += r'$c_1 = {:.3}'.format(num2tex(v['c1'] * mm)) text += r'\;{\rm mm}^{-1}$' + '\n' text += r'$c_2 = {:.3}'.format(num2tex(v['c2'] * mm**2)) text += r'\;{\rm mm}^{-2}$' + '\n' print(text) ax.text(0.5, 0.2, text, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.set_xlabel(r'$z_s$ (mm)', labelpad=-1.0) ax.set_ylabel(r"Energy (MeV)", labelpad=2.0) # ax.set_xlim(0, 250) ax.set_ylim(0.1, 20) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) filename = 'out/energy-scale.pdf' os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) plot.savefig(filename, transparent=True)
def plot_homing_map(filename, homing_map, hull): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) output = PdfPages(filename) common.setup_plot() plot.rc('figure.subplot', right=0.99, top=0.99, bottom=0.09, left=0.10) mesh_dx = 0.5 * mm Y, Z = np.meshgrid( np.arange(hull.min_bound[0] - mesh_dx, hull.max_bound[0] + mesh_dx, mesh_dx), np.arange(hull.min_bound[1] - mesh_dx, hull.max_bound[1] + mesh_dx, mesh_dx)) smoothed_xi = homing_map(Y, Z)[:, :, 0] smoothed_phi = homing_map(Y, Z)[:, :, 1] fig = plot.figure(figsize=(244 / 72, 100 / 72)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect=1.0) ax.contour(Z / mm, Y / mm, smoothed_xi, levels=np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 20), linewidths=0.3, colors='#0083b8', linestyles='solid', zorder=0) ax.fill(hull.points[hull.vertices, 1] / mm, hull.points[hull.vertices, 0] / mm, fill=False, linewidth=0.5, edgecolor='k', zorder=10) scale_limits(ax.xaxis, 1.1) scale_limits(ax.yaxis, 1.1) plot.title(r'$\xi(z, y)$') plot.xlabel(r'$z_{\rm scint}$ (mm)', labelpad=0.0) plot.ylabel(r'$y_{\rm scint}$ (mm)', labelpad=0.0) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) output.savefig(fig, transparent=True) fig = plot.figure(figsize=(244 / 72, 100 / 72)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect=1.0) ax.contour(Z / mm, Y / mm, smoothed_phi, levels=20, linewidths=0.3, colors='#0083b8', linestyles='solid', zorder=0) ax.fill(hull.points[hull.vertices, 1] / mm, hull.points[hull.vertices, 0] / mm, fill=False, linewidth=0.5, edgecolor='k', zorder=10) scale_limits(ax.xaxis, 1.1) scale_limits(ax.yaxis, 1.1) plot.title(r'$\phi(z, y)$') plot.xlabel(r'$z_{\rm scint}$ (mm)', labelpad=0.0) plot.ylabel(r'$y_{\rm scint}$ (mm)', labelpad=0.0) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) output.savefig(fig, transparent=True) output.close()
def main(): fin = h5py.File('d2W.h5', 'r') common.setup_plot() os.makedirs('figs', exist_ok=True) # PWFA if True: pwfa_drive_datasets = [ 'E300 PWFA/Unmatched Trailing (s=0.17)/drive', 'E300 PWFA/Unmatched Trailing (s=0.14)/drive', 'E300 PWFA/Matched Trailing (s=0.06)/drive', 'E300 PWFA/Unmatched Trailing (s=0.01)/drive' ] pwfa_trailing_datasets = [ 'E300 PWFA/Unmatched Trailing (s=0.17)/trailing', 'E300 PWFA/Unmatched Trailing (s=0.14)/trailing', 'E300 