def __init__(self, mothurExe, commands, stdout=None, stderr=None):
     # Validate the supplied Mothur executable
         assert is_executable(mothurExe)
         self._mothur = mothurExe
     except AssertionError:
         raise ValueError("Mothur executable is not valid!")
     # Validate the supplied Mothur commands
     self._commands = []
     for command in commands:
             assert isinstance(command, MothurCommand)
             self._commands.append( command )
             raise ValueError("Argument is not a MothurCommand!")
     self.stdout = stdout
     self.stderr = stderr
 def validateSettings(self):
     # Search for Mothur executable if not supplied
     if self.mothurExe is None:
         self.mothur = which('mothur')
         if self.mothur is None:
             raise OSError('Mothur executable not found!')
     # If an argument was given, check that it's executable
     elif is_executable( self.mothurExe ):
         self.mothur = self.mothurExe
         raise OSError('Supplied Mothur executable not valid!')
     # Validate the Num_Processes argument
         assert self.numProc >= 1
     except AssertionError:
         raise ValueError("Number of processes must be >= 1!")
     self.numProc = str(self.numProc)