PWFA/Matched Trailing (s=0.06)/trailing', 'E300 PWFA/Unmatched Trailing (s=0.01)/trailing' ] output = PdfPages('figs/pwfa.pdf') plot_spectral_energy_density(output, fin, pwfa_drive_datasets, (MeV, 'MeV'), (mJ / MeV, 'mJ/MeV'), (-0.1, 2.0), (-0.05, 2.6)) plot_spectral_energy_density(output, fin, pwfa_trailing_datasets, (MeV, 'MeV'), (mJ / MeV, 'mJ/MeV'), (-0.1, 2.0), (-0.05, 2.6)) plot_spectral_photon_density(output, fin, pwfa_drive_datasets, (MeV, 'MeV'), (1 / MeV, '1/MeV'), (-0.1, 2.0), (1e7, 1e13)) plot_spectral_photon_density(output, fin, pwfa_trailing_datasets, (MeV, 'MeV'), (1 / MeV, '1/MeV'), (-0.1, 2.0), (1e7, 1e13)) for x in pwfa_drive_datasets: plot_spot(output, fin, x, 6, (mJ / mrad**2, r'mJ/mrad$^2$'), (-2.0, 2.0), (-1.5, 1.5)) for x in pwfa_trailing_datasets: plot_spot(output, fin, x, 6, (mJ / mrad**2, r'mJ/mrad$^2$'), (-2.0, 2.0), (-1.5, 1.5)) for x in pwfa_drive_datasets: plot_double_differential( output, fin, x, 8, (MeV, 'MeV'), (mrad, 'mrad'), (uJ / (mrad * MeV), r'uJ/(mrad$^\cdot$MeV)'), (0.01, 1.0), (-2.0, 2.0)) for x in pwfa_trailing_datasets: plot_double_differential( output, fin, x, 8, (MeV, 'MeV'), (mrad, 'mrad'), (uJ / (mrad * MeV), r'uJ/(mrad$^\cdot$MeV)'), (0.01, 1.0), (-2.0, 2.0)) output.close() # Filamentation if True: output = PdfPages('figs/filamentation.pdf') plot_spectral_energy_density(output, fin, ['Filamentation/solid'], (MeV, 'MeV'), (uJ / MeV, 'uJ/MeV'), (-4, 60.0), (-5, 100), display_legend=False) plot_spectral_photon_density(output, fin, ['Filamentation/solid'], (MeV, 'MeV'), (1 / MeV, '1/MeV'), (-2, 60.0), (1e6, 1e10), display_legend=False) plot_spot(output, fin, 'Filamentation/solid', 5, (mJ / mrad**2, r'mJ/mrad$^2$'), (-0.2, 0.2), (-0.2, 0.2), '') plot_double_differential(output, fin, 'Filamentation/solid', 8, (MeV, 'MeV'), (mrad, 'mrad'), (uJ / (mrad * MeV), r'uJ/(mrad$\cdot$MeV)'), (1, 30), (-0.2, 0.2), '') output.close() # SFQED if True: output = PdfPages('figs/sfqed.pdf') sfqed_datasets = [ 'SFQED/MPIK/LCFA_w3.0_xi5.7', 'SFQED/MPIK/LCFA_w2.4_xi7.2', 'SFQED/MPIK/LCS+LCFA_w3.0_xi5.7', 'SFQED/MPIK/LCS+LCFA_w2.4_xi7.2' ] sfqed_labels = [ r'LCFA ($a_0=5.7, w_0=3.0\;\mu{\rm m}$)', r'LCFA ($a_0=7.2, w_0=2.4\;\mu{\rm m}$)', r'QED ($a_0=5.7, w_0=3.0\;\mu{\rm m}$)', r'QED ($a_0=7.2, w_0=2.4\;\mu{\rm m}$)' ] plot_spectral_energy_density(output, fin, sfqed_datasets, (GeV, 'GeV'), (mJ / GeV, 'mJ/GeV'), (-0.1, 10.0), (-0.1, 4), labels=sfqed_labels) plot_spectral_energy_density(output, fin, sfqed_datasets, (MeV, 'MeV'), (uJ / MeV, 'uJ/MeV'), (-1, 60.0), (-0.1, 3), labels=sfqed_labels) plot_spectral_photon_density(output, fin, sfqed_datasets, (GeV, 'GeV'), (1 / GeV, '1/GeV'), (-0.1, 10.0), (1e1, 1e9), labels=sfqed_labels) plot_spectral_photon_density(output, fin, sfqed_datasets, (MeV, 'MeV'), (1 / MeV, '1/MeV'), (-1, 60.0), (2e4, 4e7), labels=sfqed_labels) for x, y in zip(sfqed_datasets, sfqed_labels): plot_double_differential(output, fin, x, 8, (MeV, 'MeV'), (mrad, 'mrad'), (uJ / (mrad * MeV), r'uJ/(mrad$\cdot$MeV)'), (1, 30), (-0.5, 0.5), label=y) for x, y in zip(sfqed_datasets, sfqed_labels): plot_spot(output, fin, x, 6, (mJ / mrad**2, r'mJ/mrad$^2$'), (-0.3, 0.3), (-0.1, 0.1), label=y) output.close()
def main(): args = get_args() conf = args.conf # create safe interpreter for evaluation of configuration expressions aeval = asteval.Interpreter(use_numpy=True) for q in common.units.__all__: aeval.symtable[q] = common.units.__dict__[q] pconf = conf['Projection'] M = compton.build_transformation(pconf['Transformation'], mm, deg) prefilter = np.array(pconf['Prefilter']) * mm postfilter = np.array(pconf['Postfilter']) * mm energy = [] position = [] x = [] E0 = [] with h5py.File(conf['Files']['Input'], 'r') as fin: for gin in fin.values(): x.append((gin['x'][0] * meter, compton.transform(M, gin['x'][-1] * meter))) E0.append(get_energy(gin)) x = np.array(x) E0 = np.array(E0) prefilter_mask = compton.in_volume(prefilter, x[:, 0, :]) x_pre = x[prefilter_mask, :, :] E0_pre = E0[prefilter_mask] postfilter_mask = compton.in_volume(postfilter, x_pre[:, 1, :]) x_post = x_pre[postfilter_mask, :, :] E0_post = E0_pre[postfilter_mask] energy = E0_post.copy() position = x_post[:, 1, 2].copy() args = np.argsort(energy) energy = energy[args] position = position[args] mod = lmfit.Model(fit_func) params = mod.make_params(c0=0.0, c1=0.0, c2=0.0, c3=0.0) result = / MeV), x=position, params=params) v = result.params.valuesdict() x_fit = np.linspace(position[0], position[-1], 200) common.setup_plot() fig = plot.figure(figsize=np.array(conf['Plot']['FigSize']) / 72) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) axes = [get_axis(aeval, *conf['Plot'][x]) for x in ['XAxis', 'YAxis']] ax.semilogy(x_fit / axes[0].unit, np.exp(result.eval(x=x_fit)), linewidth=0.6) ax.semilogy(position / axes[0].unit, energy / axes[1].unit, marker='.', ls='', markersize=2.0, markeredgewidth=0, color='k') aeval.symtable['fitval'] = v aeval.symtable['num2tex'] = num2tex plot_annotation(ax, aeval, conf['Plot']) ax.set_xlabel(axes[0].label, labelpad=-1.0) ax.set_ylabel(axes[1].label, labelpad=2.0) ax.set_xlim(*axes[0].xlim) ax.set_ylim(*axes[1].xlim) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator()) filename = conf['Files']['PlotOutput'] path = os.path.dirname(filename) if path != '': os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) plot.savefig(filename, transparent=True) if 'CalcOutput' in conf['Files']: filename = conf['Files']['CalcOutput'] path = os.path.dirname(filename) if path != '': os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) calc_output = { 'EnergyScaleCoefficients': { 'c0': float(v['c0']), 'c1': float(v['c1'] * mm), 'c2': float(v['c2'] * mm**2), 'c3': float(v['c3'] * mm**3) } } with open(filename, 'w') as fout: toml.dump(calc_output, fout)